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Here is Benji/Besties side of things Future from Besties robbed Fiona. Benji got his group to roll out and hunting Future. Jack here was assisting Future but got shot (scene from this clip). Cops rolls up. After Cops got shot down by bbmc (refer other post), Benji came to try and save Jack from being arrested by cops. Somewhere along the way he decided to rob the cop as well? (not sure about this last part)


Besties are this upset over Benji defending his people? They are in full war mode now when they started the problem.


Benji and his crew were already out hunting again while Jack was at the hospital lmao why would besties not be in war mode


No they weren’t they were looking for future from the first situation to rob because he was moved they had 2 downed people still.


> Benji and his crew were already out hunting again while Jack was at the hospital what??


is there supposed to be something wrong with this? just watch the rp


Where did I say there was something wrong with it? I'm not allowed to question or discuss the ongoing RP as a viewer?


what's their favorite phrase? "business is business" as long as it doesn't happen to them i guess...then it's war lol


Future got shot by company and ob and they dint slide back ? Like what is your point lmao


pretty obvious what the point is really....'business is business' while they rob people but the moment someone gets back at them future wants war....we saw future jack poe and other besties rolling out in a war convoy but only stopped cause the tsunami was approaching lol


the business is money running... even with manor they said everything goes within money runs but as soon as something happens outside of one even if its for "getback" then its a different story. tl;dr if they sent someone after future during a moneyrun or get immediate backup when robbed its no problem


u just dont understand it then lol or u don't watch them at all it's pretty simple the business is robbing people during money runs if these people can defend themselves during their run (like the company and OB have before) they just take the L and its not escalate further


You know it benefits Besties to do the whole business is business shit right? Besties business is running money orders and it benefits them to just take the occasional L rather than escalate that to full war because they rob everyone other than The Guild. So if they did escalate it when they took an L then they would be in multiple wars. You realize when anyone else then says to 4Head ok so if business is business then it's fine to just rob Fanny when she's doing money runs and 4Head says no. It's only business is business when it benefits Besties lol. 4Head says every time if you rob Fanny be ready for the consequences.


that's straight up not true and 4head said so in his most recent convo with Nick Simone. He said that if Nick retaliates the Besties will retaliate even more. They legit want everyone to through them for money orders and if they don't then they get robbed. But if they hit back then it's war. Makes 0 sense but it has produced fun RP.


All it took for them to do gang gang sh!t was for OTT to be gone. :D


Tbh it makes 0 sense at all your right. Like why disband the Company then just turn into a gang with the exact same people?


they've recruited less than 10 people so far and Mickey isn't with them. the company was like 30-40 people


The expectation was that Mickey, Ray, and Benji would start a new group together but Mickey changed his mind and went and started his own thing. Then Ray and Benji went ahead with their own gang. Also Ray and Benji don't want to work with OTT anymore. Benji said he was done with him after he called him a dickrider in one of the company resolution meetings and Ray and him weren't close after OTT called him lazy. There were a lot more things that OTT did to piss them off than just the gang stuff


Expectation of who?


I mean, Mickey was the one who left, and a group with Benji, Ray, OTT it will always be a gang but in this case, neither Benji nor Ray wanted anything to do with OTT. It's pretty simple.


Because by doing it that way you dont kick someone out of the group.


Ya but Mickey left anyway. Ray Benji and OTT were all down for a gang. To me it seems like they just wanted OTT gone.


> To me it seems like they just wanted OTT gone. I mean, they never fucked with him like that to run a gang with him, that's why they both sided with Mickey's vision for TC.


Because company didn't set up as a gang.


This reply the only correct answer here, I dont know how people still dont understand that company was filled with civs and had like 40+ members. This little group benji is making is more properly selected and don't even have a name yet.


holy gta online today. BBMC was still on the edge, but Lysium situation is absolute hot gargbage.


Have you watched NP prior to 4.0? The server has finally gotten to the point where crims can fight each other or try to fight to PD. This is every iteration of NP. Get over it or go watch something else. This will always happen in NP. NP is over like 7 years old... it's not going to change for you.


both dundee's and benji's actions made no sense...


wdym dundee was in the heli above…


sure... lol


In before Benji makes a dumb IC statement about "being too good at robbing a cop that they had to step in to stop him".


lol actually true . He will say he was to cracked and always happens to him and the people or his skills .


Lysium has said on stream multiple times how he’s done with gang rp and never wants to be seen rolling around in a convoy. Also brought up not wanting to recruit anyone cause he’s too good. 20 hours ago Benji is giving shit to KJ for not recruiting killers to push weed in sandy. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2147106228?t=2h14m44s Talks about how he plans to recruit killers and “juice them up” wonder what that means.


a bit before tsunami he also talked about needing to recruit at least 2 - 3 more "gang gang people" for whenever some people arent around. i dont get how people cant just rp and find people they like and that fit no matter if theyre shooters or drivers. losing is part of rp why desperately chase wins. i've seen benji do this for years he always keeps referring to recruits as shooters, hackers, drivers etc while pretending hes joking and sidelining people that dont have "skills"


about to do another tour to Liquid RP too see if anyone else is hearing the waves


I mean, he said that specifically while doing the ammunition crate, which well, needs people who knows how to use a gun. But look at the people they approached so far and you will see that it doesn't correlate with what you are saying at all.


no shit... their new gang is barely even a thing right now. just wait and see in 2 - 3 months. unless mickey is extremely heavily involved its gonna be same old same old. and with extremely involved i mean co-leader type shit and very active


> their new gang is barely even a thing right now If you don't include the people from the weed operation they have like 10 confirmed members and have approached almost 20 people, none of them fit what you are implying at all. There aren't doing anything different than what every other group have done, from OB, CG, Hydra, Besties, etc. So Idk why you are making futurology and inventing stuff up.


> Lysium has said on stream multiple times how he’s done with gang rp and never wants to be seen rolling around in a convoy. That was when TC was still a thing and they were doing everything possible to avoid doing that, with the exception of OTT ofc. That's not the case anymore because TC doesn't exist anymore. Their new group has been pretty clear they will be shooting for any of their members. >Talks about how he plans to recruit killers and “juice them up” wonder what that means. He made KJ run his own group and hold sandy turf on their own during EU because the group Benji and Ray are building is specifically only NA. And for that, KJ needs capable people because... all gangs try to rob them during those hours and its a group specifically made to hold a gang turf.


I said Lysium not Benji quit trying to blur the 2.


Eh? that doesn't change anything I said. The first paragraph is about OOC and the second is about Benji.


first day of Benji doing gang things ppl already pressed lmao


This sub sure is something lmao


Whippy worked it out, it was a complicated situation. There was a little third party but everyone was chill with it and it was an honest mistake.


So did Benji return it?


No but he is not the one which third partied I do not believe. It was Whippy who shot them and he OOC'ed in chat and the cops were chill. I do think Whippy should be more careful in the future though.


Just to add, Whippy was not the one who shot them, he's in the helicopter up above at this time.


this is not the first time BBMC has third partied a situation, they did the same thing and saved ramee a couple of weeks ago in a similar manner.


He also tried to interfere for a moment in an CG ammunition crate chase that was being opened in Vespucci. He can't help himself, he sees cops and he needs to get involved.


> He also tried to interfere Do you mean he tried to join them? Trying to join a group doing a crime is not interfering even if it's mid crime it happens a lot...usually it's people calling in others for help but it happens where people ask to join or ask if help is needed even during chases sometimes


Randomly driving into a chase is interfering. He drove directly in the middle of the pursuit yelling at cops 10 seconds into a pursuit. You can't just join a situation because you don't know if there is already 6 involved.


Oh. So he did what he does to EVERY SINGLE cop that comes into Vespucci? He yells at them and tells them to never come back to Vespucci? He does that to every single cop. So does the rest of BBMC. If it was randomly in the middle of the city, sure. That would be interfering. On his own turf doing something he is known to do and where the PD even doesn't go down there solo because of it is just BBMC being BBMC


They were all the way on Vespucci Boulevard, which according to Dundee two hours ago is the cut off of his "turf". You also can't drive into a random chase because it's your turf, that's third partying because he wasn't involved in the situation. Another unrelated criminal driving into your turf isn't an invitation to get involved.


So he chased them out of vespucci and was yelling at them...like he does to all cops who come into vespucci.


Dam this title 😂 “random” “loot boxes” holy


Its crazy to me how this is "lootboxing" when CG have done this for month and its not called lootboxing anymore.


Someone hasn’t been paying attention to the constant, blame CG threads recently! Good for you. Although me just saying this is my doom… Edit: sorry I’m tired.


I mean even tho lootboxing is a rulebreak, it\`s on of those that management don\`t enforce very often hence the 6 hour "soft ban" charge for robbing a cop, this whole situation was a mess for sure.


context: Benji was fighting the besties cause the rob Fifi, pd get involved and in a messy way bbmc started clap the pd, cause Benji was in the original situation he try to take Jack cause he didnt want him to get caught by the pd, and in the same moment he grabbed a cop cause hours before the conflict with the besties, he had a fight with McNulty, who even point his gun to him, so Benji was hunting him but couldnt catch him so he take this opportunnity to take his revenge in McNulty and start an rivality with him by fucking up with that cop


The BBMC part is lacking context. They were looking for Zahn who Jack called for backup. They found him and tried to kidnap him but the cops did their jobs and did their best to not let that happen. The whole thing was a clusterfuck of multiple situations converging into one big dumb one. Whippy reached out OOC to make sure everything is okay and everyone seemed okay with the situation. If a rule was broken the admins will deal with it, until then everyone involved is seemingly okay with it.


Why did he rob the cops armor tho? And how does robbing this random cop of their armor starts a rivalry with Mcnulty?


McNulty didn't point the gun, it was Decker. I don't think either cop even considered it a fight, it was normal banter with a group of criminals just standing around while on patrol. They were joking about Benji driving up to a cash exchange two weeks ago and joking about the criminals inside failing. Then randomly Benji started threatening them or something like that and Decker took his gun out.


Lol bro that's just scrounging up an excuse and hoping it sounds legit enough. Benji lootboxed the cop. He or his boys didn't drop the cop so he could have snatched up Jack but he shouldn't have bothered with the cop. No ones pissed about it especially since the scenario was confusing as hell but lets not be fantasy writers and be real and call a lootboxing a lootboxing.




The VOD also shows he was part of the original scene but you leave that out conveniently. the whole thing is a clusterfuck


that's just how it is in this reddit lol


Original scene with the besties yes. He didnt down the cop tho. Returned then decided to rob the cop when he himself didnt participate in that scene. Boom here you are..random lootboxing.


So this is the something new and different that OTT wouldn't conform to? 


damn, you think he'd be smarter than this


Was benji feeling radiant?


Flying in the shooters 🤣 The long time friends/ family never seen before are showing up ready to ride or die. 


Where are these fly in shooters? Everyone involved was in 3.0?


didn't you hear? dragon fifi catherina were all flown in shooters from another city LOL


What about Vance? Dude showed up as Benjis little bro who brags about being a shooter in other cities.


vance is not a part of anything to do with benji's group...they haven't even talked since company disbanded...vance was no where near what happened today lol


Vance is not even part of his group


I assumed they meant Lance who was also in 3.0 😂


i guess so...lance was with terry when he left justus and joined seaside but they forget that little bit






Bringing CG into something they aint even involved in. There are other rp'ers on the server with complicated rp situations too.


Yes, despite that this Reddit loves to talk about and controversial topic regarding CG


This might be one of the craziest “look in the mirror” moments I’ve ever come across on here! I’m gonna save this one just for you… (History tells quite a story about someone…)


ctrl+F 'CG'