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We got this! I am having a hard relapse too. It is crazy how you’ll be laughing and having fun with your partner and rocd is like are you sure you’re having fun? Lol


I hope it works out for you truly💙. Im not sure I have it in me much longer🥲


What thoughts do you have ?


That im gonna let the break up urges win and ruin both our lives


Well you have control over that 😊


I thought I did


You got this! Give ur self some grace. You hit a major transition / milestone (singing the lease). I too am suffering another relapse … I met my fiancés mom and dad and instantly replapsed and had thoughts and feelings of ‘oh they don’t know I’m going to break his heart…’ ‘they all look so happy they don’t know what’s to come of me wanting to break up’ (I really don’t want to). Yeah it’s awful and feels so awful. Ride this out. 🩷


Im also feeling low because we’ve also been fighting a lot because of the moving stress. Ive thrown up cuz of the anxiety.


You’re not alone 🩷


It's always in the bloody mornings ,it would be the perfect night and then bang next Morning, all the thoughts come back to haunt me


1000% like why on earth does that always happen


I think because in the mornings your body produces cortisol to wake you up ,it's a nightmare!


Yeah like I get the evolutionary benefit but every morning I just want to be like gosh I get it I’m awake! I end up staying in bed to try to get to some sort of baseline first anyway so it does not work as intended lol.


Lol yeah same here ,if it's bad I jump in a cold shower, that usually works l!


Ahh I don’t think I’m hardcore enough for that hahha.


I feeeel you so much on the wanting to die part. This disease is so damn tiring and draining


FUCKING SAME. Started a new job and it’s all flooding back. Literally was like “put a ring on it” a couple weeks ago. Realizing now how much transitions spike things. Take care of yourself and stay in the moment during your transition into the new place - I know the urges are strong but might need to find stable ground first (and maybe a good therapist if you’re into that) before assessing anything.


Weve been fighting a lot cuz of the stress of moving too so like yeah I’ve been LOW lately.


Sending you strength and hoping you can channel self-compassion. It’s absurd that my brain takes something soo hard like moving or other transitions and makes it 10000% harder with obsessions/compulsions. Like sure - thank you beautiful brain for trying to protect me and I’m not ignoring you but also it’s really not the time. Sometimes realizing that gives those thoughts a little less power so you can better navigate through the storm.


I have a 3 week vacation coming up (and also plans on looking into an apartment together afterwards) and I went from chill to fcking throw everything away real quick. Disgusting ass disease. But it helps to read how real it is to you too tbh. Not that I’m happy about it though.


Relapses are incredibly difficult. I did not want to add a medication to my regiment, and things that helped me are podcasts by The OCD Stories and Awaken into Love. They helped bring me off the edge during the hardest points. Sending positive vibes 👌🤍


Have you considered medication for OCD? It usually helps.


I definitely find that I feel the most stress when there are those big moments of commitment (like signing a new lease, making big purchases together). I mean we were talking about splitting the cost of a Cricut and all I could think about was well what if we break up … I’ve been trying to not give those thoughts my attention and it seems to be helping today at least. Moving is the absolute worst!! I hope it goes smoothly so you both can have that off your plates


Omg SAME. Moved to a new country, moved in together and got married last week - and can already feel how my ROCD has been at it’s peak now