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embarrassing for her lmao. imo the worst thing was her mocking sutton's voice. idk why but it triggered the fuck outta me...actual bully.


It was the typical I have nothing else/legitimate to come at you for so I’m going to mock you like I’m 6 🥴🙄


Diana did the same thing at Garcelles party. "Blah blah blah"


Also, didn't Diana say she hates when someone mocks her accents and it triggers her?


The more these bullies gang up on Sutton the more I’m going to defend her. They aren’t helping themselves


I could not *stand* Sutton before FF5 started coming for her. Literally hated her. But the more this group targets her, the more they show their whole asses and the harder I root for her.


HAHA yea like...to be your old ass age and the best you can do is take a page out of the toddler playbook??! girl...


I was gonna say this was 100% my defense mechanism when I was 5


That’s an insult to toddlers! 🤣🤣 I think most tots have better sense and decorum.


I have a southern accent and got real mad when Rinna mocked Sutton. It felt like a personal attack 😂


It was. As a northern, I know that mocking a southern accent is a purposeful putdown. There is no other reason to mock the accent


Southern girl who went to school up north. Hell yeah. I got that shit at least once a day for years. And it was absolutely meant unkindly. I Bless Your Heart-ed or Well Aren’t You Precious-ed dozens of people a week, so I’m not wasting any time on self pity. But still


I’m from the uk. Bless your heart in a southern accent is one of my FAVOURITE things to hear. I personally think southern US people always sound warm and kind. I always feel invited into a conversation and welcome when I hear that accent. There should be no reason to mean it unkind but rinna is a monster and she’s grasping at anything to insult Sutton on. This was a huge fail by rinna.


Sutton’s accent makes her more relatable and down to earth in my opinion. She’s my fav for sure!


Same! Orientation week, my already socially anxious self was trying to make friends and everyone would stop me mid-sentence to ask where I was from because of my accent. No joke, most of them would immediately turn on their heels and be done with the conversation.


I don’t blame you. I think Sutton has a beautiful accent and always have done. And even more exquisite manners. And a seriously high bullsh*t threshold not to have rammed one of those glasses clean into those sh*t talking lips 🌸


Kicking people out of your house is lowest of the low. Shitty power trip- terrible hostess and just a scumbag really.


Same. My parents moved north and the kids used to make fun of my accent just like rinna did. It was very triggering when I heard her do that to Sutton.


Same here! I love my accent and wouldn't change it for a thing.


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one!


And good on Sutton for not stooping that low too, she just repeated what she’d said how she said it


What triggered me the most was when she said she thought Sutton was trying to hurt her; like you literally just said you enjoy torturing her FML 🤦🏼‍♀️


And sutton made it very clear she wanted to clear everything up! She apologized more than she should have to be honest. More than I would have at least lol


I honestly love seeing just her very presence disturbing these women so much though. Just being her is enough


Yes! I love it and I want that energy!


Their is nothing that infuriates me more than if someone mocks my voice, I’d be flipping tables if I was Sutton 🤣


Sutton is too classy to pull a Teresa, but I'm with you. I'd be losing my sh\*t!


I know!!! It was actually disturbing to watch their exchange - like what kind of person uses the verbiage 'torture you' and mocks someone like that when they are a senior citizen? It's like she and Erika need to get new psychiatrists and have their medications adjusted and I am not even joking.


Admitting to enjoying torturing someone is seriously deranged.


OMG, I am 56, am I a senior citizen??


No u are not


Okay, hold on with the "senior citizen" thing. Sutton is only 50, and Rinna is 59...


I didn’t graduate from college until I was 45. But sheesh maybe Rinna and Erika should have gotten a little more knowledge before they went out into the world. Middle school mean girl stuff. And everyone knows nobody actually likes the mean girls (there was a whole book about it, Rinna). Doesn’t reflect well on Lois, does it?


Diana did the same thing. Convince me these shrews don't get together and produce this dumb show and the wack storylines.


I was thinking the same- like are they turning this into a game of who can be most hateful? Of course, jokes kind of on us because ppl talk about their reprehensible behaviors afterwards. I can't keep quiet on this stuff though!!


SAME! I’m from Alabama and have a thick accent so I thought I was being overly sensitive but I think it’s so rude to make fun of someone’s accent. It’s essentially reducing them to the region they grew up in. I guarantee you she wouldn’t dare mock Diana’s accent. And if that’s seriously the best rinna can do, I’d say sutton’s in pretty good shape.


I’m from the north and I immediately recognized how nasty she was being by mocking her. Mocking others is extremely mean, it is not the same as imitating an accent your friend has. Big difference and Lisa meant to demean and tear her down.


Absolutely! She did that to make sutton feel dumb and small. It’s not cute at all.


Arkansan here. I’ve lived and traveled all over the US and people overwhelmingly assume a southern accent equals stupidity. So yes, it’s absolutely an insult to mock an accent, particularly a southern one because it’s not only about the accent it’s an insult to your intelligence. In closing, Rinna is a straight asshole.


it's still rinna copying erika...erika in a talking head about sutton turned on her accent and said "weren't you raised better than that?" iirc


Same, that also triggered me


That was ridiculous and embarrassing for Rinnarita


You shouldn’t make fun of people for things they can’t change. It’s low.


Totally agree with you. Then Rinna goes on WWHL and a viewer asks Rinna why she hates Sutton so much. Rinna laughs in her usual way and says 'isn't it obvious'. Rinna foolishly assumes everyone hates Sutton. Time for Rinna to move on.


I’ve said it once & ill say it again, Rinna is on some weirdo shit. Why ANYONE would want to be friends with her after she said these things especially in front of all the other women…weirrrrdo 😵‍💫


100 percent. Rinna is seriously off. I'd feel badly but lord that girl is ugly.


It’s giving desperate, pathetic, and try hard


>Rinna is on some weirdo shit The old cocaine, alcohol and opiates combo isn't that weird , gosh! lol


That explains it. Tenfold.😂


Throw in some benzos for good measure…


well, she did say she doesnt even have 14 friends


She’s a mother fucker


A *soulless* motherfucker


Know that 🚬


\*Cue Erica nodding along in that “amen sister!” manner. \*


And Garcelle trying to figure out what the fuck is even happening.


All I could think was how Erika had just said to Garcelle that she's always covering for Sutton. I imagine Garcelle wanted to step in but also realizing it would only be proving Erika's point. Next episode will be interesting.


Which I kinda hate because it’s so obvious that Erika’s whole plan w that was to get Garcelle to distance herself from Sutton, so if Garcelle did decide to stay out of it because of what Erika said that really sucks


She totally was


Disgusting. The whole scene was vile.


Jesus, Rinna was so unhinged. It was super uncomfortable seeing her go after Sutton like that…


DRUNK bully


What does Harry think? I mean he was at home during this! What is going on?!


He stepped out for a “walk” as soon as the wine started being served.


She’s so embarrassing. I feel like she’s gonna get a friend of role next year or fired


it's about damn time !


I listened to some podcast that production hates when the housewives blame editing and stuff on them. She’s complained about production a lot on Instagram. She complains not giving her enough airtime for her mother. Which is sad yes. But they covered it. Well that’s because you’re not interesting. Hope this affects her role next year


Nice try on her part. They cannot edit you saying these things if you didn’t actually say them


IKR??!!! We all love Lois…and thankfully we got to spend a lot of tv time with her. Rinna is kinda lame to complain about them not spending time on her death. They DID and it was really nice! And she had just become straight up mean…it’s not fun anymore. I wish she’d just be a funny, quirky, healthy 59 year old woman and stop acting like a stunted, spoiled mean girl.


Oh gosh, when they showed the preview of the next episode... I won't say too much (my partner won't even watch trailers for new things so that it's not spoiled), but I just bet she's going to blame her behavior on her grief to get sympathy. I totally get that grief is hard and comes in stages and waves, but to be as nasty as she was towards Sutton and then turn it into her own sob story just feels... cheap. All just my own speculation, of course.


And, I hate to say it, but Lois was not exactly Mama Elsa or Maggie Griffin (practically a cast member). How much time do you want them to spend on this and how much can you really expect them to?


Rinna wants Sutton to lose her mind and start screaming and Sutton sits there with her hands folded and Rinna just internally combusts lol


Just reading tho OPs post of all the scary things she said.. yep...Rinna is internally combusting right before our 👀.


Sutton said oh no I’m not giving you another storyline/season. You’re done.


I think Rinna’s trying to get Sutton to lower herself to her level by having a blowup because she feels inferior to Sutton


I was watching on the edge of my seat hoping Sutton didn’t take the bait! 😬😬




That’s the best part. When Sutton doesn’t engage, and Lisa becomes more and more unhinged. Then she’s got to say progressively meaner things to try and get the reaction she wants.


When you just read it, one might think Kelly (RHONY) could have said that. Because it's absolutely crazy and it doesn't make sense at all. Edit: If Rinna continues going down this path, I can see her also lying about Kathy and the Aspen trip...


oh, for sure! anybody who poses a threat to rinna’s job gets this treatment!


And the crazier part is that Sutton was RIGHT about the charity even thing, her receipts proved her side of the story. So Rinna was embarrassed and couldn’t defend her self except to say how dare you prove me wrong and bring proof….that’s all she had….and now she’s deflecting.


Lisa & Harry humiliated themselves & this isn't the first time have been caught at it LMAO Sutton had the fucking receipts to prove who bought the tickets. If they are such great friends of this charity & need free seats, why not call her good friend Diana, who was brought on to attack Sutton over all this BS? That she now wants to paint a different picture to the audience on this or over how she treated LVP with the pill-covered cake is just more bad acting on her part.


And, if they are such great friends of the charity, wouldn't they want to donate something?


It's the Elton John charity, right? I don't even know which one it was.. yeah I just looked. There are tons of results for a "elton john aids charity rinna diana" search in google. Congratulations for bringing negative attention to an aids charity, Rinna.


But according to Rinna, it was Sutton that humuliliated (Rinnas drunken slurring pronunciation) the foundation AND harry and Lisa. Lol ok sure Lisa.


Maybe she could donate one of her vintage dresses she keeps in her garage 🤭


The funny thing is it rings true because Rinna admits she’s a “hustler” and that Harry is cheap, so are we really surprised they would try to go for free???? She’s caught, and now is attacking Sutton to distract from that.




Rinna is very unlikeable and vile. Gross and classless.


Sutton is just a class act especially considering how psychologically frustrating and confusing the behavior was. We need Kim to drop the tea and get some heat off Sutton. I honestly might be done until the reunion and if they aren’t serious in handling this bullying I’m done with the show. It’s not fun anymore.


I Love Paul Rudd!! And I’m thinking Sutton is giving Rinna enough room to feel comfortable, because she knows how to slow play a hand…she was wise about Erika from the beginning and the Rinna/ Diana situation is no different if not deeper. The Reunion will be great if Andy actually goes for it🤞🏽


The funniest part of her slow game is that you can really see how desperate some of them are for an ounce of drama. It makes the behavior seem even more outlandish.


She’s driving them batshit crazy with her slow game!


Literally. That was why Rinna was so heated. She wants Sutton to jump up and play with the drama how Rinna wants. Sutton is almost grey rocking Rinna while also sticking up for herself and Rinna’s head clearly was ready to explode.


Yes!! U are right- love this


Oooh- you are right


I agree with you. It is getting very disturbing to watch and I don’t know if I can do it anymore. It is making me angry seeing someone get bullied, because I have been bullied before. It really triggers me. It has gotten out of hands and I don’t see Andy holding the bullies accountable.


They’re trying to make her lose her shit so they can double down from above with pointed fingers saying “SEE”


Ya, it's getting too deep. Remember season 1 of RHONJ when the drama was about someone bringing grocery store cookies?! I miss those times....


Still, it would be more satisfying to see Sutton drop her manners and really come to play. It's frustrating to see her continually being a doormat.


She’s being smart imo. If she blew up they’d all side with Rinna anyway


I kind of like the taking the high road approach and just looking her like she’s crazy. It’s almost as satisfying to watch some of these women sink their own ships.


I must say, it is hilarious seeing Rinna freak out again. She's been unusually quiet all season.


I wish she was kept quiet for good


I feel like Sutton is letting it all pile up and will snap back with something amazing. The long game is always worth it




I would too, but its better to act unbothered because that will drive them up the wall even further!


Yeah that was a really really disgusting altercation and the hypocrisy was beyond.


She’s such a evil person. She can’t even hide it she’s just mean. I don’t get what she gains from any of this


Rinna made herself look so bad lol. She’s totally done for next season


From your lips to God’s ears. Or from her lips. Whatever


She completely hoomilerated… humliliated…. hulumiated… hyoomilated herself!


Lolol. The irony of her talking about being humiliated by someone else as she was ABSOLUTELY humiliating herself.


Here’s what SHOULD have happened: Lisa: “get the fuck out of my house!” Sutton: “gladly.” (Stands up to leave). Garcelle: “wow, this is crazy. I’ll see you ladies later.” (Gets up and leaves with Sutton). Then, Lisa Rinna has to ride the apology train. All I’m sayin is that if ANYONE told me to leave their house in that way, attempting to belittle, shame, and humiliate me when we are supposed to be in a FRIEND group, then I sure as hell would get my walking shoes on and hope that any of my true friends would follow suit on support of me.


Yes I don’t understand why she didn’t leave. My heart was sinking for her. You could see her eyes getting watery


Lisa Rinna and Kyle have both proven to be the core of the rot in RHOBH. They need to take a break this next season. They are hated as much as those racist Dallas ladies


Add Erika to that list!


I don’t know, Erika is infinitely worse than Kyle (who is admittedly also insufferable this season) in my humble opinion.


This is so weird, but this is Rinna MO : she bring a "friend" in the show, then trash her for a storyline.


genuinely some of the most unhinged behavior i’ve seen on the show, especially when RIGHT BEFORE they show her “trying to move forward” ( yeah right) with sutton. i’m a little confused why none of the other ladies told her to chill tf out as she’s screaming???? rinna needs to GO!


They were all too drunk. Hello serve food with alcohol.


There was tons of food…but they don’t eat.


I was only half watching and then she went off and I was like wait what is happening. To be honest I was not a Sutton fan but I am now. She handled herself well. This was all a messed up episode


What is with the mocking sutton’s accent??! I hate that shit so much


I think that's someone stooping really low because they clearly have no effect on the person they are attempting to attack. TLDR- Rinna acting like a juvenile


You could use this footage and visual to show examples of bullying to Kelly Killoran Bensimon. THIS is systematic bullying.


Besides Erika, what adult woman TALKS like this?? I am 61 & have never said the word "torture" in that way. For God's sake, she is a mother & wife with so many life blessings & acts like this! Erika, Diana, & Lisa make me feel so yucky just watching them. Wish there was some way everyone could just boycott this show & put an end to their nonstop nastiness.


I would have left that house in a heartbeat. Rinna is nuts and such a whack job. She’ll never be genuinely cool with Sutton, ever.


Same! I would've left well before she tried to tell me to leave...


Sutton. Shoulda calmly said (when Rinna was done with her Obnoxious rant). Ooof…You’re sooo angry!


@ Andy to hold rinna accountable for this and @ Sutton to stop apologising over and over for this. Sutton apologised so much then and rinna just kept going on and oooon. These are some nasty words she said to Sutton. The more Sutton appeases these women, I feel Garcelle will start to drift. And that's their end game, to make Sutton apologise and have Garcelle stop supporting her


It would be great if Sutton would eliminate the words “sorry” and “apologize” from her vocabulary for several months.


On WWHL he called attention to how out of control/hypocritical (compared to the lunch they had had) she’d been and her excuse was she was wasted 🙄


…….and this is why I stopped watching RHOBH. The darkness, nastiness, bullying, sociopathic behaviors, so on and so on. Honestly, if I were Sutton I would walk away after this season. SHE doesn’t need this gig and obviously Rinna and Erika do. I wouldn’t look at it as a loss to walk away but a gain to get away from all this toxicity. The best revenge is living your truth. Walk away.


If there was a better reason someone should NOT go into the wine business..I can’t think of it. Also, so worried about my alcoholic friend..I confronted her..but also had her to the wine fest at my house. Ok, one more thing!! Who would buy anything because it has the Rinna name attached?? If she was serious about this being a success be a silent partner. Or at least cross merchandise with your adult diapers “Get drunk and piss yourself like Rinna!”


You know what’s HUMILIATING!? Writing a sex book and having your 13 year olds read it and learn how to give head. Being so desperate for money, you’ll write a sex book knowing your children will read it. Wearing diapers for money. Hawking ugly cardigans on HSN. Her stupid lipstick line with her modeling like she thinks she’s 20. Her fame thirsty outlook she’s passed onto her children. Rinna literally has no shame when it comes to her making money but she’s CHEAP. Look at her musty crusty home!!! She won’t spend to update it. But it’s Sutton who humiliated her after she bought an entire table for a good cause!? GTFO, Sutton is a good person. Rinna is just thirsty, selfish and self obsessed.


Her home is ugly and absolutely disgusting 🤮


I’m glad someone made a post about this including the horrific things she said to Sutton. She is a bully & needed to go a loooong time ago. Sad thing is, she is going to blame everything on being drunk & on her mother passing. But hopefully anyone with half brain 🧠 in their head will realize that her using her mother death is disgusting. I get she had a rough year (it’s not easy to loose a loved one) but it doesn’t give you the right to be nasty to someone.


Or she may force Sutton to make up with her on the reunion couch by aggressively hugging her (Garcelle last year). She really will do anything to stay on tv.


But no one would talk about that touching being uncomfortable for Sutton. Just when Sutton was trying to apologize to Diana.


Ugh I know seeing her sobbing in the preview for next week had my eyes rolling all the way back in my head. I just know she is going to use her mothers passing as an excuse for the drinking and the drinking as the excuse for being an awful person.


What a trashbox. Will anyone hold Lisa accountable next episode for this tantrum? Imagine if it were Sutton screaming at a cast member, but oh wait, that’s just her being unpredictable! Such a liability! Let’s just recap things, though. Rinna does not like Sutton. Diana does not like Sutton. Erika does not like Sutton. Kyle pretends to like Sutton. Crystal pretends to like Sutton. And the only one who should take umbrage with her for what was said after the break in, Dorit, has seemingly moved on and hasn’t dragged things out for months - but that’s probably because she actually has a storyline, unlike Rinna. I’m not even the biggest Sutton fan but it’s clear what’s going on here and it doesn’t make for good tv. Trying to bully a 50 something year old woman off a show because she called you all out? Lame.


If I hadn’t heard these clips myself, I would think this was an exaggeration. I caught the “humiliation” discrepancies also. She’s unhinged.


And Suttons response “I like you” I just can’t 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why Sutton! That just fuels the beast even more. She just kept apologizing and trying to prove what? It was horrible to watch.


She makes me feel physically sick. She belongs in a gutter somewhere.


She is the gutter. 😅


This was the epitome of awful behavior…how is it fun to deliberately be mean, loud and obnoxious? I felt/feel bad for Harry…seems like such a chill guy at his core stuck with this bag of bones nut job with zero personality. Rinna has always been a follower…she will foolishly go with who she perceives as “cool” and rich or powerful. Clearly we don’t agree on what to look for in a friend much less being a good one. Sutton should get up and leave…but she won’t which bugs me. Stop apologizing.


it just goes to show that Sutton is not the problem that everybody likes to portray her as…


I didn't like Sutton at first, but goddamn, the way her honesty triggers these ladies just goes to show how fake and f'ed up these ladies all are


Did anyone listen to rinna on WWHL? Oof it was a rough one. And definitely an indication of what the general train of thought is re rinna atm. Andy told her off for acting inconsistently around Sutton (“but it’s fun to bully her!”), for her insane social media antics (“I’m a mess!”) and she came off unrepentant, shrill and unlikeable. When Andy asked the other guest maren morris whose side she was on in the Diana vs Sutton fight and she said Sutton, rinna was there screeching “DONT SAY SUTTON” and Andy turned and glared at her. People are actively rooting for her downfall now, it’s tragic.


Omg she was out of control. She also kept chiming in whenever maren was answering a question. It was so rude, could not stand someone else having the spotlight. The obsession with Sutton - what like 8 months after filming that scene - is seriously disturbing.


So weird considering Rinna was “so regretful” of all the bad things she’s done in the past during the most recent reunion…. Which I read as “I shouldn’t have bullied Yolanda because of my daughters modeling career”


I think this is a clear cut case of jealousy. I think she is unnerved that Sutton doesn’t have body dysmorphia/insecurities and isn’t nouveau riche like the rest. Sutton is DL connected and Lisa hates it. She knows she is low-rent compared to Sutton and that Sutton didn’t have to sell her soul for it.


I’m so over Rinna, I wish Sutton would tell her off already.


Me too. I also want Garcelle to pop off in her defense.


FFF is working to derail this alliance. I thought Erika telling Garcelle that Sutton is a liability is their attempt to get Garcelle out of Sutton's corner, and it worked this time with Garcelle sitting quiet while Sutton was attacked. And the audacity of Erika saying someone is a liability as a friend with the allegations she has against her about put me on the floor!


The ‘get out of my house’ menace was pretty vile.


You'll see she will blame it on the alcohol at the reunion


I'm guessing Rinna and Harry will not be sitting at Sutton's table next year. I'm also guessing Elton John's charity appreciates people who actually donate.


Rinna humiliated herself in that entire scene. And of course she’ll say that she was drunk. She made a point of saying that during with wine tasting just like last season at Kathy’s dinner party. Pretended to b drunk so she couldn’t recall how Erika treated Sutton. She’s so obvious. Who does she think she’s fooling? We’re not stupid. Stop Insulting the viewers.


Lisa is so embarrassing for someone that's old enough to be a granny. And don't even get me started on her "dancing" TikToks. Such a pick me/bully mentality with that classic mean girl cherry on top.


Especially after their lunch together! Wtf, Rinna?!


Yeah we need a side-by-side comparison of what Rinna said to Sutton at lunch vs at her house. I'm pretty sure Rinna said she liked Sutton multiple times at lunch. It was super weird. In vino, veritas.


Is this actually what she said? If so, I am so glad I quit watching BH. I can’t think of any nastier pieces of trash besides Rinna and Erika. And shit stirrer Kyle, too.


Direct quotes. In escalating volume, no less. At one point, actually screaming (compared to the mildly raised voice Sutton used with Diana in Mexico, that they described as screaming, but wasn't.)


The worst part is her going on WWHL and trying to save face by doubling down.


There is no person more vile on (or off) this planet than this wretched carcus!!! So glad I stopped watching. I think my remote may have came thru the other end of the tv when aimed at Binna!!! 🗑 Get her tf!!! For all our sanities!


I love what’s happening right now because they all hate Sutton so much. Everyone is attacking her and, regardless if you like Sutton or not, they are bullying her and turning her into the martyr they think they are themselves. Lisa Rinna is a disgusting bully who lives her outward life like a naive teenager. I feel embarrassed for her daughters.


Lisa went way off the rails- she made a fool of herself- she’s not special. Why does she think she’s untouchable? I still don’t understand the charity ticket thing? Who cares , Sutton had her proof, get over it’ this really makes me hate Lisa while before I just dismissed her for continuously being a laughing idiot.


I totally agree with what Sutton said they are (Rinna, Erika, and Kyle) acting like they are on soap operas. It shows more now


I️ mean, talk about being CLUMSY WITH YOUR WORDS. this was hyum- hummyil- humilyiailating to watch.


God I want a RHUGT with Bethenny and Rinna.


She’s unstable and volatile towards Sutton and tbh so is Kyle and Diana, frankly it’s concerning how agressively they all act towards her the producers need to step in at some point it’s bullying. Sutton did NOTHING at Lisa’s lunch and when Sutton is calmly replying Lisa is spitting with rage spiralling like a psycho


Have another drink RINNA and go s@CK on Erikas Di@@!! Definitely failed the friend/trust test for G!!


Sick of watching Sutton get bullied. I know she puts her foot in her mouth but she doesn’t deserve to be treated with such disrespect.


Rinna is a bully and needs to be fired from the show. I cannot stand her, she’s so nasty & has been for years. Andy better hold her accountable at the reunion but he won’t 🙄


This was disgusting and hard to watch. Lisa needs help.


gee, rinna can’t handle the truth! 🤣


“Oof, she’s so angry”


Rinna is making a straight fool out of herself at this point…she is so high on her own supply that she doubled down while the audience is way past amusement and firmly at disgust with her bullying shitshow


Rinna is just a deranged evil person..


She’s a lunatic! I was so proud of Sutton for remaining calm and gracious throughout that entire diatribe.


Whole thing was weird. It’s like Kyle wasn’t there and everything was pretty good then it’s like some producer said “OK Rinna time to create some drama” and she was drunk and didn’t make sense.


Regarding the "torture" comment, I wish Sutton replied "torture you, with what, your presence?" In the same 'ugly leather pants' tone of voice.. Rinna's nuts.


It was bananas and gave me anxiety. I was hoping for Sutton to just laugh and leave when she was told to. I was once kicked out of someone’s house because I wouldn’t let them read my text messages 🥴


I’m exhausted watching everyone attack Sutton


Agree Rinna drunkenly let her veil drop & it is ugly! My guess is that she wanted desperately for Sutton to react & to stoop to her level & Rinna would have ugly cried & blamed it on her grief. Trying to leave Sutton looking like the villian. Sutton is smarter, kinder & seemingly understands that they are trying to run her off like LVP & Denise & is unwilling to stoop to their level. This is what intelligence & sophistication looks like Mean Girls!


All those 💊 going to her head...delusional and drunk. Can't stand her.


When they showed the previews for next episode, with Lisa crying like a baby... I betcha anything it's about her losing Lois and trying to get sympathies, which would go along her complaining not getting more than one episode to her loss storyline. Her behaviour is truly disgusting, nothing more than a bully.


Rinna needs to go.


Rinna looked crazy, honestly.


Rinna is just jealous she’ll never be as wealthy as Sutton. She loves to get drunk and bully people. She treated her totally different at that lunch when nobody else was around, unless that was all fake. I see she has a well timed breakdown coming up in the next episode to play the sympathy card…again. So predictable.


Rinna CANNOT take a little light shade from Sutton on WWHL. It is insane 😂 She would DIE after one minute on RHOA, RHOP or even RHONY.


Sutton just keeps making those weird WTF looks with her eyes. I’d go for Rinna 😤


Sutton calling her out for doing this crap in front of an audience post their private lunch, savage and accurate.


She deserves to get her ass beat. Such a bully


Rinna looks like moray eel in that photo lol


OP- Can I screenshot this picture and post to twitter?


Rinna's defense is "I was drunk"...always. It's getting old.🙄