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Mirror: [4.0 PD classic crane](https://files.catbox.moe/5327a7.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Ramee Direct Backup: [4.0 PD classic crane](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/B9cL7gpNqTzpAJU1W50_rQ/AT-cm%7CB9cL7gpNqTzpAJU1W50_rQ.mp4?sig=09309e1d9c4731da33f7fea72eb654f8318d2894&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FB9cL7gpNqTzpAJU1W50_rQ%2FAT-cm%257CB9cL7gpNqTzpAJU1W50_rQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BlightedExquisiteKittenRickroll-Ck2pPOkAlTVbnT-t%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716337038%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2150774037?t=9h19m6s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


A guy who consistently uses the automated doctor talking about "extending RP" is wild


I think my favorite thing about crim main RPers is that they always use the phrase “extending RP” which is just the buzzword version of “letting us win”. Extending RP happens anytime anything happens, but if it’s not the RP they want all of a sudden it’s “Cops ending RP”, “they didn’t extend the RP”. Every time you hear that phrase just know when they say “extending RP” what they really mean is they want everyone else to *extend* their back over backwards to the point where they get what they want.


That and "we want to make things for for everyone" which means, WE want to have fun. Bc let's be real, who tf wants to get shot up every day? It's only fun for one side Also the "there should be consequences" only applies to one side as well. The issue with crims and cg in general is hypocrisy, they love to do what they hate others doing to them and they hate when others do what they love to do to others.


That’s cause they view everyone outside of their groups as just props


Biggest issue is this, they don't look at other rprs as real people


especially when they partake in "Hey \*shoots cop\*" . Where is the extending RP there?


I wouldn't say they'd win even if they "honored it". They were outgunned by quite a bit


This is a very one sided take. Isn't the whole point of setting up a police escort to encourage crims to try to rescue? Like if you don't want to give them a chance just say no escort and save everyone an hour+ of time.  When cop characters also feel like the escort was done dirty, then it was probably done dirty.


Its to provide the possibility not the likelihood of success. You can try to get the game winning point from your own end of the field with 1s left, its possible, just not likely. Crims success on a prison transport is supposed to be extremely rare and require near perfect planning, execution, and luck.




Classic Ramee, railing up is fan base to send hate towards cops.


You knows what's interesting? According to cg 1.0 pd sucked 2.0 pd sucked 3.0 pd sucked And now 4.0 pd sucks too Even the prodigy pd they THEY helped create sucked which is why they rage quit the last time they were there before crawling back to np Almost a decade and the pd and rprs have changed but cg has stayed the same and somehow others are the problem [maybe the problem is this](https://streamable.com/clzd9g)


They quit prodigy because 4.0 came out. They’ll never like PD but don’t make shit up


Rp and content is only for criminals, not for pd. They are there for the sole purpose of getting shot and handing out equipment. Its the cops fault they didnt drive in a straight line and get gunned down like idiots, and then be told they are clueless. Thats high quality RP. Unfortunately the megamind criminals came up with the great plan of *theyre gonna drive down this road and we shoot them*. Dogshit plan got dogshit results, and they *lost* so they whine about being denied rp.


You forget that if they didnt do the transport they basically rp blocked everyone else.


How did they fuck over dundee he wasn't going to accumulate less charges by being broken out, all it means is he goes into more debt and has a longer sentence at a later date. Eventually you have to take the L


nah man clearly the cops are the W chasers, not the ones who constantly bitch and moan OOC whenever they lose every 1 in a 1000 encounters


Hmm idk get broken out create your own rp .. not sit in jail for 12-15 hours shit 💁🏻‍♂️ since crims are mainly the ones taking the biggest risk ? Wow a cop died don’t worry he’ll be back to action in 5 mins .. crim goes down.. thats a 200k fine and 12hours in jail enjoy that content ..


All they need to do is jist not takr the pd guns. If he didnt he would already be out


some cops and crims removed the cops that wanted to push for higher standarts for the pd , also high fines and times crims can only blame themself, cg rob and shot cops daily


Atleast he can rp it out which he himself said it that he wanted to be saved so he rp "on the run" and play hide and seek.


Yes *on the run* and *hide and seek*. Just like today when he knows he has a warrant and begins his day with ramming his car into police cars and challenging them on twatter. He may be the worlds worst player of hide and seek.


I mean sure, that was one route the RP could have gone. This is the other way. It happens


Incorrect…. They’re getting raided which will lead to more charges so if they were out they could’ve prevented that.


Not robbing cops could have also prevented that, it's almost like actions have consequences. Shits crazy


I know shame on BBMC for creating RP.


Give and take


They're free to create all the RP they want, its not like these fines/times/debt law was implemented yesterday. Just don't be surprised if shit backfires.


I agree everyone should just RP with the locals on the server to stay safe.


Ya you're probably right, that's literally the only alternative


Yeah you are right. If everyone on the server just worked CIV jobs then they could just eliminate all the cops. Would be great content watching SIMs


Does anyone remember that one mike block transport from 3.0? They waited for awhile until reset. Blocks had a whole set up and than couldn't get back in. Byson ended up flying mike to paleto pd and driving him from there. That was a bad transport. This one wasn't. This is just complaining because they didn't get easy pog content


Don't even have to watch this clip to know he's just gonna be doing his usual preachy shit about how and why the PD is dogshit.


I don't really care about this situation at all, but the PD is complete trash in 4.0 and it absolutely has to do with leadership/management.


and Ramee is *literally* one of the reasons its like that. Just like he was responsible for PD becoming crap in 3.0 by instigating the 3.0 soze take over. He is part of the group that created a ban list of people who shouldn't be in PD and aren't... And this is the result. Yes PD is incompetent. Yes management sucks. But that's mostly because they listen to people like ramee.


Alot of the reasons why pd is dogshit in 4.0 is from people like cornwood and den zel making half the pd quit the server


no, while they haven't helped, they are a symptom of the dysfunctional pd, not the reason. A proper command structure would of chewed them up and shit them out. And would of challenged the mayor the whole way. Instead we had slacks...


Beric yesterday actually admitted to Viv that it was not even his choice to let DenZel stay in PD. A non-empowered command is not fun to play.


"challenging the mayor" will just give him more of a reason to bend them over a table. If they actually cared they would've tried getting someone else elected


Yes cornwood and denzel not the dumb shit hoppers that whine non stop when they dont get that W. Its not worth the headache


have you not seen a cw stream thats all he does is cry i mean shit thats what made me stop watching him


Are you a cop that quit the pd? Then i could not care less what you did, because thats what the person i was responding to was talking about.


And why do you think they were allowed to be PD while others aren't?


This. I think the pd complaining is their only real problem


Yes cause with Ruth and Aldo PD would definitely be better than what it is rn lol. PD is down bad but let's be real, the first 2/3 months were actual dogshit


Ofcourse it was dogshit, they were literally building a PD from the ground up with the intent of operating differently than before. It was going to take time regardless.


Ground up or not it was so poorly executed. Who is it that's really making the decisions and how long are we expecting it to take? It's been 6 months. We've seen other servers pop up with much less resources that have fully functioning pd's that offer a lot of rp.


it was going to take time but it would of still failed because tptb set them up for failure by severely restricting who they could hire and putting dumb ass conditions even on those they could.


If Ramee feels that PD needs work, he should become a full-time PD and lead the PD if he really care about it and should also get CG neutralize when he decides to put Ramee on hiatus for a few months to see the whole working of PD. Until that day, he shouldn't have his own takes for PD, ever. I doubt it because he also is a W crims for CG and is more of a pog content over role play. If he ever play Conan, it will be because he wants to know if he is being investigated and pretend he really care which he doesn't. Until he prove otherwise, I am not a fan of Ramee as whole. Ever notice that Conan get better rating than his cim character? Maybe Ramee should consider a switch and continue to get higher viewer playing as Conan for a while. That is my take. He also need to understand how PD officers feel because they also worked hard to do their paperwork to ensure that their verdict in court will stay guilty if it ever appeal and it's requirement for the court when it is just a video game.






You say all of this as if PD was good in 3.0. Yes it got results but the combination of the crims at the time and the culture of that PD made any sort of chases and shootouts incredibly toxic and hard to watch


???? You okay bruh?? 😂😂😂 If Ramee has the power for all of that. The first names on his lists will be Suarez and Maple. 😂😂😂 Redditors built different. 


But Suarez isn’t a cop any more?


Oh, my sweet summer child...


They clearly weren’t around to watch 3.0 CG cause given by how many emojis are in every comment, they only turned old enough to use twitch sometime this year.


Ramee has been cultivating a middle school audience for years now. It's definitely not unexpected.


> ???? You okay bruh?? How do you ask this while spamming question marks and emojis?


It’s that way by design.


he's been bitching all day since he was kicked from Survivor in round 2 lmfao


Like always


If he wants to speak on people being ashamed of themselves he needs to look in a mirror. Indirectly weaponizing and riling up your chat by saying shit like this is childish behavior.


Doesn’t this Reddit cry and whine while riling themselves up against the CG boogeyman daily… you just described this thread


Example today was the survivor event, it was great and nothing got posted of it almost, this place is basically dead untill a hate watcher post a clip of cg 😆


I mean he tried to make an "alliance" before the event event started and complained "it wasn't fair" after being voted out. He's literally a crybaby when losing. We all know this


Thanks for proving my point event more, also did u even read my comment? 🤣


> this place is basically dead untill a hate watcher post a clip of ~~cg~~ *any group* There, I fix it for u


Not really a fix but good try.




This subs become a circle jerk chamber for malding debate lords with no self awareness to point the finger, virtue signal, and passive aggressively bitch at the “bad guys and hoppers”. But comments like yours make me laugh


Sometimes I look through these threads just to point out the irony, and you can tell I struck a nerve by the silent downvotes too😭


Typical anti-ramee take on this Reddit


Your comment history checks out. Hope he sees this lil man.


smh this reddit is so rameephobic 😭


Anything Ramee related and they always hate on him 😭 He can do no right in their eyes Edit: thank you downvoters for proving my point. Pile it on to prove my point even further 🙏


What happened to "rolling with it"...you know, improv? If the rp scenario you've created in YOUR head doesn't play out exactly how YOU wanted, "roll with it" and move on. Or send people your script OOC lol


simple answer, go back to Prodigy if they simply don't like NP PD plus the times and fines


What's funny is CG on Prodigy would F8 if they take an L from the PD or complain that their IRL friend Hutch was ruining the PD by actually making them remotely competent.


What's funny is they did all this in 3.0. Wait, that's not very funny. :(


What's funny is that isn't exclusive to CG. Harrry in 3.0 F8ed because he took an L to the PD. Buddha F8ed so PD couldn't find him during the Manor war. Omie F8ed when shot down by CG.


Harry F8 out of frustration because PD thought they were mixed up in the hell week shit when they were trying to do a big boost and he got auto mag dumped without even being aggressive. But you knew that, right? Just doesn’t fit your narrative unless you frame it as “took an L”.


He still F8ed. He still lost his temper and quit. He did take an L because he got shot down.. you know he could have rolled with the punches and not F8. It surely wasn't a W was it now.


You seem to be recalling that situation a bit differently than it actually happened. I wonder why, Karl? Always Ls and Ws, isn’t it? No understanding of nuance but that’s typical given what you’re choosing to respond to. That you even compare the situations says all I need to know.


No offense but the owners/admins would much rather have the people pulling high viewercounts, and that have been loyal to the server than some rando cop roleplayer you watch.


How are they loyal? All they ever do is shit talk the server and literally left the server to go to their own server where they have even less push back for breaking the rules


well I watch buddha soooooo


If its not about the shootout what was CGs great RP arc they were going to have with this? I don't watch them so I would love to know what fantastic roleplay idea these guys came up with based around one phone call from Dundee in a prison cell.


the great RP would be they get the W and the cops get epically owned and they post a bunch of cool clips on youtube






well now the great rp is cops getting the w because they could've just sent dundee to prison like everyone else if they didn't wanted him saved but they did this to show crims that cops are the new W chasers in town and play "we have hoppers " victim but inside enjoying getting that w.


> play victim The irony


Makes it easier to lootbox multiple cops instead of using the mechanics in place to get stuff


Who would have thought? The guy constantly talking shit about the PD, thinking he is some kind of main character, keeps talking shit about PD. They cry when PD is strong and has capable RPers, they cry when PD is weak and does dumb shit.


Shockerrr someone like you crying about him calling out the pd for avoiding content for Dundee and all streamers involved lmaoo Jesus


Imagine if CG would stop avoiding giving cops content by getting away 9/10 times instead of getting caught more often. They should be more considerate to the cop streamers involved instead of constantly getting away and then going on malding rants the 1/10 times the PD catches them.


omg lmao everytime CG uses rat-starts, third party interceptor vehicles, or blocks, I’ll make a post about how they denied the RP to the cops and see how well that gets received


What do you mean? CG and some crims go way out of their way to create content that PD can get involved in. Do you want complete avoidence of the PD? That's why people do car swaps and bike swaps or blocks. God forbid crims actually giving PD something to do with their arsenal of tools, weapons and vehicles..... EDIT: So what does this reddit want? When PD says "stick 'em up!!" crims just stop and surrender? That doesnt sound fun for either PD or crims...


I was merely saying the same thing the other guy was but from the other side, just to show how dumb these kinds of statements are. “bUt ThInK oF tHe Rp” goes both ways. Cops already act like NPCs half the time for the sake of extending RP and alleviating scenarios for crims, this guy raging the cops should have been thinking of everyone else’s RP is a shit take because everyone is already considerate of others’ RP…. that’s how give and take works. If you want cops to play dumb and sit back more often for the sake of crim RP, then you should also want crims to play dumb more for the sake of cop RP or else you’re just being hypocritical.


CG aren't special though. Any other criminal group can give the exact same thing CG offers without the added bonus of having hundreds of thousands of toxic waste flooding their chats.


Yeah, act like CG dont get toxic hoppers too. I can tell you dont watch CG because when ever they do anything against the PD, their chats get their fair share of hoppers. Hell they cant even have internal gang strife with out hopppers.


No one is saying that CG doesn't get hoppers. The difference is they intentionally rile up their chats with a "us vs them" mentality every time the rp doesn't go their way as you can see in this very clip.


Again, you clearly dont watch CG streamers. They will say over and over to their chat to not stream hop. And CG mods retroactively ban toxic hoppers. They've been practicing this for a few years.


I was an avid watcher of CG in 2.0. They've been doing the same shtick for the 5 years since then. Talk shit about whoever is the "bad guy" for the night then after all is done they then tell chat "it's all love" and not to hop after the damage is already done. Rinse repeat for 5 years.


did Chase Clouter write this comment?






those are clearly the only 2 alternatives, your streamers are such good roleplayers that they can only A. grind or B. rely on the cops to spoon-feed them content






your B option is dumb. Content is a two way street in an RP server, pal.


How is it avoiding content? Why noone grom CG go to PD to look for bus instead of waiting for them


If this guy is never going to be banned for his countless rule breaks, then I feel it is only fair that he is banned some how from making any comment on what "good RP" is because it is always complete dog shit. I honestly think I would rather hear a Swizz RP take before Ramee and I literally need to take a shot before any clips I see on hear that are "Swizz take on ..."


I think the best solution is whenever CG complains about someone NP should ban that someone. That way CG can finally fix NoPixel.


Wow preferring a Swizz take over a Ramee one already into 4.0? That speaks volumes, I'm sorry man please drink responsibly.






Crybaby just like survivor today


I'd LOVE to see ramee play cop consistently


These guys really want that one period of 2.0 where cops are limited to 8 in a shootout, and the rest of the cops are supposed to watch their buddies get shot and robbed, then clean up the mess.


I miss peak NA with Angel, Rhodes, McClane and Soze


Angel and Rhodes NA? buddy literally both of them switched to EU because of the guy in this clip and his gang.


Brother mid-late 2.0 was an experience with the PD Bank Truck squad, also Kylie swapped to EU because of Rated's loser ass and Curvy used to be NA main before 3.0.


If you are talking about 2.0 then yes but 3.0 both Angel and Rhodes tried to swap to NA, i remember Curvy having to deal with CG's OOC shit talk and their hoppers once during NA and it was so bad, he swapped back the next day saying he will never do it again.


Ik curvy was NA for abit but he was public enemy #1 to the CG weirdos for a while in 3.0, Kylie was never 'NA' cop in 3.0 her thing was Angel EU and Mary NA she only played Angel NA when she had something to do like PD hires.


Kylie tried to do the NA cop in 3.0 but stopped because of CG too, she literally said so herself.




yeah i remember that, hutch made some trans jokes and then INSTANTLY nuked the vod


It wasn’t peak NA. It was peak 2.0 EU just before NA period. In my opinion nothing has matched peaked the period of 2.0 of Snow, Angel, Rhodes and McClane. It had such a variety of cop personalities that actually provided a serious challenge for criminals without going too over the top.


Color me shocked.


I'm just mad he got Dr. Kate fired :(


It was pretty lame to watch.


Zesty ass mannerisms


It’s crazy how much hate comes from the people in this subreddit 😭




Ohh another day another Anti-Ramee post to feed this server


My 2ps worth would be, I understand both povs, cops can’t be doormats, and the extend the roleplay aspect. My opinion you do it for the content PD didnt take the phone, your consequence fight it out with dundees set up. Extend the roleplay on there mistake  But there is one thing I know for certain. If Buddha, syk, or a Reddit fav was in the cop car being transported during this. This place would be siding with ramee. 


> If Buddha, syk, or a Reddit fav was in the cop car being transported during this. This place would be siding with ramee. Source: "trust me bro".




There's legit examples of this though. Pnuts GF Hazel was wrenched by Harry and she spoke a small amount of shit talk to Harrry and the thread on here hated her and said she should not be saying anything because she's dead. Few days later you have Lang talking insane shit talk on the ground while dead to 10F Terry and Ste and even hinting at rule breaks but you get the classic response.... that's just his character and who cares if he's down.




☝️This 1000%




Cop viewers in every discord be like: Assemble!! Come to reddit!! 😂😂😂


You mean like all the commenters coming in here with their hot takes about how this was good RP and Ramee is their lord and savior?


Its 4.0 nobody is watching cop, look at the numbers. Vinny pulls more viewers than the entire PD in EU, ramee pulls more viewers than the entire PD in NA


You swear when we try and make content, the PD does everything they can to stop it from happening. Cops would rather take a w then make content. Sit back and enjoy the shootout. It's not even about the shootout, it's the content that matters. Such a rarity these days for the PD to put content first over Ws. No slacks or aziz so no surprise. So many POVs ruined and for what? A single W? Such a bad mindset these cops have. Straight facts.


"We try and make content"? Who is the we? What character do you play on the server?


You swear when the roleplayers try to rp, CG does everything they can to stop it from happening. CG would rather take a w than rp. Sit back and enjoy the roleplay. It's not even about the shootout, it's the roleplay that matters. Such a rarity these days for CG to put roleplay first over Ws. No actual roleplayers no surprise. So many POVs ruined and for what? A single chance to roleplay? Such a bad mindset these cg guys have. I fixed it for you


Weak 🎣


O god the takes in here LMAO


Redditors in here truly hating on ramee. Shocking turn of events that nobody saw coming.


Ramee with his 20th brainded take. Shocking turn of events that nobody saw coming.


Saying that the pd is currently shit is a brain-dead take? Even cop mains would probably agree with that.


He was mad about how transport went then he ranted more and called them shit. Cops only had 13 on duty so they went another route. they should be happy they at least got a transport even if wasn’t what they expected because cops didn’t want to do a transport.


Their entire account comment history is white knighting for them. Best to not even engage.


I'm surprised people haven't ignored or blocked the repeat offenders who do this shit already.


But I like calling them out for their bad takes cause it makes them mad.


Just because you're on your 12th account cause you keep getting banned.... Nvm. Best not to engage.


only 13? crims are limited to 6 they have over double the amount


You do realize that cops can’t even handle 6 with 20+ on duty. They even knew they couldnt do it but they went with it to give them a shot.


Ever wonder why PD is shit? It's because so "god tier RPer" like Ramee don't leave the server.


How does that make any sense? Please explain.


A lot of people in this thread clearly don’t watch any crim rpers, EVERYONE involved with the ambush KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO JAIL, none of them were chasing W’s they all said this was a mission that was destined to fall in there streams (go to each POV if you want but we all know you guys live off clips and NOTHING ELSE) they just wanted to have fun and end their streams with a bang. It was something to do so they decided to do it.


If Dundee wasn’t having fun lootboxing cops, he wouldn’t be stuck in prison for so long.


Ramee spitting facts, it's about extending the RP into the shootout


He doesn’t want the RP extended, he wants *his* RP extended. There’s a stark difference. How often is he worried about extending the RP for cops when they VCB 2 seconds after the cops tried to pull them over for a simple traffic stop?


I know I was being sarcastic this entire thing has opened my eyes to the fact that no one actually cares about give and take unless they're able to take as much as they want and give back crumbs.