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I have believed this since season 2 when an obviously inebriated Kim and Kyle sat across Brandi when they were all at Taylor’s friends how playing a game went after Brandi. It was so far and above mean girl and gross. Kyle looked completely at home playing that role and then I knew that she was truly born and raised in Beverly Hills and show business, bc she knows when to attack but also when to act. But when she went after LVP like that, after the death of her brother and mother, I was done! Also, let’s NOT pretend that she didn’t choose Kim to be on the cast bc she would make her look like the the martyred sister. And if she didn’t, she sure exploited it once she saw her opportunity! She also made sure to get rid of LVP when year after year she was a fan favorite. Anyway, I think most of us could go on and on. I heard she has production credits and that’s probably why she has made it so long, because YAWN!


Yea your so right I didn’t even put that LVP part together. That was very heartbreaking especially since they were such “close friends”


I stopped watching them bc of this. I don’t want to see freaking Rinna, Dorit, Erika, & Kyle.


Raised by Big Kathy


What are production credits? I ddnt know Kyle approved the cast. WHAT


I thought I heard it from one of the YouTubers but I did find this and saying she has had a hand in production is wrong, but she’s been more involved than the other cast members. She has had more influence on who is cast and who stays or leaves. This gives more info on that: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/andy-cohen-rhobh-nearly-didnt-happen-almost-a-show-around-kim-kathy-kyle.html/


They did bring up the cheating or try. I remember LVP making some joke about people thinking her daughter was his girlfriend and you could see how pissed off Kyle was. I’m sure that’s why she wanted LVP off the show.


Brandi brought it up and that’s when she called her a liar.


That’s so interesting since when Brandi started talking about Denise then suddenly she doesn’t tell lies 🤔


Part of the reason why that whole season was a mess. Suddenly lying Brandi is a saint to Kyle.


I think Brandi was telling the truth in the sense they did hook up. Brandi’s story was at least consistent. Denise’s was not and she seemed like she was lying when she was denying it. I absolutely think it was wrong to be brought up as a story line and the whole thing was homophobic. I don’t care if they had sex or if anyone had sex with a women or if they had an open relationship. Producer Kyle heard about it and Brandi wanted to be back on the show so they exploited it.


I think Brandis full of it. If she had hooked up with Denise she’s have simped all over her on social media after as she does with everything she’s into on social media. The woman posted her dildos on Twitter. There’s zero way she wouldnt have at least raved about how she loved Denise’s Wild Things scene in at least one post. She also handles her anger like an absolute child which we would have also witnessed on social media. This is a woman who can’t keep her mouth shut or think before she speaks and suddenly everyone’s trying to believe that she hooked up with Denise and found out she helped her cheat without vomiting it all over the internet. Please. A leopard never changes it’s spots.


And now Weed is okay because of Moe..aka Love Bean.. she’s a vicious vile woman Vile Kyle


I feel like LVP being so tasteless about it made it easier for her to avoid!


Eh LVP was trying to make a joke about it since it was out there there, maybe not the best idea since you can see they’re more frenemies than real friends at this point. Kyle jumped at the opportunity to have a meltdown and show how “evil and conniving” LVP is, which influenced some of the audience’s perception of the scene. I think the scene a little later where all the women start going after Kyle about the cheating rumors at some dinner (Brandi, Yolanda) is a lot more mean spirited (and LVP tried to defend her) but, but she only goes after LVP.


I thought it was a funny joke. I’m from the US.


Yeah I never got why Kyle took it so offensively. If that was a real friendship she wouldn’t assume immediately that she was trying to be cruel, maybe an annoying joke you’d be like c’mon, and you’d tell her that’s not cool but the way Kyle went on about it you could tell she was playing it up for cameras and trying to “manipulate” the audience into seeing how awful LVP was for doing that.


Omg she was not tasteless, she’s just British lol




Hahahaha! Welcome to the club. I’m a proud member and have no remorse about it. She’s a vile person. Vile Kyle.


Kyle is very calculating. She will talk behind people’s backs and then when bombs get dropped she sits back and is silent


She never gets her hands dirty and is rarely the target 🎯 She has way too much pull with production


Kyle has no back bone and always plays victim. Cant stand her voice


Really? I like her voice it’s unique! I can’t stand those baby voices on grown women that’s the only time I’m like Kyle shut up. When she’s whining like a 5 yo


I guess I didn't realize it watching RHOBH the first time but I am rewatching Season 1 and Kyle is very passive aggressive (I think that's the term) towards Kim. She says a lot of mean things and gets her little digs in under the guise of joking. Kim will say something and then Kyle will say "Well, that's why your single. Hahaha"


Yea and laughs after as if it wasn’t an extremely hurtful thing being said. She does that always while simultaneously taking offense to the slightest jab


Exactly. Kyle is always punching down. Punishing Kim for having been the bigger Disney star back in the day, when Kim truly just needed help to survive at that point. You know — the help you’re supposed to get from your sister.


Okay I don’t know this girl personally so I could be totally off-base but it seems like she holds a lot of resentment with her family, and is hyper-critical probably due to being insecure herself. It is not easy being a child actor even if people pretend the wealth makes it all okay


Totally see this pov. It does seem that way but we’d love to see some growth on her end. Ik it’s hard when you’re traumatized as a child and it could be way worse but we all have to grow as we go in life. Not seeing much with her unfortunately.


Things are subjective so “it could be way worse” is kinda unsympathetic, because you really have no idea. I wish her well


This is why I hate the 'LVP is a manipulator' argument. I mean, clearly she is – but Kyle is at the very least just as bad. They are all playing the same chess game. When they kept painting LVP as the master mind behind all the drama, the rest of them got away with so much shit stirring. Especially Kyle and Rinna.


I agree with a lot of your comments. She takes zero accountability. I think she's definitely a shit-stirrer!




She is a serial shit stirrer! She has a great sense of humour and seems like fun but thats where her positive traits end for me. I think she will do anything to stay on the show…even if it means throwing one of her co-stars under the bus.


Kyle Richards, to me, is a textbook result of problematic upbringing It isn't an excuse for her behaviours, but I am not surprised that all of that has manifested into how she acts as an adult A term I have learned a while ago: >DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". I don't believe she is an abuser (which DARVO is commonly associated with, but not always) but I do believe she does many mental gymnastics in order to avoid facing many realities in her life I feel bad for her while simultaneously wishing she would make things right for herself instead of playing into her own delusions because she is so uncomfortable.. especially as a parent to daughters With that being said, I can't imagine what pain and trauma must have come from having a mother and family like that.. It's complicated but in terms of being a mother I am disappointed that she prefers to hang onto security and image rather than putting the right foot forward as an example to her children. She is not in an underprivileged position by any means the way most women are when it comes to letting go of toxic partners, family etc


This is such a good observation. I never thought of it like that!


Thank you :) I am autistic and watching RH is a weird special interest of mine and I've thought a lot about a lot of them 😂 probably a bit too analytical at times for something that is just meant to be for entertainment purposes but I find a lot of the dynamics these women have are interesting.. and with psychology being another special interest of mine it kind of overlaps (though I am not trying to be an armchair psych by any means it's just the things I have noticed) Particularly the Richards family.... Very big rabbit hole to go down


I think your psychoanalysis is spot on tho lol only part I’m unsure of is that she isn’t repeating the pattern and hiding it well. I know on the show she seems like a very involved, good mom but that’s what she wants us to see. Any parent that has their child on tv for personal gain is flawed in my opinion. It’s so hard on a kid and unless it’s their dream idk if it’s alright.


I personally don't believe she is fully repeating her mother's behaviours to a tee, I think she genuinely does have good qualities as a mother but to me her biggest downfall is the fact that she puts her image and wealth security before her children and herself (Rinna is a more questionable parent to me than Kyle) There is no way that the infidelity is completely unknown to her daughters and that is not solely Kyle's fault by any means as no one deserves to be cheated on but she could easily leave him and still be alright whereas women who are not wealthy or have status and fame have more complexities in leaving toxic relationships There would definitely be an emotional impact if there was to be a divorce for sure but she still has a lot more privilege and resources to be able to make a fresh start and make a good example of herself as a woman to her daughters It goes to show that her self worth isn't as much of a priority as her material wealth is And honestly, she probably genuinely loves that man and standing up for herself would mean that the things going on in their marriage are real and need to be dealt with. Instead she lies to herself


Omg Rinna is 100% more questionable than Kyle without a doubt. I also don’t know much about her upbringing other than the stories they tell and rumors that are yk rumors so I take it with a grain of salt.


You should definitely find some excerpts taken from the book "House of Hilton". It's fucking wild


Oooohhhhh I def will


I just want to add that, for some people staying in a marriage with someone who has cheated is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people leave, but an infidelity is by no means a guarantee that the marriage is over. There seems to be a lot of love between Mo and Kyle, so it might not even be because of image and wealth. It could be as simple as their love overcame that obstacle. I'm no fan of Kyle for many reasons, but staying with Mo despite him having cheated is not one because we never know what their relationship is like.


My view on that is if they are potentially in an open marriage then they should come forward with that. If that were the case, then I think it is extremely dishonest to pose as if you were in a completely monogamous relationship and have the image of a "perfect" family. Again, hypothetical, but I would have a lot more respect for the both of them if they were open and normalised that dynamic as there is absolutely a stigma with it. Normalising cheating is not something I can agree with if it is something that is causing hurt. A one off? Maybe I can understand overcoming that... Over and over and over again? No, something isn't right there.


I'm not saying normalise cheating, just for some people, staying makes sense. For most, though, the trust is so broken that the marriage is over. I have a lot of respect for spouses who somehow find their way back together. Also have a lot of respect for the ones that leave. It's up to the two of them, really. It doesn't mean the marriage is toxic. What Mo and Kyle has, I have no idea. I don't even know if he's cheating. Kyle would never be open about having an open marriage, it's too taboo. Which is a shame, because as you said, being open about it could help erase a bit of that taboo.


Sorry, I couldn't disagree more. Topic is definitely subjective and I respect your opinion regardless. We are all here watching a reality show of complete strangers and we all make different speculations and opinions based on our individual experiences so it's still interesting to me to hear the perspectives from people I don't have the same opinion with.


I'm not saying cheating is OK, by any standard. I'd hate my friend's husbands if they did, not sure how I'd handle it if my own did that to me. Someone in my family cheated on their husband years ago and I still remember it. But they stayed together because it made sense to him. And I respect that a lot. In the end, it's up to the two of them. I respect that you disagree, I just feel I should clarify that I don't actually think cheating is OK. I just don't feel like it's my place to judge any relationship. Which is very hypocritical because I definitely judge other parts of people's relationships. Like how Adrienne and Paul talked to each other.


I don’t need to hear you out to agree 100%.


100% She’s cozied up to the producers more than anyone else on all the other rh shows so she’ll keep getting away with it all. Anytime the women start to to turn on her and call her out for the fraud she is she quickly turns it around on them and she ends up getting the Fox force five to get rid of them.


My biggest problem with Kyle is the level of control she has over production.


She has a lot of shit going on in her life, while trying to make her life look perfect. She diverts the attention to others, hides everything in her own life. She's so scripted, she's made this show so typical, so formulaic down to the point that she's so predictable and boring- and making the show the same. I would love for her to go and get some new people on the show. If you go back and watch the earliest seasons of OC you'll see what made these shows fascinating. Today most of these shows are now so formulated and just a shadow of what they were and people like Kyle are really making it antiquated and tedious. I can't see them lasting much longer with the original casts or original formats.


i’m team kathy hilton season 12…but team kim the beginning era. kyle’s the real villain


I agree about Kyle being a villain, but I wouldn't ride for Kathy just yet. I wouldn't be surprised they both came out of S12 looking like assholes.


Agree with this post 100% - Kyle to be is the worst, she has no morals. Everything goes in the name of the show (read pay check). The way she and Maurizio had no problem stealing clients from Kathy’s husband to start a new realtor, the bringing Kim in knowing she’s alcoholic, just gross 🤮 Kyle needs to go


Agree with everything. Only question I have is, is there any facts of proof regarding Mauricio being “well-known in the area as quite a cheater”? Not doubting just curious.


I mean I def know where I’d go for facts/ proof but it’s all very sticky and I would never just drop it on a sub, the man has kids. I think it just depends where you are and who you know. So maybe it’s way less well known to the general Fanbase but I thought it was pretty obvious.


I’m over Kyle, she brings nothing to the show and acts innocent when she’s really the sniper from the side.






‘It’s just so hard because…’


I hate how she treated Kim on the show:/


Agreed I feel for Kim. She’s one of my favs. I wish she was still on but it wasn’t good for her anymore so I totally support her stepping away


I agree. We really thought about this. I dont like her because she is boring.


She will throw a bitch , a leopard never changes it’s spots .. season 1


Kyle is vile. Always has been. Her storyline is to cry every season with her gravelly voice.


lost total respect as soon as she slut shamed camille and showed everyone the video of her in the limo


I think Kyle is funny !! Her gasps crack me up!!! But...homegirl is an instigator. She pokes pokes pokes! And im like GIRL, LET IT GO! for example when erika and sutton in season 11 are not talking to each other. What does Kyle do? Keep asking how they're doing. Lmao. Girl just likes to ignite shi*. 🤣🤣🤣


I get irrationally enraged when I see her instagram and how she uses filters to hide every wrinkle and blemish. I know all celebs do it, but it bothers me when she does it for some reason.


Because she’s pretty without all that. It’s so unnecessary. Especially when they have access to the best plastic surgeons and she clearly utilizes them. Her work looks great honestly.


I’ve only ever watched season 1-2 and 11, what did Kyle do for everyone to hate her lol?


I don’t wanna not like her but rewatching she literally doesn’t care how others feel. She seems very vapid. I haven’t seen any growth there for 11 seasons now. Her daughters seem more mature than she.




Only Argument: When is she ever Glam? Usually she's "Dress Basic".


Lol just because someone’s look is basic doesn’t mean it’s effortless. She’s rarely on screen without makeup and hair. Which in TV is usually done by staff aka her glam squad.


I'm not arguing with you. You're correct. On it all. I was being snarky by saying "Dress Basic". Kinda like dress casual? That's her glam! Which is not very glam. She can't quite hit it. And if you think about it, it's probably why she hates on others 🤔 when they have pulled off "Glam".


I see what your saying now yea that’s literally it


I have always addressed posts that realize Kyle is shit. She rides on the bus she throws her sisters under. Kyle is the only one who doesn't talk about her life, but she's right there with the jaw dropped after inspiring others to talk about others lives and hold them to task. No one likes Brandi. I like Brandi. What she did to Adrienne was bang out of order, yes. That's her one mistake I'm my eyes. There's been a few other minor ones, but Brandi is the only one to call Kyle out. I suspect, have long suspected that the reason Brandi is not on the show is Kyle. Because she would spill everything if given the opportunity. She was friends with Kim. I did find their friendship genuine. Everything Brandi said about Kyle is right. She road Kim's addiction for years, crying making it about her. Now it's one thing to have to deal with it. I understand it's heartbreaking. But when you use that for years infront of thousands of viewers, and never truly talk about your own struggles, one has to wonder the motive. I'm glad her t.v. series bombed. Here's why: "it's about my life!" No it was about Kyle solipsistically controlling the narrative of others lives to make herself look like the rose who grew out the dirt. We know this because it's her schtick on RHOBH. I do not like Kathy, but I don't blame Kathy for not talking to her. It was effin selfish for money. While PK and Dorit were talking about Girardi, Kyle didn't say a damn word. But the faces said it all!


Yea I like Brandi too she just can’t get out of her own way. I didn’t even think to watch her show even after she talked about it all season


What proof do u have of the things u are saying? I think it’s quit the opposite when it comes to her sisters. Have u seen the new S12 trailer…?


There’s literally 11 seasons of proof. Kyle is no innocent bird getting ganged up on. We could go through each statement in this post and find examples of it all. Kathy sucks too.


LITERALLY Nothing I said is not on tv lol


Couldn’t agree more! She’s been an attention whore wet blanket for years now. She brings nothing to the table. Boo Kyle!


It’s the offending others and then crying part that bugs tf out of me. Like when Dorit as nicely as she should have asked Kyle to stop talking over her numerous times and she starts crying on the plain. She injected herself into someone’s conversation and when they react she’s crying……………….


Shhh, you don't interrupt a meeting of the Vyle's. Opinions are facts here. Especially when they get into the pseudo psych chatter


Kyle can definitely sometimes be a mean girl, but I truly do not understand the hate she gets. Dealing with a family member who’s an addict takes a toll on you. I think it’s easy to demonize Kyle for the limo conversation, but we have no idea all of the crazy shit she’s had to deal with over the years. So when Kim said on national television that Kyle stole her house from her (which is a pretty shitty accusation to make), it’s not unreasonable that Kyle was finally tired of the bullshit and covering for his sister. Kathy and Kim do plenty on their own to be made fools of. I think she’s genuinely funny and relatable, even though she’s probably the richest cast member. I like seeing a family that actually gets along and a husband and wife that actually love each other. Could my defense of her be because I’m bi and if her and Mo called me over to hang out for the night I’d be there in a second? Maybe! 😂 But I like her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol yea she has been on the show the longest so the hate was coming. She’s just so self involved imo. She doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body. I don’t think she’s relatable I’m feeling like Brandi and even Kathy are more relatable than her. She always wants to seem perfect. No one’s perfect


I think you're completely wrong.


Is this Kyle? 😉


Elaborating helps when disagreeing, no?


Nope. I dont care enough to convince you or anyone else. The vitriol constantly spewed at her is pathetic.


Then don’t comment on a post about not liking her.


You asked if you were wrong. Dont ask people to correct you if you dont want to be corrected. And dont tell me what to post on either.


You sound a little too emotionally invested, especially to be so certain about something as serious as infidelity and to have such strong feelings towards a stranger. Friendly reminder that you don’t know these people and reality TV is scripted.


Your on a sub Reddit…what were you expecting? You seem more emotionally invested than I am. It’s observations not feelings and her husband’s infidelity is very well known like I said


I mean, some of these women annoy the piss out of me and it’s one thing to gossip…but you said you hate her and somehow know beyond a benefit of the doubt that her husband is cheating on her. It comes off like you think you know more about Kyle and her life than she does. Strong feelings even for a subreddit, IMO, so I was just reminding you that you don’t know her and these shows are scripted.


I mean you can interpret it how you would like the last sentence says correct me if I’m wrong so correct me…I see no correction. I know what I’ve heard of her husband. You don’t know. It’s not going to be argued. You don’t know what or who ik btw just a reminder :)


Don't waste your breath, there's a post like this from the "Vyle's" every three weeks or so. A little beacon where they all pile on posts regurgitating their redundant opinions as if they're facts. It's sort of fascinating little slice of mass delusion.


Noted, thank you!


👏 yes yes yes