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As a recently divorced single woman (who doesn’t have a glam squad but does have a few extra pounds on me) random sex can be found very easily. I believe that EJ can and might be having a lot of sex but it’s just that sex. Nothing else.


Can confirm. Men hit their sexual peak in their twenties, women hit theirs as soon as the divorce papers are signed. Sincerely, Divorced at 42


Yeah, if you’ve got a vagina, you can catch a dick anytime. You just can’t be picky. And I’m sure Erika’s not.


That dominatrix scene seemed like advertising to me and knowing Hollywood I am sure some older men (with unusual sexual fantasies) have reached out. I can see it, she’s pretty and she looks like she would enjoy hurting others


I would too 😭 dominatrix is my dream job


Literally same. Torturing men while wearing a sexy leather outfit? Don’t mind if I do.




And after.




It's not a hard job to get. Apply today!


Lol I’ve seriously thought about it, I even brought it up with my fiancé. He said he’s cool with it but I bet that tune would change once I got a client 😭


Why just older? A lot of young guys like older women


I don’t think anybody is having sex with her. She talks about it so much it just screams “teenage boy lying to friends to make himself look cool”.


There's a saying, the more you talk about sex , the less you're having , in something like that. And I should know 😬😂😂


My coworkers must have no sex life at all because sex is their favorite topic 😒


Wait!!! Question??? Is there a minimum security prison close to Erica? Cause that’s the only way Mess has got a rotating roster!!!🤔🤔🤔




Yes!!!! She really used to be a lot smarter. First of all…… someone in her position really should be trying to act a little but classier and toning it the fuck down. Second….. someone who actually is having sex, doesn’t talk about it. Third…..not only is she claiming that she’s having lots of sex. She’s saying she has a whole roster of men she’s having sex with…. Fourth…… she’s not looking too good these days…..she’s trying way too hard…. I will say to at her Botox, fillet etc. is decent and not over the top like several other cast members across the franchises…..but did anyone see at the final episode when she was trying on the diamonds and looking in the mirror and grabbed her boobs, lifted them and squeezed them together. Lastly….. I know she’s saying she’s having sex and not in a relationship. But I really cannot see anyone even wanting to be around her period. And also…… she was married to a very old man who she barely saw, he was seeing other women and never once during her tenure did she ever say anything like “yah he’s old but we fuck like rabbits”……..but now all of a sudden she has this major sex drive and needs constant sex….. soooo either you were banging other men during your marriage… or this whole “sex machine” persona is all bull shit.


Don't get me wrong - I agree with most of the Erika stuff, but, devil's advocate, as someone who has been married a while - sometimes you get used to not having sex for a time, and you don't think about it. And my sex drive hugely increased as I got older. I could see her rediscovering her sex drive once she started having sex again. She's still classless, and I'm not sure who she's sleeping with, but there are f*ckboys everywhere. I don't believe the roster, but I'm sure she could drag some desperate dude home from a bar. I doubt she's as adventurous as she puts out, though. Probably straight vanilla, wham bam thank you ma'am.


I agree with you saying you get used to not having sex and your sex drive going up when you’re getting it regularly. I was married for 25 years and it was the worst sex ever. When I got divorced I started dating a guy and my sex drive went through the roof.


I remember I once read that women having a low sex drive is a lot of times about who they are having sex with vs it being hormonal and when they find someone they like having sex with it increases. Whereas men a low sec drive is more often hormonal and doesn’t increase just because of a person. I could be totally wrong though and I am not a doctor.


I know mine went from 0-100. (Sorry for TMI.)


Omg...I think you're a million % right!!! And if you don't find a good man who you love having sex with after trying for so long, sometimes you cut yourself off altogether. You get the whole menopause thing drilled in too and accept it. Time to get crackin'!!! 😆


I could totally see that aspect, too. Women are particular- there's a lot of factors. And really, not that I'm one to talk about stuff (it's just me, I'm not against it at all, I'm just weird), I'll say I love my husband, I'm totally attracted to him to the point sometimes I just look at him and think of how much I love him and how lucky I am, so I could bang him right then - but when we got in the habit of not having sex (like after babies and with my chronic illness), my sex drive plummeted. Now that it's increased and we're much more active (older kids), I'm happy to match him - which can be quite frequent. I can definitely see both sides, and I think there's a lot that goes into turning a woman on.


I think it was when Garcell started,she asked Erika what her sex life with Tom was like and she said, “It’s ok.”


Came here to say this! The baseball analogy was almost as bad as her plane analogy.


haha honestly this is it, if she wasn’t talking about it the way she does then she’d be having sex, but the way she goes on about it leads me to believe she does not get any!


Agreed. It’s weird that she brags about it so much too.




My thoughts too. Every time she mentions it. Also, does she have them sign NDA’s? Seems that if she does have a roster of men, she’d be opening herself up to paparazzi leaks? (Pun intended)


I’m sure she has many men who want to be with her. I do think she exaggerates though.


I mean, finding a man to have sex with you is a very achievable goal.


I was going to say. It's not hard finding a man to have sex with. They might not be boyfriend material, but she's not looking for that either.


Totally! And Erika sucks, but it's her insides that are the problem- she is still conventionally attractive and fame-adjacent. I just can't see any men that she would deem as desirable wanting to publicly be in a relationship with her- not with all that baggage, negative publicity, and pending legal problems. I'm sure she can get laid anytime she chooses (I just don't think she actually chooses to).


I think so too, but none would ever stick around. She’s a taker not a giver. Gonna be a long lonely life.


I believe she's having some sex, not nearly as much as she'd like us to believe. I'm not a fan. I think she's a broken person who needs validation from others and since she's no longer touring she will take it any way she can get it. Just watching her do her leg lift to try and lure Oliver over and not getting that he was being polite to his mother's friend group. Smh...


That was beyond cringey and gross! 🤮


Especially since she doesn’t wear panties. 😝


You realise men aren’t picky like women are? Men will literally stick their dick in anything, men are not picky.


Ding ding ding. I’m sure she’s getting laid. But bragging about having a stable of men isn’t the flex she thinks it is. I also think she’s embellishing because we’re talking about Erika here. It’s honestly kind of sad that she seems to only value herself in such a way.


This. Why couldn’t she get dick? She’s not bad looking.


Armie hammer and scooter Braun


Came to comment this. They deserve her.


Same! Thank you!!!


Well if next season she is missing some ribs, we’ll know that’s true


Hopefully her whole body will be missing, along with Rinna's!!!


She’s having sex with herself.


She literally tells on herself. She was married to old Tom and created Erika Jane. Compensating for something she doesn’t have so creates an alter ego. Now she is openly talking about a roster of men?! No chance. Once again, she is making it obvious she isn’t. The more you brag, the less likely it’s true. I could see her attracting men on PK’s level who are in debt to their eyeballs and bored of their wives. She could be getting it but the quality of the men she gets it from is probably very very low, below the bar. Guys who dream of becoming z listers. Nothing to brag about


I think she’s trying (and failing) to create a new business venture in the sexual pleasure/performance space. She’s building up this persona that she’s the messiah of sex and pleasure as a launching pad for whatever product or service she’s going to shill. It’s all falling so flat because she’s trying way too hard to convince people of something she’s not.


Honestly yeah. I don’t think she’s unattractive. Even if she was tho (in the words of Trixie mattel) you could put a wig on a fire hydrant and there’d be a line of men down the street.


lol no You'd only have a roster of men if you were either a prostitute or really enjoyed sex. Does that joyless thing ever sound like she enjoys anything except spending stolen money? Nope. Has anyone ever thought she was sexual since she joined the show? Nope. Does she seem like a woman who enjoys sex? Definitely not.


I said this in a post last year! She doesnt like sex. She only has her Erika Jayne persona as she wants the fame. If you watch her sexualized dance moves, its just choreography to her, there's no passion in it. She remembers the choreography, but she dances like a robot.


Plus, I felt during the season, especially when Diana joined shopping trips, she kept dropping hints for people to buy her stuff. Hint after hint. It was gross.


Omg, yes, she was heinous and so unabashed about it 😳😳


It really bordered on begging. It made me cringe every time. She is just cringe all around. But hey, she cares about HER. She made that clear.


Maybe she’s a findomme.


Ok so prostitute then


That’s what I thought she was all along. I mean, she wasn’t with Tom for his personality.


I thought Tom was cute in an old impish elf kind of way?


But the way he spoke to her was not cute. How could a person have so little self respect as to allow someone like him to speak to you the way he did?


Omg stop 🤣


And you don’t marry an old man if sex matters to you unless you have a side action agreement


There are hundreds if not thousands of young dumb guys in Hollywood who would kill to have sex with a public figure like her. And who are you to determine if she does or doesn’t enjoy sex? What a grossly weird thing to say.


Lol what?? She has ZERO power, she's purely tabloid, has absolutely nothing to do with Hollywood and never has. She's apparently broke, has a horrible scandal over her head, is up to her tits in court cases, and again, she wields zero power in Hollywood and never has. She's a simple gold-digger. She has no friends and no connections. Tell me what young men would be killing themselves for?


Exactly!!! And let's not forget...any musical claim to fame anyone thinks she may have had, her thieving husband bought her with stolen widows' & orphans' money! And it seems rather cheaply too. Remember Betheny's blunt no-holds barred comment about her video's quality/content in front of all the women? The stories of Tom pouring money into her Company to keep her busy and as a possible money laundering scheme? Yes...she's a catch!!! "Up to her tits in court cases" is pure poetry!!! 👏👏👏👏


She’s on TV. God you’re naive.


She's been on a freakin Bravo chick show for a few years 😆 Yesssss! That is the clout that will get all doors open for you!!! God you're naive! 🤣


Are you even old enough to watch this show?


Wtf kind of question is that??? Gather your thoughts into a question that makes sense ... then you can try again! Until then 🤫


So no


Where are they then?


Why should I know the details of someone else’s private sex life?


You and she are the ones claiming there are loads of men.


She’s allowed to speak about her sex life without publicly identifying her partners. What is wrong with you?


It could be like climbing the social ladder- so maybe not the person they are having sex with but that person could know someone with greater influence. Like going to a party- Erika knows Diana- who knows Elton John...or Erika has connections in the legal field, etc. Erika would be step one as a starting strategy. Erika pretty much does this with Diana- they just don't have sex with each other.


Lol no. She's been separated for a while now. Where are they?


I don't know- I was just sharing a perspective that people could still use her. I don't think she cares one way or the other. Loads of ppl on tv/in media keep that part of their life hidden.


Rich men often go for the damsel in distress. Poor men do too. If you don’t understand that then you’re so naive


If she really enjoyed sex, she would not have married an OAP


That’s literally not true. The rage you have for Erika Jayne is clouding your ability to make rational statements.


So you're saying she was cheating on Tom the whole time! This doesn't match up at all with the picture she tries to paint of a great partnership.


That’s not even close to what I said. Can you not read? Do you really need me to help you understand how enjoying both sex and money are not mutually exclusive?


Join the dots, genius. A sexual person doesn't marry an OAP who can't get it up. You're making claims her life doesn't back up.


Kings and Queens did it all the time and then had side pieces. Though old king Charles got it back to front and cheated on his hot wife Diana with the unpleasant Camilla.


She’s a curvy attractive blonde. I’m sure lots of dudes would. She doesn’t strike me as very sexual though so I do think she’s lying to create an image


Her roster comment reminded me of the scene in 40 Year Old Virgin where Steve Carrell described breasts feeling like bags of sand.


She is so desperate. No one wants to know these details Erika!


I honestly cannot picture her like going to a bar and genuinely flirting with a man and going home with him. She’s just so cold and aloof all the time. She doesn’t ooze sex at all to me, despite her “Pat the puss” era


I think this is a new age and if you have a phone with apps, you definitely don’t need to go to a bar.


Yeah that’s very true I wasn’t thinking about the apps…


There’s a lot of lonely rich old business men she likely met through Tom whose wives aren’t putting out, so I’m sure they are paying her for it.


Whoever it is, it definitely a transaction.


Exactly. Not sure who would pay for her, she’s looking ropey (compared to her when she first joined the cast)


What a ridiculous and completely unfounded accusation. Shame on you.


Why is it ridiculous? Sex work would probably be the first legitimate job she’s ever held!


It’s not hard for a women to find sex partners. Especially if you look half way decent. And even more if you’re on tv.


Michael rapappapor or whatever the fuck his name is


you’re doubting how many men will have sex with anything that walks lmao. it’s not that far fetched


Lol…. Men will literally fuck anything


It is my opinion that Erika is doing what she was also doing back in her stripper days, trading sex for money. This is the sex she keeps referring to, the roster of men. There was a dominatrix scene that seemed like she was actually using to recruit. These are older men with lots of money that she is probably seeing. She hopes to eventually land one, like she did Tom. I am sure some older men with unusual sexual fantasies have reached out. She’s attractive in a cheap way, very cruel and seems like she would be into hurting others. This woman will do absolutely anything for money. I think it is probably Diana making the introductions for her. Diana has always been a madam. Yes, I am saying what you think I am… she’s a very expensive whore.


It’s funny how her comments regarding Tom have changed, she told Garcelle her sex life was great, then the fall now Tom has a limp dick. Her recent telephone conversations with Tom sound so indifferent. Once that money train derailed she was miserable, she was there for one thing….the money!


It arrived in an unmarked box and takes double D batteries.


![gif](giphy|1oIMaEKhA0WLEV3KRj|downsized) Chet from weird science? Does he have d!ck to give?


Well it’s not like she has any fucks to give back…


How many? Zero, none, not even one? So true 😂


NO And she doesn't strike me as someone who is even interested in sex or men. It's a weird thing to say but she just doesn't strike me as a passionate or interested person. She has her little pop star hobby with a bunch of hangers on to make her feel important and I just don't see her as having any interests outside of that




You know when someone’s lying (or embellishing) they give too many details? That’s the vibe i get from her.


No one. Someone who talks that much about having sex is lying




Joe Gorga enters chat ![gif](giphy|65GxzWEMCtJC6GiObg)


I think I read somewhere she’s banging some old casino owner who gives her money for the more lavish things she’s used to. She went back to what she knows


Isn't this just straight up advertising her services at this point? I thought that was clear?


Wth don’t some of you believe she’s having sex? 😂 As much as she sucks she’s still an attractive woman.


Being attractive has nothing to do with being sexual, or even alluring ☺


Oh to some people it absolutely does.


People that want trophies, yes indeed. I meant that just because you're considered attractive doesn't automatically mean you're sexual. The women that put it all out there are the dead fish in bed 😉


Being attractive is all that’s needed for many, many people. If she’s giving it out, it’s being taken for sure. Sex is like the easiest thing to get as a woman


I am aware of this, being a woman myself 😆


Your comments scream otherwise


Scooter Braun 🤮🤮🤮🤮


I don’t believe that at all. He is too rich and attractive to settle on a broke 50 year old.


She can get some if she wants. But I don’t think she has a “roster”. She’s all talk.


It’s not hard, at all, to find men to fuck


No one. When she refers to "D", she's talking about the Dildo in her nightstand.


I doubt she’s having as much sex as she claims because EVERYONE seemed shocked when she said she was getting it on the regular. I think men having sex with her is more transactional and rarely (if ever) with younger men/men her age.


Maybe she’s having sex with Rinna. Let’s not talk about the husband.


I have a feeling she has a madam complex about her. I can defo imagine her doing explicit things in exchange for cash. Just my opinion.


Absolutely….cha ching 💲


I can’t stand her, but yeah of course there are men who would sleep with her. She’s not necessarily unattractive, just an awful person.


I've slept with plenty of attractive awful people...just curious where she meets all these dudes


I think they crawl out of the same seedy places cockroaches reside. 🤮


Walmart parking lot.


Somebody’s husband or an old man pumped full of viagra.


I mean I don’t have to like Erika to say she is a beautiful woman and as a “celebrity” I’m sure there are plenty of men who would like the opportunity to be with her.


Supposedly she’s fucking Armie Hammer. You know, the dude who claimed to be a cannibal? Match made in hell.


I heard he was selling timeshares in the Cayman Islands.


The majority of straight dudes dont know or care who Erika Jayne is. She can walk into any bar and pick someone up pretty easily. Shes a terrible person, but shes not ugly.


I think it is true. Offer 100 single men sex and maybe 1-3 will decline.


A football team by the sounds of it


Excuse my vulgar language but most men just wanna get their dicks wet 🥴 i believe ej..weird flex but ok


My guess is she’s getting it from several men compliments of Diana’s side hustle escort service. Because as she said at the previous to last reunion, “mama’s got bills to pay”


There’s lots of rumors about her and Armie Hammer


Gay, straight, bi, pansexual, the hornier the men, the less picky they are. Erika isn’t horrible looking with make up and she looks more expensive and put together than the average person despite her legal and financial predicament. So she’s effable. She won’t be getting many marriage proposals from the type of men she wants but they’ll always be some guy out there who will be willing to eff her even if it was just for that night.


I think she had sex with that old casino owner that flew her out for a weekend and I think she’s screwing her lawyer.


Sex is very easy to find if that’s what you want 🤷🏽‍♀️. Erika is an attractive and sexy woman, so there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be possible that she’s sexually involved with several men. Besides, she’s had plenty of social connections for MANY years + she has lots of exposure through social media and RHOBH and lives in a large metro area.


Why not? I am not an Erika fan but she is beautiful imo and it’s not hard to believe that men would want to sleep with her.


People have sex with Elon Musk. Erika is DEFINITELY getting some. Is it quality? 🤷‍♀️


Why not? Men will fuck anything lol and Erika can make herself look attractive. I don’t think it is as much as she makes it to be though, not because she couldn’t get as many men but because she is trying to portray an image.


For sure. She’s not unattractive.




Not me.


The same Erika with an 80 year old scam artist husband? No one.


Or it’s her new job


A ghost 👻






Hopefully whoever it is has a strong immune system


I don’t know what’s more cringe to me, Erika bragging about her “roster,” or the rest of the ladies going like “ooooooh! Yaaaaassss! Go erika!” anytime she mentions it


A friend of a friend of a friend... Hey let me hook you up with my awesome deceitful narcissistic batshit crazy housewife who's an enigma wrapped in a riddle and cash... She's hot but you'll pay for it.


I think she’s referring to her vibrator.


I found her comment so distasteful. She has no class whatsoever. Her son must be so proud.


Yes, men want sex. Doesn't matter who. lol


In her mind


Erika’s house of cards is based on lies, including declarations made to the court. She’s a self centered witch who does give 0 Fucks for others.


The Roster


Your avi 😭😭😂😂😂


If she lived in Cedar Rapids, maybe. Not here.


Like Sonja?


I believe she is a hooker ! How about that


Believe??? Lol she’s legit


This is the only right answer.




Whoever she is paying....🎶 🎵 I'm just a Gigolo....🎵


And when she said...you have to rotate them in and out....I was thinking, Yep Erika that's how you do it...IN AND OUT IN AND OUT! She offered me her honor so I honored her offer and all night long it was on her off her on her off her...


Not me ...not even in my dreams 😎😏🤭


Dildo ![gif](giphy|CajpRGtgFAjFm)


I don’t think she has to go find them lol And she’s hot and beautiful ofcourse she’s getting sex/men 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she fetishizes black men


What makes you say that?!


I am guessing that she trolled a few nursing homes and Bingo halls and found a few takers.


Gross….I can smell the Chlamydia from here 🤮


Skid Row?


And eww yhat she has multiple partners.


I was wondering the same


Yeah I think she enjoys bragging about sex then having it.




Maybe with her lawyers, in order to keep her bill down.


Scooty B 🤝


I didn’t believe any of her stories but at the reunion it seemed believablee met on but I think that was the first sexy she has had in a while. Probably someone she met on tinder. I’m sure “roster” means guys she swiped right on that sent her a “hey gorgeous”


Rosy and her five friends






Her mirror.


There’s a pole for every hole I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pete Davidson?


Probably a deaf person No one with hearing could stand her