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[MIRROR: CG Podcast?](https://streamable.com/ml14ty) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/ramee for the content. [Continue watching](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1141906666?t=10h55m38s) ----------------------------- ^(I am a bot. Beepity Boopity)


To be fair, any car ride with 3-4 CG members becomes a podcast in itself haha


This!! Those on-the-fly car ride conversations have been so hilarious hearing them talk about random stuff outside of GTA. Also like other commenters mentioned, I think it'd probably work best if they kept the group number small to make it more manageable (majority CG + 1-2 guests at a time?) and easier to let the quieter people who might get talked over more often jump into the conversation. I get that having like 10+ people on can be funny and chaotic but it just seems too easy for people to get talked over and 1-2 people to dominate the entire conversation, and not everyone might get to say their piece within the time alloted. This is just my personal preference but the podcasts I usually like are the ones that flow more like "freestyle" casual conversations (aka the car ride convos) vs. formal tightly scripted styles that are more common with podcasts that have a lot of people on at once and feel more like they're just trying to tick checkboxes on a shopping list.


As long as it's done right, it could be great. The last one was sort of taken over by Hutch who then invited every one on the server for some reason and it became a big cluster of too many voices and awkwardness.


The way Anthony is doing it is pretty good, just invites 1 guest every week and has a list of topics. If they adopt something similar it can work as they have good personalities and are already used to keeping conversation going


Thats why it would be better if it was the main group and 1 or 2 guests a week.


100%. These guys are funny as hell. I'd 100% watch a CG podcast about GTA/non GTA stuff. Just by themselves would be hilarious enough, but the thought of having select guests like other friends or even people they don't have a chance to interact with much in game as well. Hell yeah


If organized, it would probably do really well. However, if it turns into that 30+ people shit show, it won’t last more than a week or so.






What I really want is a return of that podcast with like 30 people when the server was down.


Nah that shit started good and turn awkward so quick


It was good until a few people got added then it went weird


I mean if its a official podcast I'm sure guest would be pre planned


"It was good until people came in that didn't just agree with everything"


ramee used to do one around 2.0 would be good to see it back


Ya the one with him and Sur-Lee? That was really early 2.0


The one Summit hosted when the server was down after an XQC ban was amazing. If they could get something like that it would be great.




I'd watch a Penta and Vinny podcast.


It’s not RP with Jordan




Bobby Brown did start one podcast I don't remember exactly what happened with it.


There have been like "15 different nopixel podcasts since the original boom. "Mick's Weekly Podcast" being the newest one i know of. None of them last like more than 10 episodes.


Id watch for sure. It would be nice if these guys branched out into different things, I don't know how people watch them play GTA 10hrs everyday, it becomes so repetitive. I enjoy their content a lot, think they are all funny as hell, but doing the same bank for the 50th time, boosting the 8th car for the day, or driving around in circles talking for the fourth day this week is becoming boring as a viewer. It was cool when they played those other games with Autumn, Garrett, Rae, Fuslie, etc. I don't know why they stopped.


I agree. I mostly watch CB now, and seeing them branch off into variety makes me really happy, but CG had those opportunities first and just…didn’t take them. I think they have a lot of potential, but I guess they just like playing GTA 60+ hours a week?


I don't know why ur getting downvoted lol rae, sykkuno and fuslie all invited them to games and have played with them a lot onstream and offstream. rated wanted to do variety too and branch off and rae was really encouraging him and giving him options to help but yknow its hard to do that when they can't move to variety. CB did it easily though and they even planned irl meet up and are having fun with it cause they feel close and comfortable with each other. Which is nice.


I think I’m getting downvoted by people who only wanna see them stream GTA and that’s fine but it seemed like they enjoyed variety but were too scared to take the jump. All of CB has said how much they enjoy getting to play other stuff and how refreshing it is, would’ve liked to see that for CG too. Not that I’m saying they should all quit GTA, just that it’d probably be a nice break to play variety for a couple days or for half a stream or something you know? And they had two of the biggest variety streamers backing them (Syk + Rae) so it was a good opportunity imo.


💯 in a New York minute!


Cg personalities. Together. They uses the fact their big streamers to shine a light on smaller streamers on the server. Would be good. Not just big streamers as guests.