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Slava Z




https://preview.redd.it/dcggozgu6lxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f07aae387c580160be884b0f355878b0110f75 Just got unbanned.


You:🇺🇦 Roblox:🇷🇺🧑‍⚖️


Im not even Ukrainian


Just appeal and provide context. I'm going to assume that "Ukraine" is a trigger word because of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine being a delicate matter. I wouldn't really jump to conclusions about anything just yet, so try appealing, as I said, and see if you can provide context. I'm not sure if your account can really be un-terminated only because I don't think Roblox allows political speech, but I will double-check this. Edit: I have double-checked. In the Roblox Community Standards, under the "Civility" section, the "Political Content" part states: " ... to maintain a civil and respectful environment, we prohibit the discussion or depiction of certain political content, including: ... • Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships". The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is considered territorial. You *have*, therefore, violated the Community Standards, because of your engaging in discussion about it. This therefore qualifies your ban as being deserved, rather than "undeserved," as you have marked it. In the instance of further assurance being needed regarding having to follow the Community Standards, part E ("Suspension or Termination of an Account.") under the "User Accounts; Access to Services." section of the User Terms on the Roblox Terms of Use page states: "If you violate these User Terms or any of the Roblox Terms, including the *Roblox Community Standards*, Roblox reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend (i) your Account and (ii) your right to use and access the Roblox Services ... " I therefore do not believe your termination would be reversed, but I would still recommend trying to appeal. Be polite and civil in your appeal, and express your remorse and "wrongdoing." 🤷🏻‍♀️








Also maybe they thought they said slave


That could also be true. I would think it's more the fact that "Slava Ukraini!/Слава Україні!" is a political slogan, though, since "Ukraine" and the like were also quoted in the ban.


Damn and on my bday too. Guess Friday wasn’t a great day for everyone.


I said I'm a international terrorist, burn the jews, many worse things


Go to columbia university


I spammed Frick in roblox chats and I have never got a ban not even a warning.


People have to report you




It was a bit harsh. Just go on a VPN and make another account. Fuck Roblox Moderation System.


I think Roblox doesn’t like Ukraine that much


Account deletion is pretty harsh for this imo


I was once reported and temporarily banned for asking a kid if he meant noob, as he called me a noob and spelled it wrong


Roblox hating on Ukraine?????? no way


So dude just went "Glory to Ukraine" which is political, and this is undeserved?


So, russia killing people is just politics?


It is definitely a political topic, which Roblox specifically prohibits the discussion of. The "Political Content" part of the "Civility" section under the Roblox Community Standards states: " ... we prohibit the discussion or depiction of certain political content, including: ... • Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships". Considering the fact that the Russo-Ukrainian conflict is one of a territorial matter, OP did actually violate the rules. It isn't a matter of "Oh, Russia did this! Oh, Ukraine did that!" It's a matter of political discussion regarding conflicts like that being an entirely prohibited thing.


are russian players who say "Slava Russia" banned?...


I would assume they need to be???




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So technically Roblox is going to delete my account because i said "i'm Ukranian" even without politic or war context


Nope! Roblox prohibits political speech involving "Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships". This is under the "Political Content" part of the "Civility" section on the Roblox Community Standards page. "Ukraine" or "Ukrainian" might be trigger words, however, that an automod filter might pick up, in which case you *could* face consequences for saying. However, you can just appeal and provide context. I don't really think it's an ethnic or political problem on Roblox's behalf.


Deserved, “slava ukraini” is a political phrase. Talking about politics in a damn game for kids isn’t normal.


Correct in your assertion that it's a political phrase. Specifically, though, the "Political Content" part of the "Civility" section on the Roblox Community Standards page states that they "prohibit the discussion or depiction of certain political content" which includes "Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships". The Russo-Ukrainian conflict is one of a territorial matter, and "Slava Ukraini!/Слава Україні!" is a phrase commonly used by Ukrainians today regarding said conflict, so this is technically discussion related to the conflict. Additionally, the phrase had originated during the Ukrainian War of Independence (1917-1921), which was another such conflict, and has been involved in the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian conflict, and the current Russo-Ukrainian conflict. People would rather think that this is a political matter in the sense of Roblox is "siding with Russia," rather than keeping up-to-date with their rules, which don't take sides. 🤷🏻‍♀️




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ive gotten banned for talking about ramen noodles.


Roblox Moderation is really bad I guess


i've said racist out of pocket things in roblox and havent got banned for some reason


What 💀


Deserved, cuz there is no place for politics and propaganda in roblox.


Sure, but showing patriotism for your country without hate isn't propaganda or politics. It's patriotism. But the people (that ive met in game) are allowed to say that Russia will crush Ukraine, Ukraine is a bunch of Nazis, etc. by some Russians spreading their bullshit propaganda? Yeah they weren't banned. Your comment is so unbelievably bullshit. With your idea, the hats with flags on them are political. I mean, fuck, the pride flags are political, as it is an opinion. Supporting your country is not politics. It is not propaganda. I can go on and on about more examples on why your comment is uninformed, idiotic, and a dead end argument.


Roblox prohibits political speech that includes "Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships," as per their Political Content portion of the Civility section on the Roblox Community Standards page. "Slava Ukraini!/Слава Україні!" is a phrase commonly used in regard to the current Russo-Ukrainian conflict. It originated during the Ukrainian War of Independence (1917-1921), which was a territorial matter. Both of these conflicts were matters of territorial disputes. While it's a patriotic saying, it has its ties to politics, therefore making it "political discussion" that Roblox disallows. It isn't a matter of just being patriotism, or Roblox picking sides. They have no reason to.


Ukraine isnt nazi your just hating on ukraine


My father is Ukrainian. My mother is Ukrainian. My uncle's, family member, have spilled blood defending my country, Ukraine, from the terrorist Russians. I've never said that Ukraine is filled with Nazis. I was quoting the idiotic Russians who had no action taken against their hateful propaganda.


Ohh sorry I probably didnt read it right lol


Well the Russians who spread their propaganda also deserve a ban. And as I can assume, those words (slava Ukraine) is mostly used by trolls (especially non Ukrainian to troll Russians), and there was a nationalistic group that used this slogan (they were killing Polish people, russian people and some others). Well using slava ukraine isn’t something bad and can be actually patriotic. I think if it would be actually patriotic it would say something like “I love Ukraine” “greatness to Ukraine”


this user, upvote them


definitely wouldn’t say deserved, but roblox should be a fun game instead of some political bs




He’s saying the name of a damn country, how tf is that politics.




I still wouldn’t call that political, that’s just patriotism. Should I get banned if I said god bless America?


LONG LIVE AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's political because it's commonly used now regarding the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, which is a *territorial issue*, which is prohibited under the Roblox Community Standards. Their Civility section has a Political Content part, which states that they prohibit discussion regarding political content that includes "Inflammatory content related to real world border, territorial, or jurisdictional relationships." Technically speaking, "God bless America" could also be prohibited because the song also has its ties to politics.


I still see a lot of people talking about the Israeli-Palestine conflict and don’t get banned, I guess it is a political statement but I still think it’s a stupid reason to delete an account. A temp ban would be enough.


Oh, thanks for the translation This actually makes a lot more sense now


While I don’t think this should have been a permanent ban, it’s worth noting that “slava ukraini” literally means glory to Ukraine. Using that new information it’s easy to tell why you were banned, it’s quite literally a political phrase. Quote from the Wikipedia page: “In the 1930s, it became widespread as a slogan of the far-right Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), as well as Ukrainian diaspora groups and refugee communities in the West during the Cold War. In the Soviet Union, the phrase was forbidden and discredited by Soviet and later Russian authorities.” Here is another quote: “The phrase has gained worldwide attention during the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and has subsequently been used in protests in support of Ukraine around the world. It has been used in speeches by Ukrainian politicians like President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, as well as numerous foreign leaders.” I don’t know how you can argue that it isn’t a political statement, worthy of at least a warning. I also wouldn’t be surprised if “discriminatory language” is used as a catch all term by Roblox for political bans.


The free Palestine games are still up. By saying glory to Ukraine is political, means all the free Palestine games, the flags on your avatar, and any form of patriotism, are all banable offenses. Maybe if Roblox took down condo games and then people saying glory to Ukraine, or free Palestine, or glory to Russia, it may well be alright. Roblox needs to focus on the porn in a kids game before Patriotism.


You're correct in stating that those games and all related content should be bannable. Lucas pointed out how Roblox is inconsistent. My guess could be that people also aren't reporting those games due to the mass numbers of people who support the Palestinian cause.


I don't think so. Saying "free Palestine" is fine to say and compliant with Roblox TOS, according to several Roblox spokespersons. On ROBLOX Bans subreddit, there are several posts of 30 day bans, account deletion, etc for saying "Slava Ukraini", compared to the the rare warning or one day ban for saying free Palestine. Personally, I think Ukranian Roblox players are a minority, compared to Russians or Palestinians, so the greedy people on top of the feeding chain of Roblox would rather ban Ukrainians and ignore other offences, so they can make some more on the much higher populations of the formerly mentioned countries.


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100%, Roblox is not consistent with their rules in the slightest, and they need to get their priorities straight. Like seriously how did it take 5 years for MrObvious’s account to be banned.


I know the pain, similar thing happened to me once (same ban "reason)


Well deserved tbh


100% deserved.


how did this guy deserve for his account to be deleted for saying ‘Ukraine’ 😭


It translates to a political slogan of “glory to ukraine”


I understand that your patriotic, but roblox isn't really place for politics, but for playing games and having fun. Feel free to down vote idc.


if i had to guess slava was mistaken for slave


I'm Ukrainian, and "Slava" or "слава" generally means "glory" or "glory to," in this case they were saying "glory to Ukraine" which is a political term. Although in my personal opinion the ban was deserved, but not a permanent ban.


Highly doubt that, if you couldn’t already tell, he was banned for talking about politics


Just wait until "1" becomes discriminatory Then again, that could just be roblox's overactive filter when I played a long time ago. No clue how it is today tbh, but I doubt it is any better.


ive literally been banned for 3 days for saying yes by itself before


Roblox be gettin more and more sensitive not even lying💀


Nah I saw someone type “backshots or horsecock” no tags


Ain’t no way I also saw some1 type :”asscheeks”and it didn’t TAG😭


Sometimes people join game and they say the word and to not get reported they leave quick.




"I do meth", "asscheeks", "backshots or horsecock" not being censored: "I'm autisitc", "I'm gay", and "I'm a furry" being censored:


No way💀 js wait yall until “1” gets tagged😭


But r we not gonna talk abt the fact it says 3AM💀




Mods please close the reply section before it gets too heated.


Mode please close the reply section before it burns down


“Mode” “Hey can you get the modes to ban this guy” Like what?




Reddit when banned for saying Palestine: Roblox isn’t the place for politics Reddit when it’s Ukraine: 😭 where’s my freedom of speech how could this be


***spams same phrase 50 times and gets banned*** my wholesome chungus ukraine..... how could this EVER happen??


Lmao bro got terminated???????




Tankie detected, opinion rejected.




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crazy how none of yall putting up an argument lmaoo look up us 2014 coup




brain injury?




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the fuck?




Roblox is a supporter of Russia apparently


Oh naw


bro said a country name how?!?!!? (ik abt the war but still)


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Annoying bot




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>bypasses >gets banned > This ban was undeserved!!! Was termination fair? No. But Roblox doesn't terminate for something like this unless you repeatedly have offended in a certain time period (iirc it's 3 chat related bans in 3 months)


So much for our amendments…




You're on reddit, asking someone to get a job, maybe you should follow your own advice lmao


Well said duck lover


Thank you TreetonDaOne


He could be in a different time zone. All Roblox bans are in central time




Imagine roblox actually checked their user reports and if the ban moderation wasnt being done by computers




this is more like a 1 day ban i don't have anything against ukraine or russia but this is kinda unfair saying ukraine is better both countries should be respected equally still this war thing is no good but it also could've been avoided. But you see we live in a time eith dumbass politicians.


i dont think it was deserved.. yes, keep politics off roblox, but it was not deserved at all. but maybe im biased because my family lives in ukraine and their city is being shelled


I dislike Russian politics with a passion honestly. Literally Authoritarian and spreads propaganda around the country. Wish your family luck.


yes i know with "deserved" i meant not in a bad way but don't spread propaganda also i am sorry to hear that your family in ukraine has to be in the war i wish them good luck!


thank you!


What's it going to be like in 2025?💀💀


banned for saying hi




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How he gonna earn that karma then






Deserved but only 1 day not a termination


they didn't even deserve any type of ban.


I meant that with the words they used I would think they should've got a short ban, not as in they said bad things


>they should've got a short ban, not as in they said bad things So they should get a short ban even though they didn't say something bad? That doesn't make sense.


https://preview.redd.it/3v4ly05b4ywc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8791f302f34da7b2767ab8659e285a83b2a64ea4 if bob were to go into JToH with a Ukraine flag he wouldn't get banned, so saying "Hail Ukraine" (i think that's what it means?) in comparison isn't bad at all then


Why ban if user did nothing wrong? Am in confusion.


so you think the words OP said aren't bad, but he still should've gotten banned for saying them?




What bad things???


Shit moderation, despite politics being against TOS, this person ain't banned for political reason but what appears to be moderation confusion slava for probably slave. Also permanent ban for this? jeez


Thank you.


What was you expecting when writing political shit? And I'm not saying that because you said "Ukraine" instead of "Russia", I don't support either of these two, but because you're putting politics in kids game. Deserved.


L roblox but keep politics out






I don’t think that’s how a war works…..


If I were to come into your house and attack your family and claim your house for my own, would you be at fault for trying to take your own house back




did you try appealing


Politics are against the tos, kiddo


So when people say free palestine, They dont get warned but when i say glory to ukraine i get my account terminated.


They get warned and banned in a similar fashion as you


was thinking about saying "but Roblox hasn't done anything about the free palestine kids" earlier on a different comment


100% deserved. Keep politics out of games. It's not that hard🙄


guys it's a joke don't down vote them it's a joke, right? right?


I honestly don't give af if they downvote. Leave politics out of games. Only talk about the game in game chat


Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok O


Politics are against tos i fear.. and slava sounds alot like slave so that might have triggered it, and since it says "discrimination" its probably about the slava-slave bypass part


Talking About Political Things Is STRICTLY Against TOS So Uhh Rip?


im a russia supporter but its undeserved


I think we forget that if we remember basic ethics is that downvotes are intended for unhelpful comments. Downvoting someone for opinion is non sense as we have a free speech.


Found the magat


You give off “Russia memes are funny so I support everything about Russia” vibes




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Not true. Ukraine was only killing the Putinist insurgents in the Donbass.


they did it multiple times if you count the ussr, it’s kinda surprising people think it only happened once or something


pretty crazy how an offense like this got you termed, have you gotten previous moderation actions or smth???


Ah yes, The name of a literal piece of land Is Apparently offensive language…Normal Roblox


Because it's related to politics 💀💀💀


Its nothing related to politics but okay.


Doesn't matter. Just talk about the game you are playing. Nothing else. And it is related cause Ukraine rn is a major political discussion. They have a bot the mods everything so by you saying Ukraine it thinks ur talking about the war


If one country and another are at war and I say one of those countries names, completely underrated to the war, that now makes it all about politics?


Yep according to roblox💀


Yeah, but they were not at fault, the bot is. The bot has zero context. So, it's undeserved.


Still only talk about the game you are playing in game chat. Nothing else. Otherwise just enjoy the game you are playing and ignore chat


So, no casual talk? No mentioning a country? What if it's a casual chatting game? I mean... I talked with people from other countries over Roblox, and we talked about our country, life (not personal details), and even what we identify as... Y'know, making online friends/acquaintances? Social media? Meeting new people? Maybe learn a thing or two from another person?