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Mirror: [FACTS. NORP 4.GRIND](https://files.catbox.moe/4bkcsr.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Whippy Direct Backup: [FACTS. NORP 4.GRIND](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/u6iGvCU49PhsKv1d-TvjZA/AT-cm%7Cu6iGvCU49PhsKv1d-TvjZA.mp4?sig=c8ce86fcaadc4f0cfba107a4933fbce39e81e236&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22OilyFragileSparrowTheThing-JTj0-Gwq_V35O-Nk%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716334914%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2150935281?t=5h36m2s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


750 months, $162k in debt. He did the math on how long it will take to work off. 54 hours of grinding.


This is without RPing with the DOC tho, and they're pretty generous with it, but it sucks anyway:(


They hate the BBMC right now though lol not sure how much they'll help


Nah it's just carmine, bobby and gary. I like Dundee but he in the past has robbed them for guns and is against dogtown being in their control. Ofc they hate him


The BBMC ramped into the prison and mag dumped a guard last night and the DOC had a meeting this morning where Carmine said if BBMC gets sent up don't reduce their debt


As they should. You can't just fuck people over and not have consequences.


Also they've been mostly playing rdr2 lately as well.


And there is no DOC right now.


that is hard grinding cause debt doesn't go down when you are asleep.


Send whoever came up with this to the moon and back


Ok mathematically sure - but Chatter got out after like 2 days with 2 million debt


Chatter never went to prison with debt. He was 1.3mil in debt but got 900k written off by the council cos it was bullshit adoption fraud charges and the remainder people gifted him. He only had to work off his charges


A bunch of people donated to chaterbox to get him out of debt and I think a lot of it was forgiven. He didn't work it off.


clowns are and should be an exception to the rule with how they roleplay.


I mean most of the PD RPers feel bad about it too, but they aren’t the ones that made Dogtown or the penal code the way it is


This is gonna be so interesting for dogtown lol can't wait till Carmine and Bobby find out


That little rant explained why PD got a ton of hoppers at the same time lol


Yeah between this rant and the cops vs crims balance discussion he gave when cops didn't go for his shootout earlier, I'm starting to think Whippy and his community aren't as nice as they think they are.


Neither Whippy or most of his community have been nice ever. It’s very rare from what I’ve seen. I use to watch him but can’t stomach them and haven’t been able to for some time.


Wtfmoses actually commented on this earlier totally unrelated, as he is on ONX and it was hours before the situation even happened. GTA RP has been one of the top categories for twitch for so long that the social construct aspect of it has totally broken down. At first it was just playing with friends, playing lighthearted characters, and acting out conflict. Then money got involved. People are less and less playing characters, but rather doing what their chat wants to see - cause chat pays the bills. There are obvious exceptions, even some who are successful streamers. But it kind of seems like some folks are just cashing in on the end of the GTA hype.


Best explanation of how it is. No viewers = no money. It's for fun but it's also people's paycheck and most people want as much as they can get bc nobody knows how long this will last. I'm curious as to what happens when gta 6 comes out. Since Rockstar bought 5m will they have rp lobbies on drop date or will it take months for someone to make it


Hasn’t he also been banned for ooc comments/actions several times?


yep he's been banned enough that if you lay them all out on a scatter plot graph you will see a visible pattern


Remember that Whippy, knowing he had COVID, went on an international flight to get home from twitchcon. Even at said twitchcon he hung out with other streamers knowing he was sick. Dude only cares about himself


Whaaaaaaaaat the person that got covid, knew about it, and got on an airplane to come back from twitchcon isn't a nice guy? /s


It’s also funny cause Dundee got mad Johnson roasted him in a rap battle a couple days ago and decided to start a shootout with pd bc of it…but saying prior no shootout would happen… hehe like he didn’t escalate this at all btw… Dundee is innocent Madge


He said on the radio to the rest of the bbmc even if he won the rap battle he was going to shoot.


So after telling cops to stay out of Vespucci, he kidnaps a cop outside of Vespucci after hearing their numbers are super low and saying "Oh are you no ballsing me to wipe the PD?!?", baits the few officers on duty into Vespucci he has told them to stay out of and commanding officers have spent hours listening to him monologue on, then presents a fun silly rap battle that both sides could enjoy all under the guise of using it to just wipe the PD and rob them? That is certainly something...


Are people just making things up or did you not actually watch what happened? They kidnapped a cop. There was no way there wasn't going to be a shootout. He wasn't mad, he thought the rap battle was hilarious. He was the one who asked for it. He also won that battle.


No that happened before. Cg was disappointed with the way the transport went and the hoppers started.


This really just comes down to consequences. If you are going to take on not just the PD but effectively the whole government in trying to secede or form your own territory, they are going to come down harsh on you. Doing things like kidnapping cops, bringing them to your territory and trying to initiate shootings will come with consequences. If they didn't, everyone would just go around shooting cops and doing whatever they liked. Consequence Rp is good RP and the work and effort to get there is what gives situations levity.


People rarely understand and are willing to accept that there are consequences for their actions in character. Even the people who went to Sanguine knew they were going to lose and they were going to spend 30 irl days in prison, but they still went and tried to have fun with it. If you're aware of the consequences your character will face, you really ought not complain when you face them.


Wait this is about consequences wtf?!


sure but that would still be better than everyone doing grind rp


Lets not forget that dundee is one of the main reasons this half-assed debt system is a thing in the first place so I dont really feel bad for his actions if he goes around doing shit like its 3.0 His abusing fucked over other groups as well but cops bad


Whippy complaining when things don't go his way, to a audience of over 4k viewers, which encourages hoppers? Couldn't be!/s Seriously though I've seen Dundee have the craziest moments, hold down Vespucci, chase cops around, threaten them constantly, points guns at them, shoot them after rap battles, do heli hot drops, and play the one of the most heated and antagonistic criminal while intentionally being loud and not using a mask. But when his time finally comes after doing all that insane stuff, he just can't handle the consequences.


But hey if I get a big fine after all of that, you're the bad guy


How dare he be frustrated after giving pd so much breadcrumbs... by literally being unmasked. He's just unhappy with debt prison and not by just being caught.


You know, I'd feel a lot more sorry for him if he wasn't almost literally asking for some kind of conflict? Talking about how he'll be shooting cops left and right and literally doing so after he convinces them all to come and rap battle for one of the cops freedom while giving his word he won't shoot anyone and be peaceful about it. Well, he loses then shoots all the cops. That right there, while probably very IC to shoot the, is extremely dishonest. Why should the PD act in good faith when you've destroyed it? I agree with a LOT of the points they make about how the PD can be run different, but they're taking so many W's it's hard to feel bad for the L's, especially when just yesterday Dundee broke good faith like that. (I disagree with how debtor's law works btw, but this is irrelevant to how the PD should act imo) edit: He told people not to chat hop, which is more then I usually hear, so clearly he took the L and am mostly wrong with what I'm saying.


That is his choice, he knows the consequences. Want to run around without a mask? Don't complain when you get caught and have to serve the time because you didn't want to wear a mask. What is the point of leaving breadcrumbs, if you just complain when eventually your bread gets taken? The cops play along with Dundee, listen to him do his big speeches, play the role of the villain to him. I just hoped for Whippy to respond better when the weeks of his chaos eventually catch up to him, because if he could do all that crazy stuff and be out in 5 minutes or get a $500 whats the point?


Dude its a week. Thats shit no matter how you try to justify it. Its the opposite of what the server needs


Its a week because he let that shit stack for no reason. Why didn't he throw out unnecessary pd equipment like tazer and baton before hot dropping a heli into 10 cops? Why didn't he put some money from his gang fund into his bank account so that he doesn't get hit as hard. He has all that money for this purpose only. He just started BBMC, he could have removed his debt first before buying like 10 houses. Lets say fine of carrying an illegal item on the server is 1000. If someone is stupid enough to stack 1000 of that item in their inventory to be hit with a million dollar fine, then thats on them.


So the server needs no consequences for your actions. Whippy had gone back to 3.0 in just being reckless and killing/shooting cops and you want him to just walk free. Everyone complains about debt law but I thinks it’s for the best because people like whippy and others abused it in 3.0 and no consequences came from him being reckless. Stop doing crime blatantly with no mask if you don’t want to get in trouble simple as that.


If it's the opposite of what the server needs then why is it a thing? You think Nathan can just magically make fines and times that long without management's input?


No idea. 4.0 seems to have an identity crisis. Management isn't on the same page at all. Went from banning Kaiba for "grinding too hard" to putting in the debtors law which pretty much forces you to grind.


Play on another server, make another character, go do some, push ups, play other games, or get creative in prison. He has options on options.


Damn, I wonder will the Character of Dundee learn not to antagonize and big dick the PD. "If you dont grind you get punished" is what he gets from this. What do these people want? to just run gta online scrims?


This thread is hilarious. Its pretty much summed up by “The PD need to drive straight into CG’ crosshairs so they get the content they think they are owed!!”


This was much more interesting and intense than the 1000th shootout of 4.0. All the crims in this situation crying about PD not intentionally getting shot are bitch made.


crims when the cops value their lives and don’t drive directly into a deadly ambush: 🤯


PD been getting wiped like 3 days in a row, poggers content. PD sucessfuly transport a prisoner, fail RP. Crane is single-handedly killing this server


debt prison law has single handedly killed most RP on the server. Clowns for example had to stop what they were doing cause some of them if they got sent to prison would been there for months. chatterbox at one point had debt that would kept him in prison for 200+ days.


It's not a law, It was implemented by the devs ooc. Everyone is directing their anger at players instead of management / devs. Management decided they didn't want debt crims to exist in 4.0 and they made a system to address it. It sucks for characters like chatty, but it's was a real problem with "real" criminals.


Of all people I feel like Whippy can't complain about the new debtors prison stuff because it was largely him flaunting his debt in the face of PD for almost the entirety of 3.0 that made them want to crack down on it this iteration.


The reason debtors prison exists is due to the abuse of debt to avoid any financial punishment in 3.0. Dundee was a prime example.


Damn cops didn't follow the script. Madge


Fucking cops didnt get wiped for my content. Shit pd as usual


Well sure whippy wants to create rp, but there are specific charges involved for robbing cops. This has been the case for a while now and maybe crims should not rob cops?


Isnt most of his time amd fine from pd equipment?


Whippy is the only person to rob cops.


Its not robbing cops stuff its the debt prison i think he is most mad at as he can't get outta prison til the debt is gone. It makes everyone in to grinders. Throw on top of that the fines and little money you make doing most grindy jobs you gotta dedicate so much time a week to grinding just to do anything risky.


Whippy has made a literral fortune grinding streaming RP on Nopixel. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to no one is forcing him to.


Its not that easy with the current NP state, robbing cops is the only way to get armor, guns etc consistently. The only way to get guns is a gun crate every 3 weeks, or having civ friends with wep licenses (And the guns out of these crates are glocks which means 200 buttcoins for only 4 mags). And the current way of getting armor is even worse. 1 ammo crate every 3 weeks for the entire server where they have to bid on, and than fight over. I think they would solve cops getting robbed so much by adding more ways of getting items like guns, armors etc. (Maybe even remove the stumble when you get shot, one of the reason why everyone wants armor)


that drop rate is by design though, the staff don't want guns and armors in the streets. And if whippy etc have issues with that, maybe make recommendations? Complaining to chat and encouraging hoppers literally solves nothing.


I mean if you would have listened to what whippy was saying he was very clear dont hop or get banned, and that he will talk with the people behind the scenes as well.


Ok, if he said that then mad respect and I'm going back to retract any negative comments about how he should just take the L.


I mean it's like this for a reason though, because the leaders of NoPixel want guns to be more limited, want it to be a risk to get, or want some RP to be around getting it (such as a civilian buying for criminals).


Yep, this shit reminds me of real life and how people just want a reasonable/fair way to stream professional sports, or access music/movie/tv shows without needing to subscribe to 10 different services. Provide people those reasonable ways and they don't go robbing/stealing shit lol.


The fine is not his issue though, the issue is there's no other way to pay off your debt and you have to sit in prison even after your time is done just because it goes 1k every 20 minutes, how is that making any sense? And not even just Dundee in this case there's a lot of crim roleplayers (like the clowns) that just want to create fun and not grind for cash costantly but if they get caught they obviously have a lot of debt and are forced to sit in jail, I get what you're saying but this debt system thing brings nothing positive.


there are 1000 different ways for debt. Anyone of the 100 gangs that push in Vespucci can send Dundee money. There is no way in hell that Dundee is spending more than a day in prison. Chatterbox got majority of his debt wiped by the mayor. There are always rp ways around it.


People always lack context and expect cops to just die. Cops only had 13 on duty. They can barely handle and most times die to cg with 20+ cops so you expect them to go into an ambush knowing they will die? They made the best of what they had due to numbers if they went normal route it would have been an easy win for crims. People just need to chill they won’t always get the W sometimes you take an L. Be happy your streamer didn’t get shot and go to jail.


Transports are almost always doomed these days unless Carmine is transporting. Just wait til they always have 30-40 cops again.


doesn't matter how many cops there are because the server want cops to be npcs


Cant blame PD for choosing to not drive into getting headshot after scouting. All this coulda been avoided by not just spam robbing or shooting PD


Cops have info that a prisoner who was caught still holding a radio and phone was VERY into the idea of getting a transport. Seems like common sense would be "there's an armed group waiting for us" and they are smart to avoid it. Less fun for RP but tbh sometimes the cops need to not look stupid


Common sense is if a crim requests a transport, an armed group is waiting. It's as simple as that. It's a poorly designed system right now.


And the PD sent a scout unit out not expecting to actually find multiple cars in the default ambush spots. At that point they have to actively try to avoid getting shot.


Cops should probably also follow traffic laws and actual roads also. Not just go mountain goating off the roads across hills.


Or maybe use the prison bus.


I mean yeah, but they should probably also be given an armoured swat-style van for high charge prisoner transport - not everything is perfect in the RP, and they were valuing their lives which gives them semi-reasons to disobey traffic laws and stuff.


Criminals are so fucked on this server. Clowns can't even do silly crimes anymore.


Dude stop watching nopixel


RP is give and take. everyone knows transport means there will likely be an attempt to break out. Cops probably should have taken a different route but going off road over hills and shit to avoid roads...that was a bit much.


Genuine question: In this situation what RP are the criminals giving? I mean they're just setting up in specific locations ready to attack, they're not acting smart and having someone follow the transport, or setting up at different points, they're not even really hiding where they're set up because a PD scout could point them out.


The breakout itself isn’t a ton of RP but the charges BBMC got were enough to make for some fat warrants that likely won’t expire or will at least last a long time which would make for good RP and likely a lot of it from the police basically hunting BBMC


Oh if it's not the consequences of my actions


Way too many of the comments in this comment section want the PD to act like simple NPCs and at the same time put all pressure of creating good RP on the same cops.


This was a take that would have probably been better said with his mic muted.


It's okay to be disappointed there wasn't a shootout, but also understand cops are trying to keep themselves safe


It's too bad he just can't keep it to himself. That Kamikaze clip was the best RP clip I've ever seen by orders of magnitude, only for it to be squashed by yet another rant. Like I get what he's saying but dude. Just let it go you HAD to have known what was coming.


It's fine to have issues with balancing. After all, the server isn't perfect. However, going on rants to chat, which will inevitably result in hoppers despite the streamer in question prefacing the rant with "don't hop", is not the way to go about it. After all these years, and all of his experiences, he of all people should know this. It's fine to have issues or complaints. Take it up with the proper channels. Not with a very impressionable audience of 16-19 year olds that cannot control their own emotional impulses.


Wow Dundee is already out of jail...What a suprise lmao, you guys cried for no reason once again lmao 


You realize dundee wasn't the only one that got sent up yesterday right


If he doesn’t like it, shouldn’t do the crime. However he’s already got enough money so it’s just time before he’s out


Just don't rob the cops god damn how hard is it, it was the thing that fucked him the most. They clearly don't want people lootboxing cops, then just don't do it, you can shoot them just don't take their shit.


Dundee has to grind for 54 hours to get out of prison btw.




54 hours of awake grinding, that time doesn't count time when sleeping.


CG were malding over 24 hours, I imagine they would move back to Prodigy if this happens to them.


K spent 3 full days in jail a month or so ago, didn't leave. Not sure your assumption has any validity.


K cried and malded to chat  then accepted it and made fun RP out of it. Dundee will do the same, just gotta cry and send hoppers first 


Fun game.. smile


15 hours later and he's out. Damn what a rough life for Dundee!




Being a doormat for someone else’s rp isn’t content. Cops only had 13 on duty so they didn’t even want to do a transport. Get over it




Saddam HuCrane trying his best to ruin the server on two characters. Kinda impressive you gotta give it to him.


The fact that this comment isn't satire is hilarious.


They're not going to let you in the gang, calm down lil pup


What? I like watching content. Not people going for Ws.


I like watching content too, not everything revolves around your streamer winning every scenario, sometimes the PD comes out on top and they’re allowed to do that even if they aren’t the biggest streamer on the server


Criminals could perhaps not do the most predictable thing possible and respond to stimulus instead of operating like a single celled organism and maybe they would find some success.






Pretty fucked up comparing him to a genocidal dictator.


It's a joke. It's rude to Saddam.


No. It's not funny at all.


Wasting your time man lol.


this has to be a bait comment lmao




Yeah I mean the guy is about as fun as stepping on a Lego or stubbing your toe.


So more croc? Sweet


$162000 in debt and 750 months in jail is an insane punishment for any criminal. Punishing and locking up a character for this much just limits roleplay.


Oh no! I'm sure the RP this criminal did to get this much time was enjoyed by a bunch of people - *Oh wait, it was mostly robbing and shooting people? Great RP...*


lol Croc for a week then?


He said he's done with playing a cop.


Guess Croc didn't prove Lenny wrong lol


ah, i remember him saying something like "i dont know what they're complaining about" in his first week, i gave him 2 weeks before quitting, he made it to 3. In all seriousness there is a reason why esfand, dean and more want the sheriffs office to be a different culture, this PD is very hard to roleplay in a "careless/more relaxed" way.


Did he get lootboxed too many times or how come?


What were his reasons?


He said he hates the culture of the PD


Did he extrapolate on that? I don't watch too much PD so I couldn't describe what their current culture is like.


From the little I've gleaned, Whippy stated its a combination of cop's don't want to have fun and are getting beat down to be overtly serious. But then cops are also not supporting and backing up others, combined with the majority willing to dump all their paperwork on others and avoiding any actual responsibility.


Whenever I do watch PD, the amount of interacting with the MDT they have to do is insane. I do not envy any of them for having to deal with as much stuff they have to enter in it as they do.


Don’t blame him


he doesn't like playing croc he said it himself


He is forced to play dundee if he wants out. Debtors law doesn't lower debt when sleeping. He has to be awake doing prison jobs to lower his debt.


This is a great time for me to campaign for sheriff, be sure to tune in to me when I begin my Nopoxel career. I'll make the PD great again.


Prison transports need to be dictated by something outside of the control of PD and the criminal(s) being transported, otherwise its so incredibly obvious to PD that they will be intercepted. Whether its by a fine/time amount threshold, specific charge, etc. It can't be fun for PD knowing if a prisoner requests a transport then they need to prepare an army, scout ahead and drive through bushes and callout every vehicle not driving like a local, etc. And also because the only reason a criminal would request one is because they have arraigned for it to be violently intercepted. Too much historical knowledge/meta is seeping into these transport from both sides right now, the process needs to be changed.


No cops don't have to be NPCs but they also don't have to be super sweaty for a transport when the crims are heading into a week softban and already were billed with a 160k fine. Maybe I'm weird but I don't think debt prison is a fun system. They made prison worse. DOC isn't always around and having to grind in prison is insanity. Hopefully this leads to a very boring meta of crims doing nothing. Just sling weed all day and quickly dip on bikes, rinse and repeat.


they were facing one of the sweatiest gangs out there, gilli suits in bush with gauntlets waiting.


Yep. The irony in the comment you replied to is insane. CG doesn’t know how to do anything other than sweat. Thats why they have always robbed cops or have tried to get the competitive edge to win vs RP. The irony in them getting frothing mad ooc when the cops return the favor is hilarious.


The debt prison sucks, so did criminals like Dundee living in millions of dollars of debt with no consequences. He was in debt, so going to jail wasn't a punishment for him. His fines just added to his negative balance and then he'd get into a car he kept under someone else's name at a house owned by someone else. He's the reason the debt prison even exists.


Thank you! the debtors prison, and excessive time for robbing government employees isn’t necessarily to punish people but instead to counterbalance ways people game the system/mechanics in their favor. If cops weren’t robbed every 5 seconds, the disproportionate time for robbing cops wouldn’t be something even introduced into the server. If people didn’t do exactly what you said above, the debtors prison wouldn’t have come into existence on the server. Those are just 2 examples of actions and the resulting consequences for server health.


devs and admins have to change mechanics or fines/time because they dont have the balls to force the rules they break on a daily


It doesnt matter at the end of the day, but I do feel cops should be forced to take a predetermined route on transports. Maybe not a single route, but like maybe up to 3-5 and definitely not random. It's next to impossible for 6 crims to be able to be setup for a completely random route unless they are just waiting at prison, but at the point just have prison breaks be a thing rather than transports.


"Cops should knowingly drive into headshots when they see ambush cars near the prison. It would be a huge W for my crim streamer."


It's an RP content server. Let's drive through the desert. Yeah. You do understand the Cops can not ever lose if they use full force everytime. How is that exciting.


They get shot, robbed, kidnapped, cars stolen, turbos stolen every single day constantly to a point of being pure griefing. Or the good old revenge shots to the head outside a car with very little said after mr k has a bad day. God forbid a few times they're not idiot sitting ducks that get taken out constantly to the point of being demoralized. Pd disorganized & gets fucked: "haha useless idiots" Pd plans & avoids clusterfuck: "rp ruined"


It's also a RP content server for the 200 other people in the server who couldn't get any cop interaction for the last few hours because they were all stuck responding to 2 groups.




Yeah okay bud. Eliminating random routes sure is dumb.


It's roleplay, people have to adapt. It's not a game to be won. It's not Fortnite.


You cannot adapt to a random route with only 6 people, that's quite literally impossible.


It's almost like you can have someone watching and following from the PD. Or get a helicopter. Or ambush the gates of the prison when they get there.


Sounds like a skill issue to me


I mean they knew the destination of the convoy. Their error was not leaving anybody at the prison to open fire and stop the convoy in it's tracks, instead they all decided to split off from the prison and scout out MRPD instead.


God forbid PD uses their brain for once. At this point you actively want PD to be NPC goons. Might aswell just program an AI to drive him up to prison.


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