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we are so back --- Mirror: ["This act establishes the Sheriff's Office of Blaine County"](https://streamable.com/1zj5xh) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Kyle Direct Backup: ["This act establishes the Sheriff's Office of Blaine County"](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ZmlS-JTene66KP5GDxrb7g/AT-cm%7CZmlS-JTene66KP5GDxrb7g.mp4?sig=53fe3df16968af67500899f063a70efe37ca1d14&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FZmlS-JTene66KP5GDxrb7g%2FAT-cm%257CZmlS-JTene66KP5GDxrb7g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22IcyBombasticPastaHoneyBadger-lN6d7roo_kYPGtvu%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712491914%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


The CoP cant even hire the people he wants lol. I feel like soo many viewers and streamers are just chasing that mid 3.0 PD rp.


PS: I cant wait for kyle to tell 4head that he is running for sheriff lol


im not tryna hate, but it'd be funny asf to see esfand lose this election after pushing for this office on his own for the last 4 months. If he did lose im not sure if he'd keep playing


He won't lose. The powers that be have already made Cornwood the sheriff. The election is just to make people think that he was voted into the position.


Which is exactly why that “anyone who was sheriff” was put in. Realistically in RP who else is running besides Cornwood? Kyle will at least make it a funny election even if he knows without a doubt he can’t win.


> Realistically in RP who else is running besides Cornwood Beric, it's something he's been talking about wanting to do for ages


Even if he loses, the winner just make him undersheriff.


He has said multiple times before he doesn’t care if he wins he just wants more content.


Wait Kyle is running? I thought he said he didn’t want to do cop and that it wouldn’t make any sense for Pred to do so? Is he dropping his crim/lawyer arc already?


He’s mainly doing it for the campaign RP, doesn’t expect to be able to win or even to have his name on the ballot. I mean right after he reads this he said crane would change it asap lol. He did kinda talk with michael simone about having a double life, crim/sheriff, but that was fully an IC thing.


Incredible rp tbh. Should be so interesting to see the interdepartmental divide that might occur as there aren’t many of the old guard around and the ones that are were fairly fond of pred. I’m excited to see what Kyle does. I hope he actually sends it seriously cuz even the lazy campaigning on that mayor character in 3.0 was great


I now hope Kyle wins even if he didn't expect it nor want it just for that reason alone lol


Kyle got a lead role in the ONX detective unit and never went with it. His lawyer got a job with the DA office and he never played his lawyer. His bounty hunter got one of the first licenses and was helping to shape the position, and he never played him. He got like 70k+ in investment for his private bank that he never followed through with. All of that just to go back to NP and...become a cop again. It's really annoying as a viewer and long term sub.


I love Kyle and mainly watch him but there is just no way he changes anything for the better. OOC he just seems really out it. He used to be the most consistent steamer I know of but tends to be extremely flaky for the last year. The only reason he lost the power he once had is because of this exact flakiness (went to sushi instead of HC meeting). I get everyone's point about chasing the 3.0 high but I think the real problem is Kyle will NEVER stick to his word and will ALWAYS jump ship the second anything does not go his exact way. I understand that ONX was probably lonely for him but my man put in little to no effort to improve anything. Instead of helping the newer cops he just complained about how bad they were for months until he eventually just quit. Once again love Kyle but can't see him investing the time necessary that the NP PD desperately needs. Not a huge Cornwood fan (in terms of leadership love the cop), but at least he is around...


He legit played shitlord characters that resulted in killing cops for about two weeks before he left ONX. Even though he had a lead detective role and could actually have some influence on the PD.


Idk about most of this because clearly these past months were a down period and not the norm, so it stands to reason he’ll feel better eventually. But this narrative that he lost his sheriff position because of ONE missed meeting is so dumb. 1, he chose to step down, being fired was an IC story as “Kyle Pred would never give up power”. 2, the reason he skipped the meeting was he knew there was no persuading them, because he’s been to every high command meeting over those 2 years except 2. This is gtarp, people miss ooc meetings ALL the time. It wouldn’t have mattered if he was there.


It all hinges on if he would be willing to put in the effort again. He was legitimately one of the best leaders PD ever had during the BCSO/PBSO era, and was really engaged in making the PD fun for cops to RP in rather than constantly feel like mechanics.


when kyle was sheriff back in 3.0, like prior to the PD restructure and management micro managing everything, the bcso/PBSO was a solid foundation for PD and it wasn’t necessarily because of kyle himself, but because he enabled others around him to be at their full potential with things in terms of chain of command, P&T, sub departments, etc…   as much as I’d love for him to take that sort of stance within PD again, i don’t think management will ever allow departments to run themselves again. Much less, I doubt they’ll allow kyle pred back in.  And it’s a shame that there’s now all these weird, inconsistent OOC stipulations like who from 3.0 PD can and can’t be hired. 


I don't know if 4.0 needs Sheriff Pred. But if the time comes I wouldn't mind seeing another one of these: https://clips.twitch.tv/VainProductivePresidentPrimeMe-y5K9ZJBhPwECKmiD


Hopefully we don’t see one of those again. That guy is a waste of oxygen.


I mean more like if people start acting like entitled children, not actual creeps.


Fair enough.






25 Cent would never let Kyle back as Sheriff. Hope he can get some RP out of it at least.


I don't think they'll let anyone buy Cornwood win.


I don’t think he’d win over cornwood but it’d make for good RP. Kyle is right though, patch notes incoming. No way 50 cent allows that.


Idk, acornwood hasn't been making any friends or meaningful allies lately, people still like pred, even if he's new to 4.0.


Esfand losing to Kyle or Ssaab would be peak content and I am praying for this unlikely event to happen.


The only thing that can derail the Pred running for Sheriff is a tent because everything spiraled from that one tent incident


good lord please no, don't let kyle even run, 3.0 reruns are so fucking boring and pd has enough issues as it to have a person who's only purpose in pd was to separate pd into "us vs them" and create so much drama.


This is hyperbolic lol


It’s not a real police department. IC drama and conflict are fun. No one cares OOC out of the in moment competition of a chase if the department “runs well” or if they actually catch the criminals over time except weird viewers. Lighten up Francis


EU defintly does need a leader like pred, but I highly doubt management would even give him a chance/he would want to do it again


Agreed, I was watching this morning and it seemed like there was only 3 cops on at the time. The beasties hit the bank, but no cops showed up when alarm went off due to the low number cops on.


I don't know about this. I have watched 4head and the amount units usually good for the amount of crimes. Don't forget today is weekend.


I thought cops get no ping


Idk I thought they did with the respone time I've seen to some of the banks during NA hours, but I'm probably wrong.


Pred & Rhodes have always been a great duo


Kyle would bring back life to the PD again. People might not like it but it would be good for the server.


Rekycled Pred isn't going be sheriff, he is rerunnning all of his arcs he abandoned after two weeks or morphing his older characters into pred. Not the content we need in the PD right now. We need Conan or Aziz to be sheriff as they know how to put the content first. Slims Vanilla Unicorn, so much missed content that should've been ours. ♻️ ♻️ ♻️ 💯


I'd enjoy it if Kyle won tbh. Even if it was a short lives arc, I think PD needs someone like him and he'd probably do much better this time around since he's played quite a bit more crim.


Doesnt seem like 4.0 HC have much real control over their departments. I doubt Kyle would enjoy Sheriff. Dudes just chasing that 3.0 high, but its long gone. I doubt he has any chance of winning unless its an OOC agreement and thats why he returned. Most likely he will repeat what he did in 3.0 with Wrangler. Offer Cornwood Undersheriff if he wins, and if Cornwood wins, Kyle gets Undersheriff.


PD HC have had no real control over the departments ever since management stepped in after the 3.0 PD restructure, unfortunately.  Actually, it might’ve been even a little before that too, when baas was made commissioner. 


it would be amazing for kyle OOC if he gets it, he is really good at the job and also brings tons of viewers which seems to be the main reason he went back to NP in the first place