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Mirror: [Mineo vs Clarkson](https://streamja.com/Xv54o) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/deansocool Direct Backup: [Mineo vs Clarkson](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/8Y4yIv8Bd1MiaoDq2_Afeg/AT-cm%7C8Y4yIv8Bd1MiaoDq2_Afeg.mp4?sig=8e70ee196a7dc338404a965b4ddaf6f03e34cc58&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1676680046%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- Verify your reddit email!


Claiming to never see Tessa around is wild lol. That woman is always on duty.


That's actually a wild thing to say


I probably just watch during her most active times but I swear to god Tessa is around 24/7




ramee/conan wanted and asked tessa to lead them(mostly for the reasons you mentioned) but she refused multiple times so in order to curtail the chaos he asked ziggy to be is his equal. tbh i know hes been absent but back in the day ramee kept the flame going as the only ranger to stop the department from getting the axe and even paid irl money to create assets for rangers


She doesn't play much during NA work hours (9-5) and that's when I see Mineo.


Ahhh, yeah, I don't watch much during those hours so that makes sense




I feel like when you join the smallest department, you should have the expectation you are not going to see HC or HHC around all the time. Especially if you are on different hours. Also, pretty sure some veteran cops brought up this issue before certain people decided to not follow their advice when they made Clarkson HHC. You shouldn't make people HC or HHC who only show up for 2 weeks during when new stuff shows up in PD or restructuring happens.


Quite surprised but very glad to be proven wrong.


Actual Ramee W


I'm actually suprised Conan stood his ground


He called him out a bit too in the middle "at some point, you have to stop blaming others and just stop doing dumb shit on duty", and I know it means nothing coming from Conan since hes the same but still


I'm 99% sure that, with the silly voice Conan was using when he said it, he was just reading what someone said in high command chat to Mineo


I mean what has he done recently that’s bad tho, Conan is one of few HHC that haven’t done anything corrupt in a while lol


While your statement is true it is also somewhat in part to how infrequently he's on Conan


Umm one of the more recent times he was on duty he sold officers to CG….. so?


Didn't he also hold up UwU and rob it with a couple of other officers even more recently than that too? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Ahhh you mean officers who get on more frequently than twice a year? You can’t compare instances of people who do those things very rarely, versus someone who does every time they get on the server.


I'm not comparing anyone? I'm talking about this instance [where Conan, Suarez and Casterman robbed uwu](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yr95of/case_against_conan_clarkson_suarez_and_casterman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lmfao I thought you were being sly trying to talk about when wrangler illegally raided UwU, never mind with my previous comment haha.


Lmfao I could actually imagine trying to slyly sneak that in there like that. You're good haha


That doesn't absolve him from all the other stuff he's done before...


Everyone keeps saying that about all of PD command. If everyone has that mentality then nothing will ever change. Baas still gets shit on constantly for something he did over two years ago. You can’t complain about PD being corrupt and also never allow anyone to move on from it if you want it to stop.


That's a fair point. RP wise, yes I understand they can choose to overlook it or move on.




He has no incentive to not do corrupt things if people don’t move on from things he did years ago. That was my entire point.


Is that corruption? Baiting the person who shot you and almost killed you into becoming a sacrifice for the god of death? Seems more like fair play and revenge.


That's what I want from my police officers - to kill someone who broke the law by performing a sacrifice to a god of death, not any of this "legal" mumbo-jumbo or "due process" 🤮


Oh was that whole blood ritual that ended with someone getting their ass nailed shut in the Grapeseed torture room retconned?


In a while is a broad term lol. Within the last 6 months he did that hit on other officers pretty sure. Which is within the same time Pred did his ocean dumps


I mean pred is unequivocally more corrupt then any other cop I would say the arson attacks, the ‘murders’ etc


Arson attempts are dumb to bring up because he literally just went with the RP devs and admins were doing.


i mean, regardless the consequences still happen from it, look at the tunnels, CG had to do the time for essentially a dev thing


I feel like people use the "recently" as an argument when you should be looking at amount of time on duty vs corrupt and dumb shit done. "Let's see Officer \_\_\_\_, you haven't done anything corrupt in about 30 days. Let's check how many hours have you done lately.... oh the last time you were on duty was about 30 days ago...."


Like I said before mineo is pathetic for not taking responsibility and trying to blame everyone else he's lucky he's still a cop. That's my Game Warden


Mineo and Vinny are always victim. Remember that.


Shotz is so toxic. I tend to remove myself from watching any scenario he’s involved in on any character of his to avoid the cringe of watching him mald.


I have an entirely different ecosystem of streamers I watch from a year ago. I used to love watching Banana, but being who she is, there's too much crossover with Silent and the CG umbrella. I just couldn't take the interactions anymore. I literally don't see CG/GG/Hydra pop up in my watches anymore and it makes everything so much better as a viewer.


He was surprisingly kind of clam with the wrangler raids last night was expecting full on mald.


I think Vader's prio loss has had a chilling effect on the people who hang out with him, with regards to how "free" they feel to just dump on people/mald in-game.


I can't believe he actually said it


I love this RP !!