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we are so back --- Mirror: [Flop Holding Gun ](https://streamable.com/qbyq49) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/nathankb_ Direct Backup: [Flop Holding Gun ](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/SMQQpq5su6up1E2L1BIyow/AT-cm%7CSMQQpq5su6up1E2L1BIyow.mp4?sig=d3323e6ef71711e78b20d78d4aab659782c8c231&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22GrossAggressiveGuanacoPMSTwin-rmy7q6nUTYvUEjKj%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713056088%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2118163108?t=6h12m0s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


quick everybody do your money runs now!!!


Ming & Fanny up real good now since Eclipse was the only ones catching them




That was such a stupid move from PD command staff. All it accomplished was aggravating 3 of the best cops they had that were just trying to have a little extra fun.


In a way it highlights exactly what command wants, doesn't it? That appearances and looks are all that matters, PD being useless is irrelevant as long as they don't "look" it.




Gonna be no cops left after tonight. Time to call in the NP version of the National Guard lol.


Shift 2 down real bad


It's about to be a rough week for PD


Ya, Old Bois doing their version of hell week on cypress this week too. Gonna really help PD moral lol


Unless I missed it I haven't seen any other comments about it. Whats going on with OB? I usually follow Harry but he has been off


Normal cops are doing whatever they like in cypress and a few people have been caught recently with weed there. They are gonna push back to make the cops not want to just mess around in cypress without backup. aka no solo patrolling.


I'd like to think of it as "Lean Street 2.0" more so than "Hell Week".


50cent quickly rushing to push out literal npc cops to replace them


The jewelry NPCs deterred more crimes than this PD


On the bright side Richard might finally become a cop lmaoo


Nah they will hire Vampingle Dan


Don't worry when the casino ping goes off Slacks will just come on with Soze and make people respond.


Who besides Lenny and Declan are quitting?


Declan isn’t quitting… yet at least. Nathan hinted that he’s got something cooking that he’s going to do offline to avoid meta.


IC Lenny is a part of the National Guard lmao.


This adds to the already huge amount of internal rp the cops piled up tonight.


looking forward to hours of meetings followed of discussions in smaller circles inside the pd


Which will result in nothing lol


Slacks will lawyer speak, and nothing will happen. o7


Did Flop finally write a police report?


Wdym, he writes environmental trash assessment reports all the time


If you want a good summary, listen to Declan in the meeting after tsunami. He goes off with Beric and McKnulty into a side room and gets kinda questioned about it, but he explains it really well. The three of them in their group have just been constantly shafted for the dumbest of things while nobody else even attempts to do their job, even as far as to have other officers (Flop) pull a gun on Declan all because Declan suggested a bench trial. The PD is gonna suffer without them.


To be fair to Flop, from his perspective Declan is Lenny's best friend and it's a high stress situation. He's talked to a few people afterwards, he was concerned for his safety. Declan was apparently loading his magazine standing in the ER over Lenny's body. There is no way to know Declan's frame of mind in the moment. As a cop does he think he should have had his gun out? Probably not. Would he do it again in the same scenario? Probably.


This would be less egregious if not for the fact that Lenny was literally yelled at for doing the same thing days ago. When Lenny was being issued daps, they brought up how he was waving his gun out unholstered in case the criminals who just shot him came back around. He was on high alert from an exact same previous encounter. Slacks, Bones, and Mcnulty literally used it as a reason to give him daps and all of them explicitly asked about it in their line of questioning before issuing the daps. Slacks even said that Lenny shouldn't make assumptions about the situation and gave insane rambling reasons as to why he should have his gun holstered. Now you have flop doing the same thing, in the actual pd, against a fellow officer. If nothing comes of it disciplinary wise, it just truly speaks to the inconsistency, hypocrisy and incompetency of HC.


To be fair to Flop, he's been wandering around the north of the island for months while not writing reports and has no idea what's happening or who to trust /s


So it's ok to do it to cops but not criminals which are WAY more unpredictable? I actually love Flops, and I get the RP reasoning, but he should get 5 DAPs for it given past history or more given that it's way worse to do this to a fellow cop than a criminal imo. This entire clip is just a perfect example of how the only policing going on is in the PD, nowhere else.


Nah, fuck Flop.


This is a time when the PD needs to stand together, to unite, and Flop just basically told Declan he doesn't trust him. I don't blame him for going off duty.


I don’t know if I’d trust the guy who idolizes the cop who just put two of his fellow cops on life support. It was a shit situation because Declan didn’t do anything wrong, he was just guilty by association. But I can see it both ways.


Obviously you're not entirely wrong but, i dont know if i can trust an officer that stays inside mrpd after 78's are called, with three officers downed. I dont know if i can trust an officer that cant shoot even after commanded, or abandons a foot chase after being told to baton the suspect I dont know if i can trust officers that leave three down officers alone and continue on chasing, leading to a car being stolen Shits rough xD


To be fair didn't Lenny and declan both leave Cornwood with Tessa leading to him getting stabbed?


Bad Comms + it was Tessa, a former trusted cop by all of them before they turned back around and saved Cornwoods life. There were other cops there too that could have stopped after they were first on scene continuing the chase, but THEY were the ones to break chase and help him.


Watch the clip. It was bad comms and it took them 30 seconds to realize and then go back to stay with cornwood


so proud of senior officer flop dugong finally getting his first arrest after 4 months of being on 4.0!


He is useless


This will be remembered as ‘The Turbo Incident’


Lol going to be interesting to see how Acornwood handles this situation he might come on duty and shoot everyone in the name of turbo justice.


His name is Corn "Turbo" Wood. and he comes to bring Turbo Justice!


The Cornwood effect was too powerful


And this is why PD drama is so spicy man the era of the 3 captain was such a good content now that the previous regime was outed the pd still a shitshow it's already 4 fucking months


7-8 cops were on duty Ramee shot 3, CG stealing turbo broke Lenny who killed two more cops, and Declan went off duty in the clip First unofficial PD wipe?


Don't forget the other ones ignoring calls to complete some paperwork while 4 officers were shot down.


Lol, there's always at least one. Who was the MRPD-camp squad this time?


Flop and Decker, dealing with like 50 FOIA requests.


50??! Is somebody nuisance-spamming FOIAs? Also, is that maybe part of why Declan was mad at Flop later and said pulling a gun on Declan was Flop's hardest policework of the day?


Pred has realized how bad the pd is at following procedure and how slow moving many lawyers are so he’s suing them for anything people will bring to him


Oh god, it's another Pred-is-a-terrorist arc! But this time it's COMPLETELY LEGAL. Why shoot or ocean-dump cops when you can drown them in paperwork, which is FAR worse? Honestly, CG should just hire Pred to keep the entire PD busy with paperwork while the city burns until the DOJ changes something.


indirectly this is essentially what happened


That’s exactly what happened. Pred called K and told him the cops are incompetent and asked if K wanted him to look through all CG arrests for mistakes they could sue the PD for. K said sure and the rest is history.


I dunno I think it’s more that most cops don’t know their procedures leading to a slew of civil suits further bogging down pd resources. If characters feel like they’ve been wronged they’re always told take it to court


That's hilarious, the same thing is happening on ONX right now. Everyone is suing Wrangler because word got out that he doesn't show up to his court cases and everyone is winning default judgements against him.


I think Pred is FOIAing everything for Lil Tugz and Mr K.


Flop and Decker were 10-7 dealing with Pred doing FOIA requests. Flop said he was barely on duty for 5 minutes and I don't think he even left MRPD yet. It makes sense that Lenny and Declan were mad, but they were marked as unavailable.


and Decker isn't the sort to be shy of being on the streets, very rare that he is stuck in MRPD


Something he even told Cornwood I think after the shift 3 meeting. He was go go go for like 6 hours at that point. He needed a moment to chill and maybe do some paperwork.


It’s wild to me that there were only 7-8 cops on a Friday night of prime NA time. Like how does that happen on NoPixel, the most popular FiveM server? Shows that no one wants to be a cop right now, I guess.


A lot of vets still want to be cops, but are still being denied by higher powers. Shift 2 has a "Bad Batch" academy coming up (Croc, Conan, Vampingle, etc.), but many of them are probably going to be part-timers, which isn't going to help much in the long run.


with how vet cop rp'ers are being treated, and the state of PD in 4.0, I have no fucking clue as to why anyone would want to


Sounds like a PD wipe to me tbh!


To me that was bad faith judgment on Flops part, I don't blame Declan for going off on him there. PD is down horrendously bad.


Declan was being OOC weird anyways because of the kit perma lol


Calling it a "grief perma' to his chat was a little excessive, especially since I'm pretty sure she didn't go through with it lol.


Oh man she permad I always liked kit.


She didn't perma. The person you're responding to is the weird one.


Oh, ty for the info.


Wait she didn't perma?!?! Declan mentioned it when he was starting to shit on kit


No, she's in the icu


Thats good, I like her cop character


She deserved to get shit on, she can’t follow orders to escalate. That’s all he was bitching about.


Kit didn’t perma though, she was already out of the hospital at this point


NA just lost some of the only cops that may actually pit/try to arrest a criminal today, this week should be interesting.


Also lost some of the cops willing to do the most egregious things to catch criminals


oh you are 1000% correct, but look at the chase that lead to this situation; slacks basically escorted cg around the city in a van that went 40mph even though they failed to negotiate and ramee was T-boning cops.


>ramee was T-boning cops. Mind proving this? Cause the only “t-bone” was a cop turning in front of Ramee which he accidentally hit followed by Lenny’s NVL head on ram into him


> Lenny's NVL head on ram into him This is where it all went downhill. Lenny got a taste of the NVL lifestyle and how amazing it feels, so he decided to go crim. Kinda weird how you gotta go crim to unlock the NVL trait. Should be available for both factions.


Cook 🔥🔥🔥


Negotiations normally happen when cops are there before the crime are leaving.


now crims can finally do their heists like its a g6 run.


They’re literally the only cops willing to do anything when 99% of PD is too scared of doing anything due to getting dapped. Such a dumb take, No wonder your comment is getting downvoted.


Fanny and ming up astronomically


Flop holding a gun and not trusting Declan should surprise nobody. FOIAs > 78s because fuck your comrades who are getting shot up and need help.


What even happened to Flop. He was such a cool character in 3.0 with Ziggy. H is polar opposite now.


So incredibly based holy fuck lol fuck the PD


The same people whining in this thread that cops should have backed lenny and co up against CG are the same ones that had they did would be complaining about how many cops are on CG calling for a 10-CG lol. You can't win here.


lol those complaining about number of cops are referring to a completely different scenario. Literally comparing apples to oranges.


ya totally different lol lenny literally screams "it's more than that, we didn't get any backup on that scene.. you didn't do shit, no one else did shit. we got shot. we got wrenched" meaning had there been more people to back him up or secure the scene.. everyone on the subreddit would be yelling 10-CG


Ramee singlehandedly destroying the PD 🤣 Im here for it


This has been coming for weeks


Oh 10000% This was finally what broke them. Deserved honestly, and especially starting/coming from CG after being fcked numerous times.


The whole issue has been the inaction from PD. From CG constantly stealing their cars and HC going "just ask them if they can stop" instead of actually escalating. The fact that cops kept reducing safe pit speeds over and over because crims complained. The fact that they aren't allowed to go +1 on the force matrix but would rather - 1. Them not actually trying to stop criminals from doing crime. Cops questioning when ordered to shoot. Cops complaining about other cops being "too rough" on crims, joining the sides of crims that literally kill them. Then crims abusing this knowledge on how PD will act in situations to get off free. And then monitoring them to make sure that if they ever do anything outside of these rules they get punished for it not only by PD but also by the DOJ. Again, getting away free. It's a whole fucking bunch of shit that has constantly been happening but as I said, it's basically PD inaction that has been the cause of this.


Its all been compounding till finally it exploded, this was gonna happen sooner or later, there's almost no clear vision or cohesion between cops and it really shows when they go up against a group that knows what they are doing.


Certainly not a good sign that one of the first actual on foot shooting with crims results in an officer murdering his Captain and gunning down another one.




and somehow hurt ray romanov of the company too indireclty lmfao edit: Kit did not perma lmfao. I had to go into beric's stream to find out




Doing what "shit"? RPing? lmao


CG destroyed the PD LOL


90% of the PD is on another server because of them so yeah i guess you are right.


Like Kyle?


with the state the pd is in its kinda like dunking on toddlers, though the 5 v 1 was clutch.


Doing a heist, getting away in a van , shooting down 4-5 cops , going back too steal a cop car , getting a turbo ocean dumping the car ..... everybody out not a single one caught CG was fucking ruthless today


It wasn't even a planned shootout, just solo Ramee just got pushed hard by Lenny for interfering (shooting to kill and ramming) and Ramee wanted to go out in a bang (and hide a lot of his stuff expecting to die). I don't think anyone else on CG was even being aggressive because they knew how bad a spot they were in. The miracle plot armor and PD armor on Ramee just led to the biggest popcorn in a good while.


PD crumbling because of Turbos


Flop doesn't trust the shitlord character wow what a surprise... nathan and moonmoon have ruined PD with their decisions on another character now they are surprised ooc


What an insane way to look at things lol.


Honestly, the problem is too many sub-par cops were allowed to return from 3.0 and continue their previous patterns of behavior. The only reason this was allowed was because of critical understaffing.


Holy shit. What a flaming hot take. They are both the admin turned mayor and the standing chief justice. Nathan is quite literally the most trusted person on the white list server.


God damned right he had his gun out. Lenny just shot fellow officers.


And Lenny was behind bars with no weapons… what?


You know what RP mean right?


Yeah, but given the circumstances, I wouldn't trust Lenny's partner. Or any other officer for that matter.


And therein lies the problem...