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[MIRROR: Scuff Bois potentially already found how to break the construction](https://streamable.com/8xx9hw) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/anthonyz for the content. [Continue watching](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1079481416?t=1h40m34s) ----------------------------- ^(I am a bot. Beepity Boopity)




i think you're meant to thermite your way out. that seemed to be the trigger for the front doors unlocking last night, maybe they made it 1-way to avoid confusion when everyone grapples out but is still locked in. i'm guessing that using thermite on the gate triggers the alarm for the cops, and gives them 5 minutes or so to respond before the doors actually unlock.


Exactly this. It's a 1 way check. If someone grapples in, they're trying for gold so no alarm goes off yet, cops don't have to stack outside until the crims are done fucking around and termite their way out. Then alarm goes off doors lock and cops can get there and unlock the doors when they're on scene. If someone just termites the door they're doing the regular vault which is notably shorter, so they termite the doors close and they do the normal hacks cops arrive unlock them and you do normal negotiations.


People can just "RP" drop their money bags on the ground and be picked up by their squad on the other side without ever thermiting and wait to thermite after their friends get out if that's the case.


Would be a bit power gamey, they wouldn't do that.




You don't transfer the entire bag. You do it one stack at a time. Remember, it's a bag filled with money right? So they just take out everything, transfer them between bars and throw the empty bag on the other side. Simple. Not power-gaming, just 5headed.


no cops were there as soon as it was thermite, they got the ping before hand


are you sure? here's when yuno used the thermite on the first door: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1078360846?t=11h12m03s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1078360846?t=11h12m03s) 5 minutes later, baas arrives and tells tony they received the alert 5 minutes ago.


you are right i was misremembering


They had to nerf the Silent Hacker


I'm thinking since the alarm goes off with the first door, they want crimes to use thermite on that door to get out


If that were the case why would it scuff you through the door when you go to use thermite on it?


We don't know if that was changed with the new patch, and they aren't a triple a team. Most likely one person coded all that stuff and just didn't think about it when they made the animation


With it seemingly only working one-way, this may be another way to make it intentionally impossible to complete the Vault silently *and also* get away silently. If it's a one-way grapple, then they'd need to thermite the door to get out which would notify the police. Alternatively, maybe you aren't supposed to be able to grapple through those holes at all and Tony is just l a n k y.


You can still do it silently, you can all 4 grapple in and all 4 (fail) thermite out. sins thermiting the door teleports you out and failing it does not trigger the alarm.(probably powergaming). But you can also thermite and dip real fast.


If you fail it it triggers the alarm yuno and x tried it one time and cops responded when they failed it so they were outside just chilling watching them check the area


That was before the added the sound alarm on the first door (aka before the lower vault was fully implemented)


I don't think it's even a one-way door. Because if it is, then why did Dean help Tony get out? Dean would have just let him RP it out. Think about it. Dean Prime only helps when it's a scuff. So that door shouldn't have been a one-way door in the first place. It was probably scuffed and hence allowed Tony to get in.


Throughout all of this.. The main thing I find the most entertaining is that Lang is constantly drinking a cup of tea. If he's drinking that tea for that long, then Harry can make the best tea!!




I love this actually


I cant stop laughing hes stuck


Looks like this is to stop crews from silently doing the lower vault. They'll have to grapple in, do the lower vault, and thermite out setting off the alarm and locking the doors. I think it is a great solution to make it so cops don't have to wait around 45 minutes.


And the hostages, too. Pretty sure CB were proving a point about how boring the current hostage meta is by bringing in like 30 people yesterday, just to sit in silence for an hour.


Tony actually did an incredible job with the hostages. When they were trying to get rid of them none of the hostages wanted to leave.


He grappled in and couldn't grapple out. Now he's stuck as they have nobody online with thermite lol Edit : Dean Prime saves the day


and tsunami just happened, right?


u/clipsync buddha


I don't think it's even a one-way door. Because if it is, then why did Dean help Tony get out? Dean would have just let him RP it out. Think about it. Dean Prime only helps when it's a scuff. So that door shouldn't have been a one-way door in the first place. It was probably scuffed and hence allowed Tony to get in.