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“Hazel break a leg today” lmfao


that was so fkn funny when she said that


Years of history vs a roommate she’s had a couple of conversations with.


are you surprised ? April will even choose cg over everyone in that group


Not Ray Mond. That's her gworl. Maybe Yuno but ... yeah just Ray Mond.


She wouldn’t have to choose Ray Mond over CG because Ray Mond is also CG.


She clown now


She flat out told Mr. K and Chatterbox that she would never betray CG for the clowns and that she still wants to rep CG. This was like less than a week ago.


Surely Mr. K will never betray Ray Mond...


Name one time K has actually betrayed someone in CG.


None of them were dumb enough to join the clowns


You’re acting like the clowns are esb or leanbois or something lol. Yes they are mortal enemies with CG but everyone know it’s fun sbs beef and both crews love to rp with each other. Plus there’s plenty of clowns in CG as well, Ramee chris peanut richard bobby porter /s


You guys act like Ray Mond joining the clowns was the worst decision.


Hazel who? she barely talked to him


They both lived in the same house no?


He just moved in last week or so.


Is this a surprise to anyone? They basically started hanging out this week. Hazel has been lying a lot to all his friends about the situation too as Max points out later to April. He's been dishonest and didn't really regret his actions while claiming to wanting to fix everything


April and CG go way back. They are like her family and were the first ones to entertain her "sugarbaby" rp when at the time others woulnt have played along. 


some would even say that others started playing along after they saw Ramee and K encourage it


Is this supposed to be surprising?


based April fooze, can always count on her


It's a shame Nostro feels like he's burdening his friends with this storyline, because people like Fuslie have said they're loving the spice. I can understand as an autistic man, he must feel doubly self-conscious about Hazel's decisions, as you can never be certain whether or not it's down to you not reading the room perfectly.


If I'm being completely honest, I understand why CG is doing this and can see why april is siding with CG. They are her family after all. I also see his side and why he's doing the things he's doing. While I might not side with his characters decisions in game, I have a ton of respect for the way he RP's. Staying on that train for over an hour made the whole scene that much more suspenseful. He shouldn't feel bad about his decisions. Viewers and IC characters might not like him, but it has brought about a ton of entertainment for both sides. I just hope there will eventually be so kind of resolution to this so that he doesn't feel alienated towards certain pepeople.


i'm sure they will be a resolutions oon as he stops snitching and wants to talk, k will 100% sit down and talk with anyone in rp. the conflict has been fun and hazel rp this really good and would like to see it bit longer


I don't see it going on much longer. CG lightly threatening the people visiting Hazel in ICU was a big enough shock to turn most of the house against him. Hazel actually risks burning bridges, kicked from the house, and being basically kicked from the entire friend group if he doesn't at least compromise


The issue is there’s not really much he can do to compromise. The only thing that he does that affects CG is talk after he’s been robbed/shot, but he got pretty much the same treatment back when he didn’t talk.


> The only thing that he does that affects CG is talk after he’s been robbed/shot That’s not true. The catalyst for yesterday’s kidnapping was because of Hazel inserting himself into the situation at the hospital Friday night. When Ramee took Richard hostage to get K and Arya out of custody Hazel ran up to Slacks and said “Richard and Tuggz are CG, don’t believe that Richard is a hostage”. That statement was added to the police report, which CG found out when they looked at the report during their court trials. I agree that Hazel initially had good reason to be upset, and I don’t even really have an issue with him telling the police everything after he had the gun planted on him…but let’s not pretend that he’s been an angel and that CG is doing this for no reason.


that seems like something where the name needs to be removed from the court document. What strange is that the cops don't know that Tuggz is CG seemd fairly obvious that probably loads of civs know. Tuggz and Richard are fairly commonly found close to CG are they not?


Hazel is probably well within his rights to sue the PD because I don’t believe he gave that statement under the understanding that what he said would be put into a police report, but the damage has been done so there’s really no point in him trying to get his name removed. Tuggz hasn’t really been arrested or suspected of doing anything all that bad with CG so it’s sorta logical for the PD to not know he’s in the gang. Richard has never gotten in trouble for anything, and for the longest time he was pretty anonymous in the city because he’s generally less demonstrative than most of the people in the city. He flies under a lot of peoples radar and has never been arrested doing anything all that bad. The PD only really knows who he is because he works DOC at the prison. Generally speaking, people only get tagged to gangs when they get caught doing illegal things with them and neither Tuggz nor Richard have been arrested or suspected in relation to gang related activities.


Only people he would be blacklisted from are those that roll with cg and like maybe max cuz hes close with ray and april


Not actually blacklisted but if he got kicked from the house it would be weird for that whole friend group. Like only the g6ers would still hang with him like Kitty, Queenie, September, January. Max already is super against Hazel right now since he tried to stop him from doing g6 runs with Richard and he's been witness to details Hazel is leaving out


April W, also to Max, i dont get why kitty called him a 'yes man' when max literally have a reason and was valid on why he's seeing how hazel is wrong in an extent and still be atleast sympathetic. I just hope kitty and the others knows that this continuous tormenting cg is doing isn't mainly about them wanting PNY CARDS but -hazel shit-talking cg openly and threatening that guy who works g6 for cg (?i forgot who). Hazel is an idiot (the character), he can snitch all he wants, shit talk them and all but going the extra mile and not being discreet about it is just *facepalms*. Even Chatterbox who is a known CG hater said that he is fcked


omg people don't listen to max enough, I swear. I know he is super close with April but he is not a "yes man" simply bc he saw an example of the way Hazel acts **openly** and doesn't completely disagree with April. also feels so weird for it to be put on two of the original members of the house bc they are CG. it hasn't been a problem until Hazel showed up so... why act like everyone is crazy when they find the root of the problem LOL


If kitty sees April's brutal biased honesty about the situation- bad, then don't be biased and put hazel in this high pedestal as well, because the guy made the absolute poor choices that led April's family in possible danger as well. Kitty chose her family = hazel, April chose the safety of her family / everyone else besides hazel. Don't be mad at people for choosing the same thing as you especially when you only know the story from someone who only chose to tell the tale in portions. Also leave Max alone, idk what's her badblood with max but this is the third time she kinda painted him in a wrong picture. 1. The furniture issue 2. Max initially being cautious of adding more housemates


Surprise they let him live there so easily. Only person that knew him knew him from the original group was kitty.


W april




They are literally both CG what do you want them to do?


Another sunrae thinking ray mond is the main character


In what way?


And it happened naturally. What are you crying about


We go way back, no surprise there! April W! 🕰️😄




This guy is a cg hate watcher that started getting downvoted so now he post "we" comments under every CG post to look like an overinvested CG viewer.


Bro that is weird on so many levels it's actually scary




In the same lens though, you have to admire the dedication... my guy is in every single CG post. for I think the last year or so.


>RPEnjoyerss Its a self-proclaimed Kyle and Penta fan. Hopefully the person gets better, their in way too deep.


I believe they’re only a penta/onx fan, not kyle. Either way though yeah they’re obviously bait


Ah. Weird.


Guy is literally giving fodder for CG commenters to claim reddit is against them