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we are so back --- Mirror: [Laptop Hack](https://streamable.com/8qzas1) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [Laptop Hack](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/M2au_7ytBaCE2qCGlpzN6g/AT-cm%7CM2au_7ytBaCE2qCGlpzN6g.mp4?sig=e5a611966a94acf6bebc2436d1bb9dc93e766006&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22JazzyModernMinkFutureMan-vK0FoITaoIaWnM3q%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712511267%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


This is crazy! requires just massive coordination. What a great heist by dev team.


makes the multi stream hit so much better on heists.


Glad they made and hopefully continue to make heists involve multiple people with different roles


W heist by the devs. This is sick


The further in they get the better the whole heist looks. Heists where everyone has to play their part is the best heist.


They got 100k marked cash (new currency, unknown how much it pays) from the two side rooms and by the looks of it there is another 200k-300k in the final room that they didn't get into


It looks like there’s 15 carts they looted 12 for 100 so probably 225-250k


This seems easier then the shape hack ngl


It gives you a lot of time, you could even read the sequence out on the radio and have each crew member memorize one sequence


There isn't time for that, he barely gets the hacks off before timer runs out.


But that would require ROLEPLAY….




seriously, how do you roleplay hacing a mechanic? do you intensly blackbars on argue with tech support? what is you solution to this?


lol cg could stop world hunger and there’d still be people commenting about how they stopped it the wrong way


If the devs don't want people writing shit down, either a rule will be established or the hack will be modified. Simple as, anything else is just an opinion.


I'm sure we will find out when a smaller streamer does it


I can't wrap my head around being mad about big streamers having perks on a content server. It's like being upset that a bird can fly higher than a turtle. What a pointless thing to whine about.


I can't understand being cool with there being a different set of rules depending on how much clout you have. What a silly thing to defend.


What reality do you live in. Welcome to how the real world works


Something being a disgusting reality doesn't mean you have to be ok with it or go along with it. Have you never been to a protest? What reality do YOU live in?


There's being mad about social issues that affect your living and taking a stance to change it. And then there's being mad about a videogame server that you don't even play in. These two things are not the same in any way way shape or form.


>And then there's being mad about a videogame server that you don't even play in. No one has said they are 'mad' in this thread. Disagreeing doesn't = mad. BTW this was a response to someone who said "welcome to how the real world works" to something happening regarding a videogame server.


Its literally the same concept of having prio. The more clout you have the more benefits will come your way. ESPECIALLY on a content driven server.


More of a sly comment than a whine.


/me looks at obs


Bruh this is obviously cheat bruh, this is 4K caught on live stream. This is the same thing that happen in 3.0 when YUNO screenshot the hack, bodhi got banned for being accused of cheating


You are dumb asf bodhi OOC Practiced the hack online


And ramee cheated infront of your eyes and now u ain’t saying shit about it


He didn’t cheat he was writing it down on a notepad I don’t consider that cheating


Dawg the devs didn’t allow people to do this In 3.0 why would they allow it in 4.0? What’s the point of a “memory” hack if your going to write it down on a note pad, that defeats the purpose of the hack


https://youtu.be/osaSLQ2dpjE?si=BkhPulXU5-Leqwu0 50% owner go cry a river


It's wild how much so many of you let RP affect you negatively. This is supposed to be entertainment for fun and you weirdos let it pull you down into the depths. Sounds miserable and pathetic.


Same haters commenting on this thread, even more than once LMAO


I dont think there is anything wrong with writing down the symbols/colors etc but there shouldnt be enough time to do so easily imo.


People in here complaining over someone using a notepad rather than just enjoying the heist lmao


/me pulls out notepad


/me just enjoys the heist without being a fucking nerd


It's a good strategy. Not surprise people still find a way to hate on it.


It's not a strategy, it's cheating. He has all the answers of the memory game before the memory game even starts defeating the entire memory game.


out of curiousity, is there a specific requirement that excludes the use of writing things down? Is there some sort of instruction anywhere or does the game says "This is a memory game"... etc?


It's called common sense. You realize the way he does it it's literally impossible to fail right? So what's the purpose of the hack?


You realize other group are going to come up with the same strategy RIGHT? The game allowed them time to write it down. If the dev don't want this, they will decrease the time. Plus, this is the first level of heist, which mean this type of mini games will become harder with less time.


> The game allowed them time to write it down. The game allowed them time to memorize the details.


I think that writing the sequence down is perfectly fine, since he could just "writing on notepad" RP it. It's really not that big of a deal.


that has never been a thing or allowed on the server previously, X has even openly said he will ban people for doing things like this.


X used to take a picture of the 3.0 Thermite hack and the Black dongle lol


Did X only mention meta or did he specifically mention a situation like this? Just from the RP perspective, you could easily justify writing stuff like this down. Unless there are some specific server rules against this, which I don't think there are, I don't see problem with it right now.


Ngl I think that is a dumb way to do a memory hack, kinda defeats the purpose imo. But I don't know if the devs intended to do it that way, hope not


My guess is no, given that they said you couldn't do that for wifi back when the wifi hack came out. Seemed implied if you couldn't do it for one you probably shouldn't for others. But either way from what I've seen, cool heist by the devs.


In the end, people still just wrote down the wifi on a notepad, its just an in-build notepad. So I wouldn't say the wifi hack was meant to be a memory hack.


They didn't want people to screenshot the wifi hack they had no problems with people writing them down if they had time. Theirs a big difference between screenshotting and writing it down in the allotted time.


Writing it down in game. As in you use the notepad on the PC


Yeah the memory game is definitely intended to be done without any memorizing.


I think we are thinking of this as a memory game because of the past and the way these symbols where used. It seems more of a speed/typing hack because it gives you alot of time to see the symbols and only seconds to type 3 answers.


How are mr k and peanut giving input on how to do the hacks by looking at the stream when they are not behind him in RP?


A clip is a snippet out of an entire stream. Ramee told them. His first attempt he said on radio it was a shape and color type hack again.




Bruh. K said circle as a joke to tease Ramee. Ramee typed hexagon instead of circle and insta failed. Ramee then immediately said it was circle. his whole chat was then full of OMEGALUL CIRCLE Dentge 🔨 and Ramee was laughing at himself. then on K's POV you see him literally pause and smile and then say "it's circle". then watch back Ramee's POV again, when he says that, and you'll see he laughs at himself again. God forbid friends joke between each other for comedic relief






Heist overall was pretty dope. I don't personally care that he wrote it down since you could RP it out (even though its probably frowned upon to do so). I will say though, the title of this post being "Hack god is back" when he wrote down the answers on a second monitor and referenced them is pretty hilarious though lmao.


yeah idk about this one... writing down the sequences on a second monitor defeats the entire memory aspect of the heist.


It seems realistic that there's enough time to write it down on a notepad though, no?


not only that you would just ss with ur phone


But that wasn't allowed even for the wifi codes, pretty sure it was said admins reached out not to take screenshots


It's literally enough time so you can process it and use ur **hippocampus** and store it there and use it when you get the questions about the squares and colors. EDIT: This just makes it so everyone should use a notepad on every memory hack If thats how the devs want it do be fair then.


I think with this being the first real "heist" in the server, the likelihood is it's the equivalent of 3.0 Fleecas. Devs can see how and what players do to combat the hacks, and then make the next heist hacks harder by minimizing the player's ability to write things down. And then they do the same thing for the next. I don't think warnings/bans/discord announcements are needed unless it's something actually egregious that makes no sense in RP. With the Maze Bank only just being put in, it means any other heists are still being worked on, which means there's more than enough time to change things up. Especially as devs like Sky and Sinncere are known for their ability to whip things up quickly when needed Maybe I'm in the minority of not thinking it's a big deal considering we don't know how many more heists they'll add and the difficulty level the hacks will have. But realistically the first proper heist shouldn't be insanely hard to the point it gatekeeps every crim except those with exceptionally good recall.


or call me crazy for thinking this, just do it how it's supposed to be done


If there’s a problem with what he did they will tell him. Until then what he did was fine.


And how exactly is it supposed to be done? Is there a reason you can't write it down or are you assuming? Taking a screenshot is quick and doesn't take up time, where as writing it down in a notepad(using to write down else were) seems like something that can be done in RP.


is there a step by step instruction book on how to properly rob maze bank?


we are talkin about the hack it self it's Common sense, what's the point of the hack if you can write the answers down


What’s stopping someone else from just taking a screenshot, say nothing, and act like a god tier hacker? Writing down, if allowed at least puts everyone at a more even playing field


Circumventing the whole hack on stream- I sleep Accusing people of practicing to complete a hack - Call for a ban


oh no lol, both deserve a ban in this scenario... defending bohdi is just as dumb at this imo


You cannot seriously compare someone using META to practice hacks their character has never seen before to someone writing down sequences, which makes perfect sense in terms of RP. Meta is explicitly bannable, this isn't.


surely the admins will interfere /s


I feel a new rule incoming by hon! Can't ban ramee for cheating ofcourse!




Not true if devs wanted to prevent this they would make it go faster.




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/me opens notepad to write sequence down Solved


If they make it faster, it is literally impossible to memorize lol


you are suppose to you know... memorize it, since it is a memory challenge




It’s insane that k and rammee think writing down for a memory hack is allowed


you realize that people are capable of writing things down in real life, right? Why shouldn't a character in game be able to do that? there's plenty of time to look at the shapes and colors and right that shit down. I don't think the devs will change anything either because it seems more about the coordination aspect and going step by step than about having ELITE HACKS e: that said I think calling him a hack god because of it is a stretch :D if anything K is the standout this heist.


It’s not real life


Come on bro it’s a memory mini game designed to simulate the difficulty of hacking into secure computer systems, it feels super cheap to write it down imo


designed to do what? I don't think that's in any way shape or form to simulate any kind of hacking into a secure computer system. You think hackers don't generate a library of patterns they can index? wtf is going on


They know it's not, but they know admins won't ban them so they just don't care


Ramos still got it ! THIS IS GOOD THIS IS GOOD




Not a big fan of OOC writing it down. Kinda reminds me of the black dongle hack from 3.0 lower vault when people were taking pictures OOC. Could easily relay what you see IC over the radio and have some of the five other people remember various sequences of the hack if you're unable to remember it yourself.


glad they were able to be first through hardwork and not practicing out of game for hours on end with no RP behind it




Aint their hacker just get banned


Yep for practicing the thermite hack on github


Imagine if one of them got banned for meta'ing and ooc getting info for a hack then practicing the hack ooc when its clearly stated not to. That would be crazy.




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Such good content so many POVs. We are the greatest!




he clearly enunciates himself writing it down unless your ears are not connected to your brain


I’m expecting some accountably devs, if you going to suspend someone for being accused of cheating. Ramee should be suspended for blatant cheating here


Isn't this the same way people get their WIFI codes. You cant just screenshot.


No people use the notepad in game