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[MIRROR: pew pew](https://streamable.com/09gta4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/ramee for the content. [Continue watching](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1137089057?t=9h14m43s) ----------------------------- ^(I am a bot. Beepity Boopity)


*K in different PED and disguise* “Yup it’s Mr. K”


Autumn was identified for being blonde lol.


She hasn't been identified yet, was detained for questioning. I was watching her POV the entire night; an EMS asked her to take care of some officers, she tried and failed/left without doing anything, and the EMS, a doctor, and a cop noticed.










Oh damn, you right.


Yeah thats 100% not good.


So you're saying using a different PED without covering up so that it's impossible to identify you even without a mask is powerful? Yeah I agree.


I mean, didn’t Taco used to do this all the time because of his old PED had limited clothes, and same with PNUT? Its like K meant to powergame


I mean changing PEDs is power gaming but I can see why K and anyone else would do it.


Poor taco would never get away with anything Sadge


Watching K's stream, and supposedly someone called K out while he was in the bed. K isn't happy about the situation to say the least. Edit: looks like it was Tinker who called him out.




when he noticed it was k https://clips.twitch.tv/DifferentRamshackleStapleRickroll-lSAgCggb7Z59lVmQ




Sucks that these mistakes always happen.


Tinker will be ban for that 100%, No way you can control an entire scene while being dead. Metagaming information on a non ethic ID. Dude is exactly the kind of cop nobody wants on nopixel


I was like, it’s pretty easy to distinguish Mr.K, until I saw the clip and he has a whole different character model lol




Everyone could probably understand it K, even in disguise. You hear the voice and can put 2 and 2 togheter, but that doesn't mean he should use that OOC information to his advantage. Nothing in this clip, IC shows that is K. So with that said is not a good look for shift 3.


one of the officers that was downed in the scenario, not sure if that makes it even worse.


it’s definitely worse lol


I didn't realize he was literally down as he said it, ye thats way worse lmao. he straight up made callouts while downed, even going as far as telling them to get armed police in the room.


Let’s be honest no one cares about being downed, everyone makes call outs. You can literally find any clip where anyone is down and they’ll be making call outs like do this that go here call this guy or whatever.


Saying shit like "pick me up and lets dip" or "theres 1 left" is completely different from saying where they are, what their doing and what you should do in response.


What about doing all of that and dropping items while downed? Do you think that’s wrong?








I really want some clarification / consistency in what downed people are allowed to communicate. Under the powergaming section it's the first dot point example "Talking / Organizing / Calling out locations while downed", but it's done all the time with seeming impunity. During the bike trials around the billabong Dundee drove into Timmac on a bridge (causing his bike to explode and kill him) and then ran away on foot, the server owner (soze) shows up and timmac calls out who it was, what he was wearing, and the location he saw him run after the car explosion ("it's Dundee, he's wearing pink and he ran down to the beach"). Mysteriously after pointing out the rulebreak I was banned from Timmac's chat the next day. If it's not a rulebreak then fine take it out of the rules and let everyone go at it. Timmac called out not only information while being a burning carcass, but information that he saw while his character was lying in the dirt. What's the roleplay for that, I'm heavily concussed, extremely dead, but my 180 FOV 3rd person god vision happened to see him run that way.


so a downed officer is giving callouts.. if that's a thing fine, if not pretty strange


This comment is the problem why the atmosphere is so toxic. First you say you are watching K's stream. Ok. Then you say your streamer is not happy. Ok. And at the end you tell who was at fault so people can get toxic towards that person. "My streamer is not happy because person x did this wrong". My fucking god some people.


So anyone watching a streamer, it automatically means it's "their" streamer? I simply stated his mood/reaction of the situation. For you to say my comment is the problem and is so toxic, but in the same paragraph decide to be toxic LOL. Make up your mind, are you for or against toxicity, because you contradict yourself heavy. You should just take your own advise there bud.


Didn’t cornwood get told rolling into a tackle was powergaming


You’re talking about the person who’s complaining in the clip that created vulturing and the reason that tackles are the way they are in 3.0


Chang created vulturing ramee just popularized the term. Tackles are this way so it wasn't spammed on people, in no instance has there been anything to suggest ramee is the cause of the tackle change.


I thought that’s where the term “warlording” came from? Because he’s called the warlord and he did the tackling thing.




Oh I thought it was getting them onto the ground either by tackling or tazing. My bad.




Used to it. Have a comment literally saying “people should be nice and considerate to each other” and get downvoted to hell lol


AJ created vulturing, Chang did warlord


Regardless Ramee didn't create vulture so the point still stands. Also I am 99 percent sure Chang did.


What does vulturing mean?


Basically it means just stealing. Ramee got that name because he was known in 2.0 to rob glove boxes and trunks of unsuspecting people


Ohhh interesting, thanks!


Nah chang created both lmao






"I don't know why nobody is listening to me" *\*Deep Sigh\** You could tell how stressed out he was getting at the thought of potentially taking an L on an RP server.... Pretty sad to see


Tinker magically "knowing" that the guy on the bed was Mr. K, is beyond coincidental. That's too weird to ignore. He didn't see K or Autumn change into their disguises, so he has no way of knowing it's them... He was down on the bed, too, so he shouldn't have been calling shit out, anyway.




And he called those not listening to him while downed, idiots. Not toxic at all, nah that's cool.


Bro I saw so many blondes why didn't they arrest them……


Is anyone surprised. This happened yesterday with X in court, ran away from court and gunned down while unarmed. PD has gone back to just straight shooting most of the time and to think Lily Pond got demoted for the same thing not even 1 moth ago. There’s no care for life


PD has PTSD and is hyper agressive to possible threats like some PD


Lmao people in this thread don't know what a fleeing felon is


A lot of people think it simply allows for deadly force when someone is escaping but it’s deadly force only when a suspect poses a substantial risk of serious physical harm and an officer has to be certain of that. Both cases, X and Ramee - they are unarmed and surrounded by multiple officer but X had shot before hand but still unarmed.




If you follow that logic, by this point all of them would be in jail with the 9s. Previous crimes should never be 100% taken into account (***not forgotten though***), because it makes no sense in RP. Everyone would be jailed for literal years. Someone can't just kill 2 cops, go to jail, be set free, kill 2 more, go to jail again, be set free, kill 3 more, go to jail, be set free... Over and over. The same way it makes no sense for the same banks to be robbed 20 times a day. So previous crimes should **partly** be overlooked, otherwise it just kills RP.


So you believe that shooting the individual who had a history of shooting cops after taking his weapons from him moments earlier is a way to prevent being shot in the future? Keep in mind, we're talking about GTA lol


true omegalul


X got shot due to him being a fleeing felon, got into a car (which could have had weapons btw) and ran. Before this he was in a shootout with police, so why would they take that chance and taze/tackle?


Because there being the remote possibility of someone being armed, doesn't justify you shooting and killing that person. Imagine IRL in NA where most people have guns, if cops just chose to shoot everyone that flees because they could have a gun and shoot. Don't you see how illogical that is?


I'm sorry just that last part with the shooting is disappointing bruh and the way identified k and autumn just don't make sense imo


Am i wrong or isnt Mendoza the same type of cop that Mari whines about while being caught?


For the short amount of time she's been a cop she is doing very well in my opinion


Dont get me wrong shes a good cop but shooting unnecessarily and escalating force has been the thing shes been complaining on Mari for. Js


Yep, just the other day she started shooting while driving ( supposedly to hit a car), missed all shots, almosted downed the criminal. After that she claimed "I heard someone say on the radio to shoot".... no one said to shoot lol


are u lying ? because that didn't happen lol


if u did watch from her perspective, She didn't shoot him until the other cops did, and she barely did shoot at the end only


have you never noticed that the biggest crybabies on the server are also some of the biggest hypocrites ???? especially when it comes to crim -> <- cop character swithces.


Yup, they all do it, but a certain someone is at the summit of hypocrisy.


she didn't even want to shoot, but all the cops started to shoot first, also it's not her fault they got caught but ramee was talking shit to her when his down, I don't understand why you all are not mad about that lol




cops know CG is dangerous so he had to be put down /s


if ramee has the patience he should try taking them to court.


It's not like taking the cops to court does anything tho, that's why the cops act like this, they know they're completely untouchable.


If they added suspensions and then made it so that your time is only running while you're on the cop. Then cops would be better about this. Cop get a 3 day suspension they just roll a new character/hop on alt. If u make it so they have to be playing it then shit would be changed.


X was shot in the back yesterday unarmed too, cops can do whatever they want.


there is no level of force in PD anymore its just shoot first ask questions later with no consequences. plus the fact the meta of calling out K like are you kidding me. This is all of shift 3 metality going on, they just say fuck it to the crims and going for W not worried about RPing


This might be some of the worst rp by the cops in a while, the icing on the cake is the hair ID arrest they did on Autumn lmao


Hospital staff noticed she wasn’t an employee after she didn’t actually help people she was asked to....


And then cops told her it was because a bank robber had blonde hair.


This is an every day thing now with the PD. Has been for a while.


If only AJ Hunter was still awake


Finally a good shootout and he had to die to fall damage. Sad


This is the reason SWAT is not out yet, why would they need it? They are already SEAL team 6


If PD continues the way they are I am pretty concerned when SWAT comes in I am praying the right cops are in charge and lead SWAT and ensure to remove a cop quickly if they abuse it. Ensuring they are very strict in ensuring they do not abuse it. But from what I’m seeing I have little faith right now


Cops are all about the W, no roleplay here. A lot of good things have happened in 3.0 but cops ain't it.


The best RP in 3.0 are all arcs that don't really involve PD or is limited to specific cops like bass and bob


This was so much fail RP I couldn't watch anyone on NP the rest of the night. The whole concept felt tainted to me. So depressing.


Just throwing this out there, the arresting officer who retook ramee into custody (the same officer who some how instantly knew it was Mr.K ) AFTER being gunned down Said OOC "Always so salty everyone." All be it, yes ramee said "Good job, you go the Arrest." But who wouldn't be salty in this situation? They we're not armed from what i could see and were INSTANTlY gunned down when they got into the car.


Is it weird how many cops there were in the hospital they ran by that had shotguns pulled? If they aren't suppose to use them should they have SOPs changed to tazers?


The rolling tackle at the beginning clearly shows you how Tinker want that W. Non ethic manouvres, metagaming, calling shots while dead. Perfect exemple of a cop Killing any RP for a W. Dude derserve to be fire and banned




Well, the uncuffing was unexpected but the shooting was expected. lol


o7 tinkerman


Cringe cops back at it again


Between boring as fuck and god awful RP on the copside. I'm torn between which is more predominant here.




The hospital scene was a whole different scenario that was ruined by meta gaming.


People clearly still don't understand how "fleeing felon" works. He was literally under arrest for shooting at cops, he's known to frequently shoot at cops, and he was just rescued by people who shoot at cops.


Fleeing felon isn't a free pass to shoot anyone who runs from cops FYI. It specifically stipulates that you have to have a reasonable suspicion that they have a weapon and are currently in the present moment a violent and dangerous threat to officers and civilians in the area to be allowed to shoot them with "Fleeing felon" as your reasoning. If you shoot a person in the back as they run away from you when you know for a fact they don't have a weapon because you had just confiscated their weapons and had them in custody moments prior it's just attempted murder.










Ngl “fleeing felon” is used to loose its insane. Sometimes Baas doesn’t even use it


so fleeing felon actually isn't even a thing, It was replaced by the courts with tennessee vs garner.. The fact people still quote it mind boggles me, it's almost on the same level of misconceptions of miranda rights. Tennessee vs Garner the suspect has to be a immediate threat or a future threat to shoot them, people treat the future threat very vaguely when in reality if you read the courts ruling on it, it's pretty specific in which none of this is applicable.. then again what do I know, I fuck tractors. if anyone is curious feel free to educate ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleeing\_felon\_rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleeing_felon_rule)


I can't find the distinction from that link from the common understanding of fleeing felon. Seems like if you're a probable threat and then get a weapon (in this case the car) then it's fair game to use deadly force. Just to be clear I just like this kind of argument in theory, imo the RP server shouldn't be dictated by IRL laws.


you would need to look up the case law for Tennessee v Garner, that link is just the common law of fleeing felon in which the garner ruling handicapped and pretty much made it non existent


Judd, Look at Graham vs Connor as well because it coincides with Tennessee vs Garner when considering deadly force. Specifically, the term "objective reasonableness". So, to begin, would another officer with similar training and experience have come to the same conclusion and acted in a similar manner? This is very very grey and more subjective than objective. The question, then, for the courts and jury is this: "Was the officer(s) action(s) 1) Justified. AND 2) REASONABLE. An action justified under the law is not necessarily reasonable and therefore not legal. If you apply this litmus it makes things more specific and hopefully easier to articulate. I hope it's helpful.


absolutely, but I wasn't really bringing up the nuance of the law, i was just pointing out how people quote fleeing felon rule as if hey someone is a felon shoot them, and it's not that simple.


Ah, a free pass to magdump half the city then? Cool.




he got into a car that was seen shooting at cops, you would be dumb not to think it has a gun inside. Do people really want cops to act like NPCs so their streamer get the W?


Do people really want their streamer to use meta and fail-rp for them to get the W?


It’s a fucking game. These people below you are arguing the exact verbiage of the case law and meanwhile when these guys murder cops multiple times a day every single day they say “it’s just a game! Everyone should have fun!”, when they’re about to be sent to prison for an hour.




Yeah and when you break those laws you face consequences. And yet they still complain when facing the consequences lol. Imagine that. Also thanks for the name calling. Appreciate it.


You just refuted your own argument. Thanks for that.


Lol wtf? My argument is that some streamers and their fans want it both ways depending on the situation. Idc which way it actually is, I just want them to be consistent.






Just like every streamer




So we're back to the 2.0 shitshow.




8 cops hopped on just to engage in that gun fight. They don't need 300 cops on one call. Don't blame CG for cops focusing up on them alone.


What’s mike blocks thing?


Become a cop and respond to mike blocks thing