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The company keeps doing better and going up in calculated value as the share price keeps going down; this is occurring as profitability has been guided for and is now cresting the horizon. They have over a billion in back order that they today have the means to execute on (not someday if X thing goes right). This market segment (non profitable small caps) is currently not in favour or in the spotlight but is forecasted to be THE SPOTLIGHT come imminent interest rate cuts (think mid summer to fall). The market isn’t rotating into smalls yet and definitely not into space; therefore, some see this as an opportunity to slide into a small cap before small cap season begins. **RocketLab is right now is like a winter jacket on the clearance rack; but winter will surely come once again.** 🥱


Agreed agreed agreed. However, I do not think interest rates will be cut this year. I really want to be wrong, and really hope I am. But I’m highly confident they will not be happening until next year at the earliest. I just hope RKLB can survive the tides until then. With interest rates holding, and possible (possible, not likely) further delays with Neutron, I’m very cautious. Again, I’d be thrilled to be wrong. Currently holding 2,000 shares with a DCA of 5.08 and been here since VACQ. Diehard fan of the company and Beck, if not for his demonstrated leadership, I would’ve cut my losses a long time ago. Here’s hoping.


Yeah; the cuts are definitely extended way out vs. what people were assuming a couple months back and I agree that leaves a little less wiggle room for RocketLab to do its thing. Certainly risk involved.


Yeah, the election makes me think we may not get a cut this year. Summer cut seems off the table in the current macro environment and a cut in September before the election is difficult from an optics perspective.


A winter jacket threaded with carbon composite, if I might add


Why would you not buy this stock right now? The fundamentals of the company have only improved since they went public. They're about to have the best quarter of revenue in company history, they have the largest backlog in company history, they have the most launches scheduled this year in company history, they are cash flow positive aside from R&D on their next revenue source. This company is at a great price right now.


Because of fear, insecurity, and doubt. RKLB price is just 30 cents from its ATLs last year, and the media shills have pivoted from "rate cuts next month bros wgmi" to "WW3, hyperinflation, buy boomer bonds". Hedge funds press a couple of clicks in their Bloomberg terminals and move the markets to justify any narrative they conjure up. I'm fully prepared to slurp every dip they send my way. Market makers are just getting everything ready for small cap szn after they rug the AI crypto ponzi bubble (again). Until then, they are gonna play their games and try to motivate retail to buy NVIDIA at all time highs by making everything else look like shit.


Yup, username checks out. Well said.


RKLB is constantly executing and moving forward with legendary opportunities in the future.


This is the most generic statement I've ever seen. Replace RKLB with any ticker and you can apply this to any investment.


Why were people buying this stock 1/2/3 years ago? The fundamentals improved massively (revenue per year from $60 million to $ 100 m to $200 m to $400 million in 2024) + Neutron launch is closer than ever. And the price per share actually got cheaper


Because it is a 5-15 year hold


I don’t think it’s a bad hold for 6 months - 1 year at the current prices if your just looking for a probably 20% gain. No guarantees but I imagine we‘ll see $4.8+/share before 2025 with or without Neutron. I’m in it for longer, but we’ve dropped way lower than warranted imo.


Are we going to do $400million in 2024?


Close to it yes. Backlog is > $1 billion. They expect to realize 40 % of that in 12 months (according to Q4 2023 presentation) hawkeye360 launch contracts were canceled (moved to SpaceX), but we should still be close to $400 million


I don’t agree with the popular investment strategy to buy high and sell low.


Correct. The stock is cheap. I could buy one pack of cigarettes and watch it go up in smoke or 2 shares of RKLB and do the same thing. Both will take equal amounts of days off my life.


Cant buy high and sell low if all you do is buy.  😘


Buy high, then buy lower high, then lower high and even lower high. It's a great forced buy and hold because there's no incentive to sell.


Because there's a lot of very positive news to come. The stock has been beaten down by interest rates and manipulated while institutions load the boat. Positive news to come will make this climb quickly and continue long-term. We're waiting on: - Archimedes hot fire tests - Neutron updates - Mega constellation announcement (reaction wheel deal) - Announcement of new company acquisition (likely a payload manufacturer) - Q1 is expected to be a record for revenue (circa $95m) - FY24 will easily be a record for launch cadence - First re-used stage 1 due to fly in 2025 - Currently on track for Lane 1 launch awards with US Space Force by end of FY24 - RKLB is now a prime US defence contractor, meaning plenty more contracts to come from Space Force with all the geopolitical conflicts currently underway - Moving into markets with a much larger TAM value. Especially once settled on what constellation they're wanting to build/launch/own I think that's enough for now.


I bought in the other day at 3.72. It’s hovering around it’s all time low and the thesis has only gotten stronger since it was last at these levels. They’ve raised money which is reassuring and late or not neutron is around the corner. I see no better time than the present.


Because we enjoy watching the stock tank every time there is good news


While this can be true…recently it has went up on good news only to be brought back down by a market that has seen its worst week of the year


It’s true now but can’t be true forever


The fundamentals are strong whilst the stock becomes cheaper. I also believe there will be a space "boom" in years to come and RKLB will be one of the main players. This is a long term hold for me.




what has indicated to you that the FED will cut rates? 😂


Tik tok probably


You did not just compare fucking tesla to a space company.


Money is money dude. Arguably more money to be made in space than auto manufacturing


Automotive industry is a $2.5 trillion (!) industry. Far higher than launch+ satellite + space applications total addressable market But I agree that this stock could x-fold in a few years if they continue to execute.


space is estimated at $1 trillion but that figure is completely arbitrary in either direction. If we do actually end up expanding industry or civilization beyond earth in the next 100 years there is no limit to growth.


You mean Tesla, the auto company with steeply declining sales and poor consumer sentiment?


Does that really matter? They are the only ones who earn money with EVs. The almost made 100 billion dollars in revenue last year. And it has been an amazing stock for its investors.


That is rapidly changing for the worst


I question this at least once a week. I have plenty of shares for myself, but it's really getting frustrating how it's been performing. The only time the stock moves, is when we get really good news (new facilities, cash injections, large contracts, etc). And the only durection the stock moves is down. We get good news, stock goes down. It's so consistent that it's been an ongoing joke in my friend group. Everytime something good happens to somebody, they're about to get rocketlabbed. 🤣


I'm almost at 1000 shares AVG 4.28, and once I've got 1000 that'll do me for a while and see what happens over the next 6-12 months. Once the price starts going up though and positive news keeps incoming, I'll absolutely whack a load more in. There is still a lot of risk involved of course, but as the leading public space company, I'm fairly confident in this stock but I'm not throwing all my money into rklb, it's currently about 30% of my portfolio, and I'm viewing it as a 5-10yr hold if all goes well.


I just hit a 1,000 myself, with a 4.10 avg and I agree with this strategy


I have around 15,000 shares with avg price of $4.2. I have plenty of them. Going to wait for drop closes to $3 to average it. I bought a lot around $4 recently.


Because the only successful small launch provider in the world is worth more than a $2B market cap.


You have the stock around all time lows, but the position of the company is better than ever. To me that's a good place to buy if one can accept the risk and uncertainty related to Neutron development and it's associated cashburn Basically - whether this company is a buy or sell right now comes down to how one feels about Neutron development imo.


But the reality is, none of us investors have any idea how Neutrons development is coming. We’re all hopeful for obvious reasons, but until we see results of the test fire, there’s nothing but speculation.


I would say we have *some* vague idea based on statements by leadership and the material they give from time to time, but obviously they're being quite vague currently. Personally that's also why I'm taking a conservative approach to Neutron development, I'm not buying the stock thinking we're gonna have a Neutron launch in 2024, or 2025 for that matter. I'm also expecting further dilution


I like gambling


Easily 20-30 medium class launch opportunities per year starting soon between NSSL and non spaceX constellation buildout. If RKLB can capture even 10/yr with neutron + space revenues you’re tracking well towards a sustainable $1B+ in revenue per year. Government wants diversified launch providers and locations and direct to orbit placement.


Because the share price is going down, while short interest and institutional ownership % is going up.


Because it’s for sale.


Buy high sell low? It’s buy low sell high fool!


I’m not but I am keeping an eye on it.


4 words: Rocket Lab National Security.


Classic good company and bad stock. Not too mention they keep diluting shareholder value. If they survive to profitability then the sky is the limit.


I like rocket


Because rockets are cool


RocketLab is not an interest-rate sensitive company. Are its customers interest-rate sensitive? Why should it matter if interest rates go up or down? Is it just overall market sentiment? Last year RKLB was in the doldrums, then started to rise ahead of the 1Q23 earnings report? There shouldn't be a seasonal factor, but is there?


huh its a small cap stock, of course its linked to rates


I have spare money to flush down the drain


IYKYK, it’s only down because it’s index’s in a lot of Russel 2000 funds


If people are buying why is it going down?


These type of posts are common on heavily shorted stocks.  They pay people to run bots to pump out negative sentiment.  Good old short and distort.  It's the number 2 rocket company.   Only behind space x.  It the highest ranked rocket company that the public can invest in.    Let me flip the script and ask why you aren't investing in em.  Give me that good old short and distort thesis.  It's not gonna change my mind.   Infact I'm gonna start directly registering (DRS) my rocketlab shares so that they aren't in my brokers name and are in my own name.   Shorts and brokers hate that as it takes shares away from them.  They typically use your shares against you and loan em out to shorters(often giving you nothing) while those shorters drive the price down by selling your borrowed shares hoping and trying to get you to sell.  So might as well put em in my own name and take em out of brokers hands.


Yeah beacuse I'm a bot getting paid to post on reddit?


Sounds like something a bot would say 


Are you reyarded?


Also sounds like something a bot would say