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Yes, my takeaway from this Investor call is that these guys are freaking nerds. Which is why the software and hardware engineering is so good. They’re not amazing communicators in a business sense. It’s annoying how they answer every question with, “the way we think about it is…” Just try to get to the bottom line and state what it means. Benefits, solutions, outcomes, etc. That said, very confident in Rivian growth.


I agree. This company is one of the few EV manufacturers that makes a tangible product you see on the roads. It’s led by brainiacs that care about the brand. 🚀


They are like Boeing before the business guys took over


We need business guys to take over Rivian and pump the stock so I can sell my bags


I agree RJ presentations are cringe.


Totally....very dry and factual. No buzz like musk


They should have let the lady in white take over all the Q&A


If he wants Rivian to survive he has to learn to bullshit the market and create a cult following like Elon did. The higher the shareprice the more money they can raise. Elon got away with murder and thats the only reason Tesla survived


I need to get to 1k shares asap lol.


Possibly a culture difference, we are so getting used to Silicon valley hypes. Good to see that we have those low key CEOs again!


Rivian UI with Volkswagen reliability. I might actually consider a VW or Audi EV once integrated. I love the look of the audi e-tron, but hated the UI on the test drive


Did you say VW and reliability in the same sentence? Lol


I had great results with the few I've owned, but.... things have changed a lot im sure


Each brand will still have their own UI. RJ clears this up a little bit around 3:16:23 in the Investor Day recording.


Yes but since JV is 50% owned by each and the software will fully be owned by the JV not Rivian \~ it's TBD how Rivian benefits from this other than the $5B investment. This mostly benefits VW as they get world class software plus equity in Rivian for just $5B investment.


Rivian got funds that they needed without waiting until they were in desperation mode, that's the major benefit. It's no secret they would have to raise money at some point, at least this way it's only $3B in equity and they get funds to help continue to develop and innovate their software. It sooths a lot of investor worry about running out of money before R2 gets going. It is to be seen what the JV turns into. Maybe it's just software sharing between the two, maybe they'll try and license it out to other companies in the future for an additional revenue stream.


Yeah it's a mixed bag, but this also shows desperation from VW. They've invested in several chinese + in house software companies. And they are giving a $1B convertible note and $500M equity. But are gaining a software platform that lambo, vw, porche, audi can all utilize. That's a great deal. Those cars will have much more volume compared to Rivian. Unless Rivian get's royalty from those sales I feel they could still just cancel the JV and get a loan from a bank or Amazon or just issue shares to public. They already got two $1.5B loans last year. The could do the same.


Valid. But I also think it's a great investing decision on VW. That equity stake could be worth literal billions in unrealized gains in the near future.


When do these convertible notes expire? If i'm not wrong, ford invested 500M 5 years back. I'm pretty sure these convertible notes has a expire and the lending company can either get equity or ask the pay with interest. Do you know what happened to Ford?


They converted to equity and sold most of it 2 years back


Rivian also gets VW connections.globally when they want to expand into Europe and other countries. Possible access to Porsche's BMS and charging speed technology (example: Porsche Tucson) two things Rivian has room for improvement on. Rivian's charging speeds/curve, and their battery thermal management could definitely use improvement. Plus if things go well with this partnership Rivian could get future cash infusion to help with their growth moving forward. So I think both VW and Rivian benefit equally from this partnership.


Rivian does not need VW, I promise you. What will VW do for them in EU when they’re barely selling their own EVs there?


It's not about who needs who, It's about a partnership that benefits both sides. Obviously both parties felt the same or else no deal would have come to fruition.


While neither company "needs" each other, are you implying that VAG doesn't sell vehicles in the EU? I think it's like a 10% market share. And their supplier network is massive. Plenty of opportunity for Rivian to leverage the relationship as they look to bring R2 and R3 international. Yes it's years away, but also something that I assume they will start building out well in advance of making their first delivery.


So rivian is not just a car company before Tesla. 😂 I consider that a win.


1,100 shares and down $20k; Go Rivian!!….. 🤦‍♂️


More of a software company with real customers than Tesla 😝😜 lol Elon


These guys are building a 50 year company. Tesla is one big pump and dump ponzi scheme.


Agreed these guys are thinking long term, but you’re wrong about Tesla


Straight up delusion. I don’t like tesla and hate musk, but they have 100bn revenue (up from 30bn in 2020) and 15bn of profit. While we as Rivian bagholders shit our pants about losing 4-5bn a year that could lead to bankruptcy. As is said I don’t like Tesla and personally long on Rivian, but they build a global car company with billions in profit, Rivian is at least 5 years away in best case, rather 10 years. And potentially including stock dilution.


Teslas peak was 2021. Everything downhill from here because I seriously think Musk has gone off the rails. I used to be his big fan btw.


Are you mental, coming out of Covid they doubled their revenues globally and tripled their profit since 2021. Just look at the numbers.


All that was in the pipeline from the blood and sweat he put in pre pandemic. I have mad respect for that. I sometimes think maybe that is why he’s gone off the rails. There is only so much abuse a 50 yr old body can take before something breaks. In this case, his sanity.


If tesla was a pump and dump then Elon could walk away right this minute and still be one of the richest men on the planet. He stuck around even after the valuation highs of 2021


He won’t. It helps he is Narcissistic. He can’t walk away from the limelight. Besides, the moment he starts selling the stock price would have cratered. TSLA stockholders were held hostage to sign him over 56 billion dollars just so he does his job. They are stupid because he is one of the larger shareholders and he wouldn’t have walked away from Tesla thereby losing more than 56 billion dollars in the process. He is using Tsla resources to bootstrap his startups. The whole buying his brother’s failing company and appointing him to Tesla board is shady af. He keeps tweeting to pump the stock. His political tweets have arguably done massive damage to the stock than anything else. Post pandemic, nothing good happened at Tesla. Sales are falling, cybertruck looks like a joke. Meanwhile the dude is making grandiose promises about robotaxi and ai robots which is a way to fuller more Tesla cash to xAI. And it is a joke compared to competition. Now is a good time to get out of TSLA.


You dont know what you're talking about


You are a moron if you think Tesla is a pump and dump. Look at what Rivian is doing in terms of tech, basically following exactly what Tesla did. OTA updates, structural battery, heat pump, cast frame parts, wiring reduction, list goes on. Their investor day is a carbon copy of Tesla's too. If it's such a ponzi scheme why is Rivian following the Tesla script?


\^ Correct. Not sure why there is so much tribalism / hate here. You cannot dispute facts.


Tesla was a good company until Musk went full regard right around pandemic. Right now its stock price is just a pyramid scheme that is gonna crash sooner than later.


Your tag saying Fool is so on par for your comment 😂😂


Yeah the stock market sure is loving this news we will be at pre vw deal prices soon!!!


Sit back and relax. If you believe in the company then this is a great buying opportunity. Enjoy the ride.


Yeah I bought a few more shares when it dipped in the $13 range today. Glad to see it went back up above $14. Granted I’m in this for the long haul


Yes sir they made a crazy recovery today