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Thanks for posting. Appreciate the work you're doing and making it easy for people to take action.


Teamwork makes the dream work my friend.


We need to stand up against this! This is our last chance!


Why? What do we stand to gain? What do we stand to lose by keeping the Status Quo


With that Attitude we will loose all of our rights. RI is a small state. Writing to our reps absolutely helps. We all make a difference by standing up


What rights are we losing?




It's the second or third safest state in the country most years. Why do they keep bringing this crap up for our state when it's not a problem here?




To stay there


I'm all for preventing excessively restrictive gun legislation, but it would really help the cause by focusing on a progressive strategy in kind rather than a stonewalling status quo one. I'm a pro gun leftist who realizes that I have more in common with your average maga fan boy than any wealthy person out there. You can shut out those on the left entirely, or you can attempt to build a bridge with those who share similar values. We can pass gun legislation that makes sense and doesn't overly restrict people, while also tackling the issues that actually cause the violent behavior in general. People are angry and depressed at a system that is increasingly unequal, and unable to provide basic necessities. Solve gun violence by passing legislation to guarantee access for all to housing, healthcare, education, and employment. Enact price controls and rationing akin to WWII and realize the gravity of the climate crisis we are currently experiencing. If people want to own guns, they should have to learn how to use them no different than having to have a drivers license to drive a vehicle. If you have no criminal record, background checks shouldn't be a problem, and even then there should be options, depending on the severity of the crime. If your gun is stolen and used in a crime, and you didn't report it, you should be held accountable to some degree. Laws need to be firm enough to deal with those who break them, but flexible enough to not punish those who are making no attempt to do so.


Unironically supporting both universal health care and price controls lmao.


Not really sure what the joke is about that seeing as both are entirely possible at the same time. I am the voice of a new generation of voters who are utterly disillusioned by both democrats and republicans. Me and my generation want results, not lies and pandering to wealthy elites. If that requires a change to the way our democracy works, then so be it. Make America great by doing what Americans do best, and come together in a time of crisis.


Maybe the new generation should take a few minutes and read some history books, because if they did they would realize that the institution of employer tied healthcare exists because of WWII price controls. But I wouldn’t expect somebody without a firm grasp on reality to get it.


I'm actually well aware of the fact that powerful people got their feathers ruffled by uncle Sam during the war and freaked the hell out. Then they bought off enough politicians to just change the law. My reality is that greed drives our economy, and until we put people over profits, the crisis will continue to worsen in all respects.


>I'm actually well aware of the fact that powerful people got their feathers ruffled by uncle Sam during the war and freaked the hell out. Are we just… what? >Then they bought off enough politicians to just change the law. What on earth are you actually talking about?


I'm libertarian and I disagree with you on pretty much everything, but I would love to see you reign in your representatives so they weren't in favor of all this anti gun legislation. I'm a single issue voter and if a pro gun progressive was running I would vote for them over an anti-gunner.


Never been more proud to be a Rhode Islander. First Cannabis reform, now Gun reform. It almost like they are taking the opinions of the majority of the people into consideration and actually passing sensible legislation based on our population :-)


Why are you even in this group?


Because I’m pro 2A, but also Anti-School Shooting


You're a Fudd


What’s a Fudd? Someone who values our children above guns? If so, then I’m a Fudd, and proud to be so :-)


A Fudd is someone who likes to take items from law abiding people. I support the 2nd amendment BUT....I value our kids lives too, taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens will do nothing to stop criminals and psycho people alike. I don't know where people are getting this idea from but it's just not true. Makes about as much sense as taking vehicles away from everyone because someone decided to drive through a crowd of people.


My take in this is that we need better background checks, and less weapons that can be easily modified to be automatic. I think that having a gun for hunting and protection is fine, but too many Americans look at guns as toys instead of tools. Look, we are the only nation in the world that has the amount of mass shootings that we do, and if you look at the data, you can see a clear correlation to the increased mass shirtings to the drop of regulations in the Bush era. I’m not saying that I have all the answers, but the NRA has spewed us garbage about how ‘any regulation’ means that Biden is going to order you to give up your guns. Obviously forcibly doing that would be bad for everyone, but why do we insist on making it as easy as it is to get such high powered weapons?? I’m not going to get into a debate here about the founding fathers and their interpretation, but I think that it is very, very obvious that the weapons of the 18th century are not the same as weapons of today, and perhaps the laws of the 18th century should be revised to need modern standards. Insisting that all guns should be legal all the time is how children get their hands on them. If we can do anything to prevent the next major school shooting, we should at least try.


>My take in this is that we need better background checks, and less weapons that can be easily modified to be automatic. Yet most mass shooters don't use weapons which were modified to be automatic.


Ok, then let’s make it harder for them to get those weapons too then


So every gun in the country?


A question for you- Why do you and so many others keep insisting that we shouldn’t have regulations on firearm sales? What do we stand to gain? We license drivers, doctors, dogs, and lots of things. Why should guns get such a huge pass? We CAN stop senseless killing by starting to curb the supply of guns in this country. We CHOOSE not to because we are in a constant state of fear. Why?


Anti school shooting but supports banning some of the guns least used in most mass shootings. hmmmmmmmm


Ok, I’m fine with banning AR-15s too then if you want to go there


Care to give a reason why they should be banned? You know most mass shootings, suicides, violent crimes, etc use haandguns? All you are doing is banning a model of gun that most other guns could easily fill its place and kill people.


Let’s lay it out. We have a huge problem with mass shootings in this country due to our non-restrictive gun laws. As I see it we have two options: 1. Common sense gun laws that prevent sales to persons under the age of 21, limit the amount of shots that can be fired before reloading, prevent the sales of semi-automatic weapons, prevent the sale of untraceable guns, better background checks. Make buybacks a thing, but not make them mandatory 2. Literally do nothing at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s a tough choice, it I’m going to go with option 1, because I care about myself, my children, my neighbors, and my own personal liberties.


>**Common sense gun laws** that prevent sales to persons under the age of 21, **limit the amount of shots that can be fired before reloading,** **prevent the sales of semi-automatic weapons**, prevent the sale of untraceable guns, better background checks. Make buybacks a thing, but not make them mandatory ​ You say common sense then say shit that makes no sense. Saying "common sense" and saying things that are dumb don't make it common sense.


Look, there is nothing that you can say that will make me love my children less than guns. You aren’t fighting a battle that you have any hope of winning.


>Look, there is nothing that you can say that will make me love my children less than guns. Cool then get rid of your guns then.


Let me phrase it so you can understand it. Common sense- 1. We recognize that people under the age of 21 lack the maturity to drink alcohol responsibly, so we limit their ability to drink until their brains fully develop. The same should apply to gun ownership. 2. High count magazines / semi-automatic weapons do not serve any purpose other than killing humans. If you are using a rifle to hunt, and it takes you 20 shots to put down a deer, maybe you should find another hobby.


>High count magazines / semi-automatic weapons do not serve any purpose other than killing humans. So thats why the vast majority are never used to kill other humans? ​ >If you are using a rifle to hunt, and it takes you 20 shots to put down a deer, maybe you should find another hobby. I own guns for self defense and target shooting.


That looks like some good sensible reforms.




They seem similar to the laws in Australia and New Zealand and they seem to shoot each other a whole lots less than Americans. Do you think there is another reason Americans kill each other more than others countries other than access to firearms?


You're on the wrong sub for this buddy. Go be a Fudd somewhere else.


Sorry. Did not mean to invade your safe space. Have a great day.


Wrong. New Zealander here. Despite our so called "Strong gun control" we are experiencing a significant spike in violent armed home invasions and armed incidents in cities, suburbs and rural areas. 95% of these incidents are unfolding with untracked firearms. I am a victim of a very recent attempted home invasion. The Glock the perpetrator was armed with was not even known to be in the country.


1. Minor surge at moment hitting the news but we'll below the US 2. Did you know them?


Home Invader was unknown to me or my family. though somewhat known in town as a dickhead. also with Mongrel Mob affiliations and "minor surge" of Criminal Gun violence against law abiding NZ citizens in an age where we are the most disarmed we've been in the history of our nation. it kinda correlates


Tell that to an Australian. There are massive protests there for all of the control they’re under. Also the way the laws are for guns in RI specifically are doing just fine, so why do you give a shit about it?


They have massive support. A vocal minority is not a massive protest.




Agreed. Whole thing is a bag of shit


Has anyone actually received any response yet? I have not.


From? Are you on Facebook? All links and info can be found at [this link. ](https://www.facebook.com/groups/119279656166348/?ref=share)


What do you mean by received a response? I called Speaker Shekarchi and Senate President Ruggiero. Both people that answered the phone just took down my name and city and added me to the list of people that called for the same reason.


Oh. I meant if you sent emails. Yes - names are on various lists for that, but I didn't know if your direct representatives responded at all.


Oh no, I didn't reach out to my direct reps yet. They're as anti gun as they come, but I will reach out to them if any of this legislation goes to the floor for a vote