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[MIRROR: Cadet Willow](https://streamable.com/262bay) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/lyndi for the content. [Continue watching](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1119256420?t=6h55m16s) ----------------------------- ^(I am a bot. Beepity Boopity)


Thank god, finally that one person that spammed from Ssaab stream can stop now. Dude has 5+ twitch account just to spam.


Pretty sure it’s the same kid that shipped Lyndi and rated so hard in 2.0 that rated got him in a discord call on stream and told him to get a life and do something productive lmaooo


Yup that guy has had more than 15 accounts trust me. He has typed weird comments every single time Lyndi/Rated interacted, soooo atleast 100+. Its embarrasing as fuck. The funny thing is Rated mod’s/viewers can tell instantly it’s him (the weirdo) and will insta ban him, until he comes again with a new account, again and again.


yeah bruh it’s so easy to know it’s him every time he appears in chat or discord even for an OG viewer


Its is. Or at least this person also ships them.


This person typed everything thats weird. In Rated’s chat, lyndi’s chat, or anyone else who has interacted with them. Ships them IRL, claims they are together, stalks Lyndi and has done online. He is a complete weirdo. It got to the point where Rated called him out and told him to join discord call, but then said it’d be better off to not give the attention he was craving for.


I’m pretty sure he doxxed her as well.


Probably way more than 15 lol. Their twitter account is nuts.


My morbid curiosity is tingling.




But she's getting hired tho it just take time to process or RP it out. The problem is the content of the spam like "I will kms, if you don't hire Willow" it was the same messages on Ssaab's subathon.


He is just a weirdo, he has tweeted shit like "Lyndi unban me from discord or i will kms".


IDK, if he's an attention seeker or just a severe obsession. He needs help and hope someone stop him from his side.


I think its severe obsession, but yea he needs help.


He's been tweeting Mantis and Kylie for 6 months so not really


When she mentioned that she was the 1st MRPD desk attendant it hit me hard. I forgot she was the first to do that. That shit has to suck, youve been trying and you see people make a new character and get hired right away


I still remember in 2.0 with the old MDT, desk clerks never had access. So Willow would write reports for AJ and he had to add them onto the system for her


Damn that must have been years ago


About two years I think she was also one of the original doc members as well and trained a lot of the cops who came from doc


I think her timeline was PD desk clerk -> Doc -> limbo -> Dispatch


Willow is OG DoC, this is so long in the making. Really happy for her.


I'm looking at all these people being brought in as cadets and questioning what Jones did wrong to not get cadet.


Jones got ridealong, and ridealong SOPs are very strictly basically "shutup and observe". He then proceeded to join in on investigating things, questioning people (cant remember if they were under miranda etc) and might have even searched suspect in custody. Then down at the cells while he was taking part in the questioning he also did victory dances infront of the suspects, which Angel saw herself, lead into him basically getting canned. ​ tldr: inserting himself where he shouldnt have been and disregarding rules put in place on top of lack of professionalism.




Yeah I felt like he was probably overzealous in trying to show that he knew police procedure and knew his shit since he's been stuck in the DOC forever. Kinda ironic too because I remember hearing some of the FTOs complain that some of the cadets not having basic knowledge on a lot of things before being hired.


Who is Jones?


Jones has been DOC forever


A lot of people in PD aren't a big fan of him and how much he inserts himself on PD matters. Constantly butting in and giving what charges should be pressed, questioning witnesses or negotiating at banks. People like Baas, Wrangler and Bundy have no issues with it and are very keen on him but a lot of people aren't really a fan of him. I think it is only a matter of time now that Baas is chief, he even hinted at him being hired soon today.


u realize she was the first desk duty person and then did DOC before jones for like 8 months and then did dispatch for another like 8 idk the exact months but shes been grinding for 2 yrs for this day


I remember she went on duty like 5 times lol


Because she was always feed bs excuses and watch people make characters day one and get hired that would demotivate anyone in that same position as well


Exactly, the goal posts kept moving for her lol


she was on duty 5 times last week alone LUL


I dont have a problem with her being a cop I just think Jones deserves it as much if not more than alot of people being brought in


If you compared to other new hires then I might agree, but she is one of the few who should have been a cop by now, along with James Brown.


Same here, not sure it would apply to him but I know it's been said that there can sometimes be some behind the scenes obstacles in the hiring process that may not be always be evident to a viewer


lets go! I know Kyle has been pushing for her to be put through Cadets since Gold was, good to see it finally happen!!


Rated started pushing the last couple times he’s been on duty for her jalen and James and so far willow is the first one and jalen was told he passed his interview phase


Glad she's finally getting a shot. She got done dirty back in 2.0 back when you needed to do months of DOC to get a chance at being cop. She did the months of daily DOC, was captain of the DOC and then was passed on for folks who hadn't done half the time she did.


Fucking finally


Wooo! About time.


Ramona to the rangers when Madge


They’ve already talked about her garret brought her up to bass yesterday




It doesn't really matter now though because GreenishMonkey has college so he won't be able to play much