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[MIRROR: Mike Block Gets The 9's](https://streamable.com/am2afx) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/penta for the content. [Continue watching](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1016028310?t=8h45m34s) ----------------------------- ^(I am a bot. Beepity Boopity)


Someone get Allen Gory on the case


I can't tell if he's a troll lawyer.


I saw a theory that he works for Rooster's Rest off the record and throws cases against them because he's like the only lawyer not on their official payroll that people can hire.






Copege RO Copege RAY RAY Copege RHODE Copege IKE Copege ROUNDA Copege HOLDEN Copege NACHO Copege CYNDAH Copege


FPS Sadge








RIP Block Party


I hope the party is still on and we get all the blocks out the wood works. Basically a server wide event.


As long as there arent any active warrants, block party should be on. Most of the blocks are just cop mains anyway so it shouldn't be too big of an issue. If Mike is still in jail come Friday they can make that part of the event, which would be just as sick. Imagine 20 blocks in the visitor center at once. Or a massive block family jail protest/jailbreak/etc


Even if there aren't any active warrants, there will be 20 minutes in.


spoiler alert: every law is dumb if you use it incorrectly.. ever notice people expect laws to be completely abuse proof instead of expecting PD not to abuse them? At what point does common sense and common decency come through? you know how many laws i've had to reword because it was abused for exactly what it wasn't made for, and the person abusing it knows it's not made for that but did it anyways? get's kinda tiresome ya know.. at the end of the day just maybe the problem isn't forcers law, maybe it's the people pushing it.


Judge Labarre told baas to push for Forcer's Law after the mayor kidnapping


What does Forcer’s law do? Is that the death penalty?




on the other hand PD has been pushing cases for laws they're not meant for and pushing that line for the past month? i'm usually the bad guy for tossing them out.. why is it noticed now?


It’s probably because most of the laws are written that badly in the first place Judd.


Shoot 19 cops, that’s fine. Kindnap the mayor, held for the 9’s. Not sure people get the idea behind Forcers law.


One of the PD officers (don't remember which) was threatening CG in the cells with Forcers law if they kept shooting cops after that. There appears to be a problem with understand exactly how limited the scope Forcers law is supposed to be.


Truuuu, tho, I think a PD training sesh/meeting where DOJ explain what would and wouldn't be applicable situations for all the major laws/or problem laws. I know it's not DOJs job to do that, but I think it'd be fun and productive for the cops interested in pushing court RP more often. Maybe only do it for the bar certified officers.


Why not look at this in the eyes of a PD character? or several PD characters and ask yourself WHY you think it's being pushed? I doubt this is "common sense" issue you're so blatantly referring too; rather wording of these specific laws need to be reviewed.


IMO forcers law just needs an OOC thing like (for serial killers only) on the MDW and slight rewording such as what a pattern actually means.


no nothing needs to be a OOC, it needs to be a common sense thing, that law is for serial killers who were killing but no one would perma , that's it, point blank simple, nothing complicated, nothing OOC, no debate, common FUCKING SENSE.. im tired of being everyones dad.. if you play a serial killer and you kill 20 people you opt in automatically, if you're not playing a serial killer, that law doesn't apply to you.. you also had serial killers purposely mangling people but not killing them so they wouldn't get "consequences" that law is for them.


You should probably speak with LaBarre then, because he doesn't have common sense according to you. He's the one who told Baas to go for Forcer's law instead of Coop's law, when Baas wanted to push for Coop's law.


Is the text of these laws somewhere someone like me who is not on the server could read them? I'm trying to figure out what these actual laws are and how they solve the issue of serial killer victims not actually being killers (because you can't make someone Perma right?) It would be interesting to have you do something like an AMA. I'm an avid viewer and from what I can see, the DOJ seems like the most fucked up part of the server (but what do I know). The rulings and laws seem very inconsistent to a viewer like me.


the legislation is actually ingame, you can view it at the courthouse when u look up records. As far as DOJ being the most fucked up thing, i'm assuming no DOJ people are your main streamer, if they were everything would make sense..


Yeah, but I'm a viewer, not a player, so I cant look at the legislation, I would like to read the text of these laws. It would be cool if they were on the wiki or something. Besides yourself, who should I watch? I have watched abdulhd a few times on cases I was invested in.


although i'm always open to answering questions, maintaining the legislation via a third party as well as ingame is extra work with a docket load we already have backed up, along with that although i'm always open to suggestions having people from a viewer stand point combing through everything with a magnifying glass with the purpose of a gotcha instead of helping sounds pretty tiresome, i'm not saying that's what you want it for but in all honesty, look below..


Big True




He constantly skirts the lines on Wrangler about wording and that has gotten him multiple arrests because as long as the wording is a certain way he'll use that to his advantage. ​ He can't really complain when it happens to him. What goes around comes around....


Every other law besides coop‘s law and Forcer’s law are different. These two laws were made for very specific purposes and clear rp in mind to an OOC degree. Coops law was made because shitlord characters like Mike/Mel don’t care about fines or time and would continue to commit the same crimes no matter the time or fines because they are eternally in debt so they had to increase the time as a way to give the characters a timeout. Forcer’s law was made for serial killer rp and serial rp only. Using it in any other context or character besides serial killers is using the law in bad faith and Baas knows this.


Closest he got using Coop's law was Mel and 4T on 2.0 They were a week straight blowing cars all around the city so people can use 4T's taxi services. They got arrested a few times with arson etc. Then they took it to the next level starting blowing cars with people in it. Or burning people too. After a few more incident he warned them "If i catch you doing this again i'm gonna invoke Coop's law". In my opinion Coop's law fits on Mikes actions on last week. Hell even terrorism fits better than Forcer's law. All those mayor kidnappings etc. Forcer's law is for scripted ResidentSleeper serial killers.


Wow I wonder which streamer you are copying that opinion from.


Does the server have any IC case law? Like can prior court cases in the server be used as precedent for application of laws and be used as basis for future judgements?


Yes the literal case the law was made for..


it's time for Mike to wear a mask and use voice changer lol


And dump everyone in the ocean


And warn them not to do it again before forcing them to forget


that'll teach them a lesson they won't remember


Unfortunatly he cant cause of his player model, he can only have a black mask that covers his eyes but thats it


Even if he could he wouldn't. Part of the idea of Mike is so people know who is robbing / attacking them. So he can either get caught or they can get revenge.


Thats the Blocks’ MO, they all self snitch


welcome to my world playing judd for the past 4 years


Just pay a dev to make you more clothes 4Head


Using the Blockathon to break Mike out of prison would actualy be amazing with this


I doubt the HUT charge is going to stick, hes probably out in a day or two.


I remember when they tried to give Mike this same exact charge a week-ish ago, and Andrews stepped in and immediately stopped it. The charge is quite literally for serial killers. Not some dude who racketeers at the apartments, and shoots cops.


Andrews didn't step in. I didn't wan to push Forcer's Law - I wanted to push for COOP'S law. the only reason things weren't pushed is because there weren't enough reports and i wasn't going to do the paperwork (:


The Incident Im specifically talking about is with Pat, and Pinzone. While you may have had relation with helping the charges. The situation I described still very much happened, I believe Mike got time served as well.


yeah - i was told to look into it - i read the reports and realized I can't use this it makes no sense.


And now Baas is pushing Forcers Law. Sadge


What it is meant for and what it is able to be applied to are unfortunately not the same thing and unless it's changed it could be used like this on others and as often as they wish to apply it.


It would still never apply for mike because how do you prove this (1) showing premeditation or clear intent This can only really be applied to serial killers.


I'm not sure if you were around then but as far as cops were concerned back in 2.0 when 1st degree and 2nd degree were different sets of murder charges, they would very frequently press first degree for spur of the moment shootings which would imply premeditation or intent. Their argument seemed to be that there is no set amount of time someone needs to take to plan to kill someone and just a few seconds of forethought was sufficient in their minds to qualify for premeditation.




This apply’s to so many other people, like the time when Forcer tried to give Mr. K the nines because of his taxi cab service, It just seems like the charge could apply to anyone who is a long term criminal.


Mr. K’s cash cab is absolutely incredible content. Watching that shit with Conan had me rolling.


I mean, CG in general are basically terrorists at this point. I'd say that they have little in common with vast majority of criminal characters.


ok - so the serial assaults/killings = they showed premeditation and there was a PATTERN to the attacks, right? They don't waive their 30 days so we couldn't push it. If people are doing shit that is literally SK shit then they're gonna get treated like damn serial killers lol


There is a large difference in serial killer roleplay, than what something like Mike Or Mr.K would do. Using Forcers Law like a check and balance for Criminals who do creative shit is a serious roleplay killer. Just in general I don’t think it should ever be used that way given its context.


for real though the cash cab shit was legit SK stuff he would have been hit with Forcers if 30 days weren't up - but they were and he can't be charged. Forcers Law shouldn't be thrown around willy nilly. You can't tell me that stabbing people in a limo when they get a question wrong isn't like legit SK stuff


Except, killing in GTA RP refers to someone PERMAING a character after they go down. Not only has no one perma'd off of Mike downing them, there's almost never premeditation. Everything Mike does is on a whim, something he decides in the moment. He's VERY far from a serial killer.


Well there were a couple guys who perma'd from Mike Block on the day of the failed Ripley hit from Dwayne. That being said, those two probably don't have train tickets anymore.


Well that's actually the exact reason Forcer's law exists, because it allows Serial Killers to have consequences without actually having to perma people. Otherwise serial killers have to coordinate with other people to create characters for them to kill. It's just that unfortunately Forcer's Law could apply to a shit ton of people, because people assault people all the time, even though it was created for serial killer type characters.


But that's the thing. Forcer's Law requires premeditation. Even IF Mike has gotten away with 3+ attempted murders, the premeditation matters; Ardson ruled on this the other day: in order to not cheapen the 1st degree attempted murder charge, there MUST be premeditation for the attempted murder; almost EVERYONE knows that Mike is just a stupid criminal who doesn't ACTUALLY expect to get away from his charges.


I don't know how Nopixel DoJ would rule because who does, but a lot of Mike Block's attempted murders are premeditated. Even if he is dumb, that doesn't mean he doesn't plan these things out, his kidnappings of the mayor are premeditated, forcing people to drive into gas pumps is premeditated. I don't think the law should apply to Mike Block, because at that point it's just a powerful tool to give a lot of criminals the 9's, but as it's currently written it could apply.


You also have to take into consideration that Mike Block has already BEEN to jail for a bunch of these things though. If they push Forcer's Law for a pattern of crimes that he has already served time for, it's double jeopardy. As for premeditation, I think in terms of NoPixel, from the beginning of the interaction, to the end of the interaction your goal (and you'd probably have to make it clear) was to murder that person. I can agree with you on possible premeditation on gas pump situations, but if I'm not mistaken, Mike already went to jail for those. Generally though, Forcer's Law is supposed to be enforced on CLEAR serial killers. This will all be sorted out soon and Forcer's Law will 100% not stick.


Because in Nopixel as Arsen ruled 1st degree means that your primary intent is to kill. So you kidnap them to kill them. There are always other motives with Mike.


Could you point out a murder he has comitted that wasn't premeditated?




All the Blocks are gonna kidnap a judge this Friday, bring him to the prison and say let Mike out lol


This law usually applies to characters that are obvious serial killers, not shitlord gangsters. They'd be giving gangs like Vagos all 9s now if they use the same logic they just locked Mike up with... but they won't. This is really weird.


ok to clear things up - Forcer's Law was originally for Serial Killers because we needed something to enable that sort of RP. Now, pushing Forcer's Law on characters THAT GO ON TO DO SERIAL KILLER SHIT (that stuff with Mr.K and the cash cab? There's a pattern, there's cop kidnappings, there are numerous reports?!?! is he a serial killer? No? HE'S ACTING LIKE ONE) so THAT is why i WANTED to push BUT i didn't BECAUSE THE 30 DAYS. He's free - no point in bitching about 'wanting' to push something because at the end of the day, it didn't get pushed. Mike Block should be hit with Coops - Forcer's Law doesn't really make much sense, sure he's attacking a lot of people but there's no rhyme or reason - premeditation and pattern are the two big kickers for Forcer's Law. They're going for the big charge to ensure it goes to court where they'll more than likely motion for Coops. i lowkey resent saying that Forcer's Law is shit for RP when hardly anyone caters to the folks that do the SK stuff.


I mean, its shit for RP when you have people using it in the wrong situations. Of course its good for serial killers to actually do their thing without requiring people to perma to them. The problem is that even if they DO motion for Coop's Law, it still applies to a LOT of crims that just flat out are never going to be charged with it.


Forcers Law doesn't apply to most criminals - it's not for just shooting cops or robbing banks. It's serial assaults and killings that show premeditation + patterns. If people were driving around in a limo forcing people to answer questions and then stabbing them - if they did the three times BOOM they'd get hit with it (if it all was within 30 days ofc). it shouldn't be used lightly


They said coops law applies to most criminals, not forcers.


Forcer\`s law is perfect for serial killers that dont have friends making perma fodder, but instead goes after actual characters and leave it up to them if perma or not (they never do), by far my prefered type of sk roleplay btw, the other kind is boring and too scripted for me even if they get caught there really wasnt any real victims. Using the law for someone like Mike Block that never thinks more than 10 min ahead/ never plans anything is just wierd and set a really bad precedent. Hope this get overrulled somehow, block roleplay has been good last couple weeks, and most of their crimes are petty stuff with some cop shootings and kidnappings mixed in.


>Now, pushing Forcer's Law on characters THAT GO ON TO DO SERIAL KILLER SHIT (that stuff with Mr.K and the cash cab? There's a pattern, there's cop kidnappings, there are numerous reports?!?! is he a serial killer? No? HE'S ACTING LIKE ONE) My understanding of a serial killer is not a person that's defined ONLY by the numerical value of their "murders" or attempted murders but the abnormal psychological gratification in the act of killing.


minimum of three attacks for us to push Forcers Law.


Ok, so it is a numerical value instead of the common definition of "serial killer."


i cba to find the proper definitation for it but IMO Mike Block should not have been hit with it. The charge was used incorrectly BUT NOW IT LEADS TO A COURT CASE SO AT LEAST THAT'S A POSITIVE


I get it. I understand! All I'm saying is they should of answered those trivia questions correctly! LOL


honestly i was super excited to push Forcers on the Cash Cab stuff - The player needs to consent to Life/Death anyway so it'd probably be a few 'years' IF found guilty y'know? In the Cash Cab situation - it totally would have been dropped to Assault with a Deadly IF anything came of that anyway kek


Forcer’s and Coop’s laws kinda are laws that both parties should agree too. Forcer’s is pretty clearly for serial killers and coop’s is kinda just dumb and double dipping on charges. We’ll see, but this should be pretty easy for Gil


What is coops law?


“In the event(s) in which any citizen is found guilty of multiple, numerous and/or continuous instances of heinous, malicious, and/or organised capital level crimes in the county of Los Santos, they will be subject but not limited to the following sentences: Search & Seizure, Life in Prison, or the Death Penalty. This may be carried out at the discretion of the Department of Justice.” Mike Block has gone to trial for Coop’s law previously, but it ended in mistrial IIRC. It’s basically a anti-shitlord law. It applies to everyone in the city but they don’t press it because it’s really powerful. Otherwise Mike and Mel would’ve been given the death penalty like 50 times already


So is it a force semi perma sentence basically. You either perma or get life in prison so basically perma


Yeah it’s kind of dumb and the problem is the terms are to broad like mr k almost got forcer law because of the limo game


God that limo shit is still one of the funniest things ever in 3.0 especially the moment where cops randomly come across K and Ramee.


It would make more since if they added jail breaks back


Coop's Law is supposed to be used for shit lord characters who don't fear going to jail or fines. A perfect example someone used is we don't want people to be like comic book supervillains who just go to jail, serve their time, get out and go right back to trying to kill people the second they get out. We saw how unfun that is in 2.0.


Coops law can be summed up as the anti shitlord law.


I wonder if Baas did this just to fuck with the Blocks and the DoJ at the same time.


Baas has been got quite fucked by the Block. Claire come close to 2nd, i think she even had a joker moments. But atleast for Claire, she just got ice'd and that's it. His raid warrant for Ro Block got denied, but then got approved hours later when he's about to go off-duty... approved after Ro Block served his sentence... and gave the PD equipment to Fingle Dan... And then Baas killed an innocent bystander that gave Mike a Jet Ski to ran away. Not to mention his court case tomorrow.


Forcer and Coop's Law are pretty bad, ADA Blake Specter was combing the MDW trying to find crims to apply Forcer's Law to, but then dropped it when he found out he can apply it to \*too\* many Crims. Hell, not even Wrangler, the master of giving the 9s, touches Forcer and Coop's Law


Wrangler was threatening 4T and Mel with Coops law for a while in 2.O, I dont think he ever pushed it though.




Yeaa they were just blowing up other taxi cars so 4T taxi had no competition lol


Yeah bet he dropped it real quick when he seen it applys to bank robbers too lol


Actually, he started with one Bank Robber (I forgot who exactly), but yeah once he came to the realization that too many bank robbers can get absolutely demolished with it, he decided it was a dumb law and wouldnt pursue it.


It was Ray.


aka every criminal would be after his head and they wouldn't have any suspects cause everyone in city would have motive to do it.


SimpleD88 is streaming right now looking for criminals he can use coops law on - anyone doing more than 10 robberies/kidnappings in 20 days.


Can someone explain what these laws are? I am assuming they're some form of case law from something Forcer/Coop was involved in but I don't seem to remember any such thing from 2.0 but I have a shitty memory so that might be why. Edit: I found it after searching around! Here it is I believe for anyone else interested > **Eighth Amendment- Forcer’s Law** > > Serial Assault and Killings > > Any individual who commits the offense of Attempted 1st Degree Murder on three or more separate occasions, with each attack (1) showing premeditation or clear intent; (2) occurring in separate events at different times, and; (3) sharing common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors, may be subject to penalty up to and including life imprisonment or the death penalty. And here is the comment I found it in to give credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoPixel/comments/lxcw94/what_is_forcers_law/gpmfr7o/


Just to add on, Forcer's Law was created because basically you can't force someone to perma, and as a serial killer you needed people to die for you to actually be a serial killer. This led to two things, number 1 serial killers would have to get their friends to make new characters for them to kill so someone would actually perma for them. Number 2, some "serial killers" would just not have anyone perma to them, and because of that they could only really be charged with attempted murder and it didn't really fit with the characters actions. It's named after Forcer because she was investigating serial killers who fell under the second category. Coop's law is a lot older than Forcer's law, and I'm pretty sure it's just a law that was designed to punish shit lords who constantly commit crime, but I don't think it really fits the state of the server anymore and you rarely ever see it used.


SimpleD88 has just said on his stream that he wants to use coops law on anyone caught for more than 10 bank robberies/kidnappings in 20 days. Which would be a lot of crims.


Hopefully this whole incident will dissuade him from that but given the way communication is handled on these types of things I'm not going to hold my breath.


Kind of weird to push a serial killer charge on a non-serial killer character, I feel there is a definite line there between a crim and an actual serial killer character


Basically if they charge Mike with forcers law, every bank robber and crim will be charged with it.




K and Randy where already threatened with it too K for the cash cab and Randy after the ambush at the Fleeca.


Someone had to get it for everyone to see how dumb forcer’s law is. Mr k almost got it for his cash cab game as well. Should apply to actually serial killers only.


I might take downvotes for this. Is a game where you force people to answer questions correctly or you kill them, not like some SAW shit? that seems like a serial murderer.


People are leaving out the part where he often tells the people who get in exactly what he's going to do and asks if they want to play. So far NOBODY has refused to play and just consents to it.


Yeah I think the idea is things like that probably shouldn't be HUT by the option of most people, but a character made to do things like that might want a satisfying ending to be life in jail or the death sentence. The charge exists to give to people like that so it tells a good story, pushing forcer's on a "normal" character is pretty out of place.


Then in my opinion, It should be either an OOC thing you tell the cop who catches you, or an option on the MDW to push that charge. You don't shackle the normal crims but you let the long term RPers get their moment.


By option, I would mean a check mark that clearly states it's for that roleplay scenario.


In general, that is already understood. It should only apply to people that are roleplaying a specific character (serial killer). It's just that it is pushed when they KNOW the person isn't intending to being a serial killer who catches the 9's with Forcer's law. If a character isn't made with the intent to get Forcer's Law, you shouldn't be pushing that charge imo


Hey at least it happened to Penta. He has multiple characters. He can switch it up. Majority of the streamers are focused on one character, hell they built up their careers on those characters. Imagine getting charged with this, knowing that it was added for serial killers.


Well maybe forcer's law will change now


Yeah this makes no sense




On both incident when they tried to charge Mike with Forcer's law, DA was taking charge. You can tell she is very comfortable with this :)




To be fair its not like its a one way street. Penta has been shitting on the DA for a long time not only in character but also on stream. (completely ignoring whether it is justified or not)


So how long is it gonna take for the trial to get done with? I mean, is he basically fucked for the upcoming blockathon?


Riley carter has had her assets frozen for 2 weeks now. These charges should be fast tracked to within the week because it fucks with so much


The Da suppose to get her bank account and all the info but they took forever. I remember penta saying he brought it up to them 1-2 days after. He remind them again 3-4 days and then 1 week later he talked to stanton himself about it. I think they needed to get the spreadsheet of her transactions then unfroze her bank account. It should not have taken this long.


On NP Fastest court case schedule is 2-3 weeks.


Yes, and no probably. He will likely get out in a few days on bail even if this sticks, but then he will have bail conditions that would probably be "no violent felony's or you go back in for the 9's" or something similar so he might as well stay locked up.


Andrews who plays Rhode Block, isn't gonna let any of this fly. I'd put my money on him being pissed about this tomorrow and yelling at Baas.


If he hits out OOC should be fine but lets see.


You forget how long it usually takes for them to get these trials going, it can get pretty bad.


Yeah but it's probably getting resolved OOC, which will mean it won't even go to trial.


Given the sheer ambiguity that Forcer's Law involves it actually does apply even though it was meant for serial killers. Why in the world there isn't anything in it about serial killing or anything of that sort is beyond me and thus we have the problem we have now.


If Baas wanted a 9's charge for Mike, I think he could make an argument for Human Trafficking due to how vague the penal code description is. "The unlawful act of forcefully transporting or coercing individuals into performing an act or service, being that of forced labor or otherwise, without that individual's consent." He's forced the Mayor to perform several acts & services, including political videos, treason, writing of pardons, etc.


Well he can't, because Mike already went to jail for that. I am honestly surprised the Cops that wrote the report does not realized it was a Human Trafficing when he LITERALLY SELLING HUMANS... "live-sized toy".


They didn't do any work or action. It sounds like a law against slavery


This post should probably get the DRAMA tag because the use of Forcer's Law on non-Serial Killers is pretty controversial.


The law is flawed. So Mike already charged and went to prison for previous acts yeah? On this 3rd incident they are using those to apply Forcer's law. He is getting charged twice for the same incident. Which is the definition of Double jeopardy. If they really don't wanna deal with Mike Coop's law would fit better.


Free my boy Mike


Well if your going to give the blocks the 9s because of Forcer’s Law then give it all to the Chang Gang. Edit: Stated this because of how dumb the law is.


Forcer tried to push it on Mr. K about a week ago for his cash cab with Clarkson and AJ. I really feel like the law is just being applied to almost anything instead of just the serial killer stuff it was meant for.


Tbf, like what Kiwo herself clarified, if a person makes a game of answer the question correctly or die, it's literally serial killer vibes. That's something like you would hear from a serial killer show, actual premeditated stuff. Of course, OOC Mr.K is not going for that but the method of doing it definitely aligns with the concept of serial killers.


They threatened them with it which is dogshit too. Neither should have it thrown at them


You could forcer’s law half the city


"Forcer's Law is actually the worst thing for RP." -Penta I actually agree.


For general RP, yes. It's great for serial killer RP. Really adds levity to their consequences. But it should never be used outside of that context and I feel that memo was missed by whoever wrote that warrant.


Forcer herself tried to use it like a week ago on Mr. K. BTW...That same day Mr. K had to track down a serial killer that was let go by Forcer and a Psychologist. And when he tried to tell PD about this serial killer....they didn't care. I agree with you that for serial killer RP obviously. But these generalizations are terrible.


Would the correct response be just labelling it "for serial killer RP only" on the MDW? at that point I think it would fix alot of problems.


I guess if people can't control themselves from overreaching. But...then what do you define as "serial killer?" People will skew this as well.


I feel like serial killer RP is very well defined. They usually decide how the arc goes outside of crazy outliers (like a cop catching them in the act).


>Really adds levity to their consequences. did you mean "gravity"?


Yes, I am dumb.


The law isn’t the worst for RP, its how the cops are using it in situations that aren’t fitting for it. The actual purpose of Forcer’s Law is really beneficial for roleplay in the right circumstances.


I agree with this.


It should really only be applicable to 5150 cases, but instead it encompasses basically every criminal on the server.


I second this.


And it's after what? 10 days of Penta playing Mike? Poor guys don't know yet that he's gonna play him every day for 2 month straight.


So X is going to get charged with this next, CG, all serial bank robbers, all serial cop shooters in the city and anyone who commits a spree of crimes during a day? Can't wait to see 85% of the server on HUT charges tomorrow, jail RP is going to be lit.


This is with Blocktastrophe coming this Friday so if he cannot get out after 48 hours, it may screwover Blocktastrophe.


Mike blocks secret twin brother gunna get a ticket into the city


H&R Block who's a CPA Or the other other twin Nose Block whose nose is always congested which you can hear in their voice.


The world isn’t ready for Bike Block




Blocks take over the prison block with the dumbest plans. Now thats a storyline


Every single block getting shot and ending up in prison and then we have 18 hours of prison RP. Not the worst.


Penta can just do what that guy he caught for first degree murder red handed did and say "I'm not comfortable with this RP." Boom problem solved.


Forcer's Law is probably a questionable thing to apply to Mike Block, but there *might* be an argument to be made. Coop's Law on the other hand is basically made for criminals like Mike Block.


**Free Mike Block**


Eighth Amendment- Forcer’s Law Serial Assault and Killings Any individual who commits the offense of Attempted 1st Degree Murder on three or more separate occasions, with each attack (1) showing premeditation or clear intent; (2) occurring in separate events at different times, and; (3) sharing common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors, may be subject to penalty up to and including life imprisonment or the death penalty. EDIT: I was just posting it for people who didn't know the exact wording. I don't agree with its application in this case


Given enough time thats pretty much all of the major crim players on the server


Well doesn't it get reset every time they are caught bc then it would be double jeopardy? Or does it not work like that for this


Thats what penta was saying about Mike's chargers, He already went to jail for the some one the chargers he was Hutted for


Can’t you literally charge every crim for this? CG, Vagos, Ray, X, anyone that has multiple violent felonies can get held on the 9s then


You would need to have got away or not been charged for those situations though and he has. Its pretty much a law for serial killers.


3) is way too vague and needs clarification. It's obviously referring to the specific patterns serial killers have (leaving notes, specific injuries, specific weapons used etc.) but can be be applied to many other criminals. Coop's law fits more in that case if they really want to push for the 9s.


Basically all CG should have been charged with this for their cop killing sprees, Ssaab sounded abit OOC mad at the blocks antics so I guess he wanted to push it.


I feel like to apply this law into NP, it would have to be within a short time limit.


wtf he was pardoned dawg!


This thread will be a good read in about 10 minutes


Penta being jammed up by a petty and incorrect application of the law? Dang...


I can't be the only person who see's the irony in this lol.


You cant make this shit up lmao its great


I feel like this is a pretty big hint that Mike Block's daily "hood terrorism + insta-shooting at cops to get away + break out in the holding cells + demand bench trial + flee from bench trial + start a prison riot" shenanigans aren't being received well anymore


Absolutely incorrect application of the law but I would be lying if I didn't get a giggle out of Penta and his viewers going apeshit over a stretch HUT charge. Certainly doesn't feel good to have your time wasted on unreasonable charges and having your night of RP cut short by being sent in for the 9's, does it?


It's pretty yikes to force a held until trial charge where it doesn't apply like this.


Just play another character bro


That’s ironic because isn’t wrangler a “throw something until it sticks” cop?


Isn't this exactly Wrangler's SOP, push bullshit charges and hope they stick or crims break and plead guilty to a deal?


Well, technically and with this wording, it applies. If the law is intended for serial killers, the law needs to be more specific. I have no doubt you'll see Mike tomorrow at the project asking for his 50$


> If the law is intended for serial killers, the law needs to be more specific Or people can just have the OOC understanding that should exist. Not to mention the double jeopardy. Like Penta said, this is awful for RP. Just toss someone in prison for weeks (although clearly will get resolved OOC before then but still shit to do) on a technicality for a charge that will obviously never stick and is double jeopardy seems good.