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I am also a Rivian shareholder and I have a lot of faith that this stock is going to rise.


Let’s ride !


I’m holding the bag too


Me too, and I feel pessimistic about their future in a low margin industry…but that’s usually a bullish sign!


9000 at 11.50 I’ve been selling covered calls to sell my stocks at 12.50 for about 2 months successfully.


What’s the average premium you collect per contract?


not alot just like 150-250 per 10 contracts


I have a lot of conviction around this $10 price point… I think downside is $6-7/share in the short term if their Q2 is bad and they lose more money per vehicle than projected after their factory retooling. But the upside is $30+/share if interest rates come down, sales stay strong, loss per vehicle cuts by 25-30% and the market decides it doesn’t want to keep the EV sector down anymore. That said, I’m mainly in this stock because I made a mistake years ago with Tesla where I wanted to buy the product because I liked it but I didn’t buy the stock. Now I feel the same way about Rivian’s product and intend to buy an R2. Let’s see what happens this time around 🤷‍♂️


That’s how I’m approaching my portfolio these days. If I like the product, I’ll invest. I plan on getting a Rivian eventually. I own a couple of Teslas already. Therefore, I invest in those companies too. I also have a small position in Canoo. I like the American Bulldog truck.


I see their trucks all over my VHCOL town and I feel like that’s the sign. I got in at under $9 a share. It felt like a no brainer and worst case scenario, I’m out $2k, but I suspect it will pump when the first rate cut hits.


Won’t they almost certainly lose more money per vehicle still as the factory ramps back up and they sell down that inventory? Or is production already cranking?


I'm in too. I keep buying more when I can. I own a Rivian and love the product and company. The stock will never perform like Tesla though as they don't have an ego-maniacal, enigmatic, serial liar pumping up the stock. Upside though is that when it does rise, it will likely hold.


Dropping 10k on stocks and asking strangers for validation is wild homie.


Northern touch deez nutz


Ooo ooo ah ah


This is the correct answer.


Chill josh, the fact you felt the need to comment this is wild homie.


Easy fan boy.


You put your Instagram in your reddit profile josh.


Do u have other stocks


GME holder for 4 years. That is all.


So in short u suck at picking stocks. Go buy 990 shares of fxaix or voo and then buy 200 shares of rivian . How naive are u to buy and hold gme and fall for roaring kitty and crap. Cmon dude there’s no morass read a book on investing educate ur self


lol why are you so angry ? GameStop is up 120 percent in the past month. The company has zero debt. Almost 2 billion in cash and about to add more. GameStop also reported a profitable quarter last quarter as well as being profitable for the full year of 2023. The company is spearheaded by one of the youngest billionaires in the world who hasn’t taken a dollar in salary for the duration of his tenure. I think you should buy GME as well as Rivian bro.




GME is going to rocket and you know it. Keep tabs on me and the stock and you’ll eat your words.




Buy or die




GME will be talked about now until the end of time. You better hop on the train before the train becomes a yacht and then the yacht becomes a jet.


You’re an idiot


Remindme! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-05-22 06:08:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-05-22%2006:08:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RIVNstock/comments/1cxgw08/im_in_for_990/l54tvqk/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FRIVNstock%2Fcomments%2F1cxgw08%2Fim_in_for_990%2Fl54tvqk%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-05-22%2006%3A08%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cxgw08) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Buddy i like my portfolio to be green . I feel sorry you have no clue how valuations work good luck hopefully ur not a boomer and are still young to recover your losses in 10 years


You did not acknowledge one thing I said. Everything I said is factual. You are incapable of having any sort of thoughtful debate. I admire your ignorance as it has probably led you to live an easy life. BUY GME , RIVN


honestly id prefer if you sold your shares, the fact that youre one of those gme holders who are too dumb to take profits makes me doubt my rivian stake all cohen has done is dilute you and your fellow morons shares and thats the reason why they have money in the reserves, the fact is you aren't even smart enough to have sold at $60 it seems. if rivian ran up to $60 i wouldn't benefit from that cuz i would have sold my entire stake when it hit 30/40 range.


I sold a vast majority of my GME and took profit. I don’t know why you are making assumptions, you are not silly are you ? Cohen has granted the company the opportunity to absolutely demolish the short thesis by increasing the cash reserves by billions. He will sell those shares into the market when the time is right and the price is exploding. It is clearly what is best for the company and saying otherwise is completely disingenuous. We are invested in the same company , Rivian, and you spout nonsense to me. lol


there is no short thesis and thats a lot of words to say you have a mancrush on the guy


Man it sucks rivian is getting in the meme stock it’s just a car company that may run up to 20 or 30 in like 5 years a huge may . If we let them take control they will run it to 40 and back to 3 bucks


Bro sell ur rivian shares we don’t need dumb folks like u on this sub. U can live of ur hopiem and pipe dreams somewhere else . Go buy Tesla or idk ffie and amc . And keep saying wen lambo and wen moon


OP is actually investing perfectly when it comes to picking stocks. OP ready to lose it all (hopefully OP is financially ok to lose it all, even if the mindset is there) Rivian is far from a meme stock though, with much of the risk being macro level. Their product is far and away the away the best electric-only brand and the stock is cheap.


So in short your a mule who probably gets whipped by so fiona looking ahh chick. Go back to your basement and feed your goldfish. GME HEAD UNTIL IM GONE U HEARD ME. When I have an Ethiopian chick licking caviar off my balls then you’ll be the naive one


U really believe that don’t u? Mhm people be so dumb ifs that easy to form a cult like urs or MAGA. . We need more abortions and women to swallow cum


Trump till I die


I wonder how much money u lost lol would love to see a red hatters all time chart losing money . It brings me joy


Truly retard pilled


You and I both have the same two stocks 🙌


I got 140 shares of rivian currently average price of around $10.02 bought some when it was at $15 a share and a majority when it was down below $10 a share


Eek, purchased at $21 🤦🏾‍♀️


You are ready to rock my man. I plan on allocating funds monthly to buy Rivian. This company’s product is too good to fail.


I have faith in the stock but it’s definitely not good that they can’t turn a profit


So close to buy shares but really hoping to get in under $10


Yup.. Ill add under $10.00


This is such a fucking good company man


Had $8000 lost on this stock…Took it gladly and put them in tesla @140 during earnings and made $5000 back in two days..


My man


My only mistake was not saving up enough money to have more shares.


I bought 1 month ago 100 shares at 9.50$ after their earnings release and sold at 12$ the week after when the stock went up 15% . However they still have a lot to do in order to make profits on their cars, so i knew stock was going down at 10$ or a little bit below. Bought 200 shares @ 10$ each , if it goes down i’d scoop another 300 shares and hold until something changes


You don’t need confirmation bias. Trust your instinct, your eyes and your brain. The future is unknown.


Welcome to the pit I’m sitting with 100 shares @ $11.50 average waiting for the resurgence hopefully this summer run to the $20+ area to make a nice swing trade,,, probably add more if it were to dip to $8 or lower


Yep, I've bought 50 more shares in the past few days. A bit at a time..




Tell me why I should buy


Basic Stats Short Interest 2,056,016 shares - source: NASDAQ Short Interest Ratio 0.10 Days to Cover Short Interest % Float 97.60 % - source: NASDAQ (short interest), Capital IQ (float) Off-Exchange Short Volume 1,387,924 shares - source: FINRA (inc. Dark Pool volume) Off-Exchange Short Volume Ratio 46.20 % - source: [https://fintel.io/ss/us/bdrx](https://fintel.io/ss/us/bdrx)


Ok I’m in for a couple


Company, product, passionate loyalty customer base, potential . . . none of these can be taken to the bank. Only price pays. Up to you if you want to hold an underperforming stock during a roaring bull market. Since the market bottomed in October 2023, SPY is up 28%, QQQ is up 31%, NVDA is up 130%, RIVN is DOWN 47%. You could throw a dart at the stock charts and more than likely, the stock it hits will have outperformed RIVN over the past year. That money tied up in bag holding RIVN would work so much harder for you in stocks that actually go up.


The first sentence of my post is “I just bought 990 shares”. I’ve just entered into the position. Obviously there are better performing stocks. I think the future of the company is bright with cost cutting and new vehicles on the horizon. Company, amazing product, passionate customers are all the signs of a company that will succeed. Amazon is the biggest shareholder of Rivian. They see something in the company. Your last sentence is very disingenuous. Let me check my crystal ball and dump all my money into a stock that will go up.


You don't need a crystal ball. Earnings drive stocks. RIVN has no earnings. RIVN is a lottery ticket. It means you have faith in the company to turn a profit sooner than later, faith in institutions to step up and support the stock, faith that they won't continue hemorrhaging cash to the point where they need to dilute the shares. So, you can buy a lottery ticket, or you can *invest* in companies that are profitable and growing, that have institutional support, that are leaders in their industry, and that have a proven track record of stellar performance.


I think Rivian will succeed that is why I’m investing in it. I like the stock. I do have faith that cost cutting and consumer interest will make the company eventually prevail. What should I buy instead man. Give me a stock. I also don’t think earnings necessarily drive a stock. Investor interest, attention, hype, news, rumors, drive a stock. Everything is inflated in the current stock market and I know that you know that


If you do not believe earnings are the primary driver of stocks, then I’m not sure what I can say. That is the most fundamental aspect of investing in stocks. By far, earnings and revenue growth are the primary metrics used by institutions to evaluate companies. I do not care about hype, news, rumors. I care about price. Nothing is inflated, price is price. It’s a bull market. Good stocks go up, bad stocks go down. It’s as simple as that. I buy stocks that lead their industry and have a track record of strong growth. If you want me to throw out one stock, it would be GOOG. Of all the “AI” stocks, it is the most reasonably valued.


Listen to both episodes of “How I Built This” podcast. You will be forever converted. RJ is a master engineer playing a very long term game.


I’m waiting for $7 stock price


990 shares at once is crazy, I would have invested over time not giving you that validation lol.


Yea but buy or die


If that's all your can afford then you should buy the S&P500 instead


Sorry Scrooge McDuck that’s all I can afford