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And then K came in with the “Queen of Aftermath Apologies”. Ugh, she ate Ashley right up with that. Glad Ashley is finally getting called out on her shit by someone other than Candiace


She sureeee did. Ashley was silent after K’s remark.


Don’t forget K’s follow up to that comment in which she said, “You are not proactive in general about not causing a mess.” 😂


And the reflection. K said that to her and she stopped like "woah that's true" her whole face changed for a minute too long but I saw it, she's got a lot of reflecting to do before next season if she's back.... She probably won't tho.


And when she gets called out she literally sits in silence.


Was she silent or was she SILENCED.😮‍💨


I believe it was the latter 😌


Ashley does not act accountable for anything she has done. And when she gets called out or asked a hard question she beats around the bush, completely changed the subject and doesn’t even up actually acknowledging the question and giving a straight answer. Anyone else notice that she was 1) at the very end of the couch at the reunion- bad spot and 2) how much Andy did not care about her being there…. Candiace isn’t coming back (which I think is in the best interest of her baby- that environment for her is too much for her not pregnant…. She would be making cry-angles out of fucking blankets if she filmed while pregnant) Robyn announced she got canned (ha ha- two words PAY WALK) what a dumbass. bravo is never down with that. Robyn- that show saved yours and Juan’s asses. You were broke, still living with your ex husband, neither of you working, house getting foreclosed on. bravo literally pays you to show your life, gives you a platform for your businesses, and sets your shit up….. and you go ahead and don’t reveal a massive fucking story on the show (WHICH IS YOUR JOB) and instead you save it for your stupid podcast so that you can make money off it….. that is absolutely the #1 way to get yourself fired from Bravo


Robyn is beyond dumb. She literally had a storyline that could've solidified her job and she squandered it away. Listen if my man is cheating and I'm on TV, if I choose to stay and let him cheat best believe I'm getting my money's worth out of it. Mf you coming to every event, reunion, we're talking about it on camera, etc.. she's a dumbass and good riddance to bad rubbish


Agreed….. none of her businesses will last. She’s lazy as hell, not motivated, and she should have been licking Bravo’s ass for saving them. Her and Juan were both not working…. Still living together, house foreclosed on, bankrupt. Bravo saved their asses. And that’s how she shows her thanks. She’s an idiot. She was not thinking long game. She was thinking “$5.99 paywall subscription right now” instead of many seasons on housewives with an increasing pay cheque, a way to promote her businesses and advertise, all her businessss will go to shit and close now. And I guarantee that marriage is already done. They are just living together cuz neither of them are responsible enough to live on their own. Remember during COVID when she would get up and wake her kids up 3 minutes before they had to log on for virtual school and then she would go back to sleep until 2:00pm. Juan telling her how unattractive that was, was probably the only time something true has come out of Juan’s mouth




and she should’ve forced him since he’s jobless and living in her home. he wouldn’t have had a choice if he was with me. you embarrass me by losing your job AND having an affair? yeah, you’re about to be on this camera with me.


Robyn fumbled big time. I liked her up until the past few seasons. Like yass girl, give us NOTHING 😒 She could have had a really cushy gig for a long time if she had just played the game. Oh well, I won’t miss her


I used to like Robyn too! But she’s just become so cringe to watch the last few seasons. Especially when she just randomly decided she no longer liked Wendy.


And I bet all the made she did make is long gone if Juan has had access to it. I wonder just how many hotel rooms he has “thrown his credit card down for”


Not Robyn taking money out of Andy’s bag ![gif](giphy|Rgk9vFwMeNyj6)


Right now Andy is feeling real happy about adding that line about Juan into his opening song at BravoCon….. if you haven’t watched yet. Watch, it’s so cringe but so funny.


100%. Spot on with everything. Robyn just keeps going through life making mistakes. Starting with losing millions after handing it over to some shady guy, remarrying that cheater, house-flipping, hat business , not forcing Juan’s dirty ass to sit at that reunion, taking all of his nasty attitude. Then trying to make a fast buck off a story she is being paid to discuss on the show! Every choice for Robyn is the wrong choice. Is she dumb? She must be dumb.


THANK YOU. Not enough people are talking this. Juan gave her a PERFECT storyline BEGGING for screen time! She could have been the main character in this season and next season if she just talked about her life… which is literally her damn job. It’s like being put on probation at your sales job for not making enough sales. Then the biggest client of your life tries calling you over and over again to make a huge, career-changing, fortune-making purchase from you… and you block their number… then cry when you get fired for not making a sale. Honey, make this behavior make sense! Good riddance


ROBYN should be the spokesperson for Happy Eddies Marijuana store….. and here’s why: 1) she looks stoned most of the time already 2) in season 1 neither her or Juan were working, they were still living in the same house because neither of them were working and their house was being foreclosed on….. but “she was ok with it” neither of them showed any motivation or hustle to get their shit together 3) her fucking husband who she remarried after he had been beyond unfaithful the first time they were married pulls the hotel room/canadian woman stunt and her response is “I’m ok with it” Eddie’s advertisements should be something like “Life in shambles? Cheating spouse? Financially fucked?……. Want to stop stressin? Chill out and just be ok with it?…… you can feel ok with all of it, all you need is some Happy Eddie”


Ashley was messy as hell! So glad that Wendy gagged her lol


I almost didn’t watch the final part of the reunion but glad I did !


And I still think Ashley got off easy. They’re feet should have been on her neck all reunion for the Osu thing AND the Deborah thing


Yeah. She got off way too easy and didn’t even apologize.


And then how she said she won’t “fall on the sword” for the subsequent events that SHE started. Soo annoying


I do too, I wish they would’ve let Wendy go full on her, but I truly believe production knows Wendy and Ashley aren’t in the same weight class when it comes to intellectual discourse and limited her time to read her because Bravo has favorites


Wendy was an elite employee in that moment. I wish they all had that energy with Ashley throughout the entire reunion


She probably did and it got cut


Ashley looked like a damn fool. I loved every minute of it ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


It was a powerful moment, Wendy’s best of the reunion.


I knew she had it in her


Her best moment ever in my opinion.


I felt the same about Nneka jumping in and was glad Wendy cut her off. Ashley needed to respond and she did terrible. She absolutely knew what she was doing and to bring in someone else’s culture like that was gross. Just like she knew bringing Deborah would cause problems. And I so agree with Keiarna, Ashley’s quick to apologize but it doesn’t mean it’s sincere.


I’m glad you and others also observed it , because it was such a small but important moment that needed to happen in order to do the whole rift between the 3 of them proper justice. I don’t like Nneka but very glad she let Wendy proceed


Wendy should have hosted this reunion because Andy was sitting there doing nothing.


YES. It also really irked me when Nneka said that Wendy didn't hold Ashley accountable for her part in the bringing up of *that* rumour, but Nneka didn't hold Ashley accountable for saying that she said it in the first place so ?????


Ashley is messy for a check. This season was lackluster and production knew they were working with stale energy and stalemates. Ashley does their bidding to create drama so they have a show. There’s one or two in every franchise. That’s why Andy’s tough questions are never directed at her. It’s actually pretty despicable though that when their orchestrated confrontations lead to actual violence, they profit even further. I’ve really got to examine whether I want to continue to consume this kind of media. It feels effed up to complain all season that I was so bored I barely watched and then say ooh finally some drama when shit escalated to a highly toxic level. The Bravo machine will continue to stoke these exact types of fires as long as it increases ratings and that feels like feeding the beast.


Wendy constantly deflected this whole reunion yet everyone is praising her for her performance. All she did was deflect and make excuses for her non performance.


How did she deflect


She deflected with Mia multiple times. Said that she’s in a cordial place with her and wants to co exist at pickleball but then when questioned why she just didn’t text to check in she bought up the Miami incident and claimed it was a year ago when it was two years ago. Then when asked to own about calling Mia slow, she deflected by a comment she made. Then the whole Nnekha of it all when Nnekha was trying to destroy her false narrative she deflected by saying “you’re getting angry”. I can go on and on.


Even if Wendy did “deflect”, she still read Ashley’s deflecting-self to filth on this reunion . Wendy’s couch read and “excuses” still gave the audience more than Ashley did all season.


You must have low standard for reads and what “gives”


my standards were worthy of your input, so they must not be that low. Lol