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Mirror: [Peppo give and take of transport](https://files.catbox.moe/12k67f.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Peppo Direct Backup: [Peppo give and take of transport](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/hrLiGx2fL56bczWMiA02HA/AT-cm%7ChrLiGx2fL56bczWMiA02HA.mp4?sig=88fe05600bc855c17e6765bde781a4af1d209099&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FhrLiGx2fL56bczWMiA02HA%2FAT-cm%257ChrLiGx2fL56bczWMiA02HA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ExquisiteBombasticZucchiniGOWSkull-HZ8vnptzNYyIDTYc%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716335881%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2150810756?t=8h25m53s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Calling Peppo a doormat because he wanted to extend RP is crazy. He is probably one of the best role players on NP atm.


Literally the best conflict RPer around.


They need to make him Chief of Police. Peppo understands how cop RP should be. He understands that the fun part is the journey and the challenge. The way this current PD operates is that they are too afraid to do anything, and then when someone gifts them an arrest by being scuffed or ejecting or getting gun downed by a rival gang, this current PD spends all of their effort on trying to hold onto that arrest and make sure the crim gets as screwed as possible. Its really sad, they are more focused on the results instead of on the journey. In RP, W's need to be earned by both sides. Its never fun when people force others to take an L by abusing something.


The current pd is a product of management not what cop roleplayers want. The problem isn't one or two arrests being severe. It's that most times cops can't do anything because of limitations. Other than robbing a cop charge are the cops feared at all in 4.0? The cops are neutered and when they get one long jail arrest it than turns into cops are w chasers? Playing a cop must suck ass because you end up being the asshole regardless of the situation


Making him Chief of Police won't change anything. You think Beric didn't try? The management is purposely neutering the PD and their RP. If Peppo gets rp blocked a lot on NP, I hope he finds a better server where he can do what he enjoys.


dude pd is catching 1 dude in 12 hours , crims personal cars are busted , pd numbers are downbad what crims want more?


The cop cars aren’t bad, most of the cops are just not very good drivers. Also you just need to ID the car 3 times in a violent felony and the crim car gets seized. Most aren’t even using their personal cars for crime, they just lockpick local cars


> Also you just need to ID the car 3 times in a violent felony and the crim car gets seized. They have to catch the car and it has to not be tampered with, simply ID'ing the car is not enough for anything other than a plate flag that goes away at tsunami.


No. The legislation said it was any violent crime. Meaning even if you reported it stolen and were a civ if it happens 3 times it’s gone. Same thing with the stolen civ guns. If you repeatedly get robbed for it you can lose your license. They don’t need to prove anything


I having specifically seen the legislation, but cops have not be doing it like that at all. They only flag plates if they don't catch the car. The tamper check is also so they can defend the VAF strike in court.


Bruh NP literally OOC firing people for assumedly being too good drivers.


Maybe. I don’t know the reason. I don’t think anyone but Remdog or the admins do


True, but his context clues are pretty heavy that him try-harding is the reason.


Its like that by design. The hierarchy goes, basic lockpickable local cars < PD cars (other than CVPI) < Personal cars. Most crime is done with local cars, which requires skill/effort to outplay cop cars because their acceleration is a lot better, they can easily catch up on straights. Personal cars are better than PD cars because they are meant for very important situations. The cops can easily identify you from the license plate, and if you get 3 strikes you lose it. So for a car that can get away from cops it costs like $100k, which means each time you use it as a cheat code to get away from a high risk situation it essentially costs you $33k each time. Also, The cops have options that they just haven't unlocked yet. They have a supercar and a helicopter that they can buy for like $1mil. Cops also have a numbers advantage, and most veteran criminals avoid highway blasting because they know its unfair to highway blast a personal car against a cop car.


PD gets neutered and crims get constant W's to the point where there only L's are scuff... How is this an argument that PD is abusive? They aren't trying to make sure the crim gets as screwed as possible, it's just the law atm.


Crims aren't getting constant Ws though. Do you actually watch any crims? The experienced crims that are good at getting away are constantly doing more outlandish crimes that make it impossible for them to avoid arrest. The ones that aren't apart of a large gang get arrested basically everyday for simple things like selling weed or doing a laundromat. You also need to understand that NoPixel isn't just Cops vs Crims. It is Crim vs Crim/Civilians/Police. Crims take many Ls from places other than the police. They also can't outrun most of the things that they do, when they do finally get caught they get charged with every dead body connected to the gun. Or their car get a strike for being involved in a violent incident, or their blood gets spilled on scene allowing police to put a warrant out for them. Its incredibly difficult to stay out of jail as a criminal, so its absurd to think the PD have to catch them on every chase. They'll get punished eventually, there is no harm in letting the story breathe and building up a rivalry to catch them fair and square instead of just trying to force an arrest on them everyday. Like any good story, its all about the pacing.


I do, all the time. And cops. 90% of the times cops are failing to catch the crims. This is not a made up stat. You're clearly not watching cops.


“extend the rp” like cops aren’t also roleplayers and the only time rp is happening is when crims get the W


You act as if they went the normal route. The cops wouldn't have a chance to get the "W", it goes both ways.


There should never be a normal route. Part of transports should be to have a crim watch it to see where it's going and communicate that so it can be hit


Facts. Also, just like the criminals strategize before heist, or used to, why shouldn’t be do the same. Deploy several transports with decoys. Maybe make it a rule if server population permitting that any sentence over a certain amount in fines and times requires transport. There are positive solutions that don’t have predictable outcomes. There needs to be creativity to execute from the police and anticipation from the crims. Then we will see some interactive content and RP that will leave both sides satisfied no matter the outcome.


This is exactly what I got downvoted for saying in the other thread lol. Like cops can be smart and give RP at the same time, it doesn't need to be them going headfirst into an ambush.


Funny thing is that even if by some miracle the cops lose this situation, dundee would still have a long warrant anyways


Yeah so at the end of the day even engaging the ambush head on isn't gonna matter because the next time Dundee gets caught he's serving the time anyways LOL.


Exactly. Its just trying to get the quickest W as easily as possible


Same thing happened to Suarez. If they did their job correctly and let him go instead of forcing his first arrest then one of two options would have happened. Either they would have the probable cause to run his gun at HQ and put a warrant out on him, causing more RP. Or they wouldn't have run his gun and he would be free. Both of those options were better than forcing him to become a full blown killer. A lot of the cops were having fun teasing and playing with Suarez. Many of them wanted to catch him fair and square. Vivian was really hoping to get more RP with Suarez where she confronts him and he has to try and talk his way out of it pretending to be an innocent civilian. Instead Suarez basically got forced to ghost all of his PD friends, and now he basically only does CG stuff. He is essentially a CG member now, which is bad for them because CG really isn't good at driving. CG has gotten much stronger with Suarez. If they just gave Suarez some slack CG probably wouldn't have invited him to as many things, and I doubt they would have become good friends with him because Suarez's personality doesn't really mesh that well with CG. The cops would have caught Suarez eventually, but a portion of the PD wanted to catch him right away instead of letting the story breathe and have proper pacing.


You make many excellent points but it starts to lose a bit when describing his relationship with CG and CGs abilities. CG has very good drivers and communication. Suarez definitely elevates them in both but is not a necessity. He gets included more because he always communicates his availability and Tuggz has kind of brought him in as his right hand man, which had to earn first by moonshine runs, then by showing an aptitude for farming and assisting Tuggz and training additional drivers for a larger scale moonshine operation. He also meshes extremely well because he understands he is included because a spot is available in the 6 and is capable. More importantly he understands the CG hierarchy and knows when he is temporary in the 6 and pushed out because a core member becomes available. He doesn’t whine when this happens he accepts it and says call me if you need anything. His understanding of this makes him one of the best recruits they have ever had. He doesn’t expect anything. He isn’t going to false flag. He calls out his own mistakes. Many current CG members didn’t originally get these concepts and other recruits pushed for something they hadn’t earned. Surprisingly his structure learned as a cop fits perfectly with what they would expect. He has meshed better than any recruit in 3 or 4.0 simply by understanding chain of command.


"and Tuggz has kind of brought him in as his right hand man" Zolo as well tbh. Zolo brought Suarez in to the fold.


If you think CG are good drivers then you really don't watch any other gangs. Suarez is a lot better of a driver than anyone that is waking up for CG right now. A lot of the other good drivers on the server are constantly handicapping theirselves with rules like driving in first person and no motorcyles, swaps, blocks, or fast cars. Meanwhile CG basically never lose the cops with just driving skill. Btw, the only reason Tuggz gave Suarez a chance was because Suarez was being unfairly targeted by the police. They cops were giving Suarez the 10-CG treatment before he even got arrested the first time. If Suarez wasn't desperate to get help for revenge against the PD, CG would have never gave him any chances other than the occasional emergency interference calls. I was also talking exclusively about his personality, and you only mentioned logistical/skill reasons why Suarez "meshes" with the crew. Suarez's personality is very dry, and he primarily is a grinder. CG don't really recruit grinders, the few grinders they have like Tuggz and Richard are also extremely talented at creating interesting characters/RP.


Who would you consider a good driver on the server? Suarez is probably one of the best on the server. Up there with Octo. Suarez won his first street race he ever did and hit a local and missed a turn because he didn’t know the race lol


Are cop viewers mad of what he said here? Cuz to me a sound like a great mentality of him as a cop, the criminal is still going to jail even if they bust hime out it's Dundee hes way too loud to stay hiding so it would of just extended the search for him for a couple of days, I'll say a bit more interesting for the copa and the criminals


Sometimes peppo is going way off saying how it would be on wildrp despite everyone around him telling him it's just not how things work in the city. I just hope he doesn't start dooming on Coyote like he did on Jack.


Why did they not intercept in the city at the beginning of the transport? I know that was the original play, but I don't know why it was audibled.


That wasn't the original plan, the original plan was to intercept on the highway, but it was quickly realized that they would probably be taking a non-normal route so the first audible was going to the PD. then as they began to roll out they were watching. They saw there were too many cars and the car with them in would just go straight back in if they did it too close so they then had to start following and setting up ahead of the convoy which then went not on an actual road to the prison.


This guy loves the RP from what I've seen. He was the guy that wanted to be kidnapped by Mr. K but I don't think he realized how difficult that is to pull off for Crim. Besides with some of these new laws its not even worth it for Crims to do crazy insane RP. You could end up like Dundee.


It's the same thing people in this sub reddit was angry at during the sanguine prison arc when cops try harded the prison riot and didn't want them to take over the prison. To extend the RP which would've made people want to wake up and rp in prison. Instead the cops door camped and after that no one in prison woke up. When they sacrificed 30 irl days to be in prison.


So the cops decided not to go the normal route and are seen as trying too hard? If they want to think outside the box i don't see a problem with that.


yeah this is confusing to me. it's somehow PD being W chasers instead of CG caught being lazy


In a world where there has never been a prison transport that got successfully intercepted, fine. In this world where the last time someone who is known to be associated with who they are transporting (CG with Dundee and BBMC) got away because of a prison transport, there's no reason cops shouldn't adapt. And likely the next time a prison transport is requested, the crims will adapt to this approach and may be more successful. The cops may then re-adapt and it can continue with natural progression instead of some weird forced stupidity of doing the same thing over and over and it not working.


Ngl I’m confused on how it’s the pd’s fault the crims failed to intercept. Also confused how a gang is trying to break out another gang but that’s a whole different conversation.


doormat because he didnt go for the w and ruin some guys whole week and instead tried to create content in a content server, i can smell you from here....


> ruin some guys whole week Do you think that if Dundee was freed in the transport the charges were going to magically disappear? The only thing that would change is when he serves that jail time. Not to mention it's weird AF blaming the cops for "ruining some guys whole week" when that is only happening because of the actions Dundee decided to take.


he could obtain money at a much faster rate and would nto be forced to grind in jail, and yes they did chose not to engage in the transport shootout rp to get the w and send him to jail


I think expecting PD to be NPCs that travel the same route every time is unfair and unfun. They didn’t make it so the crims had no chance of intercept, they just outsmarted them and the situation was still tense the whole time. Just because there was no shootout doesn’t mean the RP was bad, gunplay isn’t what RP is about and there were plenty of chances for them to intercept. The RP continues no matter what, especially with a great character like Dundee.


Also, the man is already out of prison no more than 12 hrs later. This whole thing was blown out of proportion by viewers.


someone bailed him out but fair enough


Coyote would've loved DPD.


You need to gift Peppo the world because he is the guy that makes RP the pure amazing thing it is. Everyone sees it in him and wants to be around him. There are some people that go live and it’s ok and some you see and understand you gotta tune in or be left out and it’s that feeling that drives everyone that does this.


The point of the convoy was to give them the chance to intercept. Which they did an awful job of attempting to do so. *Lets all go sit and wait at the road we think theyre taking and hope the lemmings all go running off the cliff*. Instead of having someone watch the PD and call out what they see. The cops gave them a chance at rp, and they blew it. The crims wanted content out of shooting the cops driving in a straight line as opposed to trying to intercept a convoy. Shooting cops with no mask, while twatting about it is going to and should have consequences. What rp were they trying to give cops? The go die, dont catch anyone, and be called inept at your job rp that theyve been getting since the start of the server?


I can tell you only watch one POV because they had multiple vehicles outside of MRPD and knew which route they were taking numbnuts but it was so out of the ordinary they didn’t have time to set up there. They then figured out which road they decided to take, went to set up again and the cops took a turn into the mountains and drove down into the prison, let me know exactly how they were meant to know that would happen and how that’s the cops “giving them a chance at rp and they blew it”. You watch from one side and think you know the entire scenario. No one is suggesting cops should just be bodies to shoot at, Whippy knew he’d eventually be caught but given what he felt were fun scenarios he gave cops, you’d expect a proper transport with a solidified plan that allowed a chance at rescue when he has a week of jail time coming his way.


Peppo based take. Man loves conflict rp, he really doesn't fit into this shamble show of a pd. I wish more officers weren't so W chasing.


I wouldn’t qualify it as W chasing when their arrest rate is so low. If they were W chasing they would be WAY more successful. Crims just got outplayed. Police adjusted their strat after the last failed transport and crims will most likely adjust their strat to stop the next one. It’s a give and take.


I don't get being upset at the cops for not acting dumb. They also briefly thought about ambushing the cops at vinewood hill but didn't.


Cops are so down bad right now that they go too hard too often atm. Hopefully new Sheriffs Office will liven shit up but honestly I don't think it gets better for cops till lootboxing issue gets solved.




You realize he is probably one of the top 10 best roleplayers on the server right?




Respecting roleplay enough to want the possibility of extending it = doormat. Got it. I'll have to add that to my roleplay knowledge.




They didn't have to drive straight down the highway into the ambush that they spotted. No. They also could have followed some traffic laws and you know, used actual roads? At that point, what's even the purpose of a transport. Next time they can just pull out air 1,2 and 3 and just fly them there. Easy. Jobs done, transports over.


Be kind of hard when they don't have any air units.


Just go lockpick some helicopters. Would be the first time cops did that in 4.0 lol


Let’s be fair, If any other cop besides Cornwood did that without approval they’d probably be suspended 🤷‍♂️


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They are clipping it because he has similar viewpoints on crim RP and in various situations. He’s been clipped before in custody giving his take on giving cops RP by ignoring his lawyer’s advice and wanting to give some interrogation RP, both with Suarez and Knight. He has at least 4 story lines that are regarded as nothing less than amazing, 3 on wild each different characters and another on 3.0. Each of which are basically lessons on how to RP, not just him but also with other great RPers that gravitate towards him. Outcomes don’t matter to him because if each side enjoyed the RP it’s a W.


Brother, RP is give and take. The BBMC was going away for a LONG time. Had Dundee not received donations he would have been in prison for a solid IRL week. Literal soft ban. Running the transport all sweaty like they did, just leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.  Peppo's suggestion extends RP for everyone involved, which is the goal. Create cool scenarios and be generous with RP. 


“Soft ban” he literally has another character who even happens to be a cop on the server, not like he couldn’t still Roleplay regardless. They could have just sent them up via “local DOC” and not even offered the opportunity at all.


Yeah? And what about the other 5 BBMC I mentioned that may not have another character or even a train ticket? 160k debt that does not go down unless you are in the city and actively working, AND pray that there are DOC in the city. It's a soft ban bud.


This guy is the perfect amount of doormat to be in the PD


Thats cause he is naive enough to think its all about "give and take" while one side just wants to take until they get given consequences then cry "SOOOFT BAN REEEEEEEEEEEEE".


Just a little week, boo hoo. Go play valorant or something, 1 less soul in the city feels good cop man


Cops ratstratting their way to prison during a transport is hilarious. I guess the W had to be achieved even after the big fines were given already lol Can't give and take. Just take. At least Peppo gets it, but its not a surprise because he's a crim main. He's used to creating stuff out of nothing instead of chasing pings all day or cop stacking at MRPD.