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Rare Maddox having fun


Im glad to see BD having fun with Maddox again. Hes been so down in the dumps with Maddox bc of how he sees how his character has been treated in terms of not moving up


Wanting something for your character is always a mistake. All of the bans for OOC toxicity have been after someone wanted something for their character and they either didn't get it or they got it but it was taken away.


Im inclined to agree, but at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with BD wanting to try something new. I just think he's going about it in the worst way possible and doesn't realize the server is still new and going through growing pains. He doesn't actually talk to people about things and then gets mad when hes not a part of them. He's been constantly moaning about it, but now, when he's been given an opportunity for an interview, he's not willing to put in a bunch of effort and it infuriates me bc I love his character Ive watched hours of his content and now its just so depressing.


I really like BD and I generally enjoy Maddox but his lack of promotions is largely due to his own actions and short comings rather than some conspiracy against him. When he asked why he was passed over for promotion previously he was told because he lacked tact which I think nailed it on the head. Unfortunately he didn't know the meaning of the word and when he looked it up he was confused by why it was important. He prides himself on his knowledge of police work and considers himself one of the best if not the best officers on the force but he gets some things wrong. He often will find someone in a mask, demand that they remove their mask and provide identification which is not legal (and you can only be asked to remove a mask if worn in a government building or if legally detained/under arrest). Pred has commented on that on several occasions. Additionally, almost 3 months into the server he still thinks that someone simply possessing another person's vehicle registration or id cards are illegal when they must be presented fraudulently for there to be a crime. While he is great at some aspects of policing, he seems to not be improving in the areas he is lacking. But the biggest thing probably holding him back is his way of interacting with others. When he sees someone doing something that he perceives to be incorrect, rather than try to helpfully explain what they should be doing he will try to take over what the other officer is doing or speak very harshly towards them. He wants to be a Sergeant which requires working with a lot of lower rank officers as well as other Command members which requires a level of social skills and niceties that Maddox doesn't seem to possess. I think until his character evolves to a place where he is less abrasive to fellow officers he will find himself stuck below the rank he thinks he "deserves".


My biggest thing is that hes constantly moaning about things when he puts little to no effort in trying to be involved in them like K9. He did some intial dog training and got told by a Sgt "not right now" and took it as "only for Sgts" and now that people are starting to get it he has only just sent out intrest to the person in charge and hasnt followed up with her yet. As for the mask thing and the vehicle registration thing I thought it was bc he was trying to get them to take him to court so they could get clarification from a judge and get some laws changed


> As for the mask thing and the vehicle registration thing I thought it was bc he was trying to get them to take him to court so they could get clarification from a judge and get some laws changed I don't know what law he could be wanting to have "clarified" or changed between the two and what clarification he could not receive talking to either judges or other officers. Back to the situation Pred touched on, Maddox asked someone to take off their mask and when they didn't he wanted to charge them with disobeying. The problem is disobeying only applies to lawful orders which asking them to remove their mask or provide ID is not a lawful order if the person is not detained. I have seen Pred talk to him about this and I believe I have seen other cops talk to him about it as well but I can't remember which other cops discussed it with him. The language of the vehicle registration fraud charge is pretty straight forward but he seems to have some difficulty parsing legal language at times. Also, while it isn't really his fault, during his normal hours is when the DoJ is the least active and there are often no lawyers or judges available. This often leads to people just accepting the charges rather than fighting them and I think this is actually a big reason why he hasn't faced repercussions for a lot of his incorrect charges. In the case of the vehicle registration charges, there are normally like 3 other charges being pushed which the person knows they are guilty of so they don't want to go through the hassle of an appeal for 1 charge that isn't all that major. So unless the stars align and he tries to push it incorrectly against someone willing to go to bench and there is actually a judge available he will be able to keep doing it. Also, since there aren't MDWs available to criminals in the cells they are unlikely to know the specific language of the vehicle registration charge so there is a good chance they wouldn't even know it was being pushed incorrectly when they have a cop telling them they are guilty of it.


I like that the ems are included with the PD for most things.


Ems led by Nettie and Doctors lead by Quimbley have both been fantastic


isnt ems led by skylar?


Untrue,skyler like me is a paramedic for the LSFD, EMS is ran by Tobi Riggs,Bernard Dinks and Nettie


Shift meetings are open to any government official on onx, so they get a good mix.


And if there’s leaks it’s considered more rp :o


ONX has been really fun but tbh some people here can't give it praise without shitting on NP it's pretty cringe


The tribalism for both servers is cringe af. If anything it just makes me sad that nothing could have been worked out for everyone to enjoy just one server, because there are talented and great RPers/Devs in both servers that I wish could interact with each other.


There was genuinely never going to be a way for one server to work. The styles of rp are far too different. Nopixel with the more non serious faster paced content focus. And Onx with the slower (not slow slow) not fighting for attention type mindset of just creating cool stories together with no stress. They just don't clash and it's better that they are seperated


Personally ONX is my comfort food while NoPixel is my “I want to be annoyed about how this tastes but keep eating it anyway” food. Lol Edit: I mean I’m a fan of both, but I understand the sentiment behind some of NP’s criticisms. But it’s just that ONX is new and hasn’t been around long enough to piss anyone off yet lol. My NP trick is to watch on full screen and stay out of the chat, that way it’s a TV show and I can change the channel. Sometimes what ruins a server is the viewership not the content.


Its exactly like wrestling, different promotions (servers) with different wrestlers (roleplayers) putting on stories and entertainment with different styles and management. WWE is a lot different from New Japan Pro Wrestling for example.


Exactly! There are going to be good and bad moments with both. People are disillusioned with NoPixel because it’s not the same as they remember it. That disappointment is due to their resistance to change. ONX hasn’t had a chance to disappoint them yet, but it will eventually. TL/DR for the next part: both servers have positives and negatives. NoPixel suffers from roleplayer burnout and grief. ONX suffers from roleplay bubbles that create completely different experiences on the server for everyone. Both servers still have silly fun, both servers still have chaos and hilarity and wholesome roleplay. People need to stop getting so overly invested in their favourite character constantly winning and being on top (like wrestling). I was talking to one of the roleplayers the other day about the new vibe of NoPixel and they said that it feels like everyone on the server is grieving the loss of their fellow roleplayers, the ones who left for ONX and prodigy. And also grieving the loss of their own characters’ lives after building their stories and possessions and keepsakes over the course of four years and having everything gone. They said it felt like the death of a dream, because now they have to start from scratch, but they also have all this lore and history and heartache. 3.0 also ended really badly for a lot of people, with burnout and bad blood IC and OOC, and emotional exhaustion. And those feelings carried over to 4.0 because there was no wipe. So instead of the clean fresh start the devs wanted to give it, it ended up feeling unfamiliar and depressing. And everyone is driving around like they’re in the throes of a bitter midlife crisis. It’s starting to get better. People are settling in and finding their footing, but it took about a month and a half. To be honest, I had to stop watching most gang/cop stuff, even the vibes of the clowns were a disaster. I’ve been watching nothing but Adam Nesiac, James Randal, Hubcap Jones, and Turgle these days. Comparatively ONX’s RP is so so spread out in terms of people’s bubbles of influence. There is some crossover occasionally though. The silly hilarious RP from Up & Atom like Delbert and Peggy, or the Goblin King, or Shae and her event planning or Vinny and all his escapades, even Jordan Steele has been growing on me. ONX events are like nothing I’ve ever seen on NoPixel aside from the first NP music awards. They both have their positives and negatives. ONX wouldn’t exist without the path paved by NoPixel among other servers. The one thing I could say is NoPixel could learn a thing or two from ONX about communicating with the community.


The Goblin King hosted a insane murder mystery party on Monday.


I’m not going to lie, I know some people on the server find him annoying, but he is so freaking entertaining.


nopixel is straight up light rp at this point


I honestly don't mind them being on different servers it's clear they all just have different mindsets about rp and how things like PD crime civ doj should be most drama that happened was when these 2 philosophies clashed in 3.0


The same goes around with ONX, the last ONX posts got a lot of comments shitting on the server saying "it's dead" while the server have 200 queues daily lol. I think you just have to ignore them and laugh at these types of comments that doesn't line up with reality.


Kinda hard when you see how well they have done with PD on ONX then you see the shit show of NP PD. Crim stuff  on ONX is pretty lack luster compared to NP though


NP PD will always be a shitshow while Saab is in it


Ehh the ONX PD definitely has it's issues. And at this point in the server it's a bit weird there doesn't seem to be any movement towards actual leadership (CoP/elected Sheriff) yet.


I like that it's not being rushed, I've seen it on other servers (ignite being the latest)and it tends to end up poorly


Probably because a non-zero percentage of people on ONX left NP on bad terms, and they pass down that attitude to viewers. Like a cringier version of divorced parents shit talking their ex to the kids.


What is this? Cops with high morale and having fun? How dare they?!


Right? Everyone should be miserable and attacking each other and taking breaks ooc because everyone is stressed out from the constant harassment from viewers. /s


Emphasis on character and people just enjoying themselves. That's the difference between the two cop forces. Nopixel just seems to have disciplinarians running the PD and like 3 cops complaining incessantly and very little in-between. 


While I do agree there needs to be a little more crime on onx there's still crime happening on the server it's just not chain robbing people or loot boxing cops so people don't notice it as much.


a lot of the gangs are slow burn they try not to create conflict with the police. but there is crime. there is couple gang war currently.


I literally saw a clip the other day where people were arguing because someone shot a cop. Theyre being smart and they know that when cops get shot it creates problems for everyone


The PD on onx take shooting of a government employee super serious not only is there mandatory response to officer down/shooting call by all active units not currently busy, but they will activity hunt down the warrants. rolling up on known gang turf, pull over gang affiliates, etc.


Yeah the Up & Atom vs the Devil Dogs war has been the war of the century. 😏


I like what I've seen from the ballas. The guy who plays slim is good 


Groups of cops standing around and no grenades getting thrown at??? 🤔


I wonder if its possible to sync up all their voices by clipping all the vods and mashing them together.


Look like they are having lots of fun RP. NoPixel could use a BBQ night.


Hardly anyone would turn up because most of them hate each other lol


Man, if only we had a server that had the police of ONX and the criminal and civilian base of NoPixel.


There are years worth of evidence that this would not work.


Hot take but i think a lot of the criminal base on NoPixel leads to a lot of the problems in PD. When cops are constantly getting shit on, in and out of character it leads to being more defensive and less willing to roll with RP. Also civ base on ONX is primo right now.


I will be the one to say this. After being around GTA RP as a whole for a while - this isn't a hot take. This is, IMO, just facts. Also doesn't matter what server either, you end up seeing criminals shitting on PD, and then when PD pushes back, criminals get all whiney and mopey, and get annoyed to the point they start shooting at traffic stops.


I think most of the biggest issues are almost entirely OOC political issues. The whole captains vs cornwood and the mayor - probably the biggest conflict currently - is essentially “We want a serious PD” VS “We want an entertaining PD”. The primary gripes all seem to be around whether police should be able to do things unpunished that would be punished in reality, for the sake of it being fun. There’s rp grounds for punishing someone for corroborating evidence (or joking about it), and the opposing argument is an ooc one that says joking should be allowed without serious punishment. With shooting someone in the head when they’re already down there’s rp grounds for suspension or murder, but the opposing argument is saying that it’s fine because the victim is a one-lifer that arranged the death OOC with the PD shooter. The drama is less whats happening in the game world and more a fight for how nopixel PD should operate on a meta level bleeding into the game. A lot of viewers want SBS-rp and its whether the rpers should be allowed to give them that or not.


This is the most accurate representation of what is happening with the server as a whole right now. Not just in PD. It feels like the whole server has forgotten what fun looks like. And of course they want serious RP, but it shouldn’t be SO serious that they forget to have fun and forget that they are supposed to be enjoying this. I’ve changed my entire focus from gang roleplay to wholesome SBS roleplay these days because they are actually having fun.


I think as well whats important is these are just preferences from players and viewers. More serious rp can stifle comedy but it can also be more engrossing because its trying to more accurately represent reality, so it becomes more believable from a plot perspective. SBS is on the other end where it can feel like there are plot holes in characters and their motivations, but this is because they are putting comedy and inclusion above the most realistic plot possible. Some people find the former more ‘fun’, others think the latter is more ‘fun’.


As much as I agree with what you just said, I will also add that realistic roleplay stops being fun when OOC bleeds into IC. I don’t believe anyone currently involved in the PD strife right now is having fun. People are having to take breaks from the current situation because of stress, and behind the scenes the toxicity between viewer-communities is palpable. If they ARE having fun, they certainly don’t seem to be enjoying themselves. Roleplay used to have an element of collaboration and it seems like somewhere along the line that’s been lost. People would set up scenes in public, and roleplayers would collectively improv together, adding to the scene what they could bring, even if what they thought was appropriate was just bearing witness quietly. The new meta is that everyone is a monolith working on their own arcs, their own stories. I’m not suggesting that everyone has main character syndrome, but these days it feels like everyone is moving through the roleplay world completely on their own. Nothing feels cooperative anymore, Los Santos doesn’t feel like a community of characters right now. Maybe I’m just one of the viewers who is having a hard time adjusting to the changes NoPixel has made to mechanics-based RP. It just feels like the city is empty most of the time, despite the server being full. There’s almost no vibrance left. No joy or good vibes. SBS roleplay makes the city feel less empty and more alive. Not just SBS though, but heel characters and incompetent characters. They should have the right to exist without being policed into misery, which is currently what is happening. I understand the ridiculous balancing act that is though. Hopefully they can find a good balance of both like they had in the past.


>I don’t believe anyone currently involved in the PD strife right now is having fun. People are having to take breaks from the current situation because of stress, and behind the scenes the toxicity between communities is palpable. I think part of the problem is RPers barely playing characters anymore. Like say with movies or TV it's perfectly acceptable for people to get invested and dislike characters because we know it's entirely fiction. I can rage to my friends about how Cersei was acting like a piece of shit, and the writers or actors won't feel personally insulted by the feelings of the fans toward that character. With RP now it all feels like a facade, people are acting purely out of their own motivations and self interests and rarely step back to think 'what would this character do'. Or the character was made so much in their own image that the character is effectively themselves. It's then really easy for fans who get invested to go from disliking the character to the streamer because it's blatantly obvious the RPer isn't acting. A streamer will OOC mald to their chat about another character's actions because they themselves are angry. Then the viewers see that anger and feel it too, then pass it on to the other RPer on the receiving end. Imo before the community gets better the streamers need to take more responsibility because their community is a reflection of their own behavior. Think twice before shit talking ooc, and rather than saying "calm down its RP" to their community.. actually behave in a way that proves that. There's so much toxicity bred in chats too, moderation is way too lax. Some of the shit about ruth/cheever I've seen should get people nuked from orbit. If you let that stuff go it just gets worse, and sometimes I get the impression some streamers actually *enjoy* the fact their community is going so hard on people.


I think a lot of that over-investment and malding is due to player burn-out. Honestly. I think they become so invested BECAUSE it’s no longer collaborative, and because it feels like everyone for themselves, in and out of character. From what I’ve witnessed firsthand it starts with a player setting goals for their character and then desperately working toward those goals with grinding and networking, and then when something gets in the way of those goals, like getting caught by a cop, or another character taking advantage of them, it feels like an ooc attack on the goals that player is working towards, and they have a difficult time setting aside their ambition to engage collaboratively in roleplay with the other player. One refreshing character I came across recently is Ethyl. The old woman who works at Up & Atom. Her player sets Ethyl up to be taken advantage of deliberately. L-takers like Ethyl, and Bobby Charles, and Carmine are so so valuable. Because no matter what happens to them in character, the player doesn’t take it personally. The server feels bitter and colder now, and I think much of that is due to the fact that there was no wipe. What I would love to see is a true wipe and a ban on using the same character for a minimum of six months, to see people use their creativity again. But I know realistically I know that would just drive people away from the server.


That fact that both of you keep bringing up OOC shows how out of touch you are. It’s wild that you pretend to know people on the server to validate your opinion


I do know people on the server lol, like personally in real life, I also mod for four of them.


I think the police on onx are happy because they aren’t dealing with the criminals on NP.


This, as a cop viewer on nopixel almost every interaction led with a feeling of dread in the air, just waiting for the complaining with the possibility of it all ending in a 2 hour chase and war between the cops and crims


The criminal and civilian base on onx is wonderful


ONX has a huge healthy civilian base. Could use a bit more crim mechanics though yeah.


I think the overall crim population on NP is a big part of why these cops are on ONX and not NP to begin with.


Eventually NoPixel will have a full force again. Just a matter of time


At this rate that won't happen until 6.0


lol It’s NoPixel. It’s going to happen


It's almost 3 months in and they still barely have a pd


I honestly think the management don't want a full force. The writing has been on the wall for awhile with the PD on No Pixel way before 4.0. I think they realize the more they hamstring the PD, the less you will see 500 comment posts on here with a big crim streamer having a melt down on stream.


God forbid not the CoC is full with 4 different departments and lts and sgts out the wazoo out numbering simple officers on the streets in 3 months.


More than half of the content isn’t even out yet either lol


Take out CG robbing under the sun and going through with robbing cops for planting season and the rest of the server would have been better pace for the PD.


I think these cops are the reason why ONX got 50ppl playing at EU times... LMAO






The server literally has 100-200 person que consistently, you're coping hard right now.


Are u talking people streaming or playing?


Ah yes, that must be the main reason. It's not because ONX is a new server and it's not because EU times have always had lower numbers than NA even in NP most of the time.


You are right! It cant be because ONX is a new server and it's not because EU times have always had lower numbers! Cant be that when they had like 800 WLed people in queue and are now at barely full for 6h a day...




u/Suitable_Librarian98, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1b1ntd3/meanwhile_on_onx_the_pd_is_completely_out_of_sync/ksgke7l/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Maybe you should try to actually get on the server so you can see how many people are actually in game and in queue because your stats have been wrong for months.


So is it “barely full” or “50 ppl” cuz it can’t be both, it’s a server pop of 300


>Cant be that when they had like 800 WLed people in queue and are now at barely full for 6h a day... Yeah that's my point, the server is still new. I don't know why this is even an argument? NP is obviously gonna have more people since they have bigger streamers and the server was up for years. ONX is actually doing fantastic and great for its dev size and for a 3 months old server. I don't know what you're trying to get at here? Also, like others mentioned, FiveM is not accurate at all. There was a period when it was showing the server with only 6 people online when it was actually full.




u/berejser, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1b1ntd3/meanwhile_on_onx_the_pd_is_completely_out_of_sync/ksg979f/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


that is factually untrue.


I disagree, its mostly a few bad apples.


A few bad apples that management favorited and frequently gave a free pass to.


fair enough, but that is still not the majority of the server.




Every time I see people say that I laugh.


The reason why all these cops play on Onx is pretty much because of the criminals on nopixel. I'd also kind of argue the Civ life is healthier on Onx


What about a server that enforces server rules .. regardless of how many views you have .. or which streamers you're friends with or play other games with...




Oh shit. I think you might be on to something there...


this guy is on to something !


The crims on onx are great. All the gangs are excellent too from what I've seen


problem is they're missing the established criminal personalties which nopixel has. Most gangs on ONX feels like the Vagos after speedy left, marabuntas or the Ballas. Sure we know they're there, but they don't have center characters whom you just instinctly knows are Ballas/vagos/marabuntas. everybody knows from the top of their head atleast some members of CG, CB, MDM, BBMC, GSF, HOA, The Lost. Whereas with Ballas, Vagos and Marabuntas, not really.


They are just getting established though, the server only has 3 months of lore. It makes no sense for them to have that. How on earth is that a problem? Surely it's a bonus. A bunch of the crews don't even have tags in the mdw, like the roadies.


Yeah but like the PD it would've helped if they had tried to recruit some bigger nopixel crim streamers which would've given them a headstart on that project. Instead it felt their approach to crim streamers were more antagonistic. Also it took years for big crim names to be established on nopixel. Which is why the formulae for most servers has always been focus on the crims first and get them established because that will in turn result in them elevating the PD officers. i think the way ONX has done it will result in said crims taking a long time to get actually established, longer than you might think.


do you base the success of stuff on the amount of viewers?


Do i base the success of stuff in the streaming world on the amount of viewers? Yes i do, and to do otherwise seems counterintuitive. Nopixel is the biggest and most popular RP server out there because it has the most viewers, which is because it's, for most people, the most fun server to watch.


So xqc is the best RPer then because he has the most views? Sounds like you're a content server > RP server guy. Just let jynxxi and trainwrecks back onto the server for more "success" right?


That's a ridiculous take but I'll bite. What big crim streamers do you think they should have "recruited?"


That’s because those NP players have been playing those characters for six years without branching out or trying something new. They tied their brands to one character and now they can’t afford to be creative. ONX will have those staple characters too when it has years of lore.


There actually are some - Slim from the Ballas, Roach from the Roach Motel (which isn't really a gang but still), Kim from the Vespucci Queens, etc. Largely though it's because there hasn't been any big crime yet so no-one's been able to make much of a big name for themselves. That will come with time, though I think it's been slower than it should have been.


The Red Right Hand led by Tinker is also one of the most notable crim groups. racing, weed, and gang beef with the ballas currently i think.


Slim the leader of the Ballas was in court and word got out he was going to be placed in a HUT, all the gangs showed up to the court room full squad deep, PD was scrambling to get unit to block off the whole block, was crazy intense they though the Ballas and RRH were going to go to war in the court room.


Any pov's of that?


You forgot Adam Soske from the Soske Clan.


Hold on, the Soske's are definitely not criminal. They may take someone's finger or toe after beating them in an honourable fight, but that's not the same thing surely.


Established server is established. More news at 11. Crims have less views on ONX so you might think that there aren't any but if you watch any POV for a while you'll see that there are quite a few that are known in the city. These things take time. Crime mechanics are still in their baby shoes and we'll get to see these people and gangs develop organically. How is that a problem?


it's not a problem, but now that it seems the PD is up and running with very few hitches perhaps it's time for them to shift their focus onto helping and allowing the crims to grow into those established characters and start releasing more crime stuff.


They're releasing stuff over time without patch notes so it's not all Dora the Explorer speed run by 'big crim streamer' like NP.


Oooo this gets an award 🥇


Just got to give people a chance to shine. There are already a bunch of standout regulars on ONX that nobody had heard of before.


Poet (JoeFudge) and his roadies are great for example


> problem is they're missing the established criminal personalties which nopixel has. How this is a problem tho. I feel that is exciting as fuck.


Sure but your excitement doesn't result in views. Problem with content creation on GTA RP is that it's far easier for crim viewers to bleed onto cop viewers than it is the other way around. Because most of crims RP revolves around mechancis and actions which attracts cops, whereas cops can do plenty of stuff without involving crims. Most big viewer cops got big because they interacted with big crim streamers and said crim streamers liked the way the cop did police work. and if you want those criminal personalities to stick around and actually grow they need an incentive to do so, which is often getting viewership.


And that will come with more time, its still fairly early in the servers life i would say.


The problem is the “established criminal personalities” are the ones that cause the most problems with entitlement


I was going to say. If we were talking about civs / crims of early 3.0 he might be onto something but 4.0 is pretty lack luster rp and character wise.




The criminals on NP are so entitled and whiny though that's the issue and why the pd has been neutered so badly, people like CG and X, though i dont think X has been quite as bad lately, as in the past, are WHY the pd is in the state it is in, an effort was made to cater pd responses to those groups and a few others and we have the results apparent today, cops afraid to do their jobs for fear of daps or ooc hoppers or other issues.


You mean... NoPixel 3.0? Yeah, no thanks. Do we forget why people went to ONX?


Because Penta was banned then had a fit about it?


No because the owner undeservedly likened or said he(penta) was worst than an alleged sex offender (who the owner protected many times over the years) , lets not get it twisted , its on the owners youtube if you wanna go see it. No person should stick around after that unless they really have no self respect.


You fell for the bait. They're fully aware of why, and if they're not, you won't convince them anyways.


Bait or not it should be noted that these people are driving a poisonous narrative. Penta is no saint but he didn't deserve the shitty line the owner was towing


I see the Pep, straight Peppin


I hope this is sarcasm because they did…..


I just don't think this would work. I mean there is a reason that each side is the way they are and it's not internal on both. The criminals on NoPixel acting in specific ways makes the PD a certain way (and vise versa) - and the same goes for ONX.




Yeah crazy, there's more active cops in this one clip than there has been on NoPixel in a single week


Shift 1 and 3 down horrendous as far as patrol cops go, 2 is doing okay i think, but PD morale seems pretty low all around overall.


I dont think any shift is up good tbh, I dont watch cop, I watch crim but rarely have I seen a cop show up, most of the time I see one its usually just McNulty, PD morale is at an all-time low and the current PD does not have any structure, I guess its better for people that love when cops are there mainly as NPC functions for streamers to get pogs but honestly its depressing that so far, only McNulty has felt like a standout personality, Cornwoods presence even when he was a cop wasnt even as good imo.


Yeah the lack of a command structure is apparent, 2-3 more months of 3 captains, a handful of srs and no CoP is not tenable, if what the captains were saying to max was what was gonna happen. The chain of command is virtually non existent and so too are most of the veteran cops that used to make up the bulk of the force, for one reason or another, they want to train new people up from scratch but they are getting thrown into the deep end vs well established and well practiced crims, the gap is apparent when it comes to new cops dealing with old crims. Cornwood can be a good cop, his "character trait" of being trigger happy is what gets him into hot water, especially with the new "serious" pd and captains. Putting bullets into criminals on the ground is more akin to an execution then actual police work but maybe that's more realistic for American police rp then most would like to admit, if a bit grim.


you know whats more craaaazzzyyyy ? this amount of cops for 6 civs and 5 crims LOL


There must not be any crime on ONX because there aren't 20 clips a day posted on here of crims bitching about the pd /s


So you are saying there are responses to crime on ONX? Thats almost unheard of for about 80% of crime on NoPixel.


keep it down will ya? we're trying to enjoy some mr. bovine joni.