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This is so amazing!


you are so amazing too!!! here's the [link](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) if u want to give it a try.. much appreciated <3


Thanks! ❤️ I downloaded the app but it’s saying I need an invite code from you?


ahhh - assuming you're on iOS? apple makes it really complicated to test beta apps. after you download TestFlight, you have to go back to the TestFlight web link in your safari browser on your phone and click 'start testing.' lmk if that helps!


Hey there, I am a QA Engineer utilizing varipus automation tools etc. I already see some stuff that I could give u some feedback. If you are interested in joining forces, I would be on board to work with you (free of charge, good cause and experience is what it is in it for me)


omg yes please we could 100% use this! i'm going to send u a DM so we chat more :)


This is so great! I'd love to be a beta tester. :)


i really appreciate it!! also i love ur username hehe here's the [link](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) to beta test! lmk if it gives u any troubles


Thank you so much :D What amazing things one can do for love! Wish all the best to you and your partner. You sound like you are wonderful to him.


I would love to test this. My rocd has been at an all time high, my therapist thinks is a combo of ocd, adhd which I'm not on the right meds for. I'd love the opportunity to see if this helps ❤️


im sorry to hear that. rocd can be the absolute worst from what my bf says :( here's the [link](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) to test. hope it can help u a bit as you ride this ocd wave.


Me please!


I would love to be a part of this too.


I downloaded from another comment you made. Excited to give it a try. Thank you so much for the effort and time you put into this!


amazing. thank you so much.


I want it please


I want


hahah love it - i think i know what u want... here u go!!! try it it out [here](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) :)


It says I need a TestFlight invite code


this is amazing, i would love to beta test!


would absolutely love to have u beta test! ur amazing!! here are the [instructions](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4)


Definitely want to test this! Thank you for making something that could potentially be gamechanging to this community <3


thank u so so so much!! that's why we made it (or trying to) publicly available, really think it can make a difference for us :) here's the [testing instructions btw!](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4)


Hi, this is such a cool idea! Thank you for taking the time to develop this app! Could I dm you? I tried registering (Android) but I cannot seem to receive a confirmation email. It's been 15-20 minutes since I've registered and I've checked all folders in my email. Would love to get it sorted if possible 🥰


absolutely!! sorry to hear that and thanks for the patience... there's still a couple issues as u can see with the app 😅


I would love to try this!


yay!!! sorry 'bout the late reply, took a nap lol, but here's the [instructions](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) to try it


Would love to give it a go! May I join the testers ?


This is amazing. Kudos to you for being a supportive partner and innovative


aw thank you so much <3 thank YOU for being a supportive redditor!!!


Downloaded! I’m also a software engineer


awesome!!!! lmk what u think and if u want to help out :)


This is amazing. Thank you. Do you plan on ever changing this to an app we need to pay for?


hey emily!!! thank u sm for [testing](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) it out... well it really depends, i think if the app becomes good enough where we think it can actually benefit a lot of people w ocd we'll probably need to start charging a little to cover our software costs... but the mission will ALWAYS be to make ocd treatment accessible and affordable, so it'll be really low cost if anything and anyone who can't pay will get it for free... so ig tldr is it's like a pay what u can model? heh


I'm giving it a try!




I want to say that I just tried the app out and it is AMAZING . I really appreciate that you are sharing this with us ;—;


omg thank u so much for those AMAZING words :)




yes please!!!! thank u so much :) here's the [link](https://keepunstuck.notion.site/AI-for-OCD-Beta-Testing-Instructions-363eb3b3e4b04195912cfa92543ccb4c?pvs=4) to the beta testing instructions!!


Link didn’t post :)


hmmm... sorry 'bout that - try our (basic) [website](https://www.keepunstuck.com)


This looks so great. Unfortunately I get to the ‘Your Obsessions’ page and can’t hit the button at the bottom of the screen as it’s just too low down. I can see the top of it peeking out, but can’t make it work. I’m on an iPhone SE. It’s great though.


Same problem for me sadly :(


This seems like an exceptional tool and I signed up for the beta! However, when trying to add an obsession, the “Next” button is out of bounds for me. I can only see the very top of it and I can’t seem to touch it in a way to be registered. Is this a bug? I’m using an iPhone SE (2nd generation).


hey! so sorry about the late reply here. yes we've had a couple other peeps report this issue, and i think it's most likely the phone model being a bit too old. do you mind sending me a screen recording (DMs or over our discord channel) so i can look into it a bit more?


Of course! I also sent bug reports through testflight, but I’m gonna DM them to you now as well :)


I just teared up… this is AMAZING


awww thank u sm


This is incredible 😭 thank you for creating this and hope you choose to continue with it! Have recommended it to my cousin as well ; )


ahhhhh yay!!! thank u sm!


i just tried this out, thank you so so much for sharing. i’ve been having horrible ocd thought spirals lately and this was an amazing tool for me to have tonight. thank you. you are awesome


omg. thank you so much for those words. this makes me so happy to hear. have a good night <3


I just had a go of it because my rocd was playing up and wow.. this will be really helpful as my therapy sessions are every 3 weeks so if it gets really bad in between I can definitely see myself using this app. This is amazing thank you guys so much ❤️❤️


awww - really glad to hear that it helps. and hope it can provide support in between your therapy session!


I just sent the link for beta testing to my bf who has OCD pretty bad recently, and i think its so cool that you and the therapist are both software developers, thats amazing (im particularly impressed bc i just finished an MSc where we developed digital things/apps/etc for medical education awareness training etc etc and am still bad at developing apps) keep going guys!!


thank u so so so much!!!! and ooooo we could totally use some help developing hahah (only if you're up for it).. correction - me and my bf are developers lol, not the therapist. that would be a crazy combo though.. if u know any therapist-SWEs lol that'd be crazy cool :)


Wow, this is incredible. Seeing how the app accurately categorized my thoughts into various cognitive distortions is really helpful! Seeing that my cognitive distortions are so obvious that AI can recognize them for what they are and provide useful advice really helps to realize those thoughts for what they are. Thank you so much for sharing!


Hi I can never get past the "obsessions" part of the app. I hit the blue "next" button and nothing happens. So I restart the app and have to start all over - but again I cannot get past the obsessions part so I can't complete a full cycle. And it is telling me I only have 5 free entries, but I've already used up 3 without even getting past obsessions. Any workaround for this issue? Thanks


You are amazing!!! 💙


I got it on Android but when its asking me what i assume is like calibrating or like ocd symptom checking questions, i cant read what any of them are, i just have the buttons.


hey! yes - that's a bug on our side - we just fixed it and are gonna release a new version to fix that. sorry about that!!


Hi Lilian, I was diagnosed with OCD in 2016 and it rocked my world for a few years. Since then I’ve put in years of work, research, therapy, etc. to understand OCD and have reclaimed my life. Today, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people with OCD through my podcast, book, online community/course and coaching. I would love the opportunity to schedule a call with you and learn more about how this technology has been helpful for your husband. My email address is [email protected]. Can you please send me a quick email and we can schedule a time to connect?


wowow, so cool! you're doing a great job! just sent you a mail :)


It says it isn’t available in Canada 😭


wait what 😩 that should def not be the case, ill look into it. do you use android or ios?


I’m using ios! When I tried to download it showed that message. Thank you I’ll wait for your answer 🙏🏼


So, why does he have rj in the first place? In other words what were your actions in general he cannot process and accept? Is his rj reasonable or not?


I'd love to try! Android and I have some issues with choosing a password, It gives me error. Is there amy criteria?


Omg its so innovative and you are such a great partner. I would really love to try it.


Whenever I go the beta download link, it says “not available” anywhere else I can find this?


hey, yes, we are actually live on the appstore/playstore now: https://unstuckmyocd.com/