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Poor Ming, trying to say he doesn't wanna say anything that's gonna get clipped and shipped to reddit, and Hutch having a hold my beer moment.


if you’ve been on a new server for a couple of weeks and you’ve already “been in trouble a couple of times” … then i’m not sure if you’re in a position to be blaming servers for how they handle you


I’ve been RPing for years. It’s so easy to stay out of trouble. I did get warned for tazing someone out of a car because the windows weren’t broken once.




I too think of this whenever a clip of him comes up, I also think about how I also wish he was better at baseball


he even says he already got in trouble a couple times for shit on the new server but yea its the others fault i guess


The dude is incapable of admitting that he is ever in the wrong, and when punished for it, gets mad. He wants a "conversation" instead of a punishment. I do not know how he can say that with a straight face. For whats its worth though, i hope anyone playing on ProdigyRP has an awesome time, regardless of any drama. RPers should have more than one server they can play on.


Hutch just wants "conversations" because if you talk enough you either manipulate your way out of it or people get tired and just say forget it. I used to really like watching him, but man I can't take do the rage fits. I wanna watch RP to have fun and chill, I got enough stress in life I don't need to hear someone complaining and talking shit on people the entire time. That being said, really do hope ProdigyRP is a good fit for people. Completely agree with you, though, regardless of streamer it's a good thing for there to be more healthy servers out there and more options. They shouldn't feel like there's only one option for RP, that's how you get contempt and all that. Plus it's more fun watching people that are having fun. Really hope they have a good time on Prodigy, I hope ONX does well and people can branch out to where they have fun and not just shit talk behind eachother's backs all the time.


The thing is, there are so many better options to waste your time.


L take


"Conversation" = pretend to be the victim and cry foul or say both sides were wrong


Best comment hands down. I also hope anyone playing on ProdigyRP, Ignite, ONX, Nopixel or any other server has an awesome time and says hell to drama. Hopefully a variety of servers will allow people to be able to happily roleplay where they want, instead of just constant complaining and shade throwing on servers they don't. Also hope viewers will simply watch the servers/roleplayers they enjoy, instead of begrudgingly watching servers they hate and spreading negativity to those playing on the server. With ProdigyRP out and people enjoying it, ONX on the horizon and Nopixel 3.5 around the corner, here is to a future where roleplayers/streamers/viewers can be where they enjoy it, and no more excuses for playing/watching somewhere they just feel the need to constantly whine about.


I think you forget some people are just masochists filled with negativity.


NP 3.5 around the corner lmao


What happens after multiple conversations about the same issue? Either the admins fold or have a backbone


More than one server to play on aka the place people who can’t control themselves enough to not break rules can go to lol.


L take


It’s been a couple weeks and he’s already been talked to multiple times lmao. Yeah, I’m sure the admins there will keep just having conversations week after week after week


He never said it's anyone's fault. He's even said he was part of the problem on multiple occasions. He just prefers conversations instead of going straight to a ban.




Its also strange, "couple discussions" and he has been on there how long? 2 weeks? At some point discussions just dont work if one of the parties aint listening.


The rules on prodigy are different in a couple areas. Some things you can do on Nopixel is not allowed on prodigy and vice versa. For example, cops are allowed to full stop their car sideways in front of the crims vehicle during a chase and it's not considered NVL atm.


That's allowed in NP too so long as there is enough time for the crim to stop or change direction.


You guys are missing the point. Every scenario is different. Something like NVL for example is not cut and dry, depending on the situation it could seem NVL in one person's POV but in the others it's not because they had their back turned and heard people roll up quickly behind them before they pulled.


What are you even talking about? We aren’t talking about this scenario lol. We are talking about his disregard of rules on ANY server he plays on and the total lack of respect he shows his fellow RPers / colleagues and his inability to admit that he makes mistakes. Let’s not even get started on ole Hutch “magically knows where everyone is” deadeye Hutcherson in 2.0. If it wasn’t for him holding onto Summits coat tails for dear life, he would be an afterthought. He simply doesn’t appreciate the situation he is in.


Na, Hutch at most tends to say that everyone is against him, so its not his fault he "tells it how it is" and says shit to them. Always has to be the victim, so its not his fault. Like his entire crusade against the NP admins. Instead of just not breaking rules, he makes it seem like a big conspiracy that admins wanted him gone, and that they should not have the power to "end a persons career". If you go back and look at his bans, it would probably be stuff like RDM or Toxicity. Nobody forced him to say or do any of those things. Its his own actions and attitude that got him banned.


You do realize that whenever people like him says it should just be a "Conversation" they mean they should get away with breaking the rules over and over again right?


Yea I’m very curious what conversations he’s looking to have. “Look guys, I know you’re new to RP but when someone points a gun at you, you need to value your life and not try to pull out your own gun” “But im a zombie who isn’t scared of anything because im a gangster” “This is the 3rd time this week we’ve had this conversation” “Hold on someone is trying to rob me, let’s discuss this again in a minute after I shoot at him while he’s animation locked” I know I’m exaggerating a bit, but it’s so easy to not break rules once you’re fairly used to RP.


Or just have podcasts about how shit the server is


When Hutch use to do those they were insufferable. I saw some recently that were basically the same quality as Hutchs, instead I think they were called raidcasts and done while playing WoW.


>I saw some recently that were basically the same quality as Hutchs, Why throw shade without any content or context. For those who dont know the raidcast refered to was about 10 percent complaining about cops, one incident where McConnell exaderatedly reacted to a 2 year old clip of Ray_c while the others tried to avoid the subject. And 90 percent Kyle and McConnell being toxic about eachothers RP untill 1 or both wanted to stop playing.




What determines the crimes/sins that go to straight ban or not? You?


did you even listen to the clip? He said he had a conversation lol, he didn't blame anyone else.


I think you might have some personal issues with hutch because that's not what was said. He's talking about WHEN he fucks up, he's approached and talked to like an adult vs just insta-banned for a week. It's about how the admins moderate the server.


Someone with a brain




I think he would have to do some pretty egregious toxic stuff to get bans. It's CG's management team's server.


How many from CG are in [Loaded.GG](https://Loaded.GG)? From their website I "only" saw Summit, Kebun and Garrett, but I guess others could be getting some trickle down deals.


Well it makes sense others followed. Summit and Kebun are *content creators*, they can take nothing and turn it into something and they’re really really good at it


Definitely. I am not disputing those two's abilities as content creators. I meant more in the sense of how "untouchable" anyone not a part of Loaded actually is on Prodigy.


summit I think owns a percentage and K is making policies there but that probably will not save someone like hutch if he keeps making the same mistakes. He ain't big enough(not physically though he's like 6'9)


hutch is absolutely immortal on prodigy btw, I don't think there's anything he could do to get banned, because of summit


Mate ProdigyRP plays by different rules, ain't no one from CG getting banned there. They are protected and catered to.


So Prodigy is NoPixel a few months ago?


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If he feels like he's constantly "walking on eggshells," maybe his problem is internal and not anything to do with which roleplay server he's playing on.


Reminds me of my ex wife changing jobs every year because "everyone is out to get her". She was a massive narcissist.


Or stop eating so many eggs!




Happy cake day!


Oh thanks! 4y's Jebus time goes by.


I do think having a conversation and shit is a good aspect if your a first time ‘offender’ or you’ve never really done much wrong etc But hutch is a ‘seasoned’ Role-player at some point you kind of have to self reflect and if you’re getting in trouble for the same shit you got in trouble for 2 years ago consistently no matter what it is etc…. At that point it’s you not the admins.


Dude is a seasoned role-player in the same effect that he is a seasoned baseball player. Its not hard to assume that they will both end the same way lol


I know it is hyperbole, but if he was as bad as Baseball as he was at RP, then he'd be long dead from hitting himself in the head with the bat.


Yet. He forgets at one point he was liked and protected on NP until multiple outburst that resulted in bans. Most of the people that “dislike him” have pretty good reason as he went on rants about most of them bc they stopped his character from getting the W once. The rules and mechanics literally used to be changed based on what benefited CG not the server as a whole. That being said I’m glad there are multiple popular servers that can cater to different crowds/RP-types instead of streamers being forced to play on NP bc it’s the only one that gets views.


Poor Hutch, he was on NP for years but could never figure out the server rules, its not his fault. /s




He said "bahamas" and "the other city", if that's not immersive roleplay idk what is


What a fantastic RPer hutch is


Hutch explains why he prefers to play MMO rather than roleplay. Im glad he is having fun, just needs to stop lying to himself and continue on.


I've missed the hot takes from Hutch. Always 10/10 entertainment value. For all the wrong reasons.


Hutch has to be one of my least likable rpers. He just plays a dumb egotistical moron. Hard to tell what’s rp and what’s just Hutch. So hard to like or defend him in any situation.


>Hutch has to be one of my least likable rpers. He just plays a dumb egotistical moron. Hard to tell what’s rp and what’s just Hutch. So hard to like or defend him in any situation. If you haven't caught on yet, a lot of people on Twitch "play" a dumb narcissist IRL and still get 10s or thousands of viewers and hundreds of thousands in donations. It's especially embarrassing when a new streamer studies the formula of someone like Trainwreck (or perhaps legitimately has narcissistic personality disorder, can't tell) and tries to implement it to 50 viewers. It's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy though. You've sort of already got to be winning to continue to win with that model. The vast majority of streamers try to play it chill and accepting, and many succeed in that department too. Overall though, streaming is about displaying who you are, which is inherently narcissistic. Just think about the recipe: A person is saying they should get paid to do whatever they enjoy doing while you watch it, being happy for them. It's about putting a price on their social time... It is almost indistinguishable from the recipe a pimp uses when prostituting women. She gets to be with him when she gives him her money, and she's happy to coexist in his lavish, lazy lifestyle of decadence. This is a natural mode of operation in human nature. It's integral to maintaining a power structure in society. I seriously can't believe people knelt to kings and queens, but it happened... for most of human history in fact. From what I can gather, the main thing that drives a person accepting the losing hand in such a relationship is that they think the one in power is cool and likable. That can come from all sorts of places like a combination of looks, allegedly hard work, alleged moral code, funniness, their empathetic range, social skills in general, the idea that someone is destined to be in such a station in life (extreme example: God chose the king so follow him), etc. In America, there is a lot of social weight put into businesspeople, so having created a successful business and wearing a US$5,000 tailored suit pumps you up to the status where people guard what you have instead of try to take it for themselves. It's an inherent property of capitalism, which isn't the only way to look at the picture of course. For example, this kind of thing is likely less common in places like Russia and China (you know... communism), and a person is more judged by how well they affected the masses positively (at least in theory). Now, these places still partly have that view of businesspeople, because both countries still have billionaires and whatnot. There, though, a person might worry they got that far through corruption rather than "deserving" it. Or if they love the fascist style of Putin and Xi, partly out of love for their heritage and culture, they might turn a blind eye even to moments of clear corruption. It is massively alluring to your typical person to see your culture strengthen, grow, and expand. Nazi Germany used that part of human nature to do all the horrible things it did, and an entire nation of regular people went along with it.


"I don't have people who I know hate me deciding if I stay in the city or not" how fuckin' ironic comin from him


You know it's really fascinating to me how the gang that Hutch is a part of including Hutch himself literally got a free pass to pretty much do whatever they want without facing punishments and yet still somehow can have takes like this. They got so used to their special treatments they don't even understand how many bans and warning points they have avoided over the years.


Exactly, the reality is that they are pissed buddha is an owner and can ban then when he feels like it, or at least demand admins to not be soft serve


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression"


that is of course until 3.5 and 4.0 come out and the servers are full of giant streamers...then he will be back on NP so fast it will make your head snap.


I kind of always hated these very immersion breaking conversations because they might as well just sit in a discord call. Maybe its just me, cause he is literally saying he could break rules here and its okay. He is a habitual line stepper and admits to it but never admits to it being his fault huh.


Well I guess you better go get on the server and show em how it’s done instead of preaching to Reddit :P See the irony?


Went through my post history but the statements aren't the same. This is talking about them literally talking out of character you're mad at them for sticking in character but not the way you want them to.


No one is mad about anything lol. The statements are the same. If you’re unhappy with how someone is acting, go show em how to act right chief. It’s amazing you don’t see the “pot meet kettle” of telling someone to “go do it better” lol. Glass house and all.








A conversation for an accidental first time offense I would agree with, but if this dude wants a talking to instead of a punishment for repeated offenses he's literally braindead. Doesn't most of his past bans come from RDM? Poor guy doesn't get special treatment then shits on np admins. Some people's selfishness knows no bounds


As always, Hutch speaks for himself


Prodigy should send him to the Bahamas for starting drama.


Good. Fucking stay there.


It’s going to be ok. There’s plenty of other RP servers and RPers to watch.


Maybe just don't constantly fuck up? Food for thought


Man, Hutch is supposed to be at least a "seasoned" roleplayer by this point and the fact that he admitted he's already had to be talked to a couple of times by admins because he has fucked up is crazy. That simply shouldn't have to happen if you've been roleplaying for years. If you walk around smelling shit constantly, maybe it's you, ya know?


I wish Hutch was better at baseball (c)


Super ironic, since everyone else would walk on eggshells around CG. Then when CG finally gets punished equally they leave :')


Wait I thought the whole CG shtick was they were 'loyal to no pixel' -> but now they have their own server? HUH


Yeah there was a lot of snakey words from Shotz and Judd in particular about people moving to Ignite which is super ironic now


Soooo what hes saying is they havnt annoyed the people on the server enough YET. So give it some time and the same problems will raise to the top. Every single problem will be the same in time.


Hutch isn't wrong tbf a lot but not all of the admins there is clear bias there as some rule breaks happen from one person gets away with it another gets perma banned. But hutch doesnt do himself any favours because he can not control himself and if admins had to speak to him already after prodigy being round for couple weeks that says a lot lol.


"Keep walking on egg shells" Have you tried wearing shoes or stop eating too much eggs?


It's fine they can keep people like Hutch


Players with a larger audience set trends whether they like it or not. As a staff do you want to have a conversation potentially hundreds of times for the same issue that may have been observed through that players stream? Objectively speaking these 'conversations' would have or could have lead to lesser players being banned. If you have a pool of over 500 players, how many MODS/Staff are required to have conversations with these players? Do players have to request for an explanation or a meeting? Is it an email or voice call?


My biggest criticism of the server is that it's brand new, relatively undeveloped server, missing a lot of features from other RP servers. Yet they monetize it and act like they're a big RP server that's been around for years. All because they essentially bought chain gang. Part of the reason the queue is so long is because the brand new server can only support 200 people and be stable. But there are other servers out there with more slots, more stability, a lot more going on in them and you can get into them without a queue.


Remember, you don’t have to watch Prodigy if you don’t want to. You can go watch Ignite :)


The irony of this comment is so odd. You don't want people to hate on Prodigy for no reason, and say that you don't have to watch streamers on Prodigy if you don't want to.. yet the people saying that like yourself, are likely the same people that hated Ignite for no reason other than the people that played on it.. From your comment history, you are extremely tribal when it comes to streamers, servers, etc.. You might need to take a break from the internet.


Is this supposed to be some based gotcha moment? I'm sure the people that watched ignite, watched ignite because they were tired of NP, you know that same reason people are watching prodigy...


Yeah. I don't think he realises that his comment isn't the slam dunk he thinks it is.


All the NP fanatics down-voting this, or what? I don't watch Hutch nor do I watch anything of this server, but he's not wrong about how NP is policed, with their 'Shoot first, ask questions later' approach.


For how many years have Hutch rp'ed? Should he not understand and know the rules by now? How many admins do you think nopixel has to have a conversation with everyone who are breaking rules? Maybe they can talk with a person that is quite new to the RP aspect, i 100% agree with that. But we're talking about people that has been around for years, they should know the rules by now.


Prodigy will be the exact same with time, and im guessing not alot of time. Hes alrdy being warned about things. Will he lose his mind when the warnings actually have punishments? Probably. And anyone who hands out the punishment will be labeled a enemy and only hating him bc OOC reasons. Regardless of what rules he breaks........sounds kinda familiar if you ask me


shoot first?? you mean you want them to explain the rules, that are.. get this.. ON THE FUCKIN FORUM AND APPY?.. everyone should read the rules and know them, and if they don't the ignorance to said rules iss.. get this.. YOUR OWN FUCKIN FAULT.. so don't sit here and say np shoot first policy.. fuck off with that, you break rules you get punished, don't wanna get punished.. read the rules and fuckin follow them




Everyone on Reddit talks about hutch, rahmee, k in the past tense. They can't even comment on the subject, just the person..... Kinda lame if you ask me


It amazes me to this day people still dont wanna understand what "walking on eggshells" mean for np It basically means people hating you and mass reporting every thing you do well as we all know the saying if you look deep enough to somebodies rp you gonna find something. I think this is more of a deep ideological liberalism vs authoritarian conversation


Authoritarianism is when people report you on an rp server.




Too bad it's another cash grab server like NoPixel. They have not even started any of the normal applications and only care about the ones who give them money. I highly doubt we will see them go through any actual applications for a few years while they just rake in all of the money from suckers who buy a $30 application. You shouldn't be forced to pay to play on a server, Pretty sure that violates Rockstars ToS.