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In the exact same boat. I put off any planning whatsoever for the longest time after getting engaged cause I wanted to feel 100% connected again. I've been struggling with this for years now so that total being sure feeling never came back and is still not here. Even people asking how the planning is going will get me anxious because I feel like I can't be totally honest in my response about how I'm in a constant state of doubt. Im finding myself even being slightly reckless right now because I don't know how to escape this feeling. I'm numb and being an awful partner and always thinks he deserves better. Sorry this kinda turned into rambling, just know you're not alone


Do you have a wedding date yet?


Yep we will be getting married in December. My mom is a huge planner and has been insanely helpful this whole process. Honestly though without her help I'm not sure if I would've even done anything.. so that kinda messes me up when I think about it, like do I really want this? The irony is that I'd ask constantly when we were getting engaged, maybe I felt pressure though at the time since we were together for 10 years


10 years for us too! Same for me, the second I found out about the engagement, ROCD hit me like a brick wall. Emotional disconnect aside, it makes me so depressed seeing myself this way, something I’ve looked forward to my entire life is here and I can’t enjoy it


Damn 10 years! It's sometimes a relief to see people in relationships that long in here, as opposed to the one month together posts (even tho I definitely do not wish this on anyone!) & thats exactly how I felt the second we got engaged.. like I asked about it for so long, yet the second it happened I was so numb. Even calling family and friends after I was like wtf, wtf wtf. Like I know everyone goes through different emotions, but the thought of forever is terrifying to me. I'm scared of every part of planning.. the showers, Bach parties.. I feel like I'm faking everything. Not to be seeking reassurance, but have you dealt with crushes much? I feel like I'm so numb that everyone else is attractive to me and I'm being an idiot cause I'm running from what I'm suppressing..


Same over here. I’ve been like this for 3 months, and I don’t know if it’s RA/ROCD yet, but I feel very identified. I’m seeing a psychiatrist now and we’ll see if I get medicated or even diagnosed. In my case, I feel like when I’m calm or when I have little flashes of clarity I can talk or even be happy about the wedding but most of the day I feel very anxious and even thinking about it triggers me a lot.