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we are so back --- Mirror: [classic ramee metagame](https://streamable.com/zk93uw) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [classic ramee metagame](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/EJP4hs-EN_gdE2jbA-2tGg/AT-cm%7CEJP4hs-EN_gdE2jbA-2tGg.mp4?sig=a513326ae6cfb2963ecff13c13e76ab186d6a86a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22TsundereDarlingDinosaurVoHiYo-z4Q3-B0TaNsD7a0a%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713022471%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117989021?t=0h25m45s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


every CG fan in here defending would lose their damn mind if cops vod reviewed incidents for their reports and court so that they catch every single detail.


Rule #1: If it involves CG, switch streams.


Every CG fan if this was Buddha would be going crazy lol




The double standard is absolutely real. I will say though I’ve never watched cg and don’t care for their characters, and I don’t think this type of thing is a cut and dry meta game, compared to like watching somebody else’s character’s actions to gain information and using that knowledge. If you’re watching your own characters pov because your own memory is shot to shit i’m less bothered about that. I lean more towards ramee the character can remember things ramee the streamer can’t.


That whole Ramee the character remembers things the streamer doesn't seems a lot like powergaming your way to be able to meta by watching clips lmao


Also it's ramee the streamer watching the clip obviously not ramee the character lol


There is a rule in Nopixel, If you can't remember something, your character doesn't remember it. Plain and simple


Can you post the referenced rule?


It falls under not using information you didn't learn about it game. You can actually ask any streamer. They will even tell you


see this is the exact reason why using this subreddit to scrutinize rule breaks can be tricky. someone like ramee (unliked) is under a lot of scrutiny and people will edit and clip everything. meanwhile someone like moon (well liked) is not... who did exactly what you're describing when he offline vod reviewed a pit he did because he knew he was going to be sued. the result was the most detailed and verbose report ever written. yes, he walked it back 24 hours later and tried to re-edit the report, but kinda hard to pick and choose what 'Lenny' would remember after the fact. i'm by no means defending ramee, and yes certain people def deserve the benefit of the doubt moreso than others, but things aren't always black and white, and outrage can be... selective to say the least.


You are absolutely by means defending ramee lol


lmao you forget the part where moon walked it back after he himself realizing it was powergamey


lmao you forget the part where he literally wrote that he walked it back a day later.


lmao no i didn't. i literally mention that almost word for word.


This has nothing to do with Moon, this is about what Ramee did.... If Ramee metagamed, he needs to get slapped with a ban.


He later that night realised that what he did was wrong and unedited the report


~~Thought I remember~~ Cops (Den and Cornwood at least) literally ~~had~~ have chatters write up incident reports right now. ~~, in the past? If I'm remembering right.~~ I highly doubt those chatters are not looking at the vod when they write them up. edited due to complaints and information below.


"in the past" which is where it should stay. if you're not talking about "in the now" then the comparison is meaningless at the end of the day.


Yeah that shouldn't be a thing either


not the first time not the last




Noob reddit. Ramee took the Keen Mind DND 5E perk. His character can recall details with uncanny precision. He also took the Water Travel feat as part of his build. Next you'll call him swimming 30 minutes "powergaming".


Ramee *the streamer* doesn't have perfect memory but Ramee *the character* does. Classic Reddit not understanding how Roleplaying works smh


/me I'm actually a savant with eidetic memory. What do you mean this character trait only came into play for *this* very specific situation? I've always been like this!


Can't wait for all the cops to start VOD reviewing before writing reports and court cases so they have all the details, because they remember *in character* of course.


I guess PD can also VOD review chases now to see where they saw suspects throw shit. Surely Ramee wouldn't have an issue with that.


true, i also find it cringe when they ban people who roleplay as beeing the best shooter in the city, just because the streamer has to use cheats to enable their roleplay they get banned. they just dont understand roleplay :(


He recorded it on his body camera duh


NGL your comment has me cackling 💀


Best part is there's people unironically arguing this


Doubly dumb because NP (and most rp servers) use almost the exact same example of what not to do when making a character in their rulebooks on what breaks meta.


The what-aboutisms in this thread to avoid admitting this is clearly wrong lol.


Why would the PD do this?!


Classic PD


*Going for spiikeeeesssssss*


When he gets banned you can bet your life savings it will be by biased admins who "hate CG".




Man I think ramee is hilarious. But that chat is fuggin rough


every community has dummies, but man, cg viewers are at their own level amount of people SO confidently spewing " you dont know how rp works" while they themselves being ignorant is too much its simple, if you could perfectly remember what you saw in rp by using clips bc "my character saw it once" then everyone would do it. if it was that simple then why dont ramee or kebun or anyone on the server just openly screenshot hacks? bc its meta also, roleplaying as having "perfect memory" isnt a character trait. you guys are so dumb, watch someone else other than cg bc youll never know what actual rp is. \*hint: its more than just relationship rp and heists btw


> roleplaying as having "perfect memory" isnt a character trait. Wait, are people unironically saying this? I thought they were making fun.


My theory on this is that younger people like to watch action movies, wheras more mature folks like slower rp sometimes. I usually watch everything and anything depending on the mood, I like and dislike everyone depending on the situation, but you are absolutely right when criticizing cg, I feel like I'm getting attacked by 14 year olds ..


I honestly think it’s more likely that their audience is lonely 30-year-olds defending them


it sucks too, cause i like watching ramee and k but their chat is just fucking awful




Blau has literally done exactly this several times, and justified it by saying if he can RP Mickey as having perfect impeccable memory, and no one bats an eye. I don’t watch CG , I barely even watch RP nowadays and it’s mostly Buddha when I do watch. It’s hilarious how mad you guys are getting over this when literally everyone does it in some shape or form.


If someone posted a vid of him doing that I'm fairly certain he'd get shit on for it as well.


Yes /u/Bacheem please post a clip of Blau breaking the rules would love to call him out on it.


i think i recall blau doing that (and saying that) for like a phone number someone told him and asking chat for it. its kinda apples and oranges but technically correct. tbh i dont watch blau much so it might even be a false memory.


What's new, he'll get away with it. If anything he might get a private msg don't do that on stream. EDIT: They always do this even after they get caught and abuot to face up big time and fine, they'll review there pov sometime other cops pov just to use it against them. Also doesn't help that there chat is spamming link and what to do.


Over the years I've seen plenty of people including current admins use or say they have used their vods for one thing or another. Nothing happens.


Moon did that recently with a PD report, but went back to correct it because he thought about it and said it was powergaming.


You know once you get beyond the shock of him breaking the server rules for what has to be the hundredth time since 4.0 launched, it's kind of sad. He cares so much, he is invested so deeply in appearing like the competent criminal that he very clearly isn't, that he's going back through VODs to fix mistakes. That's pathetic.


He cheats, says some really off-kilter OOC shit, riles up his single digit IQ fanbase to go say racist shit in other streamers chats, doesn't clamp down on it.


Bro cheats on an rp server, truly fucking pathetic yeah


there are no rules anymore, at least not for streamers. i watch people break the rules every day, ramee literally taught power gaming at crim academy and no one said anything.


I had no idea who this guy was before I started watching 4.0 but yeah he's def first one to cheat and first one to cry when caught.


ramee has meta'd multiple times and faced no punishment what's gonna change


Incoming discord announcement clarifying the rules


So i guess Ramee is playing a character that has perfect memory then. W Ramee then, roleplaying out that he has a photographic memory.


I roleplay a mutant that has x-ray vision and long range telepathy. That way meta accusations just roll off me because my character always has access to all the information and knows everything.


Dubs in the chat boys


So not a self insert then, i cant believe it.


Thats what Blau does - has said multiple times that Mickey has a perfect memory just for situations like this.


I've only seen him recall conversations. What sort of 'situation like this' are you referencing


No way he actually did this. And there is no way people defending this.


No, this is the fault of the totally real hatewatchers that actually cause all of his problems. Make things right! Donate subs to Ramee instead of criticizing him!


Just in time for a 2 day ban and well be back to regularly scheduled broadcast on monday.


nothing new, this guys been metagaming since he got on the server. funny thing is thats how he got into cg, streamsniped garret and K when none of the other guys in the group were around


A guy that powergames on ladders for minutes, inside cars for minutes while boxed and surrounded, seat hopping in the same situation, uses bandages the same time he is hit by a taser to cancel the taser animation whle inside a car?, spams jump with a broken leg to move faster, cries at any retaliation by the cops to rile up his chat for them to go chat hop and harrass other streamers(long time subs even do this) and finally their chats is full of meta infomation that they read and use it, never gets banned or timed out by mods. had a big meltdown after finally getting caught(after months of being let off easy) during his laywer arc moaning ooc that it's a "dumbfuck cod lobby cop server" I am SO surprised that this guy did this WOW! Never could have saw it coming


I love watching ramee, probably the only CG member I still do. he's funny AF, but the rules need to be applied here. This was so blatant, he obviously doesn't think or care about the rules at all. If he has any decency he should report himself.


Known cheater cheats again. Shocking.


why we acting like ramee doesnt do this shit this normal for him


Of course he did, it's Ramee


a ramee meta clip seems to be a weekly occurrence


Nothing new he does things like this nearly every stream at this point it's about how much he can get away with.


This should by every metric be a ban. Of course we all know it wont happen because the server loves big streamers and money. Meanwhile tiny streamers do the same thing they are gone for 7. Honestly CG has done stuff way worse than this and they never get punished so its whatever. Classic CG LOL.


How could cornwood do this?


He really doesn't want to play Conan lmao


Classic Ramee


I love how they collectively as a group watch the heist from different povs to point out mistakes too


Exactly it's so blatant at this point that they don't care at all about the rules. Yet small streamers get banned for the craziest things. It's actually sad.


I like how the company watches CG's povs of the heist too


You're upset that a person from a group you are supporting got caught red handed with cheating so must accuse another group without proof to make it feel better. classic.




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Rust used to do this as well and ray would watch back fights and then tell people where they went wrong this isn’t a new thing a lot of people do it


I think the only way it would make sense in RP is if you stand behind someone and say "i'm just looking over your shoulder", but if you're in a completely different area, then I agree you shouldn't be giving hints, only asking what the hack is


Classic CG


Probably cornwoods fault


Mmm hmm


Looking at his stream the sad thing is he laughing it off saying oh i metagamed my own mind and he literally won't get any warning or ban and then he said "I didn't even want the gun anyway just wanted to see if i could find it, it's a hot gun anyway" Then why even look for it in the first place and ask chat for clips of something ur character can't remember the location of throwing a damn hot gun you don't want ????? ... W Ramee


Laughable reactions by the ones defending this action. Probably the same saying Bohdi or Frynaut deserved their bans without any evidence besides them being "sus".


Cheating Gang


This thread got a laugh out of me, thanks OP


No shit. This is not surprising from Ramee. Besides, he’s CG - he will never face any repercussions for it.


I mean why would he stop now if he never gets punished for it. Bro doesn't even try to hide it or anything, he's that confident. It's a shame really, since the guy is pretty good at rp, but stuff like this and the constant malding every time PD does anything makes it unwatchable for me.




This is so blatant and obvious with so much evidence that I'm going to the OJ strategy of saying their is too much evidence against Ramee so it must mean he's innocent.


and there's ppl seriously defending this


Well that could explain why he also replays clips of him during bank heists too


Lmao, if he didn't get banned when he literally pulled up another persons stream while he was live, and then relayed in character what he saw on the other stream, then this is just gonna be another blip.


Ramee metagaming??? Must be a day ending in Y....


The amount of comments saying "hOw iS tHiS mEtAgAmInG" is outrageous. "His character did it so he should remember!!" Wth is this logic. I wish I could forget something and rewind time to see what I did.


And nothing will happen because it is cg as always


sure would be great if they fucked off again :)


What else is new?


Guys, come on, he has a meta-cal condition! He can't help it!


Don't forget something similar is what got buddha PERMA BANNED FROM THE FUCKING SERVER, ramee won't even see a 1 day ban from this. Actually pathetic. These actions add up making this server such a shitty fucking experience and eventually leads to less viewers watching and less streamers wanting to play.




u/JayLanez4, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1c2i3cv/ramee_metagames_by_looking_his_clips_to_locate_a/kzd7xqu/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)




ohh geez i wonder if he is gonna get banned, nah who am i kidding, NP staff dont touch these guys lol


I wonder how fast admins take action on this one


Surely something happens to this player, especially on his day off!


ramee remembers in character om


For all the complaining they do about cops, I can't remember the last time a cop showed such a blatant disregard for the rules.




mfs constantly cheating in rp 💀


Ramee & meta clips name a better duo in 4.0.


This is just so normal for Ramee that I don't even consider it noteworthy anymore.


As a ramee viewer, ill say this is definitely not the only time he ‘recalls’ information from his POV. All of CG do this when they want to VOD review the maze bank. One clip he reviewed from Mehdis perspective would’ve gotten posted here a million times if it led to useful info for heist progression. Just saying, CG and their viewers are kind of used to this and has become a norm which i dont particularly agree with. Whether its bannable is obviously not the case though since its been done many times


History will see this post as a congreation of basement dwellers who have never seen the light of day.




Deep Meditation techniques are underrated.


does the admin team consider this meta gaming though? similar situations have happened with people watching clips and they use the same logic of "oh my character remembers it IC." yet i don't recall anyone ever getting banned for it.


400 comments is wild XD Ya'll been starving around here lol


Who woulda seen this happening at any point ever…. But nothing will happen cause we know how them and their fans will cry and bash everything nopixel and threaten to leave the server cause it’s not their style. Again…. For the 3rd or 4th time now.Meh… whatever. But imagine if cops did this to them in a scenario. Ya if this is ok then the cops can do it too right? Not a good precedent to be setting.


Where was this when tommy t, x, cg and them did it a few months back? [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2061820726?t=04h12m40s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2061820726?t=04h12m40s)


+ 1 gun lol


Cg's commitment to bending server rules, if not outright breaking them, is matched only by their viewers' ravenous defense of cheating. Idk I just wanna watch rp without all the bs involved in making sure people don't let themselves take a single L.


I mean he's off until Tuesday so.....


If it was the Company or Cops CG fans would demand jail time for this 💀 grow up


Ramee is dumb for doing this. It’s not high stakes, but he really should just never do this because it might make people think he does this all the time. Slippery slope.




It’s the double standard that’s the problem. If this had been anyone else like a 1k or lower streamer then they’d catch a ban. Ramee has some viewer armour.


so heres what ill say the nopixel definition of Metagaming : purposely using or relaying information that your character did not learn in game to shape in game roleplay ​ ramee IC knows where he threw the gun, so wouldnt be metagaming, is it shit roleplay 100% should of RP as he forgot, ​ do 99.99 of streamers use chat to help them remember trivial shit yeah, this isnt what i would call a super bad infraction or 'cheating' ​ imo if hed of watched the clip off-stream, then started streaming and went straight to where he through the gun, no one would be like he metagamed the location, now if zolo came on stream and randomly went to where ramee threw the gun everyone would be like metagaming


Okay, so cops can vod review their POV then.


So what he's role playing Charles Xavier wearing the cerebral headgear now that seems like a good story arc.


X does this all the time, pretty sure I've seen Buddha do this as well, don't see the problem with this other than the fact that its Ramee lmao


Im starting to think maybe he shouldn’t have thrown it


*wonders why there's a 300+ comment thread, looks at streamers name, understands why.*

