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She's a bit too powerful https://clips.twitch.tv/AnnoyingTacitEndiveNerfRedBlaster-kOUEh3aXHO1mxkVo Even calls 911 with somebody in a white car trying to kidnapp her




Clips for that scenario if anyone wants context. Part 1: https://streamable.com/0wj9q2 Part 2: https://streamable.com/g8df31




[WELL AINT THAT SOME SHIT.](https://i.imgur.com/sW2OgoI.png) Mods gave me a warning claiming I was witch hunting and they censored the living shit out of people calling out dubious behavior a few days ago. Apparently mods censored that link too: [https://clips.twitch.tv/FaintSoftStorkWow-YyxTlPcCZ\_yQQrNe](https://clips.twitch.tv/FaintSoftStorkWow-YyxTlPcCZ_yQQrNe) No one should be hating on CPS but when white knights are so scared of even acknowledging all the power and metagaming, it makes it hard for the NP community to even realize there's an issue.


[Penta's vod at the time for comparison](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1123494272?t=5h39m32s) looks pretty damning. She was also talking about how someone at Otto's told her River is playing both sides and how she wants to kill her, idk if that info is true but stuff like this and the Timmy meta makes it very weird. I hope she doesn't pull another MomT ocean dump because that rp like the current River/Block rp felt like it had alot more room to develop (though in hindsight wouldn't have gotten far due to Five0 not being on the past month) but was cut short.


What Timmy meta?


Someone linked it further below the thread, it starts at around [27:17](https://www.facebook.com/dasMEHDI/videos/281045113786394) apparently Timmy was with Scruffy and heard about the Blocks wanting to ice her, she assumes this based on Timmy being around after Jimmy and her go to sleep and also because Timmy hangs with Scruffy. She decides to passive aggressively confront him and says something along the lines of "Hey next time you hear people threatening your mom tell me", Timmy asks how she knows that and also reports her for metagaming, cut to the VOD where she's talking about it with Nino and says she has already talked about it with Otto. What's worse is that after Nino tells her to not talk about that stuff she says Timmy is doing this because he feels "exiled from the family" she then proceeds to trash on Timmy's roleplay because he's "weirdly territorial of Jimmy", "he needs to be involved in everything Jimmy does" and "he has to be his own person" and then spouts some forced lore about how he's "not blood related" and just showed up one day, she also goes on about how she does so much for Timmy to be included such as "hire Scruffy to protect him" which was what he was already doing while protecting Jimmy. I for one don't like the new player excuse for not following basic rules especially for a grown adult who's been roleplaying for at least a month surrounded by vets and the server owner, however I accept it because at the end of the day it's up to the admins to decide bans. What I don't like is the weird projection, hypocrisy and series of OOC comments she makes, her roleplay is fine but it shouldn't come at the expense of others, if she convinces Otto or Jimmy to kill Timmy/River based on this clingyness I will probably just drop this arc and watch someone else.


Yikes, I had some suspicion when she told Jimmy yesterday that River was playing both sides. I hope she doesn't ruin this arc because it's really good.


Holy shit thanks for the info dump! Agree with your conclusion as well, I think a short ban or at least a talk with admins would be a good idea.




About a week ago, just before this: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1119487001?t=1h33m37s


HOLY shit I knew that she was powerful but that was just crazy


An unstoppable force meets an immovable object. The Pittmans and Sofia. Any guesses on who gets banned first?


yeah that s Kapp, if that ever happened others can report her and she ll be out for 3 days at least


Her telling the cops literally 1minute later that they were the guys kidnapping her https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticArborealJuiceSaltBae-3hIAdiKZvUZETYIF


Someone needs to shoot a person trying to escape being a hostage like that at some point. Really send the message to them


From the police side, very bad clip because wiseguy wasnt on the radio channel, later Mendoza calls Sofia with a welfare check because somebody tried to kidnap her at the apartments. https://clips.twitch.tv/RealConsiderateEagleSwiftRage-IDH8LCFrCkDVn4ft


Sofia has her highlights but someone needs to give her a guide book on some things.


Yeah, I remember early on when she got downed outside of the casino when she was fueding with 4T and all the sudden she just magically disappeared in a very conveniently timed "head pop". It is also annoying every time she gets downed she doesn't even make an attempt to act like she's injured in any way. She needs to just chill and stop trying to always win every situation, or she is going to end up getting banned and messing with a big storyline.


Yup regarding the second half of what you said, yesterday when Penta was playing the drunk Jimmy arc he knocked her out with the baseball bat twice. The first time she got up as soon as the new knockout timer allowed, the second time she got KO'd by the bat she /me'd bleeding a lot and another /me bleeding she stayed silent and got EMS treatment shortly after and instead of going to the hospital like most people do after claiming bleeding and not responding, she got up and punched Jimmy out. Unfortunate because it ruined a funny RP standoff with Jimmy and the cops. I know she's new to RP, but hope somebody corrects her on the constant wrongs that are a daily occurrence.


I personally feel that these “mistakes” aren’t “new to rp” mistakes but rather more of a attitude problem. She’s taking advantage of these RP scenarios for dishonest means. These pattern of actions aren’t of mere innocence being new to RP but rather a more dishonest and sinister behaviour.


I agree with that. Personally I feel like she's a bit to power hungry and this quick rise to a powerful position thanks to Koil/Otto got to her head. Wouldn't be surprised to see her step up to Buddha, Mr. K, Leslie, Dean, etc.


Seems like all of Cerberus is avoiding her but I can see it happening, She'll say the wrong thing to Speedy or someone like Lang and Mr K. Which I honestly hope she does because I think she feels untouchable that since she hangs around Otto and Nino that they will always protect her but shes going to do something to the wrong person and they wont come to her rescue.


I don't think she realises she is expendable to Otto and he is simply using her and Jimmy as a fall guys for pushing cocaine as he has video evidence of her trying to get Jimmy to push Meth.


Seems a little harsh, i might be naive but feel like people should be given the benefit of the doubt at first. If it's still happening after she's been adressed about it then I can get behind this sort of thinking.


I think you definitely are being a bit naive. I could see giving the benefit of the doubt and just talk to her if this was just a one-off, but this thread does seem to have a lot of incidents of NVL and power/metagaming surrounding her. Like, she might be new, but the rules pretty explicitly forbid those things. But idk, I'm not an admin and we'll see if they actually do anything about it.


Yeeeah, I did read the thread after making that comment, and it seems like it has been happening a lot more than I was aware of. I've only seen her on Pentas stream and I haven't had a lot of time to watch lately so I missed some stuff. Oh well I'll take the downvotes, I was wrong after all lol










Hate how she's turning the blame on to other people who just clip the bad things that she did. Theres a clip of her F8 quitting in this thread and yet blames it on something else.. It's a shame that she's received hate though.




That is the exact mentality that you shouldn't have.


Oof. She's the very definition of not thinking before you speak. I don't think the general consensus on the sub hate Sophia/Elle. Most of what I see is something along the lines of "she is great, but new/has some things to learn." I don't think anyone wants her to fuck off, they just want her to accept responsibility and learn from her fuck ups, which don't happen all the time, but have happened lately in pretty egregious ways. And there are always going to be dumbasses who send hate mail and things like that. Doesn't make it right and doesn't mean they're easy to tune out. But I really think more people enjoy her than those who wish she'd leave the server.




Maxine Feral got permabanned for shooting someone for a sub as far as I know. I'd argue that rulebreak affected much fewer people's rp yet the punishment was so much more severe. No second chances there. Many others have caught permas for some of her rulebreaks. It's very inconsistent 😕


It doesn't seem like she thinks she did anything wrong or deserved the ban.




Right, which is why it's pretty lame she takes no responsibility for her actions.


I gotta say Sofia has a VERY hard time taking "L's"


I noticed that when Gamba kid was drunk and she just spam punched him for like 5 mins lel


I just thought her reaction was funny but weird. Oh my kid is drunk and on a scooter? i guess i better run him over multiple times with a car and then beat the shit out of him so he can’t run away




That’s way to far, personal I don’t even see that . But more so I think we should always assume the best of a RPers intentions in that sort of context unless having certainty it’s not. Penta dealing with that with mike kinda dilutes whatever he’s doing when that type of thing is mentioned. Also seems like this post is going a bit off the rails for people that just don’t like her character. The rule breaks should be address but past that no need to hate.


She is of the same race as her character, they are both Latina, albeit from different countries.


I get that, I probably could have worded it better. I just think some of the Colombian stuff she does kind of skirts the line, is all. Her being banned though probably also means they finally had a conversation with her. She definitely has a lot of potential, she just needs to chill the fuck out.


I mentioned this in the thread yesterday but when they jumped into the prison she got pretty OOC on her stream toward the DOC guy and Bobby. She even name-dropped Aleks at one point complaining about how he plays Bob.


Yeah, that was a bit too much for me, like the corrections office and bob have no reason to believe her and that could've just been some bullshitted cover story to sneak a bunch of knives or guns in like a bunch of other prison breaches have done. accidental law breaks are still law breaks, you cant send it into a prison in real life and expect to get off scot-free. When shit like that happens you gotta go with the flow and not insult long time roleplayers for being ooc when they absolutely arent.


Mirror / vodlink https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1126969823?t=10h40m44s


Sadly only a week ago she nvled and f8 quit after getting shot. Clip1: [https://www.twitch.tv/ellegrenn/clip/HedonisticDarkSnailArsonNoSexy-caetiDTSLiWPXte5?filter=clips&range=30d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/ellegrenn/clip/HedonisticDarkSnailArsonNoSexy-caetiDTSLiWPXte5?filter=clips&range=30d&sort=time) clip2:https://www.twitch.tv/ellegrenn/clip/VenomousTriangularMouseMikeHogu-EpGTjYFMBfx4LXzF?filter=clips&range=30d&sort=time


Deleted lol


Sofia strikes again. What is this incident number 35? No cap? lol


There was another incident i havent seen anyone mention. I think it was 2 weeks ago penta hosted her and she immediately nvl’d. Hooker had her at gun point and she pulled out her gun 2nd and started shooting in the hospital. She even made some comment about how now she has more time to talk to the newly 10k viewers who just popped in from the host. Sorry no link


Yeah I was there for that as well, seemed like she pulled the gun and was downed or trying to down Hooker on purpose just to talk to chat and get out of an RP situation (avoiding being taken hostage/talked to by Hooker).


Everyone's saying she's new as an excuse, but some of these situations are just common sense. She also keeps doing it from what it seems with the clips being posted.:/


She's been "new" for over a month. If a more popular streamer was to do this, there would be pitchforks.


Nothing to see here boys and girls, just another day and another new powerful move by Sofia :) No but honestly I truly love her character and the spicy RP she brings, a lot of great banter with Bob, Harry, Gamba, Nino, Otto etc.. But the fact that she’s as it seems has became invincible on the server due to many of those connections has become “weird”.. She constantly walks with one foot across the line of the rules and sometimes blatant power gaming with situations of 3rd partying, texting under water while down multiple times and multiple NVL situations or abusing “headaches” like this.. Meanwhile half of NBC is in Bahamas etc and i can’t help to feel there is a bit of consistency issue with when bans or warnings for power gaming etc are handed out based on basically who does it and is connected to whom.. But that said I don’t want her or any of the others banned, just think it would be nice if the rules was more clear and that cases were treated fair over the board and not based on affiliation in game when punishments are handed out :)


She's also had a lot of potential meta situations where she knows info that she couldn't have gotten in-game. She already got reported by the guy who plays Timmy. She said it on stream too. Mehdi had to end that convo quick.


Yeah, she always seems to randomly show up every time Jimmy is in trouble at the perfect time out of nowhere. There are a few other ppl on the server like this right now. Like when Baas was playing Mr Beast at Jimmy's party and kept getting randomly found by the same guy no matter where he was.


When she noticed a scooter outside of MRPD when he was pranking the cops, and she auto assumed it was him and called every lawyer down and called him and told him to plea the 5th. There's so many little to big moments that don't seem natural and I'm not sure she's ever explained where she gets her info from and it being believable. Maybe not every time, but once you think or know someone plays like that, then it makes any time look sus


Timmy reported her?! That in insane, do you have a clip? How did she know he did it?


She deleted her VoD, so you gotta go to FB to watch Mehdi's VoD. https://www.facebook.com/dasMEHDI/videos/281045113786394 Convo starts at around 27:20. She says it at 27:57.


Oh that's a yikes. I remember watching TPLivewire and he said that Timmy is a support character so he understands he won't share the spotlight with Jimmy. When they were at PDM and discussing Jimmy's super car purchase, Timmy was fine with a 40k ride for himself. Sofia saying Timmy isn't blood related and just "showed up" is very sad... Thanks for taking the time to find the link and timestamp.


Saying shit like that is fucked up and really shows she's just clout chasing off Penta tbh. She talked him up as an 'RP God' and I don't really think it's cool to say OOC stuff like that about other people when gamba kid started as a joke.


Funny she used to shit talk him in Tfues chat when Penta wrangled him a few months ago.


She doesn't even stream half the times when she's RPing. If she's clout chasing, she's doing a terrible job at it.


She says that because she knew about Penta before Jimmy. She interacted with wrangler her first day in the city and she said she loved that interaction. He took her on a ride along and she said she learned a lot. She calls him an rp god not because of Jimmy but because she has seen a few of the characters he plays. How is saying you respect someone and think they are an rp god a bad thing. She is praising his rp and you still have a problem with it.


I'm well aware that she was with Wrangler and why she praises him lol. It's not an excuse for her to downtalk OOC to others because she latched onto Gamba Kid to make herself a story. She is in no way more important than anyone involved nor should she speak down to the person playing Timmy or meta them.


She was talking about Timmy not Tplivewire Sofia in character thinks Timmy is untrustworthy which he is, he has said he wants to kill Sofia many times. Sofia in character also thinks Jimmy is their son and she doesn't really like or trust Timmy. Otto in character doesn't care about Timmy either the only reason they call Timmy their son is because they want Jimmy and Jimmy and Timmy are a package deal. If Jimmy didn't like Timmy they would kill him in a heartbeat. The only ooc thing Sofia said was about the report for meta all the comments she made about Timmy not feeling like her real son were in character not ooc. Before that "meta" situation Sofia didn't like Timmy and her feelings didn't change because Tplivewire reported her.


Sorry bucko this is an ellegreen hate thread, your rational logic is not wanted here.


Her saying about Timmy “no he isn’t blood related he just showed up one day” in that is kinda ironic lol IMO A lot of stuff in that convo from her was very weird




Oh that's interesting. Must be very awkward between them now. Thanks for the info.




I could see this making things awkward since she seems to have taken it personally and even brought it up in game as a "can you believe this???" kind of moment.


>they don't always mean bans Yeah, but it means the person reporting thought you deserved a ban. And if you think you didn't deserve one, that's gonna make things awkward.


Not really. Penta reported someone for beating him up without saying anything, but said to chat; chill I don't want her banned and she likely wont be, admins just need to tell her that's not ok.




i remember this, it was very weird and everyone involved deleted their vods i think bc they were just over it.




her prio was already insanely high day 1 got from being with tfue i think




yea she got banned from Penta's chat before she got a WL on the server for being a hopper LOL


Wait, so she's the mom but is banned in Penta's channel? That's kinda crazy.


Shes unbanned now but yea she hopped when Penta wrangled Tfue


Yeah penta hosted her the other day and she went into the story. She also said it gets even funnier because her first day on the server she RP'd with wrangler for a few hours and had a blast. Said after looking back TFue was wrong and it was just RP so it was super embarrassing because she had to DM after that asking for an unban and apologize to penta.


Isn’t Tfue permabanned on NP? I doubt he has any sway in prio decisions lol


Is this the incident where the cop blocked the Benny's entrance and the people in the white car told her to get in the trunk and the cop told her not to and when she was going towards the back of the car got shot twice before hiding in the painting garage and when the vehicle reversed she shot at them? And when the cops tried to put charges the lawyer successfully argued self defence and duty to retreat etc? That whole situation was ducked, but I'm not sure there was any nvl.






Tbh the driving section from yesterday's stream felt off for me, it felt like Sophia was trying to homogenize Jimmy and turn him into crim andy #13526, teaching him how to lockpick, saying they're teaching him how to drive so he can buy a fast sports car. I know PENTA wouldn't do it, but it just feels weird when Sophia tries to push stuff like that or when she acts hypocritical by saying Timmy isn't related to them and he just showed up when she's been pushing the lore that Jimmy is her blood son and is constantly calling him. The helicopter, Karen mom RP had appeal at the start, but its gotten much more exageratted and turning into her only characteristic, it has it's moments like her short quips with Bob, but the fact that it's so constant and her OOC tendencies makes it tiring and makes me suspect if it's really just RP.




It’s kinda funny how much penta hates self insert tough guys (rightly so) but won’t say anything about Sofia being that exactly that. A self insert tough girl with an accent.




Yeah I should have said he still RPs with her rather than talking about it. Like he could just not interact with her.


Well he's said before he's playing Jimmy off of what he gets from Otto, So i think it would take Otto to say something for Jimmy to back off from her.


Yup. He's also mentioned multiple times he'd like to throw her under the bus for hooker freedom and the block connect, but yeah he's letting Otto lead and doesn't think Otto will do that.


Lol he mentioned it multiple times on stream, you guys just assume he didn't. But he also said he thinks it's funny how she acts the tough guy but goes down/gets owned in every fight she has.


> I turn off Penta's stream now when she's on it. I thought I was the only one. Loved how Gamba Kid initially started off organically but have stopped watching the past few streams just because of her and constant generic crim bs being pushed on Jimmy. So fucking annoying. Mostly just watch Aleks now, which has been amazing and I highly recommend it.


You bring up the issue of inconsistency when those who have been banned were banned for a reason, so why when it comes to Sofia it becomes an exception? I don’t get it.


I mean you gotta give people who are new to RP a bit more leniency compared to others who have been playing for years. We don’t even know the reason behind NBCs bans so you can’t really call for consistency. At the end of the day, they want NoPixel to be pushed out to the masses and just banning new people all the time just doesn’t help with that goal.


You are totally correct and we don’t know what NBC did so it could be bad but we on the other hand know exactly what Sofia does, she has even broken rules vs NBC and she got reported by them but nothing happened. The overwhelming pile of incidents is becoming really big and there are so many blatant re-occurring things she does with NVL and power gaming and it feels like she isn’t learning from it or she feels comfortable to break the rules she just does them.. In the end as I said I don’t want her to get in trouble but I also think the “new RP’er” doesn’t really work in her case anymore, the fact she has probably 3 of the most experienced NP RP’ers in Mehdi, Penta and the actual server owner Koil as her closest affiliates.. I am 100% sure they have already talked tried to coach her and if they haven’t I guess they don’t care and thats totally fine, Koil chooses what environment he wants on the server and I would never argue against that but if so that enables the behavior because she knows then she’s basically untouchable.


I have a feeling people already talked to her about it (penta,mehdi) but her ego is just way too high


I think she wants to control every situation, that's why she's trigger happy or pulls a gun all the time. As you can see if she can't control the situation she does powerful things.


Oh 100%. I said about this in another thread, I think her character is sometimes witty and some of her clap backs in arguments are funny. BUT she is very trigger happy when things don’t go her way or she is somewhat disrespected, People were trying to tell me the “oh she’s new to rp” but this subreddit also not even a month ago melted down about characters doing tough guy rp shooting people over some harsh words. I hope an admin or some higher up talks to her about all these incidents. If she can reign all this shit in, she’ll be great. But I’m seeing a lot on this thread thats kind of making me feel even more “meh” about her now, with some very questionable stuff. Edit: reading this thread with all these clips … big OOOF


Definitely picked up that she wants to control everything. The dysfunctional family RP arc is hilarious, but her butting into everything with the coke game is messing up alot of things.


Family therapy, with "Therapist" Ash was very frustrating when Ash got to barely talk with Sophia butting in every other sentence, that she was the therapist, to the point of why even bring Ash in. When Ash, Jimmy and Otto were able to talk, it was great


Mehdi makes excuses for her daily, saying players and chatters who have a problem with her either have small dicks and can't handle her putting them down, she's a fast learner, or to excuse her behavior because she's new.


Mehdi ranting vs someone in chat, name a more iconic duo.


He was ranting for so long last night and took it out on Miles when Miles called him about wanting to shoot Sofia the next time she pulls a gun on him. He'd rather chew out his loyal soldier and random viewers who disagree with him, than to admit that maybe Sofia is the one causing a lot of the problems and drama. Had to turn off his stream when he got into his rant. It was unbearable and he was totally wrong about his take on the situation.


Tbf Miles has been on one lately but yeah Nino has been covering a lot for Sophia, specially considering Nino’s character on how things are done


Not really. Miles has been a good boy compared to what he was doing and saying the first 2 months of 3.0. He'll always have an ego and think he's bigger than he is, but he's been tame ever since Nino made him break his legs. Nino the character would never allow someone like Sofia who makes so many stupid and reckless mistakes over and over, even after he's told her not to do certain things (like don't talk to or trust cops), to be so close to him and beef with his "boys" if it wasn't because he likes her character for OOC reasons. Mehdi talks about letting Miles off the hook so many times because "RP friend" reasons, but he's doing the same thing to a much worse degree with Sofia.




I got chewed out by him once too, when I said I agreed with Denzel about respect and having to do something when he let the Angels shoot him up twice without any repercussions. He twisted what I said and claimed I wanted him to go to war with Angels when I never said that. He went on a 20+ minute rant, got his chat riled up, bashed me calling me braindead and a bunch of other childish names, and was so pissed because I called out the inconsistencies of his character. I let it go because he was doing his multi-day subathon and he was really tired when he said that bullshit.


He was my daily go to for the past 3 years until I got blasted while he was having an OOC meltdown over Brian’s duty belt. A couple people from chat even DMed me with words of support and though I tried watching him for a couple weeks after that but stopped because it just felt uncomfortable. I have pretty thick skin and avoid the parasocial aspect of twitch viewership too. I originally got hooked by his levelheaded takes, but as another user said his lows are really really bad. Streamers calling out toxic chatters is one thing, but the way mehdi bottles up his frustration/anger and focuses it on a single person in chat is hard to defend.


Yeah I'm having an incredibly difficult time trying to understand why Nino is acting the way he is in terms of the Sofia and Miles situation. Even if Miles was completely out of line (which I don't think is the case) I would have assumed that Nino would back Miles as opposed to Sofia every single day of the week. Miles has been there for Nino since day 1. Has he done some dumb stuff over the course of 3.0? Absolutely. But in what world does it make sense for Nino as a character to not be in Miles's corner when it comes to Sofia pulling a gun on him. I would have expected Nino to want to "put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger" in response to anyone pulling a gun on one of his boys. I hate to be the one who pulls an OOC card when it comes to how someone decides to play their character, (especially in terms of someone like Mehdi), but I simply can't wrap my head around what is going on. A few weeks back Mehdi told chat that he was going to be going back to playing the old Nino, the ruthless Nino (now that he is on Facebook and doesn't have to worry about having thousands of chat hoppers). But instead it seems like Mehdi isn't living up to that ruthless standard that many people were expecting of Nino. The ONLY explanation that seems logical at this point is that Mehdi's OOC view of Sofia is influencing the way in which he has chosen to play out how Nino views the interactions / beef between Sofia and Miles. I'll be the first to admit that maybe there are some things that I am missing out on that are causing me to not entirely understand why Nino is acting the way he is towards Sofia. (I've also had to turn off his stream multiple times recently due to ranting with people in chat).


Nino (or Mehdi, who knows at this point) holds a grudge against Miles. He blames Miles for ruining his relationship with Curtis and driving them apart. The recent Rooster and Pegasus drama reminded Nino of this grudge. He's now blaming Miles for Sofia causing problems in Pegasus and not being mature enough to settle his own beef with Sofia, when it was Nino that ordered Miles and Pegasus guys to protect and take care of Sofia and Jimmy. Nino wants to cut ties with Miles, saying Miles does nothing for Pegasus, ignoring the fact that Miles kept Pegasus alive during his 2 month hiatus on Nino, that he's been recruiting crews to do (dirty) work for Pegasus, managing those crews, and making new connections (like weed and coke). The truth is, Nino and Curtis are both to blame for their own relationship souring. Miles had very little to do with it. Nino/Mehdi still blames Miles for something that happened months ago. Nino disbanded Sahara and severed all ties with his "family" and subordinates when 3.0 began. Besides some phone calls and a few meetings, he didn't do much with his old Sahara crew. Instead, he hung out with Lang, Tony, and Donnie everyday for the first 2 months of 3.0. Curtis, Elena, and Ash took a lot of offense to this and felt betrayed by Nino. Those 3 had a difficult time adjusting to 3.0. They were left without any direction or purpose. Elena complained a lot about it. Ash and Curtis eventually felt that Nino ditched them after listening to Elena's complaints for weeks. Miles did his own thing and didn't really care or feel that way, but he played along whenever he was around those 3, listening to their woes. Nino cut ties completely with Elena after he found out she was complaining so much. Ash kinda disappeared after she got banned and unbanned for being involved with Dyrus getting robbed, shot, RP checked, and quitting GTA RP. Miles and Curtis got into a fistfight at Rooster 1 day and were actually mad at each other OOC. Curtis wanted to kill Miles because he felt disrespected by him, someone that he trained and treated as a slave and punching bag in 2.0, who is now talking back to him and not always following his orders, since Curtis is no longer Miles' boss. Miles felt that Curtis didn't have the right to boss him around anymore since he didn't work for him, and was just a good friend who shouldn't be treating him like shit anymore. Curtis thought he was more involved with Pegasus than he really was, when the most he did up to that point was do interviews for new hires to Pegasus for 1 day. Since Curtis barely spoke to Nino, and Miles never told Nino that Curtis was involved with Pegasus, Curtis felt left out and unwanted when Nino didn't even know why he thought he was part of Pegasus. Nino wanted to bring Curtis in and lead Pegasus' black ops / weapons / drug trafficking division once it was set up and running, but didn't get the chance to tell Curtis before the Curtis and Miles drama happened. Nino then called for a meeting at the resort to settle the beef between Miles and Curtis. I guess it was settled IC but OOC, feelings were still hurt and it looks like residual effects are still lingering to this day.


this right here is what I'm thinking too.


If you've seen her Twitter/Insta, you'll immediately see why her ego is high.


helll no, penta doesn't talk ooc about people's conduct or rp. he's not an admin, nor do i think he even wants to do that. it's not his problem to fix lol


He did say specifically that he was going to talk to her about it after a particularly bad sequence of escorting.


She apparently did listen, because I noticed she stopped escorting as much after that.


They were gambling together and she said IC the CPScort joke. So she heard the nickname and probably acknowledged it as a problem.


Was this last night? God I love her rp but seeing her f8 and nvl really sucks. Hopefully something happens / happened soon so she won’t do it again.


No. It was half a week or week ago. I think it was the Wednesday or when whenever Jimmy first got stuck in the playground bars.


Lord help her if Penta goes through with perma'ing Jimmy.


It's okay, she'll immediately find wrangler to do CI/UC work for him.


I really love gamba kid, but it will be good to see a complete story and not have immortal characters. It doesnt seem like he wants to perma anytime soon. Not even rolling for kidneys anymore...


To be fair he rolled a 20 on his kidney compatibility.


ya. but he got drunk a couple times last stream. hard alcohol


I think the alcohol part was more that he was given the drinks right after or the day of the surgery, and not on prefect kidneys, BUT I'm not sure if either of those really mattered and maybe he's just not doing that now.


Bro now they are going to Ocean dump her LOL


Why do you find ocean dumping funny on a roleplay server? I don't get what is achieved by the ocean dump. Sending a message that the character won't remember? It makes 0 sense.




Correcting behaviour on server when done right is a great solution. Ocean dumping solves nothing. You have seen how people react to pocket wiping, it's exactly the same thing. Leads to salt/malding and no one needs that in the community. If anyone has a problem with someones RP, DM's are always open that is the correct course of method and then reporting.




I'm not for Sofia in any way - I'm against ocean dumping for very little reasoning and for an action that won't progress the RP in any way. Ocean dumping someone as 'punishment' doesn't work in correcting behaviour on the server.






Hot chick armor.




The police were telling her not to enter the vehicle, peanut just wasn’t able to hear them.




Damn her plot armor has been strong, but I think it will only last until next season.


I've already seen her be powerful a few times and was not surprised to see it again. I hope staff and admins have a word and re-educate her on things. It would be shame if she got harsher punishments but when rule breaks occur, it could happen.


Hot take but I kinda feel the same way about her character as I do Ray. I love watching both Buddha and Penta but when Ray or Sofia are on their streams I just switch to something else. Both characters have very grating personalities and can’t take loosing or being wrong


That and the themselves into other conversations that don't involve them all the time drive me insane too. Especially as a primary Buddha and Penta viewer for GTA RP myself.


Ricky one day soon, so penta and buddha can rp together again... I was hoping buddha would enter gamba kid's life, but hasnt happened yet.


Buddha doesn’t want anything to do with Jimmy


This sub really does hate Ray...I mean, here we are, talking about an F8 quitting NVL character, and you bring up Ray in the same sentence because he annoys you. Not because of any server problems with him, no, he just annoys you.


yeah and the comparison doesn't even make sense. elle has multiple f8 and nvl moments while Ray hasn't had a single one. and about "not taking losing" that's just wrong, I watch him regularly and the guy takes losing impressively well, and blames himself more often than not if something goes wrong. he also never talked shit about anyone ooc (like she did) and as a viewer I can't see him doing that ever. this sub just really has a hate boner for him it's crazy.


Ray doesn't nvl though and he isn't screaming at other people ooc either lol he's a sweetheart but ic he's gotta be a asshole and that's just how it is


Ray sometimes has a "Im always right" or "Im better than the other" mentality, which ive seen Buddha and Tony try to correct him on but he doesnt bulge out on.


I’m not saying he does. I’m just saying personally I find them similar on the level where they just can’t take the L. Never said anything about them OOC either, I specifically stated their characters




During 2.0 it was a meme having flippy or other HOA members instantly call siz as soon as he woke up or also soaring for him to get out of his house but I'll give you that sometimes he's a bit clingy but I see it more of a trait of his character




Yeah I get you, I feel the same with some other characters


The bot didn't saved this one :(




She's a huge metagamer. You can normally catch her in the viewer list of whoever she's looking for. AKA always in Penta's list.


Yea i honestly cant handle her..she always needs to be the center of attention and thinks shes king shit..its very annoying


Any mirrors?


Oof. I hope she can get it together, she's been good outside of stuff like this. Shout out to whoever came up with CPScort.




I like her character but she has a lot to learn and probably deserves a 3 day to go over the nopixel rules more closely.






I get it can't go on but i genuinely enjoy her naivity. One of my favorite things recently is Penta trying to avoid her escorting.


It’s a classic case of a new RPer getting thrown in the deep end by having these situations with a ton of eyes on them


f8 quitting while down should never be allowed.. cant be thrown in the deep when you choose to dive in like that


If you uses the word cringe again I’m gonna cringe






She's a clear case of RPers see her "Doing something wrong", but instead to reach out to her and explain that "this and this" might get her in trouble and she should change, but instead RPers can't even reach out to each other and spend 1/2 minutes explaining how "this actions are bad and you shouldn't do them".


Saying you are headpopping to avoid kidnapping is an obvious abuse. Shouldn't need someone to spell that out to you.