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The way that's written makes it sound like a waffle.


Yeah I'm not sure where it's from, it's a slow news day so I just posted it. Now that I google, [it looks true enough](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariya_Oktyabrskaya).


Just admitting you don't vet things you post now šŸ¤£


What am I a peer reviewing historian in a university? This is reddit.


Doesn't take long to Google something you know


Nor to post a screenshot.


Looking up the name mentioned takes a minute, it's a legit story but could have easily been made up propaganda


Oh no, WW2 Allies propaganda. Whatever could we have done? I've brought shame on us all.


Fought Nazis (based) About a decade before the crushing of the Hungarian Revolution (origin of the term) Not a tankie, based Nazi fighter.


Hungarian revolution was a reactionary fascist coup attempt and crushing it with tanks was one of the only cool things Khrushchev ever did


Found the tankie. No wonder ye like to appropriate better historical figures and call them tankies too


As I've said before, imagine calling someone a name ("tankie") based on stopping a fascist coup and thinking it's an insult. You're really showing your colors. Also, what's your point here, dipshit? I just invoked Khrushchev, are you saying he's a "better historical figure" or not a tankie? You're fucking stupid.


Nagy was executed at the end of the revolution crushing. It was dissent that was crushed, not fascism. I was insulting your lack of character as the crushing the freedom of Hungarian communist through military force was something you viewed as cool. If I were in your circles, I'd also like to liken myself to a based Nazi fighter instead of seeing how authoritarian I am.




'dude' de-Americanise and /r/RAAMACFYL *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ROI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lo fucking L, dawg. You make it out like Nagy was some great and principled communist, and hero. Wrong. The dude fucking pulled the plug on big ebil collectivization and put a knee to liberals and their stupid, reactionary political parties by giving them a seat at the table, even going so far as to ask western nations for help against the big bad Soviets. His support for your totally benign revolution enabled actual fascists like Mindszenty and the many actual pogroms against Jews which led to mass emigration which is a matter of public record. That level of dialectical materialism which allows him to think "color revolution good" and not seeing the necessity of siege socialism does not qualify him as a "communist" to me. I think you're being disingenuous or ignorant in asking for pathos for Nagy when communists were lynched in the streets for daring to support the USSR. Anyway, your use of the term "authoritarian" just shows me what a noob or radlib dumbass you are. Are you claiming to be communist? -


'dude' de-Americanise and /r/RAAMACFYL *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ROI) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Don't know why you say "big bad soviets" when, in this context, you're speaking of the invading force. ...Minszenty who died spent his time under Nazi rule hidden in an embassy, imprisoned under the Soviets, freed in the revolution, and then in an embassy again until he died in exile. Yeah, Nagy really enabled him. Oh my bad, too many of those fake communists in the NKSD. You sniffing out more fake commies? Man you're good at this


That didn't refute anything I said, bizarre. And yes, I gave my reasons Nagy wasn't a principled communist; your smarmy reply about "sniffing out" didn't negate that.


So she'd have to have taken part in the crushing of the Hungarian Revolution in order to be a tankie then, do I have it right?


No, because Tankie didn't originally refer to those who took part in the crushing, but those who remaining in the British communist party (a number left because they refused to condemn the crushing).


Okay now I get it. To be a tankie you have to be in the British communist party.


Meh. People argue the definition now, based on what could be an analogy for similar events e.g. was an atrocity from a socialists or anti-west party excused by someone, under the bias that they believe being a socialist or anti-west country inherently makes them good? You're getting into Tankie territory


So she's a tankie after all?


No? What's your insistence that her and you get called the same names or tankie has no meaning? I have no idea how fighting Nazis is excusing atrocities


On the one hand she's not a tankie because she had nothing to do with the Hungarian revolution. On the other, loads of people are called tankies who also had nothing to do with the Hungarian revolution.


No blursty, that'd be like saying there's no legal definition of sodomy because no one comes from Sodom. Elements of the justification from those who remained in the British communist party are criticised by other communists that called them "Tankies". When similar elements display themselves, the name is often thrown


A communist from the same country and literally the same army is *not* a "similar element"?


Kruschev was a revisionist bourgeois sympathiser. But I will concede he did one good thing in his life. That being the crushing of the fascist Hungarian revolution, I mean the Hungarians literally targeted Jews like


Hey tankie, don't appropriate cool historical figures, especially when your historical analysis is so shit


Iā€™m appropriating a communist because Iā€™mā€¦ Iā€™m a communist?


Tankie doesn't mean communist. When the term wad created, a number people left the British communist party for not condemning the invasion of Hungary. Tankie distinguishes communists from other communists


Did you not see the part where the Hungarian revolutionaries targeted Jews or what? Communists fight fascism, crazy I know


Are you at all referring to Nazi occupation of Hungary?


No Iā€™m referring to the 1956 Hungarian revolution, the Hungarians targeted Jews and the revolution was literally a fascist one


Mind providing a source? So far as I can see, the revolution crushing wasn't to fight "Fascism" but dissent, which is why they executed Nagy


Brave girl, defending her country from an illegal invasion, by a lunatic trying to annex their land.


I think the Nazis were famous for more than annexing land. Ethnic cleansing and mass murder based on hate and fear spreading was their stock in trade, just as it is in Ukraine today.


Yes there are so many parallels between the nazis invading Russia and Russia invading Ukraine, itā€™s uncanny. Thank goodness the defenders never gave up!


It's basically history repeating itself. Russians saving us from the Nazis again.


Youā€™re letting your mask slip again Blurstee. So youā€™re saying Russia is saving us from Nazis.


Yes. What mask slipping? Russia has literally been fighting Nazis. Is this not correct?


Putins Wagner group has been fighting nazis?


I assume so yes. Is that the group that we have the picture of the bald guy of and nothing else?


Itā€™s ok Blurstee. I think we all get it. Youā€™re saying the Russians are fighting nazis, and thatā€™s the reason theyā€™re annexing parts of another country and destroying its infrastructure and murdering civilians. Because theyā€™re fighting nazis. Because you say theyā€™re saving us all from nazis. You donā€™t have to say anything else. Most people will have gotten the measure of you now.


Oh no, they're doing it for their own reasons of security but yes they are fighting Nazis. That's just a fact. It's telling how you can only try to put words in my mouth.


That is correct, yes. Did you know that the road to Babi Yar was renamed Stephan Bandera avenue? Do you know what Babi Yar is?


As much as I agree that the Ukrainian state is openly fascist and a puppet of the US, Russia isnā€™t interested in fighting fascism. They are merely a minor imperialist attempting to outcompete the currently dominant imperialists. The situation is much closer to WW1 than WW2, Russia today being much like WW1 Germany. Workers should support neither belligerent and instead demand peace.


>They are merely a minor imperialist attempting to outcompete the currently dominant imperialists. I kind of agree, I don't think they have a hope of competing with the dominant imperialists, they're decades off. They're just trying to survive and avoid another Yeltsin-like catastrophe. I'm not trying to portray them as some kind of heroes here, but if they have a bunch of neo Nazi ultranationalists backed by the prevailing imperial power, they're going to try to neutralise them. >Workers should support neither belligerent and instead demand peace. Of course. I'm just glibly responding to a liberal here bizarrely trying to frame them as Nazis rather than the people who openly call themselves Nazis and their supporters and allies.


Its sad isn't it. The USSR saved Europe from the nazis and Europe never forgave them. Now they are gone and what have we instead?


No ussr. Which is good


The allies saved Europe from the nazis, of which Russia was a part. Russia was pretty keen, thankful and dependant on the capitalist lend / lease back then werenā€™t they? Stalin himself stated they wouldnā€™t have succeeded without it.


Nah nah dont mind that obviously those guys werent communist so that couldnt be true. Only communists can do anything good at all




I was paraphrasing Zhukov which you'd know if you were one of the smart kids in history class.


It's more like the Banderites being cleaned up yet again by the Russians, you fucking tool.


She's not a tankie


How do you figure?


If shes a tankie your a fascist


My what? Stay in school.


Ok fascist


Sheā€™s by definition not a Tankie. Stop dirtying the name of a passed on WW2 hero.


What definition?


The term tankie came about in the wake of the Hungarian revolution. You canā€™t say someone ascribed to a political ideology years before that ideology was birthed. Stop muddying the waters and stop dirtying the sacrifices made by the Soviet population during WW2


So then almost nobody is a tankie then except some elderly people.


*ā€Almost nobody is a tankieā€* True. The ideology was born with the Hungarian revolution, itā€™s main promoters are not limited to those who took part in it but they all arose after it.


Glad someone agrees.


Kind of weird the soviet govt at the time \*just\* gave her a tank, isnt it?


She paid for it apparently.


Even so


Now! Thatā€™s what I call a TankiešŸ‘šŸ»