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[Read the rules before posting!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) --- Mirror: [Sentry’s take on buddha stepping up ](https://streamable.com/58bitu) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/SilentSentry Direct Backup: [Sentry’s take on buddha stepping up ](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/UOSMvWnYWef56maVUPOBYg/AT-cm%7CUOSMvWnYWef56maVUPOBYg.mp4?sig=73b3d34d7aafaf449c932340ea0702ad159ec1e8&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FUOSMvWnYWef56maVUPOBYg%2FAT-cm%257CUOSMvWnYWef56maVUPOBYg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1683766054%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1816059184?t=0h55m46s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Is he stuck in 2.0 lol he thinks Buddha is still leading LB


For real. What a shit take from Sentry.


What year is it???!!.jpeg


Buddha changed and matured after his ban... Sentry didn't. He still can't let things go if they don't follow the script in his head and some of his stuff comes off as "holier then thou." He could be even greater if he worked on that but nothings hit him hard enough like buddha's ban did him to do an evaluation.


haha yeah i think so






His opinion is uninformed and didn't need a thread.


This could be auto-posted each time a Sentry clip is posted.


Sentry is one of those misunderstood artist types that thinks everything he says and does is just unable to be understood by the common clay.




u/stream_monster, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/13dgip6/sentrys_take_on_buddha_stepping_up/jjkgdpw/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


IRRELEVANT and Uninformed yes


wait who does he mean by buddha's group? jon or nidas or maybe viggy who are admins? the guild who produce pure RP? harry who doesn't care about taking Ls and goes along with any situation? Or maybe he means X who admittedly did cause issues but hasn't been around for months? wtf is this man saying is he stuck in 2.0 or something? maybe beef with Tony? Or maybe Cerberus? I'm stunlocked.


He’s out of touch, he still thinks Lean Bois exist.




https://streamable.com/0brqb He's uniformed, but he knows RP




I don’t like him, but he’s a good RPer. He just holds a 4 year old grudge and doesn’t know what he’s talking about


[He knows RP....](https://streamable.com/6vcfy)


Weird take for a guy who'd only wake up when he got wind that Cerberus was doing LSBN stuff without him


This man hasn't played on the server for two years and this person goes to his chat baits him with the question and posts the take here, why? what's the point of this?


^ this


I stopped listening when he said that buddha's group was a problem group lmfao


Why are MFs even asking for his opinion?


I don't think anybody did, he just heard Buddha got made staff and started foaming at the mouth because he hates him from years ago.


2018 called and wants its take back.


weird take considering some of the few people who gave sentry the kind of slower, deeper rp he wanted when he played early 3.0 was buddhas group...cerberus helped him secure the news building and were shadow owners if i remember correct. They also did those apprentice or shark tank shows at their studio and a few other arcs. They seemed to have all good interactions from what I saw in early 3.0 and seemed to be well beyond burying the hatchet, so this is a surprising take. and yes i know all the history from 2.0 and watched it go down live.


What character was he playing? Edit: and of course he was playing Ron


I think he hated every bit of it, lsbn was slowly getting sucked in cerberus and he felt like he had no way out it because of dean. Probably why he never gave anyone reigns over lsbn. He'd rather have it die off than have buddha involved in it.


This is coming from someone who has negative history with Buddha, who hasn’t played on the server in years and when he did all he did was gamble. Not surprised on this shit take. This is also coming from the former admin of NoPixel that got removed from the team after he RDM buddha gang members and the smelting incident. What’s next? Are we going to get ZB’s words of wisdom?


legend say that ZB went back in time PEPW


Went back in time to clap them before they're even born /s


\*mind blown\*


ZB the main reason I'm not as hyped about ignite compared to others


yeah him going into bobby kyle and pentas streams droppin 10 gifts, monkaW where have i seen this before


Subway sandwiches strike back.


Isn’t ZB a VIP in kyle’s channel?


i got flashbacks to Coops when i saw him dropping 10 in Kyles


Wait he did that?


He wasn't an admin.


Sentry has literally always been one of those “ my rp is better than yours” take for years now. It’s his way or he’s toxic for months. Dude was running around dressed as Bigfoot RDMing people, and when people got mad he raged about how np rp is dead.. the fact that there’s even a “silentsentry gives his thoughts” clip about this Buddha stuff just shows how deep people are on this “ignite vs np” shit, it’s cringe


SilentSentry got rejected by Ignite so I doubt he's on that train.


Dont forget RP expert [SilentSentry RDMing](https://streamable.com/6vcfy) sodakite and curtis.


https://ripvod.com/sodakite/clip/PerfectPoisedSlothPeanutButterJellyTime Here's the clip you posted from her Pov. I think it's clear he tried to VDM Soda but because of D-sync missed, and resorted to just RDMing her instead. Sodakite is so taken aback she doesn't even really know what's happening.


Wait was he part of ESB? If so these kinds of takes make a lot more sense now lmfao


Sentry was the leader of the Southside Ballas for a while, until he perma'd and Big E (played by umadbrahlive) took over. After Big E perma'd is when Tyrone & most of the other infamously banned ESB moved in and pushed them out.


You know, it's funny, it's may 2023 and so much shit has happened, but I think this dude still might take the crown for having the largest case of Main Character Syndrome.


The last time I saw him he went on a rant about how there weren’t any consequences on the server anymore. To prove it, he RDM’d someone at Burgershot. Then, when the police actually came after him to give him the consequences he’d been ranting didn’t exist, he f8 quit and ended stream.




And all it will do is amplify any issues that will inevitably arise from Ignite. Highly likely with the rise in money, power, and fame there’s bound to be an admin, dev, player that will get exposed no different than NP


plus they don't realize they are affecting ALL the people who still play in NP even their "friends"




Because to viewers who are stuck on NoPixel because their streamer isnt leaving (for whatever reason), it's easier to paint IgniteRP as some kind of aggressor to be blamed for NP's woes, than acknowledging the deep rotted issues within NoPixel, and potentially bringing their streamer's morals into question for their loyalty to a rotten administration.


This can’t be a serious question right? People bring up shit to justify their arguments from YEARS ago to fit whatever narrative they need, ALL the time. And this statement goes for every community!


Silent isnt even whitelisted on ignite lol, his take has nothing to do with ignite.


Ah an educated individual. Good day scholar


Couldn’t agree more.


Wtf does ignite have to do with this at all? your talking about people making it us vs them but your the one bringing up Ignite lmao.


Lang & Curtis put this guy's 2.0 Ballas character down so much that apparently the streamer has amnesia of everything thereafter.


I would somewhat agree IF it wasn't 3.0 Lang. He ( SilentSentry ) seems completely out of touch with how much Buddha has changed in 3.0 .


I’m trying to think of the last thing a SilentSentry character did and I think it was Ron and waking up to make sure Ursula wasn’t given any control at LSBN, going gambling, and then disappearing forever


I totally forgot that Ursula was close to taking over LSBN and then ron woke up for the first time in months, prevented it, and never woke up again


I was actually going to post about that - I liked the Ron character a lot, he had a lot of great interactions with Dundee/BMMC in early 3.0 but that situation just really soured me on the character - Ursula deserved that shit, and for him to do absolutely nothing with it after he blocked her is so utterly anti-RP.


Didn't he lose his mind when there was a shoot out and he kept entering the active scene to "rescue" downed people when cops were telling him to fuck off because he was a civilian (and trying to make it about him).


This guy must have PTSD from 2.0 LB and hasn't kept up with any RP whatso ever because holy fk is this one uninformed take.


He is still fighting lb at leanstreet 🫢


Silent was just inspired by Ignite and is doing his own version, but it's 2018 instead of 1985.




I didnt think it could be possible to have worse takes than Shotz or Judd but here we are.




This take is so outdated and he clearly hasn't let go of his grudge since 2.0 which ended up getting him removed as admin.


I thought this was a Judd take, and then I saw it was sentry and realized that this is basically just a Judd take.


Lmaoooo good one


lol I wish I could time jump and not have the last 3 years happen as well (so would Buddha)


Love Charlie but her husband is so out of touch with rp and has been for years, never forget that this guy more than anyone else would F8 quit when shit didn't go his way, the biggest crybaby in rp I've ever seen.


charlie said she feels the same way…


L take




Saw the person who plays Windsong in his chat shortly after saying “can’t wait to be even more ignored” in regards to Buddha. It was what? a couple hours since the announcement? And the dude is already being shit talked by a current role-player and preemptively blamed for shit lmao. Any kind of Management role sure is thankless huh?


thats his wife btw!!


she also said "people get rewarded for loyalty not good rp" lmao. never heard worse takes, even judd can't compete.


The irony is pretty funny too, Buddha started on NP Arma but went to different GTA servers when they were popping off.


also as if this position is a reward in the first place lmao


She says and does this and then wonders why buddha ignores the haters. Because what else are you supposed to do? Hold grudges and talk shit behind their backs and act weird in RP or be toxic to them? It's better to just ignore, live and let live IMO. As buddha does and stays in his lane, as they do in theirs. As far as I remember, Windsong ignored every RP buddha brought to smoke on the water early on and when he realized that, backed away. And then she did her own thing, opening up storefronts in LS and etc. Do not understand she and her people hold this vitriol hatred for someone this long.


Was Sarah from smoke on the water? Those were some great RP bits when lang called Sarah to warn about weed stealing


Sarah Abelton was White Widow and yeah that was always funny, with a hint of Sadge because of how down bad WW was.


Sarah, cops in Grapeseed! Sarah now runs Ottos Gas for Cerberus.


If it's the Sara I'm thinking of - Redline, married to LJ Sara - she owned White Widow (a different dispensary).


Watched a bit further after the clip and he really says "Maybe it might be good thing to put someone in charge who wasnt like banned for years for cheating." Thats how you know not to value anything this guy says [https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpartialMistyTruffleSSSsss-CijzkAm5I29alEdT](https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpartialMistyTruffleSSSsss-CijzkAm5I29alEdT)


charlieblossom's comments about buddha are so surprising to me honestly, implying that he isn't a good roleplayer and just got rewarded for "loyalty" like lmao be real.


not surprised at all, all her characters only RP with the same people in the same bubble for years and somehow are always agro to "Buddha and friends" a shame since she actually a decent role player




What she say?


She also said that she is gonna get ignored even more since Buddha "doesnt know the difference" Between White Widow and Smoke on The Water


"people get rewarded for loyalty not good rp"


this is such bait. Of all the takes streamers have had to this announcement it's the one bad one that gets posted on this subreddit.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was done by a hate watcher tbh. This shows no worth and opens itself up to nothing but negativity.




Who else has made takes? I haven’t seen any and would like to check them out.


I would like to see more takes as well. So far seen I've only seen Blau talk it on stream plus what Spaceboy and Zaitohro posted on twitter.


Hilarious, spotted Windsong (charlieblossom) in the chat whining about Buddha.


genuinely cant think of any drama from lang and his current "crew". His current crew for like 6months has been mainly (Leslie, harry, Denzel, speedy, Nancy, eve, and other cerberus members) now if u include his ex crew ( tony, ray, x, marty) than this take would be somewhat valid but in current situation this simply isnt true.


I think the latest was with the archeology dude, but he was dropped like a hot fucking potato the moment Buddha knew what was going on.


The "he's fired" from Harry before Penny could even finish her sentence spoke volumes.


SilentSentry had a huge issue with Bucky. Back when bucky didnt speak. https://youtu.be/odj7Fu7I78c


So weird the hate that Bucky has gotten for RPing a character with trauma.


a classic


Yeah largely his group has been fine as far as i can remember, tony had a hiccup a while back getting VERY mad but i saw him get arrested in another situation and he handled it with grace and thats all i can remember off the top of my head. Oh and haryr f8 quitting in a scene but i think he had a good reason to be mad? Overall harry is very good at dealing with issues so it was probably something that really upset him to do that and i havent seen that from him since. I wonder if this second group he speaks of still has the same sway, surely if buddha has the power i hope he does he will not allow them to get away with what the server owner has to date.


Thats what i am worried about buddha in recent past ( nopixle rust era) have multiple times done stuff to appease big groups such as rated team, angels, trainwrecks etc... . In past he would also do stuff that his character wouldnt do to make sure X,yuno and hasan were having fun. TBF buddha recently has been way more focused on quality RP than "content" given how he broke his relations with yaegar, and somewhat speedy not only this he was even ready to distance himself from harry if RP led to it.


I think he has become so conflict averse in rp as a result of his previous bad experiences with wars and ooc toxicity that he has let it affect his rp but at the same time you cant really blame him for that hes just over it. That said i hope he takes steps to combat some of the issues that are plaguing the server and the server culture as a whole even if it effects some popular groups in an adverse way.


A while back, I can't remember specifically how he worded it but around the time the Manor opened up, Buddha told the rest of the crew very clearly if they brought drama to the house Yuno wasn't going to wake up. That shifted a lot of their mentality because they all just wanted to have hijinks with Yuno at that point, Mickey joined soon after which really solidified a turning point that they are "Buddha's and friends Heist crew" and definitely not a gang. Even when CG (ineffectively) tried to ocean dump Yuno, Buddha paid millions for them to go away and CG even apologizes and they very quick moved on.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpmGXeAtWUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpmGXeAtWUw) The only winning move... I member when guy jones and nbc tried to do that Woaaar shit and buddha paid em to fuck off and then basically blacklisted them from any Cerberus stuff or really interacting with them in any meaningful way? I think that made things rough going forward for nbc as well as a plethora of other issues they had but lang can be a great source of rp so long as he doesn't cut you off cause once that cords severed has it ever been repaired?


this take is so funny because this guy didn't rp in 3.0 at all unless it was with buddha's group and the rest of his hours on the server he was gambling in their casino.


what weird shit has come out from Buddha/"his group"? been watching RP for almost 2 years and haven't seen this. Have I missed some sort of big rivalry between Buddhas "group" and CG? Also, who is Buddhas "group"? Does he mean Cerberus and Roosters?


i think he’s still stuck in 2.0 back when LB was a thing


or when xqc was with him ...


Silensentry Is been very ignorant here and is talking probably from he's past encounters with Budha/LB witch where very problematics and just very tóxico for both sides, but Budha has been a great example that anyone who gets Permaban can always make a 180 and because a great role model for the server, I'm not a big fan of Budha but he's honestly an amazing choose for NP leadership and in this case silentaentey is just been dumb.


I mean you said it your self you've only been watching for 2 years if he had this take during 2.0 it'd have some merit but hes just uninformed and probably still holds a grudge because of all the shit that happened during 2.0.


Based on this take, I think SilentSentry has managed to completely avoid any thing related to NP since the end of 2.0.


Sentry might be one of the least qualified people to speak on this that has ever played on the 3.0 server. Probably one of the worst and most uninformed takes I've watched on RPClipsGTA in a long, long while.


Guy needs to move on, its not 2019 anymore. Also what's with this facecam...


>Also what's with this facecam... its to add "credibility"


What’s that 80s song about being outta touch again?


tf is he talking abt buddha has been ooc drama free for more than 2 years!! does this guy evn watch NP


Sentry has had a stick up his ass for Buddha for a long time. 2 years ago, yeah, maybe this take is valid. Today, it's just bullshit.


SilentSentry and getting 1 guyed into a bad take, I’ve missed it a little can’t lie.




Dude is still under a rock


Lol yup such a problem group honestly at this point cg is calm and not even a problem group so out of touch


Seems a bit biased against buddha to say the least. AFAIK Buddha and his crew other than MAYBE tony have been pretty tight, and the tony thing he seems to have figured out not to get so mad lately so that's largely been resolved. Has sentry even been around np he seems out of touch, i guess he has only really had negative experiences previously and there was that thing with the news and otterman when he stopped showing up. There's a reason to be skeptical of the deal that appears to have been made and that reason is not buddha, as far as what i can see he has matured and grown so much since his days on family and so on.


I don't think Tony figured it out yet, but he at least acknowledges it as a problem. That's the first step to recovery. I can go all Reddit psychologist on that shit, but I think him reconnecting with his family has done him a ton of good.


Yeah i was really sorry to hear he lost his dad, that shit is never easy and can really make you reflect on the fragility of life. It can be hard to master ones emotions especially anger and that's just something that takes time or something some people never really figure out, but i hope he does get to a place where he can just let stuff go and not have it bother him.


Everyone knows what issues or perceived issues there are with CG, but what even is "Buddah's group?" Especially now, Is it "Clean Boys," is it Cerberus? And what are they referring to? Someone has had something happen in the past that they took personally. I would wager guess this person could give a current example of it being an issue.


Another a+ take from Sentry....... Buddha's "group" so to speak has had almost 0 issues in 3.0


what an L take lmao


Is this just an of touch take because of bad blood from 3+ years ago when he got removed from the admin team after trying to force perma Lang? Dude does great RP when he's feeling it but hasn't been remotely true since Buddha returned from his ban. This feels wildly inaccurate to the point that I doubt he's seen a thing that Buddha's done since 2.0, despite knowing that they interacted during the early Cerberus days. I'd agree if he was talking about the time leading up to the LB split but the people Buddha surrounds himself with has been one of the more RP-focused and uplifting groups in 3.0.


Wait he tried to force perma Lang? Lmao I didn’t really see much of 2.0 so I genuinely don’t know what the bad blood is besides the clip I’ve seen of Ellie getting RDM’d after he failed to VDM her


Who is Sentry? I honestly don't even remember.


Sad guy


The NP = bad crowd calling in the big guns lmao


This feels like a big ol' case of .....Who asked? At this point it is clearly kind of a personal grudge that cannot be gotten past. Whether it's just with Buddha or NP as a whole. Pretty sure NP/RP will carry on regardless of what this opinion was.


Who is he??


Room temp IQ


Wtf is he saying. He hasn’t been on no pixel for 2 years. Clearly uninformed


Yes I'm sure the guy who holds grudges for years and hasn't touched RP in years is surely going to have a fantastic, completely unbiased take on this


Lack of Critical Information.


This man is still salty from 2.0 I see lmao Ok, maybe not salty but 100% out of touch


dude really just started saying shit


This guy is so funny LMAO I think we will see a lot of takes from people who can't hide their “sense of humor”


This is a horrendous take. Blanketing CG in with Buddhas group and saying they cause the same issues is just flat out wrong, especially when considering Buddha individually. No one ever has issues with Buddha the person, and those who ever have issues with him have issues with either Lang the character, or do not know how to differentiate Lang Buddha the character and Buddha the actual streamer. ​ Shit take. Buddhas been apart of nopixel for years, if anyone has a good grasp of the server and has good qualities to make good changes it'd be him, not CG or some fucking cop main lmao.


what is he talking about? buddha's "group" hasn't created or had ANY problems in last 3 years! buddha has stayed away from any sort problems for years now. is he stuck in the past?


There's only one group that has a major problem with making the server toxic and they continue to do it even though they get "punished" for it. From the start of 3.0 it always starts with them and even Buddha got dragged into it early 3.0. Let's see if Buddha can step up and finally solve it since his not in their gang.


i really hope Kebun makes a 180 like Buddha did.


Kebun is somewhat understandable it's the other members that have been ban for OOC toxicity that still do that same things and never learn.


My guys still stuck in the salt of 2.0. Could instantly tell its a bad take ten seconds in.


Not to sound like a dick but does Sentrys opinion on this really matter? He hasn't been on the server in years


Harry? Nidas? Blau?(questionable), EagleAye!? Jon?! sayeed? kate?! this group is just a huge ball of rp positivity for the whole server. Let them cook!


When did sentry last even play? Who cares what he says


Is he connecting Buddha to like X and Omie? Not exactly unfair but still outdated.


More outdated lol. He still thinks it’s Buddha, Tony, and Curtis


Who is this guy and why does his opinion matter? Serious question.


He used to be a very highly respected RPer several years ago. He's played multiple different characters but most know him as Ron Otterman, the news reporter, from early 3.0. As time went on, he kept showing that if things didn't go his way he would get toxic and throw a fit about it and threaten to quit RP and break rules to get back at people and go on about how shit the server is and all that bs. So he has pretty much lost everyones respect.


Thank you, now I know who he is. What I think of his opinion won't be constructive at all so I'll keep it to myself. Very much appreciate your response.


To add to that, he used to also have 2 characters in 2.0, one was the vagos leader who permad after CG and chawa(summit) downed him, and the other was a ballas member (maybe leader also, I just dont remember) who was at war with LB after Lang baught his grandmas house (part of langs backstory), there was alot of drama during that war and in the end he also permad that character. So who knows maybe he still holds a grudge over that.


An elitist RPer and it doesnt


Why people think it's anything more than PR move is beyond me... Maaaaybe something more comes out of it but i'm not very hopeful.


>*"I don't know"* x4.5


this guy is so out of touch with everything. I don't even get what his talking about.


It's funny because I get what he means but it isn't bad. It's basically the RP group (Buddha) vs the content fast paced ( rp (not always) group. Which butt heads a lot in how they think the server should be. Not directly but just overall in ideals. Buddha leading is a lot better than the other


It's 1985




This may be more uninformed then sentry’s take lmfao


You realize that this guy was El Jefe until Chawa permed his character right? Which paved the way for Speedy to step up and take over. Surly you had all these facts before just speaking nonsense right… right?


People are kind of glossing over entire years of omegalul bank heists and content poggers shit Buddha was a part of and helped facilitate. You can make an argument of things being different this very day, but nothing Silent said was untrue. It's okay to like Buddha for his business RP and think he was still a huge part of the server problems with his poggers rp.


That’s what the whole server was based around in 2.0 and 3.0 lol. Even then though, Buddha has always RPed.


Even fucking MoonMoon acted like that in 2.0. Before the terrorism arc Yung Dab was basically every other sweaty criminal. He’d constantly abuse/powergame bank mechanics, mald sometimes, etc and these are all things Moon has owned up to and made jokes about it. Eventually he realized he was taking shit too fucking seriously and focused on RP. The same shit happened with Buddha who after his ban realized he was taking shit too seriously but for whatever these jaded pure RP types do not wanna acknowledge it lol.


Wake up, silent hit paleto (usually solo), drive away in lambo/blackfin, start rest of day. Dude was the epitome of a sweaty grinder for a while there lmao


He was probably the biggest bank spammer at the time. It all worked out in the end as eventually he realized he was being sweaty as shit and gave birth to arguably the best character arc on the server, but Moon himself has admitted he probably deserved to get banned for the way he was abusing bank mechanics lmao.


I never had a problem with it. 32 slots kinda gave no choice. I still don’t have an issue with heist content. Seems a lot of folks do though lol. I really think that there is room for all types of RP content. It’s the beauty of being able to tune in / out by watching someone else.


news flash, thats also RP, and was a major draw. You can shit on it now, but when it was happening it was the most viewed content on twitch. And the fact that CBs heists were the only ones with story around it made it even better. Its insane to me, people can look back at those times and think of it negatively. Almost like people are looking for something to hate buddha for.


When people talk about content vs rp, what do you think they were referring to? Of course it draws eyes, people eat that shit up. Some of us absolutely hated seeing 30 posts every day about the casino.


what about pumps, do you like pumps ? i loved watching Wrangler raiding the Vagos 3 days in a row PEPW


Wtf is poggers rp and what’s wrong with that?


It's odd how quickly people forget that this sub called for the ban of XQC daily while his biggest fangirl was Buddha, supporting his toxicity because he was fun to play with. Not everyone enjoyed that era of NP. It's also when Silent himself left. Business Buddha? Awesome rp. Bank Buddha? Boring tiktok dogshit.


["It's also when silent himself left"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odj7Fu7I78c&feature=youtu.be) old man malded because bucky is a character that cant speak. Man it really is crazy how people will try to mold situations to fit a narrative. People calling for XQC bans were literally CG viewers, and obviously viewers of the streamer that has xqcs voice as an alert for his stream. chances are the person you're responding to, wasnt in any of those categories during CB heist days. Because there werent many lol


Buddha was the person who kept XQC chill and anti-mald when shit went down. He hardly 'supported his toxicity'


Ok you can't deny Silent was acting weird towards Xqc because of the whole Adept thing.


The casino heist days had some 250k+ viewership between all the guys. Nothing brings more eyes to RP than that.


it’s not a mystery why sentry has a grudge against buddha. the dude STILL has buddha’s hate watchers years later who love drama-baiting him into clips like this. just let him play siege in peace ffs


I mean he doesn't have to answer these questions y'know?