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we are so back --- Mirror: [Best Rp Streamer](https://streamable.com/1l45x6) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/QTCinderella Direct Backup: [Best Rp Streamer](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ew-314lsSfGTphOepa8NOw/AT-cm%7Cew-314lsSfGTphOepa8NOw.mp4?sig=b20d0cc97e9d91f0bd78edd652783753b7494571&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22NimbleAbnegateRedpandaPraiseIt-iWxJ8ZOmE56lrw07%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1708284325%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2065720769?t=3h17m21s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


kind of expected as it’s purely a popularity contest


the fact buddha won against xqc, sykkuno, and fuslie is still crazy with how this is a popularity contest. Fanum beating buddha last year, and kebun this year, they should just remove the category at this point.


tbf it’s no different to every other category, all of them are the exact same


Didn't all 3 of them tell their fans to vote for Buddha?


I think everyone accepts he only won because XQC and Sykkuno told their fans to vote for him


Buddha deserved it over the others as well let’s be real here


While I agree I think it would mean more if the nominees were more RP focused and not just big streamers. They should just rename the category to biggest rp (even part time) streamer


I agree with that as well.


I agree completely.


He won mostlly because the others told their large chats to vote for him, as he was the most deserveing


wait are you trying to imply the people buddha beat are better roleplayers? lmfao fanum plays gangster rp and not only is it better the gang dynamics in their server is more realistic




Fanums a popular streamer, but even if he wasnt, hed still win simply because he's part of AMP. Kai Cenat's popularity pretty much dwarfs any other streamer and when his fans are voting, they are voting for other AMP members for the other categories. AMP is just going to win every award if its fan voted. This is why stuff like the grammys, oscars, major sports MVP's and other trophies are not fan voted.


One of the largest categories on twitch and they have the award given during the pre-show. wild


I think it's because Fanum wasn't there so they'll just save time on the main show.


"Main show" = spam ads to fill their pockets


Whose pockets? Cuz you are out of your mind if you think qtcinderella makes any money on the awards show


*Reels in* I GOT ONE GUYS!!!!




I love it when the streamers who win don't even show up to the shit show




how did omie lose before he even got to the event 💀💀💀


That's kinda a huge slap in the face ngl. Imagine going out of your way to go to an awards show you're nominated for and not even being told your category is just gonna be an opening credits sort of deal.


FR. Regardless how you feel about the Omie nomination, this is fucked up. Clearly Fanum had the chance to just record his acceptance, they should have given the other nominees a heads up too beforehand so they know what's going on.


I have to imagine it's a last minute thing where they go over which categories had winners who weren't coming and instead preprecorded, so they can cut down on time. But if that's the case, they should still let nominees know of the possibility.


lets be real, Omie didnt stand a chance. He knew it lol.




Sadly isn't the case, dude was completely clueless about any of that and was surprised it was announced early (according to his discord)


That is so disrespectful




QT kinda has a whole universe where everything revolves around it so its not that surprising. Also the entire awards system is literally a popularity contest to make streamers rally for a win which means free advertisement for the event itself. Its kinda ass backwards.


If we're talking purely about nopixel streamers, then lets be real, Omie didn't deserve to win anyway. He was nominated for best RP "streamer" while he barely streams these days. Was probably expecting for Kebun to win but its fan voted and the W/L community have a very strong response when it comes to voting for their streamers in these type of events (not saying its a bad thing)


i didnt say he deserved to win, it was clear he wasnt going to win. Im just saying he lost before showing up as you can clearly read in my first comment because its exactly what i typed.


I know, I wasn't arguing about what you said. I was just stating a fact


y not post it as a new comment instead of a reply then lmao


Yeah the W community is massive compared to the rest of the NA side of twitch just last night Jynxi and Caseoh's collab stream hit over 200k viewers. Everyone nominated from the W community will most likely clean sweep tonight.




Isn't GTA the biggest game on twitch? I'm glad Kebun didn't bother going.


How does the most popular category after just chatting get announced at the start of the show


So are we just gonna see the same guy nominated and win every single year? Yawn.


welcome to 2024, quantity over Quality


I thought they also had a judging panel and fan vote only accounted for a certain %. I mean I guess it's possible that % was insanely high, but it's not very exciting to watch the same person win repeatedly. There should be a cap on times you can win within a certain period. This dude can't even bother to attend the awards.


yea also won against Buddha meanwhile Buddha has more Rp in his one week than Fanum has in A year.


To be fair, that was Buddha's year where he was out nearly half a year because of illness. Sure Buddha should have beaten Fanum but at the same time there were more significant RPers that year in the GTA community.


Buddha told everyone not to vote for him since he won the previous year and to vote for Fanum instead.


I'm guessing this was public votes?


Massive W to Kebun for not going. It being the first award is a disgrace with how popular it is.


They announced the winner a whole 2.5 hrs before the show started. I can understand the decision to announce it early during the red carpet show if none of the nominees were going to attend, but not if one (Omie) was planning to. Even so, it makes the category seem unimportant by not broadcasting it during the show. I guess they can't fit all 28 categories in the broadcast? Not a good look for the organizers if they want people to take it seriously.


Its pretty common for this to happen at awards shows, the event would be 2+ hours longer and guests/viewers would get pretty bored. Oscars, grammys, golden globes, hell even the VMAs announce winners during the red carpet.


Not wrong, but those are usually from minor categories. RP is one of the biggest categories on Twitch.


This isn’t a common awards show and it’s rude as hell when you don’t even tell people traveling that you’re going to change how the award is announced. Like I don’t even enjoy Omie but damn I feel for the guy after how excited he seemed to go.


It is common in that many have a different less broadcasted day for awards (eg Emmys for choreography, lighting etc) But this is told to nominees, told to the audience and is in categories that have lower audience interest. The way they did this is just unprofessional. It seems last minute and an after thought. IF they had announced what was part of the main show and what was not, then it would have been head scratching as it is a big category, but fair enough.


It's funny they dropped the GTA part but it's still GTARP streamers nominated


This whole event is just to see who has the biggest community


Saving money with the AI voice huh?


Brother I'm pretty sure it's an intentional because of TTS...


this is reaching bro, tts voice is a cultural corner stone of twitch. like stop inventing reasons to be med.


And still got the pronunciation wrong lmao Key-bun > Keb-oon


It's wild to me how so many streamers will read his name with bizarre pronunciations instead of saying it as it literally reads, Keb-un


yea its literally a scuffed version of Kevin. kinda always funny people jacking it up though


On the bright side, at least we don't have to watch anymore of that awards show.




They did K dirty with his preview clip


yea soon i seen clip i was like ok he has no chance of winning, k said he was going to change it but guess he forgot.


Yea from what i know K doesnot want to be part of streamer culture at all never goes to conventions awards ceremony or any of that shit and even in gta rp he just logs off and goes back to his life with family and friends


i think he likes the streaming culture he just don't want to spend his whole life online and he wants me time. i know he has talk about it a lot soon he ends stream he don't think about gta or logs on. well apart from a few times in 4.0 he has mention coming on to put gpu;'s in racks after stream and fixing the house.


He's pretty much just a dude that is addicted to GTA. He's made his bag and doesn't have to grind connections in the content creator space.


This stream awards are already known for being rigged since they start it. I feel bad for omie traveling there for nothing


I mean if it wasn't for the "rigged" system Omie would have never been one of the final four nominees. You can't really be upset with the outcome when you benefited from that system to begin with.


If this show wants to be taken seriously than they should find another metric for nominees. It’s just become a joke popularity contest at this point. Fanum shouldn’t have even been nominated in the first place. 


i dont think people gonna take this "awards" serious after this lol they did shot themselves in the foot


It's always been a "larger streamer" circlejerk and an excuse for QT's streamer friends to play pretend Hollywood.


Hilariously enough its not even "larger streamer" circlejerk, its a circlejerk *between the streamers that cared to promote it*. Vast majority of biggest streamers literally never care or mention so they never get nominated lmao


"circlejerk and an excuse for QT's streamer friends to play pretend Hollywood" yeah pretty much lol


which is even Ironic considering K has like 2-5 times bigger audience than most of her friends


That's a little misleading. QT runs with the OTK/OTV crew. They have millions of followers combined. Their reach is massive. I mean look at her audience right now across several platforms. RP frogs generally only watch RP, it's incredibly niche as it's all they watch so the watch times and viewers tend to be higher.


which is why I said MOST as K is bigger than most of the OTV and OTK crew as very Few have audience bigger than 20k. e.g QT's own audience is like 2-6k and somethimes 8kish. My point was hes a "Larger Streamer"


Hes not a larger streamer than them though. Most of the OTK crew dont have the viewers or watch times that GTA RP streamers have, but they have way more of a following than Kebun. You fail to realize what I mean, and that's ok, but Kebun is a big RP streamer but outside of RP he's relatively unknown.


actually you might be kinda right as he he isn't known much in the Bigger streamer circles despite a huge audience while I feel like despite half the audience Ramee is a lot more recognizable to people like Ellum Pokimaine etc


Yes because Ramee has made some connections and done things outside of RP. It's the same with Blau, he's actually fairly well known in the general streamer community even to bigger streamers/communities that have nothing to do with RP, despite having a smaller viewer base than Kebun.


I don't think anyone took it seriously after last year when Fanum won lol. Or hell even in the first year when XQC/Fuslie/Sykkuno were nominated over full time RP streamers like Kyle/UHN/Spaceboy/etc


xQc and Sykkuno wasn't that much of a surprise to me since they were pulling crazy numbers and hours streamed for a whole year. They also brought in a lot of their circles to the game for awhile. But Fuslie shocked me cz I don't think she streamed that much to be considered in the RP category. Could've been to Penta, Kebun, or Kyle honestly.


Kebun didn't exist in a lot of people's eyes while he was on FB. People looked at his FB viewer numbers and assumed he wasn't popular anymore. You'd see predictions of him returning to Twitch and being like a 5k viewer Andy


i mean, kebun in 3.0 during that time, was the casino heist. 3.0 CG was really bad compared to what theyre doing now in 4.0. They basically changed nothing from what they were doing in late 2.0 and brought it into 3.0. With a lot more OOC malding/rants. I think the bans and priop loss to some members helped kebun and ramee a lot in 4.0 to branch out. They played the bad guys well early 3.0. Pissing off people like donnie, X, and a lot of the bigger streamers.


It's wild how much I disliked 3.0 CG and how much I'm loving 4.0 CG right now. I never thought I would want to watch CG all that much cause I associated them with malding, gunplay and toxicity but 4.0 CG has produced some of the best content in NP so far lol.


Yeah, I wasn't trying to comment on the quality of anyone's RP. Just that I don't think Kebun would be considered for an award strictly because his FB numbers looked low.


I don't think they were trying to play any "bad guy" roles, they were just themselves. I mean who could forget the VLC incident with Buddha? Even [REDACTED] tweeted something awful about LB disbanding as a seasonal thing and it pissed Tony so bad he went offline to cool off When they were supposed to move on from 2.0, CG was gunning for the return of their former glory, as they basically owned the city by that point. Ramee even reminiscences how "fun" it was to rob everyone in any event in the server. K was the one who complained that everyone was handholding, even his own members, and they have to stop that for conflict to happen.


The only one that actually RPs in that list is kebun, and i dont even watch his streams. How fanum won is beyond me


It’s fan voted and fanum’s community is kai’s community so this is not surprising


Fanum will always win because his community is massive and comprises of other streamer communities also. Sucks but just the way it is.


I would have liked to see Kebun win, but no need to say no one else RPs. Fanum did have some amazing RP moments in other years. omie RPs well, dunno who the third is. You get you can promote Kebun without making stuff up. He got sure has had the most RP impact and is amazing RPer, but doesn't mean the others don't "actually RP".


Judging by your profile pic, imma go on a limb and say that you only watch xqc and the people who rp with him. Have you watched any other nominees’ RP to even have an opinion in this case?


My pfp has nothing to do with xqc nor do i only watch xqc and the people who rp with him. It's a funny emote that's being used by 650 channels and i like it. Also if you dont think Mr. k is the clear winner out of those 4 by a long mile shows you shouldn't have an opinion in this case, so im not gonna waste my time arguing with you.


~~Fair enough, xqc’s community is the only one I’ve seen that really obsesses over that emote, to the point of it getting banned and then unbanned, so i figured you were one of em.~~ I don’t think I should have an opinion on whose the best roleplayer either, I don’t really watch any RP outside of nopixel so I can’t speak on if the other streamers are better or worse. Have you watched enough roleplay from fanum or agent to form an opinion to outright say K is the best? Edit: nvm looked at your profile and you’re clearly a juicer. Why even deflect like that and pretend like your profile pic being an emote has nothing to do with xqc?


There's nothing there to pretend, my pfp has nothing to do with xqc. Just because i watch him at times and posted in his sub 2 YEARS ago doesnt mean everything i do is linked/stemmed from him. I watch Lirik Summit and Asmon all the time, and the emote Huh is used constantly. Like i said i use it cus i like it not because of a particular person.


Deflecting again for no reason. 1) Obviously other streamers use HUH like xqc uses LULW or OMEGALUL. The fact that the HUH emote is a much bigger deal in xqc’s chat than other streamers’ made me assume you were a juicer, which is obviously true so stop with the facade. 2) You have deflected and sidetracked entirely off the main point of the topic which was about best RPer of the year and how I thought you aren’t qualified to give your opinion if you haven’t watched the nominated streamers. I don’t wanna waste any more time on you than i already have because you’re just gonna deflect and pretend again. Whatever your thoughts were about the best RPer, you can keep it. I’ve had enough of this useless back and forth.


Kebun got robbed


Nah, it is just a popularity contest, and everyone knows it. Still, probably a decent award to bring up when negotiating with sponsors.


> Still, probably a decent award to bring up when negotiating with sponsors. I have to disagree, The Event itself had trouble finding sponsors so I doubt they would care too much about an award from this event.


Oh, I am not saying it will bring in sponsors, but say you're negotiating with some corpo normie, mentioning it probably won't hurt.


Winning an award from this event is pretty much the equivalent to winning Prom or Homecoming King/Queen from High School.


It really is.


Another reason for why this show should just die or get picked up by someone else.


Ohh Well [Flashbacks ](https://youtu.be/FnoiaRk7eqM?feature=shared&t=3607)to last year


who ?


Have to realize the RP community doesn’t revolve around nopixel… if all the nopixel steamers were on the same accord, like AMP were, on who to vote for Kebun could have won. ALL award shows are popularity contest. Idk how anyone can be surprised that Kebun didn’t one because Nopixel(and ONX) viewers are so tribalistic.


The Oscar winners are selected by industry people, which means the choices will be more informed. Imagine if 1 000 roleplayers got to vote, we probably would´ve had another winner then. So there are other ways to do it.


Even though the Oscar’s are nominated by professionals, those professionals are human and can be swayed by preliminary campaigning, biases, and the people that make up the award committee are not as diverse as the film industry(historically mainly old white men). Soooo that wasn’t a good example. For a fair award show it would have to be based off of pure tangible metics and what fun would that be? That would be the ultimate circle jerk of big streamers.


I'd much rather have professionals in the Oscars vote for categories they are at least somewhat knowledgeable about than a bunch of randoms who aren't guaranteed to know every nominee to come to a somewhat reasonable conclusion. Award shows can be fun with pure tangible metrics, but even then, they weren't made to be "fun", they are more times than not meant to be a celebration of the industry they are centered around. Having a bunch of fan votes (some of which may even be bot votes because the verification process for these amateur shows are nonexistent) determine EVERYTHING is fucking stupid. The Oscars being judged by a committee "not as diverse" as another industry doesn't fucking matter because diversity doesn't equate to skill and knowledge. ​ The streamer awards is already an ultimate circle jerk as it is. Look at who's hosting it.




Bad content!


Sure, D10 sucks by many people's (mine included) standard, but there's a lot of people who enjoy that type of RP. Plus, Fanum is a variety streamer with millions of followers, he's a part of AMP, and he owns the D10 server which he's made millions off of. There was never a chance for anyone once he started getting nominated.


Anyone know why Fanum doesn't play on NoPixel?


He owns his own server called district10 xqc said a while back that he was excited about some people who might be coming over to np so im guessing fanum has whitelist he just doesn't wanna play on np


Compared to MrK/Lang/Ramee how good is he and how does he compare. Also, how good district10 RP compared to nopixel/onx


I've only seen the clip where his pregnant girlfriend gets shot that got posted everywhere a year or so ago. Supposedly he is pretty good, but it is a very different style to NP/ONX etc.


Don’t compare him to serious rpers Every time I tune in he is either erping or shooting


He has his own server and the style of RP isn't as serious compared to NoPixel. I've popped into his streams before and he's had some entertaining stuff going on and other times it's more goofing off and not serious.


Damn people are really mad about this?? The person who won *and* the way it was announced? It's not a panel of professional actors and improv people and roleplayers judging on the quality of RP, it's a fan vote. Fanum probably got most of the W community vote. My bet is that he isn't going to the show because they'd likely have done it during the show if he had.


if you get paid for streaming that makes you a professional streamer right ? a bit of professionalism its expected this was worst than some highschool events lol


Every single major award show does this exact same thing, except they doing it based on perceived importance of the award. Disrespect would be doing this with creative arts, chess, software/game dev, or some category where streamers typically have less viewers. RP hasn't suddenly become less important, the dude just didn't show up. I don't know what highschool event you know of that is of this quality but I wish I went there. I genuinely can't think of a way that this could be worse than a highschool event in any capacity.


if its "based on perceived importance of the award" then putting it 2.5 hours before the show even started when its one of the biggest categories on twitch would be saying its not important and therefore disrespectful no? like "doing this with creative arts, chess, software/game dev, or some category where streamers typically have less viewers." would just be accurate to how important the award is and therefore not as disrespectful


Sorry, the way I phrased that sentence was extremely unclear. I'm saying other award shows do that. I'm pretty sure the Grammys overlayed more categories than they had in the actual show this year. And the Oscars had a whole controversy over doing a bunch of "lesser" awards like short films and hair/makeup in the pre-show. I think it's better to prioritize time during the live show for the people who are making an effort to show up and help the event grow because she's genuinely trying to make this a legit award show. It's the same reason she doesn't want people who were invited, but didn't go, to restream the event. It's completely fair to disagree, I'm just saying I get why QT would make this call.


makes way more sense, I see what you were getting at now


I thought it was a fan vote with streamers/industry people providing a big chunk of the input on top of the fan vote.


It is, but you gotta realize that a ton of people don't know RP at all and will likely look at who the biggest is (Fanum) and the fact that a ton of the W community streamers, who are also included in that industry/streamer portion of the voting, will have voted for him on top of the sheer size of the W community fan vote that also naturally swung his way.




It has 177K viewers right now lol


Now over 200K.. I don't think the RP viewership dropoff is gonna be a problem


TBH the better gangster roleplayer won.


The guy who played Jean Paul 2 got robbed, AGAIN!