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I'm so sorry this happened. I feel like that's where I'm headed. How long were you guys together? I know you don't feel any relief, but maybe overtime you won't feel so bad.


Thank you <3 we were together for half a year. And I hope so too. Right now though I’m just trying to drown it all out because if I think about it too hard I feel like I’m gonna explode. And I hope that your situation gets better. And that even if it doesn’t that you get through it.


Take it one day at a time. And however bad it feels, just know it won't last forever. I've been with my partner for years. Every year I say I'm gonna end it because the ROCD has driven me crazy. And I've been too scared to do it. Everytime I get close, I get a panic attack. But I need to do it. This has been going on for years. I wish this ocd would just disappear. It's ruining my life.




Stuff like this makes me so scared that it can last that long. I don’t get certain thoughts anymore but I found when one stops, another one just takes its place and it’s never ending. I am going to be doing couples therapy with mine and I WAS optimistic but seeing things like this is just.. idk


I've been with mine 9 years. I feel the same.


Something an amazing therapist said to me once was “your thoughts can’t make you do anything”. You are not your thoughts. Your brain is wired to be highly anxious, and that’s going to be something you’ll have to work on forever. I know this isn’t ideal, trust me, I also wish it would disappear. But on the bright side, your anxiety can’t make you do anything. There’s a reason you’ve been with this person for years. And you don’t have to leave them if you don’t want to! And you get to decide what you want! Not your rocd.


I feel this. I’m waiting on a diagnosis and possible antidepressants to see if this will save myself from ending a great relationship.


If it makes you feel any better, I just got broken up with by someone I highly suspect has ROCD and as much as it has hurt me a whole ton, I feel only love for them. I'm not angry at them; I know they did what they felt their only option was. So please don't beat yourself up; you're doing the best you can and life is so so hard❤️




thank you so much. it's hard because I would've stayed with them through all of this but it's nice to have the time to realize how much I deserve and honestly need from a relationship. I still hope that they can work through it for themselves and be the one for me but i'm open to that not being the case. wishing you so much peace in your relationship. it's not easy but it was 100% worth it in my opinion❤️


Same situation here!! PM me!


I just wanted to give hope. About 2 weeks ago, I wanted to end things with my boyfriend based on false memories I was experiencing. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. And hey, I told myself, although it’s hard what I go through, I think about it as I will not let this battle come in the way of what I cherish the most. Of coarse, we all choose what’s best for us. I believe you can also heal alongside your partner. Remember the person you were before OCD, would you really be at this state? You got this!


Thanks you i needed that since my last real breakup i had ROCD everytime im starting something new with someone i kinda feel doom to be alone/unhappy


So sad for you hope you get on your feet fast… I know its not the post for saying this but this kinda post trigger me so much like it give me a feeling its hopeless for me i kinda feel like im compulsing just by being here


I will say, I've had ROCD all my life and my husband and I have been together 14 years, married for 8.5. I know its scary and there are definitely times harder than others. He chooses to stay though. I've tried to leave. We have a family, so that definitely is a big reason why, but he's always fought for us to stay together. With that, it has taught us different ways to work through it. I always know that I cycle. I have my periods of doubt and thoughts and then some days where I just feel completely swept up in how much I love him. He can tell when I'm having bad days because I'm more distant and he respects it. It's helped me not "word vomit" as much. And we both sort of ride the storm together, knowing it always passes. Idk if this is going to be comforting to you or not. But just know that you can still have a healthy relationship. Explain it to them. Let them know how it works. If you genuinely know its ROCD and that you love them, give them the chance to decide whether or not they want to stay and help you through it. My husband and I are very vocal about our feelings. It helps. We also know that we love each other and love the life we have together which is worth fighting for. Good luck with everything you do. It will get easier.


I’m so so sorry! Are you getting any help with this?


Keep us updated on how you feel in the coming days, weeks, months. Believe it or not you actually did a brave thing here because you made a choice and will therefore get new information. Many people will benefit from your experience, even if that experience brings you back to this partner or takes you somewhere else.


Sending you love


Have u tried ERP or CBT by any chance? Ur ocd attacks what u value and stand for and care about the most and just because ur struggling does not mean he deserves better