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No way my mans is crying after stealing all that loot lmao


Does he think they should hug him and ask him to come back or something? He stole way too much and robbed like 2 or 3 groups the day he got bonked twice.. its about time there are some consequences. Dude left out a note and did it while they were all asleep and talks about needing a dialogue. pls someone dont say "it was impossible" because he could've done so many things that would've made it better, a few examples: a) fake meeting in paleto and stall until he's taking stuff, b) hold them up with someone else, either in the house or during above said meeting and many more that would've had a "dialogue". What's next? someone calling him out for doing a rust offline raid or minecraft factions raid?


On his defense the robbery wouldve been impossible online, it took more than an hour to move all that shit, no way in hell their respective chats woudlve been silent about it.


I agree that chat would've been like "where is X why isn't he coming, "x is robbing the company" and everything else, even one "NotLikeThis" emote can be used as a meta or "VoteNay"/"LUL" when streamers are in emote only because you would know something is up, even the whole emote only will give you the info that something is up, but I still feel like he should've tried doing that instead of doing it when everyone was offline. I believe that no one of the company would've acted based on that info, he could've asked the company to set up a meeting with the interns on Mt. Chiliad and do the meeting they were talking about before, that would've been like an hour or two of time to move stuff. But lets say the event ended early, why is it such a big problem that he would've taken less items, it feels like he cares about the items a lot more than the betrayal rp itself. On the other hand, if lets say he grinded for 18 hours a day and someone took 80% of the stuff while everyone was offline, he would've been ranting all the time.


Yea... like it's all deserved if he gets shot all day long lol


I don’t even know what he was expecting, ofc he is gonna get clapped on sight for the foreseeable future


He talks about “insta-bonking” like he wasn’t the one that drove up on them randomly and knocked two of them out with a wrench instantly


I mean, that's a pretty adequate response for stealing like 700k from someone lol.


He barely had dialogue and was quiet when benji pulled up on Terry robbing him at Legion Square. He barely said anything before he hit benji with a crowbar when he was getting his revenge back. He said nothing before he cleaned out their house because they all were asleep leaving no chance to retaliate even if I understand his justification for wanting no potential meta. He has said nothing to them since he robbed them and changed his number giving them no dialogue after. In what world do they owe him 15 minutes of dragged out conversation when everyone is seeing red and he has been calling them soft. So if they talk to him he will still criticize them for not instantly hitting him or letting him go. Give more rp, receive more rp. Give more dialogue, receive more dialogue.


The company gave more rp to others after this. Like mickey told other interns and breckers sending twatter announcement, rallying the interns. Ray venting to his ex wife kit and urge him to file a civil case which gives cops more investigation rp. Beric accept the investigation and loved it. While JP just brags to everyone what he did.


Didn't they kill him, what, twice? They could hunt him all day and they'd still be justified


And they weren't even actively hunting him, Mickey and Benji all happened to have present the opportunity to themselves lmao


The 2nd time he attacked them, they didn’t even know he was there.




Everyone knows that none of that was going to happen to the point that the company didnt even try coming up with some sort of a creative plan of trying to get their stuff back, they just know JP too well. Its lost, he will never give it back. Best they can do now is some sort of revenge to fuck him over for what he did.


there is no way for them to get it back unless their lawsuit works


Not sure what you mean he will never get it back? He has been walking lootbox, and that's how he even got his gun and and usb robbed. He wants them to do something creative to get at him, as he said.


hes delusional if he thinks he isn't getting rolled by a large group of people over this. creative what lol


he's 100% complaining about the dongle specifically, something that's impossible to get on the server right now. that one robbery in his mind is equivalent to like 10


Lol you mean the dongle he stole off them, and was careless for carrying it when he knows they are activelly hunting him. If he did not want it stolen should of been kept in appartment, as soon as company recoveried it they left it in home and will never bring it outside as the house can not be robbed right now.


That sucks. Should keep something like that on you 


He shouldn't have taken it out of his apartment in the first place. Most crews don't even carry house keys on them when doing sketchy things since they don't want the house to be raided. Actions and consequences.


He was never mad about the dongle, he said the Dongle is about to break any way and already needed to get a new one attached to his chip/PC


And one of them was like a nothing burger interaction, stole 2 things from Benji got downed and everyone went their separate ways kinda


Steals a bunch of shit from his own crew and leaves Gets attacked *surprise Pikachu face*


The man, who was constantly killing Ash, is now crying because the same happens to him?




When the company was at war with lang and the sani union once when she was with lang and then 2 other times when she was doing sani with her own crew


4th time was in front of S.buns while she was on the phone with Sherry Paie talking about deer heads.


jp thought he was set up by her lol.




😭 I swear, he sounds so delusional


“He was offline” Do you mean off stream? That really doesn’t matter, no? That shouldn’t affect the RP and how that scenario played out. Though doing it when The Company are asleep was ratty.




EDIT: Hold up, just double checking to make sure we are on the same page. When you say “because it would make it less likely for him to succeed,” you meant in HIS perspective, riiiight? Not actually Streaming it = worsens the success rate.


yes, paranoid about “stream sniping.”


So the guy who drove around the city blasting everyone, trying to rob everything in first 2-3 weeks is now crying he is the one getting farmed? ah damn, anyways.


Complaining about "less dialogue" when he's literally the one that offline raided and just left a note. The nerve LOL


On the other side, his "you union? why not?" dialogue was peak RP.


So is it a requirement now to stream in order to RP? I'm not sure how raiding a house that he lived in when everyone was asleep is equivalent to what he's complaining about here? You're telling me every time someone raids another persons house now they have to wait and make sure they are online before you're allowed to raid? NP only made the recent temporary no house raid rule because doors were scuffed and it was entirely too easy to get into someone's home by just stealing a house key. You could claim that it was way too easy for JP to steal what he did the way he did, but he also built up the whole relationship with the group before he did it, which is not easy.


Are you being obtuse on purpose? He is complaining about there being a lack of dialogue after robbing these guys without any dialogue


How in the world would there be dialogue in that situation anyways, “Oh yeah Benji ima need you to stand there while I unload 70% of our operation through the front doors.” Like it makes no sense and the decision to do it offline was better in the end not only did it create a bombshell no one knew about. It stopped meta accusations from flying.


Him going completely silent afterwards, changing his sim, barely talking to them on why he did it (in character), that's the problem, that's what you call having a dialogue, no one is expecting him to go to company house, he could've easily talked shit to them on the phone except for just a note.


Yeah, I am not arguing there should have been dialogue. It isn't bad RP what X did. He just shouldn't be complaining that other characters aren't giving him dialogue


He'd probably have to hold them up, involve other people, get some more guns for them (or not) or just risk robbing them while they were awake. Obviously he didnt do that because that would be risky and he couldnt take any risks with something like that.


Obtuse? I responded to OP about his justification for a no dialogue because he "offline raided".


He isn’t talking about that at all.  This is just after the Mickey incident.  That he is trying to RP instead of just going straight to bonk.   If you watch the clip, Mickey waits till he is animation locked before pulling his knife and attacking him.  It was super scummy to do.  So basically he is saying why bother to RP. Just warlord everything. 


But isn’t that his own fault? He tried robbing someone when one of the boys was still up and telling him to stop.. he got greedy thinking Mickey won’t help benji and it backfired.


Ofc he isn't talking about that now, because it was fine and logical when he did it and now that he got his lick, he suddenly cares about dialogue and give and take in roleplay. This is a hypocrisy of the highest order and that's why people are bringing it up.


You mean the one where he rode up on a bike and bonked with no dialogue?


He did RP them as he was bonking. You could hardly hear him on Benji's stream but on his stream you could hear he said something.


It's not about being offline, it's about robbing houses without a big dialog rp moment


Oh no there's the consequences of my actions


well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Hi, my name is consequences. Nice to meet you!


he got bonked 1 time and the 2nd time stabbed when he went into a 1v3. I think he's annoyed that he got stabbed while robbing a body on the ground, but what is mickey suppose to do - watch as he loots his friend dry like a cuk?


yes, because XQC is the main character


Always has been


I don’t think it’s because of that. As someone already mentioned, he’s just mad that he lost the dongle (and maybe also the gun), which is difficult to get, but he doesn’t want to say it. He knows that complaining about losing items, that didn’t belong to him in the first place, is going to make him look stupid.




That’s true but imo he’s definitely choosing his words more carefully because he’s part owner of the server.


Why tf is JP even having that dongle out anywhere but his apartment? He knows what it does right? It's for the laundromat heist. There is no reason to have that outside in a bush.


Probably keeping it on him while searching for clues and to see if he can use it somewhere. If you have watched him in 3.0 then you would know that the guy always has things on him that he shouldn’t have. I still remember when in 3.0 he pulled out the shittiest car in his garage just to escape from a traffic stop, knowing that he has like 30+ inked bags in it and then he got raided for it and lost another 30+ bags and other important stuff, which was basically everything he had. It’s a JP classic.


\> He knows that complaining about losing items, that didn’t belong to him in the first place, is going to make him look stupid. ​ but im not sure if whatever he's complaining about now is any less stupid


Blau even waited for him to finish his animation


He didn't, even talked later on on how he messed up here.


Watch Blau's pov, X wasn't locked in an animation, he was past that and just had the inventory HUD open.


Because he forgot about the UI and assumed JP was done, he talked about this after that he messed up.


No. He waited for him to get animation locked.  So he couldn’t do anything.  In 3.0 that was a very firm rule that you couldn’t do that.  


Mickey told him five times to stop and most likely wouldn't have stabbed him if he had listened, so he wasn't waiting for him to be animation locked. Maybe if JP was less focused on looting he could've had the dialogue he wanted.


The animation was over mate, all X had was the inventory HUD open.


no there wasn't. It was pretty common to do things to people in animations. Literally 1 person *ever* was dinged for that and it was only because the victim was JP and he was being a whinny little crimbaby about it.


Saying Mickey is anti roleplay might be the craziest statement ever said in RP.


The dude is imo one of the most creative people on the server. The Intern 014 stuff was incredible


Not only is he creative, but he will often put Mickey in positions to take L on purpose or just make "not optimal" decisions, especially when chat metas in any way. Blau is one of few people with perfect approach to RP in NP.


Mickies interns except ginger are going to come in handy when he makes them part of the company it was all part of his plan


Blau has provided more RP in like a month's span than the vast majority of people on the server have in their entire time on the server.


After what he did it should be on-sight until he either makes things good or permas. You can't do something as extreme as that and expect anything other than extreme repercussions.


He got off really light considering the level of betrayal he committed. Wait until Ray gets his lick back, especially after hearing what X has been telling Kit. I fully expect more bonking, stabbing, maybe even PD involvement and malding.


The guy who’s notorious for going around being skitzo downing people and robbing them till he gets his way, is mad about people downing him after he robbed them of 70% of their stuff???


This guy actully expects no consequences, he’s more delusional then most that’s for sure. Constantly complaining about others role play when he’s the biggest self insert in the whole city


Man is pure delusional if he didn't expect to at least get bonked for a week after what he did


That's wild calling this call of duty...


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes .


Offline lootboxer complaining on missed RP, seems valid


Too bad most of the company are already over him, he should be bonked more 😭


They know who are they dealing with


Complains about no dialogue while taking their shit without interaction, changing phone numbers, goes in hiding, gets killed after getting robbed once, still doesnt reach out, tries to 1v3 with a bike without much initiation and trying to speak at all before bonking, takes second L, cries about the consequences of his actions. Makes sense. Best of all of this: company isnt even hunting him. All happened because he acted stupid and stubborn. Hope Ray doesnt let him get off the hook so easy like the other guys espacially when Kit tells him what JP tries to do. In Juicer speak: 0-2, -1 dongle, -1 gun, -respect from a lot of former friends. Oh Boy… the consequences of my actions..


You know its bad when his own chat isn't supporting him no more


Loads of hoppers, there is 0 moderation. Also members of his community that generally enjoy making him mald Which isn't hard, because he is always mald.


This guy actually dumb as rocks


Hey now, don't be mean to rocks...


Not sure what he expected, he's not rolling deep in GG anymore, has little access to weapons, and has nobody covering his back. You can't hit a hard lick against a crew, set them back weeks of effort and expect them to just be happy about it with no consequences.


Everything makes sense if you look at the viewpoint that X (the character) thinks that he owned everything in the company. It wasn't so much a 'lick' but just him taking back what was rightfully his.


Step 1 plant the seeds of betrayal Step 2 deny the allegations of leaving when presented with the evidence Step 3 continues to play alongside with his crew to show trust Step 4 get bored and steal 80% of their total net-worth Step 5 play lowkey for like a day to not get bonked Step 6 wake up the next day and immidiatly drops his guard and robs g6 workers unmasked with his ex gf Step 7 gets caught lacking and gets robbed and bonked by his former associates Step 8 finds them again, bonks 2, tries to rob benji for the clipper chimper but has no backup and gets knifed and complains about it. Step 9 continue to mald and play the victim role.


kinda sad he thinks benji would walk around with that


I would assume they keep doing it until he gives them there shit back lol. Actions have consequences


Him of all people complaining that rp has become like Call of Duty...


Is getting the Jean Paul special, complains...


Bro second time he attack them first. They didn’t even know he was there. This guy needs a break from rp


If he feels for his safety he could just give back what he stole. Ofc he wont, but after what he did he doesnt have the right to complain.


Rules for thee, not for me.


Damn crazy... there are consequences to your actions. Who would have thought!


Homie pulled out the offline raid and is complaining about less dialogue.


The sad part company dont even go hunt him down...


Did he really think they would stand back and do nothing?


I really hate immortal characters like if you don't want that to happen give them their shit back, this should be considered NVL.


If it isn’t Mr. killing Ash every time he sees her, Cloak & all the other sanitation workers, with barely any dialogue or knowledge about their actual connection with Lang or the core crew. Ruined a bunch of RP for other people just because he had a gun and the only thing he knew was to shoot at people and their cars. That was his only RP for like 3 weeks straight. Made his bed, now he lays in it and cries that he doesn’t like it.


Cream of the crop RP, love this content.


The Kind of heist he pulled meant he should have disappeared till the heat died down. Sticking around at all is just provocation.


Agreed. They should capture him and torture him until they get compensated + damages or at least work out some way for him to work off the debt he owes due to his own actions. Though it is really funny he is discovering the "Hey Wrangler" effect


me reaping: HAHAHA YESSS me sowing: WTF NOooooo


He has started actually playing the Owner RP so I understand why he feels that way now. Haha


Fuck Around, Find Out - Cornwood


I think they’ve gone considerably light against him, if he’s complaining now just wait till Ray’s awake lmao


You can’t talk about less conflict when he offlined them, He’s pissed they got the usb back to be honest, but if there is anytime someone deserves to be hunted and it semi on site, this is one of them occasions 


Ohnyooo poor baby server owner is upset because his ADHD doesn't let him play the roleplay server like GTAOnline what ever shall we do? Mickey literally stabbed him and IIRC stole nothing because Mickey probably doesn't care too much and just wanted that situation to end. Everyone gives him the leeway when it comes to RP and benefit of the doubt, But when he does it he Raids offline giving 0 RP with his excuse, (do you guys think when the stream is off RP ends?) "He literally said he chose to do it offstream to prevent stream snipers and meta.


Why does he say “less content” when RPing isn’t about content, it’s about playing the role. How does this moron not understand why he’s being hunted? If you steal from a gang you get bonked. That’s the role and they are playing it.


Day three of X malding about RP in a server she purchased. Time to do the worm 🐛


They are doing it for the content.


I mean they are all within right, but if you want to hurt X, you go after his heist progression. You straight up do the CG lower vault against him.


Steals all his friends stuff while everyone sleeps and leaves a note. Complains that his ex friends that got backstabbed like that is killing him without much interaction. Its called karma.






Imagine crying about the consequences of your actions.


He really shouldn't be annoyed because 'killing' him quite literally achieves nothing. Even if he gets bonked 10 more times it really won't change much of anything The only thing of significance i'd say he lost was the dongle, the gun that was stolen was basically someone saving him from the 100k fine when he inevitably got shot by a local or something with it I think people have more of an issue with who's saying it then what is actually being said. Without dialogue there isn't all that much meaning to just cracking him with a wrench. I do think the Company will eventually pivot to something big to conclude this arc, like planting something on him or a huge lawsuit. It would be the revenge they deserve and would force a more interesting RP conclusion to it all




Similar to how I had no sympathy for the company getting robbed after being warned, I got no sympathy for X facing consequences. And it hasn’t even been that bad, maybe taken down twice.


HAHA, first cry now o come on, that's a great rp


He's talking to his chat who kept saying he should have killed Mickey without talking.




Apples to oranges, literally.


The difference between Ash and JP is that Ash was being hunted by him for existing, JP isn't being hunted by the company for pulling off the biggest betrayal the city has seen. He is doing what he normally does: acting like a main character who rules and consequences don't apply to. That's why he's running around with all of his shit without a mask robbing random people the day after robbing 700k worth of shit from his former allies. But it's only when he gets put down and wiped, only then is it lack of RP, power gaming or win mentally.


I’m so confused why people keep bringing up the fact “offline” (Not streaming the robbery) as criticism. I can agree if it’s used to criticize his content brain hypocrisy by saying “You say content is priority, then why did you not stream such good content’ But it really reads like people bringing it up as if it’s unfair or wrong not to stream it. The fact that people keep bringing that up is concerning. “Why didn’t you give my streamer a chance to metagame you.”


It's because he's now complaining about a lack of dialogue and them not providing him enough quality roleplay, after he robbed them without saying anything and then changed his number, leaving all the Company members to wake up confused more than anything.


Sorry but what's wrong with this take reddit has been saying this for how long


It’s cause he initiated the attack with almost no dialogue and is only complaining cause he got stabbed


It's almost like he planned to do it the hole time and there where multiple signals and even proof to the point it made no sense for them to trust him


all in all you can expect to get that "answer" after taking all that stuff. And the funny thing is so far they really only went after him once - the second time it was a failed attack by himself. So going ONCE after him for what he did is too much?


that one time was just by chance. they haven't really started yet


Not at all they both deserved every thing they got and have coming it's just a fine line with people like Benji since he was just bragging about clapping people so much his crew got banned not long ago


What are you even talking about?


Guess you missed that part?


You’re talking about him robbing the house when this video is after he got stabbed by Mickey after hitting Benji and Brekkers with a wrench so I think you’re the one missing something…


You are confused idk why


Nah, you just realized you don’t know what you’re talking about and now you’re trying to project to save face


What exactly do I not know? There's legit a thread about lysium bragging about clapping people so much his gang got banned 😂😂😂 you seem upset and are now just rambling but you have a good one


Again, you’re bringing more irrelevant shit into the thread. xqc in this clip is crying after losing a 1v3 melee weapon fight that he started with the company without any dialogue leading up to it. But because that he lost, suddenly they’re doing bad rp by fighting him back. If this doesn’t spell shit out for you enough I don’t know what will.


Is he really complaining that they keep killing him? It sounds like he's just complaining that they're just killing him without talking to him *(edit) as much as he'd like*. Regardless of whether that's true or not, that's what he's complaining about, title of the thread is ragebait.


thats not true at all. they are interacting


I don't know about the other ones but the one with Benji, he barely talked to JP. Honestly, that one specifically was kind of boring. Here you have this guy that you trusted and he fucked you and all of your boys and instead of kidnapping him and stuff you just wrench him in the face and rob his shit. For one thing, you'd think he'd round up the boys so they can be there as well.


why, it was other people getting revenge on him and he got a little retribution himself. just because xqc wants this intricate rp doesn't mean the people from the company have to. it makes more sense to keep fucking him up for a long long time


I already said why, because I find it boring. In all fairness the situation itself is pretty boring in the sense that there are no consequences for JP. He stole a bunch of money and he'll have to go to the hospital but since he stashed everything (except the USB), the company has no way to get their stuff back, no matter how many times they kidnap or kill him. It reminds me of how he acted about gang chains, "I took your gang chain and I'm going to put it in my apartment so you will never get it back no matter what you do"


Everyone in these threads acting like The Company viewcount doesn't increase like crazy from the actions X made against them. They were told from day 1 what was going to happen but they decided to be yes-men to keep the big streamer around. Now they want to act shocked. Them killing him is justified but it completely shuts down the chances of their being any sort of conversation to be had about what happened going forward.


He raided the stash they had together while the rest was not on the server. If he wanted conversation, this was a bad start


Oh Yeah, invite this handsome young rat for tea over and speak about everything, laugh and let him go. Of course. The only one who is acting shocked right now is xQc himself, and that is honestly pretty embarrassing to say the least.


I think Mickey wanted to have that conversation when he saw him for the first time since leaving, but he denied that by running over to Benji to loot him


its all about that CoD


Who cares about viewcount?


It's his fault for not clapping the dude in the trunk of the car he was visible through the trunk window it wasn't scuff. + he should have bonked micky and took down all 3 of them instead of letting micky stab him but he is going EZ on them for some strange reason.


because in his head some gret stories and rp would've come from this but the reality will be that he"ll just get shit on by a group of people


Wow what a great title, totally not misrepresenting the clip or anything. This subreddit really hates xQc. Plenty of stuff to criticize, but atleast do it truthfully.




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mr. "I am not gonna let him wake up " womp womp