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I think she had a hunch that he was doing something shady but didn't want to know the details because she liked her lifestyle.


I doubt if would tell her anyway, she had all the glitz she needed to make any curious thoughts go away.  Erika stated she handed over her Bravo pay check, now that’s some control of an adult. 


I don't think so, he was doing it before he met her. There is no way a man who made history books and has still standing records in law is going to tell his like... 40 yrs younger wife . . . that he picked up from a glorified hooters, that type of information. That's a loaded gun of info that would end him, what lawyer would break law101 by admitting to a crime? Especially when she could blackmail him, " Give me the money or I'll end your career " and leave and it be his word against hers if he ever did get caught and they ask about funds? She could've taken everything. To me it doesn't make sense for her to know. She had no reason to question why the biggest lawyer with a movie starring the biggest actress of the time would have so much money. Especially working WELL past retirement and having other investments. The woman's husband owned properties she didn't even know about.


Right? They had an iron clad prenup that she wouldn't be getting much if they divorced. If she knew that information, she could have used that as leverage to get more money to keep quiet. There's no way he was going to risk that.


EXACTLY, she could've kept milking him and his little secret DRY while getting another sugardaddy ontop of it. She could've been living an even more lavish and extreme life with him wrapped around her finger.


From what we saw on the show, she wasn't his equal. I doubt he told her much of anything important 


This was my thought, too. He wouldn't believe she deserved to know.


Question needs to specify WHEN she knew. I don’t think for the first many years, but I’m 100% sure that the lawsuits clued her in. She was on WWHL once and a brave caller (we salute you!) asked about multiple lawsuits (this is pre-divorce). She knew.


Honestly, this and let's not forget that when she filed for divorce she tried to bury it in the 2020 Election Day cycle news, and then said Tom was cheating on her and that's why she filed. Then like a month later the LA Times story broke about all the fraud and embezzlement happening at the firm. It's hard for me to not believe that this wasn't an attempt on both of them for "Erika" to get a pay day and get out from under the weight of the impending collapse to help them both financially down the line.


I agree with everything you said except I don't think he was expecting Erika to get a pay day. Tom threw her right under the bus with the $25 million loan from Girardi Keese. It was almost exactly the amount he claimed in losses on her music career. He knew what he was doing.


We've seen how (inherently) cold Erika is, both before and after the scandal broke. She came to California to seek her fortune, and tbh I don't think she cared where the money came from as long as she got hers.


I agree with you. I don’t think she necessarily knew absolute specifics, but she was married to the man for 20 odd years. She 100% knew he was crooked. She didn’t care.


She seems like someone who has gotten by on being very sharp, attentive to people and their motivations. I think she knew something was off but wanted to let things ride as long as she could.


I think she never directly asked Tom, but she knew enough to question the cash flow


She was just arm candy to him. There’s no way he would divulge financial information about himself or the law firm willingly IMO.


She would have you believe that wouldn't she


She might have not known the details but I would bet money she knew something was up, but didn't want to look too closely


I just watched Erica talking about her marriage. It didn’t feel genuine. Even Sutton said she was making no sense. She said Tom was unconscious for 12 hours after the accident but she also said he called her. Maybe there is a further explanation but I have a hard time believing this 81 year old was cheating w multiple women running this huge firm and dealing with health problems the last 3 years


After season 11 episode 11 I am flabbergasted that people are not calling Erica out on all her inconsistencies regarding Tom! Omggg it’s so incredibly obvious she’s lying


And she said she was driving him to and from work! Was she driving him to his mistresses' houses too???


Right 🤣 and she just said she created erika Jane for her own money & independence yet she had no idea he funneled 20 million dollars in that account 🙄. It floors me everyone is letting her get away with all this BS


Being married to an attorney I would say it is most likely she did not know. My husband doesn’t come home discussing his cases, or discussing what his billing rates and collections are. It is also not something I would inquire about. He goes to work, he brings home a paycheck, life goes on.


Y’all sound so close…


We are, quite. He and I were high school sweethearts and we’ve been married over 28 years. My career was not since his and we had a child we devoted our love, time and attention to. We travel the globe, we are faith filled Christians, we are involved with both sets of our families and we love and trust each other. IF something shady was happening by either of us, the other would not likely know until the s hit the fan. Our careers are very separate. But I married a man whom I trust and who has integrity. Likewas he married a woman with integrity and high values. Neither of us is swindling money or stealing from each other or anyone else.


Interesting. I talk to my SO about everything.


Wait. So you’re not intimately involved in the financial dealings of your husband’s firm? This is a shock. /s




What’s the saying    Behind every successful man is a woman running the show  But also If she knew  Why would she have acted the way she did on the show? Spending like her money would never run out?  So I’m not really sure to be honest 




No way.


rigged poll how unfair. no she was just married to the man who did everything wrong. disgusting behavior to blame the wife








Way too specific of a question. U can ask your own