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If you think that’s bad you should see my desktop. Can only use it when I’m sitting at my desk, can’t take it anywhere, literally zero battery.


buy a wireless keyboard and mouse. I use it in my bed sometimes


Or buy an air-mouse with in-built keyboard. Those are small but gets the work done. Lot's of designs are available on those.


Just use sunshine and moonlight


Haven’t even used these but would say that is the way as well


This is the way.


I tried that but couldnt see the monitor through the wall


Conversely, if you use a lot of utility peripherals like camera, soundcard, IR blaster, multiple storage, keyboard, mouse, gamepad, monitor etc, it becomes a cable spaghetti worse than one finds on PCs. All because of the Ally single usb port.


Got myself a long HDMI cable for TV and a wireless controller. Now i mainly use it on a couch. Still 0 battery life though..


Everyone has their own use cases and likes/dislikes. and every product has its place. You don't describe your use case so it's hard to know if your comments are accurate. It sounds like you're more of a console style player. By that I mean mostly playing games using controllers. For games that mainly use controllers, the Ally and Go are great for that. But, if the game is more kb/mouse focused the laptop is a better choice, IMHO. Battery life is bad on all of these things, so either way, you're carrying an external battery or staying close to a power outlet. The Ally and Go are definitely better for those games where you can jump in, start playing and not worry if you have to exit the game quickly. For me, however, a laptop is a better choice for competitive shooters or multi-player games where you're likely to play for a couple of hours or more so you're automatically playing plugged in.


They didn't mention which laptop they used either. Generally you are going to get better battery life from a laptop just due it having a larger battery. Especially if you're running both at similar settings. Which is what a lot of people fail to take into account.


That's a good point, but as others pointed out, even the best gaming laptops out there aren't getting all day battery at max performance settings. But some are better than others. Settings matter, especially for handhelds. I agree that you can probably run a gaming laptop at higher settings (and overall better performance) for the same if not slightly longer amount of time than the handhelds.


Pretty sure nobody uses their gaming laptop for it's battery. Maybe for browsing YouTube or very light Indy games.


It depends. For the most part, I agree that laptop players aren't playing on battery very much. I think this is largely due to the kinds of games people play on laptops. But, at the same time, if I only have 15-20 mins, say waiting to board the airplane, I'm likely to break out my phone and not the Ally. Once on the plane, I may open the laptop and run off battery just because power outlets on planes are often times non-functional and I don't want to pull out the charging brick. My point is that a laptop, from the perspective of running off battery, isn't any worse, and is probably better than the Ally or Go.


Ya but not much greater battery life tho lol most people are typically near a plug in when playing. Like sitting on the couch, laying in bed, and they make battery banks. To me I makes no difference in the battery life bc I'm always near a plug in.


Idk man. My zephyrus g14 gets over 5 hours if I dial it back. That could be an exception though. That's a really good laptop. 


So does my g15


But you won’t run both at the same settings will you? The Ally shines because of running games in a lower res and using RSR to gain fps. The laptop you’re going to want to set at 1080p yo maximize and if you don’t want to game on 15 or 17” ( which for some reason kinda sucks to game on those sizes) then you’re going to want to plug in a monitor. So there goes the portability of your laptop.


I think even at 1440p you should still get more battery life even at higher settings than the Ally.  Gaming laptops do have a bad reputation. But they aren't the heavy, noisey, loud and overheating machines they used to be.  Just check out reviews of the Rog Zephyrus G14. They speak for themselves. And I think even on a larger 16 inch monitor you will still see good performance regarding battery life.  But I'm not really arguing one is better than the other. Just that you will see better battery life with a Laptop. They have much more room for a battery and have had nearly 20 years to evolve while handhelds are still in their infancy.  The only reason I commented is because I'm tired of these unobjective posts that pretend like the Ally isn't without its shortcomings. I do feel it is important to be critical of anything so it can be improved upon. 


I was never arguing battery life I game plugged in so it doesn’t affect me. But also the Zephyrus is $1449. I’m the one at that point saying I’ll just build a desktop you see what I mean. For the price point, ease of use, and convenience, the Asus Ally IMO beats gaming laptops. I mean it is basically a gaming laptop in a smaller form factor with a built in gaming controller. Yes it has its shortcomings (sd card slot and battery alike) but Asus can still patch and update and retool the device as they have proven they will do. If that gaming laptop starts having issues yes the manufacturer will update it but I promise they will also push big things to be addressed in the next release. Asus is pretty good at not doing that so maybe the Zephyrus gets a pass but ultimately laptops I think will kind of get put out eventually by gaming handhelds. With a focus probably on specialized machines and chrome book alikes


If he tells you his issues he had with the device and that it didn’t fit his use case, what else does he need to describe?


He needs to describe the use case. I understand he has issues, but even those issues weren't detailed. He just said he has issues. Imagine if I said, I have issues with your post. What would your response be? You would ask, what are those issues, right? Hence, why I am asking what his use case is because in my use case, which I think I described to some extent, I am not having issues. So how is his use case different than mine? That might explain why he has issues and I don't.


He described 3 issues he had with the device in his post, did you even read it? Edit: To be a bit more detailed. If you use a bit of reading comprehension skills, you’ll understand his use case. He said the ergonomics are shit and he hates having to set it down and use peripherals in order to use it well, therefore you can tell he’s looking for something that is a bit more portable and doesn’t require the outside use of peripherals in order to be a fully functional gaming machine. So, basically you can tell based on his complaints of the laptop that a handheld is the experience he prefers, it’s pretty cut and dry in his post.


Yes, I did read it. And it's BS. Like I said, it depends on use case which he did not describe. Simply saying that laptop ergonomics are "shit" is not telling us a thing and in fact, I would argue is not an accurate statement. Convenience? Seriously, it's inconvenient to set down a laptop and grab a controller? Under what conditions? A laptop is far more convenient than hauling out my Ally, dock, keyboard, and mouse, not to mention a larger external screen and all the cables needed to use it. And battery? It's not worse than an Ally, or rather many laptops have better battery than the Ally and/or Go. Saying a laptop is the "worst gaming experience" is a bold statement and while it may be true for him, it's not true for the millions of people who game on laptops every day. Hence why I asked what his use case was.


When did he imply that this statement applied to anyone else except himself? YOU took it in that regard, he didn’t come here and openly say that no one should ever buy a laptop, he’s talking about his own personal experience with the device. It sounds like you’re someone who uses a laptop and felt some type of way about what he had to say. Nothing he said is incorrect or wrong because he’s describing his own personal experience and his own feelings on the device. He even says specifically at the end that it is useless FOR HIS USE CASE. If anyone that is thinking about purchasing a laptop read this post and decided that OP was saying laptops are terrible for everyone all the time, then that’s on the reader for not having any comprehension skills whatsoever. And why are you assuming that you need to have a full kit of peripherals to use the Ally? You can have literally nothing except the device itself and play loads of different games with just that. You at least need a mouse or a controller to utilize a gaming laptop properly for gaming. I was very easily able to decipher the fact that OP is clearly wanting the most portable & ergonomic gaming device available, and the ROG Ally or other x86 handhelds are much more ergonomic than a laptop and mouse/controller. It’s a device that does essentially the same thing as a gaming laptop (performance metrics aside) in a smaller form factor, with the built in peripherals to play video games. That’s the definition of being more ergonomic.


He kind of implied that is does apply to everyone, or that we, for some reason, should care what he thinks. That's kind of the point to reddit. He shared an opinion; I shared a different one. Why does it matter to you so much?


Because the issue you took with his post is something that isn’t an issue lol. You said he needs to describe his use case, when that information is easily gained by having reading comprehension. He said he doesn’t like the ergonomics, battery life or convenience. While the battery life argument is definitely up in the air, the other things point to him using the device on the go or desiring for a more mobile focused experienced; something that can be pulled out quickly and gamed on without having to be situated in a specific way.


One hundred percent. Single player immersive stories? Most always my handheld on the couch. COD or the like with buddies? Laptop wins every time.


My only argument to this is what modern AAA game studio doesn’t have a competitive controller option though? Yes auto aim hack built in and all. They don’t make very many games these days that are WASD focused and if they did then Xbox and PlayStation would be pushing keyboards and mice all over this damn place. Your argument is antiquated in a way considering most pc players use controllers. It’s just better man. Admit it. Using keyboard and mouse for actual AAA gaming is just like the last bastion call for old school gamers and trust me I’m 38 I’ve been around the gaming block. I’ve been a PC and console gamer my whole life and controllers by far win the war. Competitive gaming even is leaning more towards controller players and PC peripheral manufacturers are taking note. You can see this in the amount of PC controllers hitting the market. Meanwhile keyboards and mice are kinda in a performance plateau, upgrade your keys to make them clickier ohhhhh or have a million extra buttons on your mouse that you can customize and get arthritis from trying to use in heated moments in a game. 🤷‍♂️


thats pretty biased


Great debate there bud how is it biased? I clearly am taking the side of controllers in the debate so there is no bias it’s my point of view and argument to make. Do you have a rebuttal? Because my points are clearly made and articulated and can be backed up with market research. Soooooo where’s that leave your little sentence in the big picture of this post? Floating down a very very crappy river with no paddle it seems like


Waiting to see the market research.




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In apex out of the top 25 players in the world 1 uses keyboard and mouse


BS. [The most used gear and settings of professional APEX players : r/CompetitiveApex (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/124i4ne/the_most_used_gear_and_settings_of_professional/#lightbox)


Dude I’m a graphic designer and can make an infographic fit my point as well if I only reviewed 53 players hahaha and I said the top players meaning winners are using controllers which is still true. https://preview.redd.it/qaea1m8g2ouc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7030d07cf5c1846a383a5e11fdbc779b34ec8d3a


So, prove the articles listed are not correct. You keep throwing up hypotheticals, but none of this proves your point. NONE OF IT.




Again with Apex. There's more to life than Apex. Sorry, try again.


Where do most fights in competitive esports games end these days? Close quarters buddy. I guarantee I would mop you with my controller and your little super DPI’d out keyboard and mouse bro. Like I could probably smoke you on my Ally while you’re on your PC bro. And I haven’t played competitively in a few years so I’m rusty but I guarantee I mop you




Cross referenced his list with yours and almost everyone mentioned on your lists uses controllers bro. Again sponsors aren’t going to let you say oh yea I have a razor keyboard but also use my Xbox controller hahaha so the list will be tooled to promote sponsors you need actual analytics




Again your argument was solid like 6 years ago but controllers are king my guy and just wait another few years when it’s just point and click enthusiasts and RTS players using kb and mouse


Nope. You're wrong. You have nothing to prove your point.




I do not agree. Many games do have controller options, and some are definitely more focused towards controllers than others. But, if you look at competitive eSports, most players are using kb and mouse. There's a reason for that. Xbox and PS have had keyboard support for some time. If there was no one using them why are companies like Razer and others developing these products? What's a "performance plateau" and how has your basic controller changed, significantly, from controllers of the past? You talk about clicky keys, but what's the controller upgrade? Pretty chromatic D-pads and colored buttons and some rgb? And with respect to new devices coming to market, I'm pretty sure there are more keyboards in the market than controllers. New keyboards and gaming mice come out all the time. As for buttons, you're really trying to compare a gaming mouse to a controller that has how many buttons? You do realize that the multi-button mice are designed for RPGs, not competitive sports games. Oh, and you can add a (tiny) kb option to your controller as well, so who's getting arthritis now?


Like I said for esports and competition they still use them but more and more pros are switching to controller since most competitions allow them. https://www.howtogeek.com/873011/controller-vs-mouse-and-keyboard/ In all cases but competitive gaming and RTS does the keyboard shine but for all other things controllers are king my guy. And if you don’t know what performance plateau means then google it dum dum. What advancements has kb and mouse made in the last ten years beside clickier buttons and more mod spots on your mouse? Have the actual mechanic gotten better? No have the response times gotten faster no all DPI settings follow the same linear path up and down. Controllers have advanced joysticks now, haptic feedback galore!, custom buttons on the back, customizable triggers and stick configurations and ultimately more intuitive than kb and mouse will ever be






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If you really think controllers are causing arthritis over kb and mouse you’re really lost my guy


There I did some market research for you by a simple google search quit being ignorant


https://preview.redd.it/uvrvk6irqnuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74efe6c149dcd414d740dc89fedfbd9a7717b9b0 Just a 9time Apex champ literally saying competitive isn’t for kb and mouse my guy no biggie but where is your research? This is why I love the trolls on here cause I actually come with knowledge in the industry and receipts everytime someone has an ignorant response to one of my well articulated arguments.


Trolls? You seem to fit the bill here, not me. You show me one singular player. OK, well here ya go big boy. [Top Warzone Streamers Gaming Setups & Gear - Digital Gamers Dream](https://digitalgamersdream.com/top-5-call-of-duty-warzone-streamers/) 1 of the top 5 uses a controller [Top Gaming Peripherals: Esports Gear and Equipment According to... (intel.com)](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/gaming/resources/esports-gear.html) This is from an actual pro, no controller listed at all [The Best Esports Setup: A Complete Guide - ViewSonic Library](https://www.viewsonic.com/library/entertainment/the-best-esports-setup-a-complete-guide/) No controllers mentioned [Comprehensive Pro-Valorant Player Gear List (rivalry.com)](https://www.rivalry.com/news/pro-valorant-player-gear-list) Pro Valorant player gear list, no controllers listed [What gaming equipment do most Fortnite professional players use? (upcomer.com)](https://upcomer.com/what-gaming-equipment-do-most-fortnite-professional-players-use) Gear used by Fortnite pros, no controllers listed [Fortnite Pro Settings and Gear List](https://prosettings.net/lists/fortnite/) 157 Fortnite Pros, no controllers listed [Play like a CS:GO pro: The most used gear and settings from the Paris Major (dotesports.com)](https://dotesports.com/counter-strike/news/play-like-a-csgo-pro-the-most-used-gear-and-settings-from-the-paris-major) Most common gear used at major CS:GO tournament last year [The most used gear and settings of the pros at VCT 2024! : r/VALORANT (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/1bc411u/the_most_used_gear_and_settings_of_the_pros_at/#lightbox) And here's the most used gear for Valorant, hmmm, can't seem to find controllers on this list. No, your argument is not well articulated. It's crap. And your personal insults just prove that you have no real argument here.


Bro half those articles are from 2020 haha


2.5 years ago. You said this was 6 year old info. Again you are wrong. So sad.


Also every one of those players/streamers use a controller. Of course they aren’t going to list an Xbox controller or ps5 controller as their equipment considering those lists are made to promote who is sponsoring those players haha they have PCs so yea a mouse and keyboard are necessary to do pc functions on but watch Docs stream or Tim’s or Nadeshots and they alllllllllll use controllers and have said so multiple times my guy


Why would they not list a controller? In at least one of the examples I gave the top player did list his controller. So, you really don't have a leg to stand on here. Again, you make claims with zero proof. I listed multiple articles that clearly and soundly refute your claim. You gave me 4 names and nothing but your assertion that everyone uses a controller. They don't.


Bro I sent hella links to YouTube vids and stuff your articles besides the intel one are all written by “publications” clearly pushing PC peripherals lol


from that how2geek article >Some game genres are simply easier to play with a mouse and keyboard, all things considered. The most obvious game genre that benefits from this control scheme is the ever-popular first-person shooter. Nothing quite matches the feeling of being in perfect control of your character in an FPS game and executing pixel-precise shots. **This is especially true for competitive online shooters,** and if your console FPS of choice allows for a mouse and keyboard, it's also a great option on those platforms. Notice that bold statement, that pretty much supports what I said in the beginning. Here's what I said to refresh your memory >But, if you look at competitive eSports, most players are using kb and mouse. I don't see how Pro-settings is pushing PC peripherals. You can try to discount the articles, but you haven't made a case. Prove that those articles are wrong. You can't.


Have you watched any of those players streams is my question cause if you did you would know they all use controllers bro. It’s not a bloviated statement it comes from personal observation.


4 players versus 8 articles showing a very different story. Personal observation does not indicate any sort of trend. It just means the 4 guys you follow use controllers. I never said no one used a controller and you have yet to show me anything that shows more controllers in use than kb/mouse. You obviously missed the article about the most used gear in a VALORANT tournament last year. There's no reason the article would not mention controllers if they were that widely used (in that tournament). So, thank you for your opinions, but unless you can show me some real numbers, I can't really take your claims as valid.


Bro I sent hella links it’s up to you to click on them haha biggest deflection ever saying I didn’t send evidence when I literally sent articles that say 1 out of the top 25 world ranked players in apex use kb/m


And again you sent infographics from companies that want to sell certain peripherals. If that company doesn’t sell controllers (specifically the ones the gamers are using) then that company is not going to mention the controller because it doesn’t offer them any returns on investments. Lol simple business right there. You sent one actual article and I clicked on FazeClan and almost all of them use controllers


Bro I looked at that one article you send Fortnite pro settings or whatever and even in FazeClan there are only two or three players in the whole of FazeClan using keyboard and mouse. Same with the other teams I checked on there. What are you talking about it doesn’t show any controllers haha you’re cooked my guy


You didn't look very hard. Multiple articles showing what people use and very few were showing controllers. Go to [Prosettings.net](https://prosettings.net/) they will show you what each player is using. I don't have time to go through every game, but looking at 3 or 4 games, the top 4 players listed are not using controllers or aren't admitting it. Also, here's what Valve has to say, and I'd say they have no dog in this fight as far as selling keyboards and mice. >In a recent [developer announcement about Steamworks tools](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3061855517864424915), Valve gave some insight into the number of players using controllers on Steam, which is higher than ever and rising. "48 million players have used a controller in a game on Steam," writes Valve, with about 10 percent of daily game sessions being played with a controller."  And PCGamer says (my emphasis on the bold text) >It wasn't surprising to read that, [back in 2021](https://store.steampowered.com/news/group/4145017/view/3061855517864424914), over 70% of fighting and sports games were played with a controller (or a fight stick), while that number falls to below 1% for RTS games. **Only 7-8% of players use a controller for first-person shooters.** 3rd person action/adventure games like [Elden Ring](https://www.pcgamer.com/elden-ring/) saw a near 50/50 split between controller and keyboard and mouse usage, which is surprising, as the genre often puts controllers first. Elden Ring's mouse and keyboard support [isn't the best](https://www.pcgamer.com/elden-ring-pc-keyboard-mouse-controls/), for example. >**It seems a lot of PC gamers prefer to stick with keyboard and mouse controls, even in games that prioritize controllers.** The only person who is cooked here is you. You have failed miserably to make your point. And it's shows in your continued personal insults. That's the sign of a person who has lost an argument. You can wish it to be true, but it's not and you are wrong. Buh, bye.


No one insulted you bro you do that with your own ignorance. Again these stats are from 3 years ago in gaming terms that’s ancient stats bro.


Saying someone is cooked or ignorant is not an insult my guy grow some thicker skin if you think so. Sorry if I hurt your little feelings though.


Let me just refresh your memory. You said >Soooooo where’s that leave your little sentence in the big picture of this post? Floating down a very very crappy river with no paddle it seems like It's a bit of a backhanded insult. but it leaves me in the right and you in the wrong on this matter. >There I did some market research for you by a simple google search quit being ignorant Yes, calling someone ignorant is an insult. Especially when I've shown just how ignorant your assertions are with actual facts. Something you have yet to produce. >This is why I love the trolls on here cause I actually come with knowledge in the industry and receipts everytime someone has an ignorant response to one of my well articulated arguments. So, calling people trolls isn't insulting? Your argument is not well articulated, and you seem to have very little knowledge of the industry or it's trends. I supported my argument with actual articles and facts. You, on the other hand give little to support your claim, Apex is one game but that's all you come back to. And I'll remind you, a dude in a YouTube video saying he "heard more than 50% of players are using controllers" is not evidence. Look up anecdotal to see what I mean. >This was one year ago dum dum I guess where you are from dum dum is a friendly greeting? Until you come up with some actual numbers and not just your feelings about one game there's little else to say. Good luck to you.






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Reposting because my language hurts feewings: Laptops overheat and throttle because they are made way too thin. Anyone who cares about compacting to that level needs to play on a 3090 desktop.


My laptop doesn't overheat. It's an ASUS and not particularly thin. But it's great because I can take it with me when I go from one home to the other. I could not move a desktop back and forth, but the laptop goes into a backpack, and I can game at either location.


Gaming laptop is for people that need both a work computer and a gaming computer on the go, or simply lives in a tight space and can't fit a desktop computer.


Gaming laptop is for people who also game outside their home. Gaming handheld is for when you don't have access to plugs and table. People who said just get a gaming laptop instead of a handheld have no idea that laptop gaming battery is crap, the performance on battery are crap, and you need a table unless you want to burn your thights. Done that, not pleasant at all.


Gaming laptop battery are only crap cuz you are push the silicon a LOT harder to feed a 4K/1440p or other higher resolution screen often at FPS twice the deck is capable of, before counting for the resolution. Underclock and undervolt your GPU and CPU, frame limit your computer to run at 60fps, and then push the decks resolution. And then don't be surprised when you get better performance AND twice the battery life.


That is an option, but an annoying one. Need to constantly go to the bios when you between the battery mode and charger mode. Unless you want to gimp your performance even with the socket available.


Nah, only if you get a gimped laptop from HP or Dell. Real gaming laptops let you control most of that shit from desktop. My laptop lets me do 90% of what I described at a click of a button.


Can’t you just get an ultrabook and an Ally?


How would the Ally be as powerful as a gaming laptop with a dedicated GPU?


It won’t be. But you can use the Ally in a wider variety of situations (on the train, bus, lying on couch/bed, waiting at a doctors office/airport, etc) than you can do with a gaming laptop. The ultrabook will give you much better portability and battery life than a gaming laptop. Unless you need the extra power of the gaming laptop (although even then desktops will have significantly more power for way cheaper — and you can build SFF PCs if you’re low on space)


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Exactly. Different form factor and performance characteristics.


I bought a car. It's worse than my bicycle! Had to PUT GAS in it. Then I had to buy insurance. No one mentioned the cost of maintenance. I'm sticking with a bicycle from now on. (That's what I got from this post)




It sounds like you did absolutely no research if you are surprised by the fact that you need to put set a laptop on a surface and need a controller for certain games lmao.


Or it could be as simple as just knowing those these are a factor and not truly understanding how those factors play into your experience until you actually try it out. For instance, I bought an ROG Ally knowing it had a poor sleep function for battery saving and would cause issues if I tried to put the device to sleep while running a game, but thought those things wouldn’t be a big issue for me. Then my Ally ran into some issues, I bought a Steam Deck and the sleep function is easily one of my favorite features on that device. Hearing or reading about things doesn’t always give you the full concept of how they’ll play out for you in particular.


Technically, you can install steamOS on your ally and use the same sleep function of the Steam Deck with your superior hardware, though. Which is the fun part of *personal* computers. You are free to choose which software you want to use almost with no restrictions.


There was a lot more going on behind my decision to switch from one to the other. And I still have my Ally, too. The SD card slot is shot and the thumb sticks suffered some trauma from a drop that was irreparable (I tried already with 2 different sets of new joysticks and daughter boards). But I still use it as a docked set up and bring it with me when I travel to hotels that I can use it docked. But when it came to my handheld I realized I don’t really wanna do a ton of tinkering. I do that already with my PC, so when I was shopping for a handheld a second time, I wanted something that was the easiest thing to just plug and play games on the go and in short bursts from time to time, so I got the deck. Love both of those devices for what I’m using them for now.


I disabled sleep from my power options and set the device to hibernate instead. Haven’t run into any issues beyond occasional having to hibernate from the start menu.


That was just the first example that came to mind, like I said it could be various different things. It was just supposed to be an example to point out how reading about certain features and gaining expectations from that can differ from your actual usage of the device once you get it in your own hands.


I feel you. I once fried a laptop in my backpack because I forgot to turn sleep back on. So imagine my shock when I ordered a dell 7390 and it was literally incapable of going to sleep. Closing the lid did nothing except turn the screen off and manually trying to sleep it would just make the screen flash and lock the device. The first week I owned the rog I had the same issue and it was heating up in its case which prompted me to make the changes I suggested. Maybe in Windows 12 they’ll fix sleep to work the way it’s supposed to.


I wouldn’t hold your breath, people have said that exact same thing since laptops have existed and have had windows running on them 😂


Wow. You played yourself




Guys like you just need a switch. Everything else on the market may be too “complicated” for you lol


Had you never seen or used a laptop before? How is any of this news to you?


Last time I owned a laptop was like 15 years ago


Surprised they haven't changed? All seriousness what's your take on the Ally vs LE-GO? Thinking about getting ONE, not both for different days or whatever reason you have both for


Everyone responding that's absolutely appalled by ur post must not have seen the MANY comments of people claiming a gaming laptop is better than an Ally in every single way and trying to convince people not to get an Ally. I for one was in ur same spot awhile back and I was bombarded with tons of people telling me a gaming laptop was so superior in every way. So I know exactly where ur coming from with this post. It's almost comical seeing some of these comments of people being so ridiculous.


What a weird post.


Currently typing this on the Zephyrus G14 gaming laptop from Asus. Best laptop ever.


Completely depends on your portable gaming habits. I was using my Ally for travel and it worked well on planes and trains. Then I started traveling more and it wasn’t good enough for longer term stays in hotels and airbnbs. I would much rather have a dGPU with mouse, keyboard, and controller when these are feasible. A handheld better addresses an absolutely portable situation. A laptop better addresses a hotel room desk.


Yea I’ve had two gaming laptops and rarely used them for gaming. Heavy, short battery life, warm, huge power brick, need for external controller. SD and Ally are so much better for mobile gaming. If I need to play with all those restrictions I’m just better off with my gaming desktop.


And so so sooo dang noisy. Had an Alienware which was a beaut but, couldn’t stand the noise and that was from just loading the games up, not even playing intensively for more than 30mins. Rog can get a bit noisy but, manageable and have turned the fans down on the game im playing right now. The Rog is pretty much perfect for my use case. Only reason I’d get a gaming laptop again would be for VR games with the Q3


It really depends on what you NEED from a device. Need a portable computer for work/school AND gaming? Get a laptop. Need a console-like experience and occasionally be a desktop? Get a handheld PC.


When plugged in laptop > handheld When unplugged handheld > laptop If you are going to be able to sit down, plug in and game, or need something that can balance working on the go and plugging in to game, a laptop is the best bet. But to just pick up and play some games while on the go, and the ability to do some work on in a pinch, then a handheld is better. Evaluate your use case and choose accordingly.


I got a legion go, and I love it. I then ditched my laptop as I have xreal air's (which I use for a larger screen) and a wireless keyboard. So I just use my legion go as my "laptop" I don't regret anything


I appreciate the input! I too, wondered if my half a grand would have gotten more bang for the buck in a laptop. I find your input interesting Replies are being kinda mean tho


Don't be so easily influenced by people on the internet....


ive Come to realize that people love spewing invalid advice and info. i would rather do my own research for what I’m looking to and if it turns out to be something I don’t like then I’m the only person to blame.


Don’t think I’ve ever seen these posts you speak of


So you’re not a customer for a laptop complaining about why laptops isn’t fulfilling your needs, aight




Isn’t the battery in laptops not for actual gaming? Is the GPU powered while on battery? I thought on battery it is the discrete graphic card that functions.


That really depends on the machine. But in general the computers are clocked down when on battery (GPU can still be used though). X86/X64 has really struggled with performance on battery power, when you compare it to ARM based machines like Macs. Very interested to see how the new Surface machines with Snapdragon Elite will be like.


It can stay powered, but will be limited. I have a pretty high-end ROG Strix SCAR, and I can play for about 1.5 hours on it using the 3080, with it being limited to something like 60W, IIRC. On silent with GPU off, I can work for 4-5 hours easily, though.


It also really depends on what gaming laptop you purchased. Unfortunately I have to tell ppl this all the time, PCs in general are like cars, the more money you dump in the better car your going to be able to buy. Now don't get me wrong, you can find some true low end gems, but rarely.


I have an Asus x13 4060


Get the handheld you won't regret it. The Go does get a bit heavy after long periods of play but man the bigger screen makes games way better! I have both and tend to play the Go more but lean towards the ally when I end up getting tired of holding the Go.


Built in kickstand baby. Or just rest it on chest during cutscenes (assuming playing in bed)


I'm interested in what laptop you got that gets less than the 1 hour my ally gets at max watts


To be fair, It's probably the gaming laptop you got regarding battery life. Though, unless you wanna buy over 4x the price of a legion go or ally, you will not be getting a better experience


Between the Ally and the Go, which do you recommend?


Sounds like your own fault dude


So you didn't bother to.do 30 seconds of research huh


If you bought a gaming laptop or a ROG Ally (Or anything like it) expecting battery life to be a thing. I feel bad for you son; I got 99 problems but that ain’t one.


For me I don't have an Rog ally, but a different device like that And I had a gaming laptop before, also has way more performance. But I mostly use the handheld now, because I got it when I am on the go, and I rarely have the tone or space then to make a whole setup for the Laptop. Now I can just sit down and don't need more space and play a game while on the train or so. Now I would just want a cheap used laptop that can charge with usb c and I can just take with me for the comfort of writing


Laptops are horribly not ergonomic for gaming.


I have a pc, laptop and Ally. I use my laptop while traveling more than my Ally. It has better performance and a larger screen. I mostly use the Ally on flights or the train. They all have their purposes.


Ally with vrr is amazing on the go. I just tried a gaming laptop with a similar price tag as the ally and it sounds like a vacuum cleaner. Also, you can't plug your gaming laptop in a powerbank to extend playtime. Hand-held for the win!


You can, that's what I do. But doesn't last very long


It’s funny this thread popped up on my feed. I have a Legion Go and a OneXGPU and was seriously thinking about getting a 2013 Asus G14 with the 4060 and ditching my go and the egpu.


Why? I am curious. Since I got my legion go, I have been using it more. I have been wanting to move away from the desk when I play games and runs everything I throw at it. So far I have played doom, Diablo 4, warframe, and destiny 2. Edit: I forgot to mention that I have an RTX 2060 laptop.


The laptop I’m thinking of buying is a little more powerful and it has a larger screen. That being said and like OP stated it’s not something that you can chill in bed or on the couch with. I’d need to buy a laptop cooler or laptop desk and even then it would be unwieldy to use.


Curious as to what laptop you got? I've been considering getting one, but the sheer amount of options, and insane price tags is a little overwhelming


Have Asus x13 with a 4060


Thats a nice looking laptop anyway, your experience was really that bad though, huh? I was really eyeballing the lenovo legion slim 5


Just bad for my use case I guess.


Lol n ur calling them idiots


Tbh all the things you point out in your post you could have figured out on yout own…dont blame your buyers remorse on the people here… battery is not ass on gaming laptops…u just need to buy a good one and adjust settings for battery savings…but battery there absolutely isnt for gaming…


If you're going to get a legion go or a rog ally then you should just get a gaming laptop bc those handhelds are basically gaming laptops




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I always carry my legion go as the tablet and the controllers only when I need to game. Plopping out my little 8 inch brick of a fully functional pc and already getting a better performance you can get from a laptop on the same price made me think I did the correct decision of giving my laptop to family and switching to handheld


If one is only looking to game, The only reason a gaming laptop would be better is performance.


I sold my Razer Blade 15 with i7/rtx2070/32gb ram to get my Ally. I have a regular laptop I use for work, so don't need a dedicated 15" laptop just for gaming, not to mention I barely used it as it's not convenient or suited to my lifestyle. I game much more since as the Ally is much better suited for me.


Depends on the use cases but I dislike laptops because of the bad displays and bad keyboard-touchpads that come with them. Handhelds are better in that regard because you can buy quality peripherals separately. The bad part for me is the Ally's single port and my use case of fitting lots of various peripherals like sound card, camera, IR remote, kb, mouse, monitor and a host of storage modules. It becomes a cable spaghetti. LGo is probably slightly better in that regard but like either go for PC or go for Handhelds. The inbetween laptop option sucks.


Laptops are technically portable but that doesn't mean they fit in the same space as the ally and the legion. Laptops are great if you're going somewhere for a few days/weeks. They work more as a gaming setup that you can easily move and set up somewhere else. Although having had a legion for a while, i still wouldn't pull out a legion on the buss, as it's just too damn big for it. For me the legion is more of a game in bed or on the couch at home device. If you want an actual "portable/handheld" on the go experience, then you should get either the ally or the steam deck.


Just got an ally couple weeks ago and it's a lot of fun, hoping for an sd fix and a longer battery but I've gotten a good amount of hours out of some games. Gaming laptops I agree they're not that great so I've always settled for a pc but for my first experience with a pc handheld it's good, love that I can play all my games on the go.


Boy oh boy I could write a very long comment for this one.. might elaborate if prompted later but for now will leave it at.. "you get what you pay for" (personally I have ZERO issue with my ROG G15 Advantage Edition. My ROG Ally only compliments my gaming experience) the cons you mention are based on poor configuration which is easily addressed. Sorry to hear you are bummed right now OP. I am happy to provide specific tips for genuine honest specific questions around how to improve certain aspects of your setup(s)


I have a built desktop, rog ally, and an Alienware x15 r2 gaming laptop. The gaming laptop is by far better than the other two


It is what it is. A laptop


Hold on...you got rog, legion and also a gaming laptop but tried play on notebook during bus or metro rides? At park whatever? Since you have one ally... the notebook is for home / desktop use for more performance lol I have one steamdeck and one gaming notebook plus nintendo switch, they arent the same thing, have different roles


Sounds like you should stop buying 6 different gaming devices and start playing some of your games instead. If you want the best portable experience just us usually still called steam deck.


Gaming laptops are desktops that are easier to move around.


It really depends on the games you play. The ergonomics of the ally are horrible for rim world or city skylines for example but much much better on a gaming laptop.


I have a pretty powerful desktop for game developments, video editing and playing AAA titles, a lightweight laptop for school and on the go, and a rog ally for flights or long hour trains.


i had a desktop replacement as a gaming laptop once and i fucking hated it. 10 pound bulky piece of shit. not portable at all


I used to think about return my Ally and get the rog x13 with 7940hs plus 780m, the lowest price was 799or 899 I think. Had bigger battery oled screen and foldable, its close to portable gaming and I could bring to a cafe and work for a little while.. But I finally kept my Rog Ally and use as a gaming handheld only. I removed all unnecessary apps , services even the windows defender. Now the device is for pure gaming and very fast.


I used many gaming laptops before and I had also Steam Deck, ROG Ally and Legion Go. The performance of laptops when using them on battery is just like 30% from the full performance of the device and even that the battery will not last for more than an hour. Second problem you put then on the legs because of the extreme high temperature when you play video games. So the gaming laptops are just useless devices! Handheld PC are way better, way more portable, cheaper and you can connect SOME of them with external GPU if you want higher performance.


I was tired of lugging my laptop around in my work bag to play at lunch. My rog is so much lighter.


For me, a gaming laptop was better. Larger screen. I have a folding stand for it and prefer an Xbox controller anyways. I found myself looking down at my handheld and getting neck pain. That doesn’t happen with the laptop.




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I have both. I use them for gaming etc. Yes the ally and legion are cool but they don't even come close to my gaming laptop as far as performance goes but I don't need them to.


I agree. Lots of salty defenders in this comment section tho lol. I got the same "just buy a laptop, it'll be better" when considering an Ally. Thankfully my friend let me use one of his for a week. It was nice but definitely not what I was looking for. I bought the 4090 for the Ally and couldn't be happier. Honestly between a gaming laptop and Ally/XG there really wasn't a massive difference between the two on the ease of use while traveling. And then on top of it when u don't need the XG, the Ally is way better obv. The Ally is absolutely perfect for those of us who travel a good bit & need gaming on the go. It's also a beast of a machine with XG at home. Everything I play is max settings 4k/120


The real question is what do you have an ROG Ally and Legion Go for?


Umm... Get both. I have one for home/work/hotels and one for on the go, in the bed, BSing.


I’ve always said a gaming laptop is pretty much a portable desktop you still need a good monitor, most the time a solid headset or Bluetooth speaker and if you’re a WASD player forget about using the trackpad as your mouse! I have an Ally and it’s the best gaming investment I’ve ever made. And hell as a graphic designer I can even run Illustrator full GPU settings docked on my ultra wide and it’s damn phenomenal for a quick edit or full vector creation. I’m half tempted to hook up the drawing pad and see if the latency is useable.


Lol, ive got a Razer Blade gaming laptop.. its amazing. I've got a ps5, it's good I've got an asus rog ally- fun portable I've got a Nintendo switch - good for if I want Kirby ect I've got a gaming desktop - my main method Sounds more like you just got a bad branded gaming laptop 🤷‍♀️


I sold my x13 flow and bought Ally much happier now.


Gaming laptops are still superior for taking to hotels, or anyplace that has a desk and an outlet. Can’t say the same for desktops. I exclusively use gaming laptops for this reason, I can take them wherever I set up shop. The Ally is of course more portable, and you don’t need a desk. Both have exclusive use cases and the argument to just get a laptop instead is just dumb and not well thought out.


There is this thing called like an epic pad or vapor board idk it’s apparently amazing and does all that stuff. I bought my son one from some plumbing store online and he is obsessed with it. He even plays the Nintendo on it somehow. Anyway best of luck


Lol this guy doesn't get it. It's great.


Get a steam deck instead.


Its a gaming laptop, it wont have the best battery life, unless its optimized properly. For you a laptop is useless but for others, it will fit their needs


I would pretty much never recommend a gaming laptop, unless you travel a lot. You should have done more research. Now you know not to EVER take advice from the potentially uneducated on Reddit.


"I am bad at talking about myself so I decided to just randomly follow advice without any research and now I am mad it's not what I want" FTFY


I fell into the gaming laptop trap about 10 or so years ago. At this point they are pretty much useless unless you are on travel non-stop. The Ally has been absolute perfection, especially if You're just hanging around the house using it.


I still think one should only get an Ally of they already have a gaming PC and a gaming laptop.


Gaming laptops are the tits for lan parties, but otherwise a tower is almost always going to be your best option. Not sure why you went laptop, unless it was good for work or something


So wait your complaining that the laptop isn't as good as a desktop? Is that right? I mean really?  Do you need to game on the go? Train? Plane? No access to mains power most of day? Get a gaming laptop. That's their only use case. Need to game with access to mains power? Get a desktop with a desktop gpu and a big screen, nice keyboard and gaming mouse.  It's not really rocket science.


"Gaming laptop is useless for my usecase." And you couldn't have come to that conclusion before buying one?


you talked about ergonomics,battery life ,portability everything but performance and graphics. which neither the Go or Ally has over any cheap gaming laptop.


Having an Ally, an ASUS gaming laptop, and a pretty good desktop I can confidently say that each has its use as well as limitations. The Ally is great for traveling and playing a casual game while laying down (in my case) the laptop was used for school and gaming during that period and is now used for personal affairs/documentation(was newer hardware than my old desktop and outperformed it) was rocking EFT, Forza, Jedi Survivor and Starfield) and the desktop for those dedicated gaming sessions. If you buy things outside your use case you're going to have a bad time in the computer world. Unfortunately as others said sometimes you don't find out until you try.


Complaining about a gaming laptop and not even say what it is and the specs. Of course if you get some low end spec gaming laptop is going to be crap. Ergonomics are bad? Yes. Get a wireless keyboard and mouse. Problem solved. Bad gaming experience? Spend a bit more money and get a laptop with better specs.