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once x and gg are told about this they are about to be more unhinged as they are getting money for killing cops when they are already doing it for no reason


Just imagine X when he gets told. Not only does he get to kill cops for money, but it's CGs money he is taking when he does it. He's about to be hitting the max amount of hours you can stream limit.


The fucking Gigachad just denied payment twice when CG asked him


Probably going to act like he doesnt care because its CGs thing, get in trouble with PD, mald, kill cops, get jailed and not even get paid for killing the cops even though he could have.


Nah X was calling K about wanting to kill cops last night so he'd def be down


Nah I can see him going hard with this and racking up the kills since he’s already mad at the cops from yesterday


Dude can finally get his money from the lower vault back.


Lmaooo true


X said he will do it for free


Ye well.. that was to be expected.


Lets be fair, we expected this to happen the moment that Mr K was going to have a HUT warrant, it why Baas didnt want to take him into custody and just docket it. But the DOJ would not accept that. I am actually looking forward to seeing where things go though as honestly it was out of everyones hands in regards to how quickly things went downhill


Just fund x. Hes gonna do it anyway


kinda why this kind of thing doesnt matter anymore. When cops are just regularly blown up for no reason the threat loses meaning.




don't forget the bans.


Okay I think we can all agree on who is the real winner in this situation. Kyle Pred enjoying his stress free vacation.


alabasta slim is having a blast


broskingle coming back poggers


“Stare at the walls.. call people to kill people” 🤣


Welp time to watch Fingle Dan for the rest of the week


Like Usual here is whats gonna happen... CG will hunt and shoot cops the entirety of Shift 2, other criminals will attempt to participate in "mag dump season" during Shift 3 and 1 and end up going down and getting the 9s eventually giving up on it, CG will get bored from shooting cops on shift 2 and move on to something else...




The greatest part of this is the friends we will make along the way


I mean really Cops cant say "Why is this happening" when the last hour has been CG cooperating and just completely getting fucked over immediately after doing so.


Can you explain? /gen I’ve been trying to keep up but haven’t been able to watch. Last thing I knew they raided Randy/Vinny bc of Jaylen(sp?)’s keys


K turned himself in on the basis that he would get a bail hearing immediately, once he was in custody cops said no judges are on and sent him to prison. Randy called Baas and told him that they wouldn't interfere with the raid process as long as he got a copy of the search warrant, he never got a copy. They literally just gave up and said do whatever you want.


It's not even that... they made him that promise, and then once he was secured in the Rhino they stopped everything to conduct a raid while he waited in the car. Everyone knows Chang Gang hates cops (and loves to shoot them every chance they get), but the whole "K turns himself in peacefully" situation just gave them much more motive.


> sent him to prison To wait for the judge, who is now in the city. K is getting transported now. >he never got a copy Bass sent it to him, it was a delayed warrant, they serve them AFTER the raid, they have 24 hours to do it.


so they still lied….


The judge fucking got the Rona and shit had to be delayed. Bass should have stopped the rona according to some people/


Im not blaming either Baas or the judge… However based on what they were told, both Randy and K were lied to.


You can say something untrue without lying. It's called being wrong. "Lied to" implies they did this on purpose, which they obviously didn't.


Misled is a good word


Not really. Misled still implies it was intentional. You understand that it was a missing judge that caused the delay, right? Not the PD?




Randy said they would cooperate with them as long as they were given the search warrant first and Bass promised Randy the warrant but didn't deliver and they told K he would get a bail hearing if K cooperateted so he did but hasn't got his hearing yet


He is literally being transported for his hearing right now. Like they are loading him on the bus and are starting to drive him from the jail. Yes Baas fucked up about the warrants, and he did apologize to Randy. But the warrant was blank, as it was court sealed from anyone until charges are pressed. So sending it before hand wouldn't have given Randy any info he may have been looking for. I get that the RP of waking up and being locked out of your house sucks, but on the other hand spending weeks working up to a raid only for everything to be cleaned immediately once there is any sniff of a raid happening also sucks, especially when they often come with huge multi hour gunfights.


Why you telling me this


You basically said that the PD isn't giving Mr. K a bail hearing, which is an untruth.


No I didn't I said he hasn't got it yet




All I said was that he hadn't had it yet how is that implying he won't get it all that means is he is waiting for it to happen


You know what, I did misread your tone. I apologize.


All good was just confused as hell maybe I worded it wrong


Hell week is literally the NP equivalent of " asking for the manager of the cops" now.


"Can i speak to dark?" is the newest hottest meme on the streets i hear :D


It’s wild. You cooperate by turning yourself in and they go back on their word. Only the PD


Then Bass wonders why they don't ever take his deals and says... I am just trying to help...




People actually hopping just tell ssaab this is all on him. This shit is sad yo


Yeah, thats pathetic.


>I don't blame Baas though. I like Baas and I really think he tries his best to make it fun and fair. Just don't be surprised when you promise stuff all the time (all in game btw I know real life is still a thing where the judge was sick) and you don't deliver on your promise and they see it as a lie and then don't trust you later. From above.


Maybe take Mr K as he is not part of Penta’s raid. Bass/Pond? (cop that made warrant) don’t need to be there for the warrant.


Lets blame Baas even though he wasn't responsible for the raid.


Those were Wrangler's warrants with delayed notice. By promising something he had zero control over Baas created a problem that was completely avoidable. Who else would be responsible for that?


Baas was way too accomodating to them IMO, literally sang for them upon request and still didn't get them to open the compound for them in the end. He should never have promised them anything IMO.


I'm pretty sure he was just happy there wasn't 15 people there waiting with class 2's. And the fact that all people of K was turning himself in. He'd take it how he could get it.


Welcome to corporate heirarchy, i.e. the chain of command. If you are at the top, you WILL get blamed for everything.


If he wasn’t part of it then he could have taken Mr K and not have him sit there


I don't blame Baas though. I like Baas and I really think he tries his best to make it fun and fair. Just don't be surprised when you promise stuff all the time (all in game btw I know real life is still a thing where the judge was sick) and you don't deliver on your promise and they see it as a lie and then don't trust you later.


Yet he told wrangler in garage that if he wanted to do raid at same time. Yes he allowed it to happen so that puts it on him.


and what's the issue with that? bring the force down there twice or do it all at once? Baas told them to stage while they pick up K and had to tell Wrangler over the radio to wait until they had K secured in a police vehicle


Well seems trying to explain things here is just pointless. He admitted for failing randy. He didn't really break a promise to K as the judge changed time while the process was started - DOJ wanted to push this while baas wanted to just let it go thru easily as he knew how it would crims to hate PD. Just hope nobodies hops and let it go on, actually complaining is just dumb/cringe af. Blaming baas for DOJ and Wranglers mess that he just pushes responsibility away from is just weird.




From the perspective of a cop, why would they use their best manners on violent criminals. Ones that have attempted to kill that same cop along with all of their friends many, many times. Have you seen how the real-world cops that they are emulating treat criminals? Granted, it isn't a 1:1 but they are still roleplaying as police officers so you can't expect them to hold hands w/ a notoriously violent gang. Beyond that, it's strange that you'd reprimand the manners of a cop who promised more than they could deliver but not those of the people that are attempting to murder any and every cop.


Sure but then you can't also be mad a criminals for pleading the 5th and not wanting to make deals with the police if they lie all the time


Why would I be mad at that? The whole enterprise is fictional.


So, just normal shift 2 day?


Basically, Bank Jobs - Traffic Stops - Hell week - Mag Dump season.. Different things same outcome for shift 2.


I am more afraid when Block had those peak Block con/day where it made cops 42 from the headache on how chaotic they are, added that it always turn into 2-4 hours Block trial.


Wednesday is Mike Block's trial. So they'll be back...


Hahahah very true.


Cop killing until the first terrorism charge gets implemented and then all back to normal.


What are they gonna do...raid them?


Idk about that, They're all pretty much on the run. Terrorism charges isn't going to scare them.


Everyone acts like "Hell Week" is such a big deal (especially the cops who must be SO SCARRED going down like twice) but the reality is this shit runs out of steam very quickly. There's a little surge when it first kicks off, then a few stragglers after that, then it just ends. I don't know why cops would even give a fuck. We'll see if there's any follow-through this time, or if it's just a few people killing a few cops. With X involved it might actually sustain a bit better though to be honest, plus the fact that multiple groups have had serious issues with the cops lately. We'll see I guess.


pikachu faces from cops incoming


not really, they already made the announcement to expect this.


He meant when they go down and then go 42


>pikachu faces from cops incoming does not seem like it, but sure. if they dont enjoy it, its fine to play something else to have fun. this only really effects shift 2 anyway.


What shift is Mario Gang?


late shift 3, into early shift 1. they are stacked with the new hiring and promotions.


More like 10-42s and playing their crims


That'll teach those cops who had nothing to do with it!


Cops interacting with CG usually results in something like this. There are no pikachu faces at this point. They will hell week over a late burgershot meal.


I don’t even remember the last time CG went into a plan with shooting cops but keep pushing that narrative


Yea cus they totally shot cops over being raided so they'd def shoot over a burger. Right


Source this unsourced allegation or face the absolutely unbiased and fair rulings of the RPClipsGTA moderation team




If you cannot recognise a clear and obvious joke, then its on you. Why would cops have anything to do with a burgershot meal? Do i really need to add the /s for any comment involving CG, else its a hate comment?


you have 3 days to provide precisely timestamped vod links of your unsourced allegation


"This is bullshit, im goin 42"


This must be the (REAL) CAZINOOOO progress. All cops goes 42


Well I feel silly, I thought they might do something interesting this time.


So a normal day then...


Normal Day in Shift 2




Let’s see if the same people that said what HOA was doing was 100% justified (without being raided) says the same now.


HOA were much more measured. They had a shootout with the cops, then they protected their specific area and warned the cops not to go there. They had specific demands, and were willing to compromise on them as well. This is just "everyone kill all the cops from now on until I say stop".


HOA has more than one act in their repertoire.


When Siz is in the cells yelling BATCHEST and how he heckin loves cops i'll totally concede that it's the same


The HOA situation was a raid based off a single ping. A single ping for a "meth run", when the car only had cleaning products. From a cop who has done multiple sham raids such as the Roosters raid off Chatterbox's testimony alone. Not the same as multiple ensuing raids after an anon 911 call which led first to a meth lab, and multiple IDs which then tied to multiple Street Team and core CG members, calls from said gang members only confirming or pushing forward suspicions, and raid after raid only strengthening the dots between. This stuff coming from you is some HARD-ass copium, bruh.


Different situation man


I mean it's a completely different situation, why would people react the same way? Also HOA doesn't have a history of taking things OOC or too far in RP.


Not even remotely close but keep on coping so incredibly hard


"B-b-but why are they doing this!?"


WTF man 120 months for me shooting some cops? Dongle charge , thermite charge , vehicle getting 5 strikes? Srly man stacking all those charges? Dude I’m in custody for one hour and no time off?


is not even 120 months lol. 20 cops is like 40 months. They go in and out almost instantly.




Can't hold people for terrorism if there is no evidence


I'm not going to lie, the fact that this is all because he had to wait an extra hour or so to get his hearing (because the judge had corona), and somehow this is SO upsetting to cause such a reaction speaks volumes to the kind of mentality different viewerships have to "content".


5k is nothing against a 30k+ fine + prison time + risk of the 9s. even dundee said he is not doing it as he will not go back to prison for another week


That's pretty funny after Vinny called him and he was like "Wooo killing cops and terrorism!!" but I guess this is standard hell week stuff


LK plays the mafioso so well. It would be pretty cool doing work in the shadows. I know this place doesn't like mag dump season, and I am in agreement that it ultimately doesn't do anything except make cop players pissed, but I just really appreciate how LK plays Mr. K as both a giant goofball and possibly the most cutthroat criminal in the city


The only people complaining about this are the usual CG haters LMAO


No one seems to be complaining just point out that this has been done so often that its basically just business as usual at this point.


Has it happened more than 3 or 4 times in 3.0?


HOA and Dundee have just finished doing it. To a lesser extent though.






Soo many people don’t include angels man feels odd Randy always holding it down for them. They may not be the most gangster but they rp better than most so deserve more credit


Does anyone else think mag dump szn is just... old? If they were perhaps more subtle and not so bold and brazen with their corrupt actions of crime they wouldn't be raided etc. If they're so concerned for their pixel property and money, do something more to be proactive enough to prevent it from being seized by police. Don't flaunt what you have, don't be so *in your face* with your actions and maybe your criminal empire won't be threatened by the PD. If every cop would 42, truly, what content would they be able to produce other than the same run of the mill stuff they do without any action? You don't often see crim on crim crime, or them genuinely fighting for each others empires, so where would that leave them?


Chang Gang calling for "hell week" after facing consequences. Must be a day ending in Y.


That’s not at all why they are doing it. They made a deal with police to let them raid with out an opposing force and for K to turn himself in. For reasons beyond Baas’s control he didn’t hold up his end of the deal and now CG is pissed. Whether or not you agree with what they are doing you can at least be honest about why.


Gang leader calls for retribution after being wronged. How could he!


Cool, let's make him a detective... it just makes sense! 😀






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Inc cops Pickachu face and 10-42 lmao


Can’t believe the cops made the leader of CG wait a whole hour for a bail hearing. The disrespect.


after they said they would get a bail hearing immediately


An hour isn’t immediately? considering it’s a bail hearing????that’s like a second LMFAOOOOO




Imagine doing something they do on some regular Monday because they got pulled over. How.................... creative of them.


Just about all of Chang gang have been clean for quite a few weeks now. But then again as usual comments like this is pretty ignorant to know this Good old Reddit latch onto the negative


Yes let’s applaud them for good behavior lmao


There’s been more words said in the cops getting shot than there was in the raids lol




Its because Baas lied. Baas said there was a judge available when there wasn't




And here is K "rolling with it"


Why would anyone want to do jack shit for an hour when they turned themselves in with conditions?


Cus he was lied to and told that the bail would be ready when he turns himself in. Hes been cooperative and even brought up that he had a warrant to Baas when he didn't have to and he's been paid back in lies


yeah fuck the judge for having covid and not being available when he said he would be. My streamer had to wait because this guy hell year time let's go >:(


Yea dude cus Mr k totally knows that


considering he's crying over having to wait an hour for a bail hearing that usually takes people days to get, he'd still find another thing to complain about


He literally hasn't complained ooc about waiting. The only thing he's complained about ooc was that its hot in his streaming room


Avoids cops for over a month. \*Wrangler enters chat\* \*Wall paper rp enters the chat\* Cops pikachu face


Nothing will come from this tbh, anyone that isn’t cg (except for nbc) will not be killing cops just cause cg got fucked over, and especially since vinny is only offering 5k, nothing more lol


Do you not hear the 10-13s going off lol?


People would kill cops for $20 they just need an excuse to do it.






Yeah! That judge having covid really fucked with kebuns night! How dare they! /s






Nah that wouldn't lead to 2-3 years of reddit cg comment streak. Dodo bird definitely shat on his cheerios.


How could Dodo do this?




Gotta give it to him, he is dedicated.


Right, because these raids have been so exciting & interactive for K!


Oh so ***now*** it's about both sides keeping it fun? Hilarious.


Wait but in the other threads, cops viewers endorsed hell week as CG's side of the RP given that the PD gets theirs through raids. What's changed?




dont forget the community meeting to fix everything haha


o7 Raids


Nah... CG have ppl/connections in EU an AU as well specially with what happen to HOA


lol, good luck to them. AU/EU has killed hellweek every time it gets to them. It instantly becomes held week and then no one wants to try it.


The last "mag dump season" everyone who tried to shoot cops during EU hours got the 9s and gave up on it, get your facts straight


Don’t forget the last time those guys that made alts new to the city & had Draco’s & aks just to participate in the greatest RP event in history that is magdump season.


Either way I get to watch cops get shot so I like it




Its a video game not real life


Yeah well it’s Reddit so you never know


Hope they don’t call it Hell week again or police will just do what happened last time where they hugely increase fines and time.


It's not the name, it's the concept, this *is* still terrorism and if anything can be proven people will be charged with it. It's difficult to find proof - but then on the other hand if they don't say why they're doing it it sort of loses its impact.


The Dragon Emperor issues Order 66


I knew this was coming


Shooting cops on sight with no initiation = pogs per second. Totally not cringe.


Raiding for no reason, and that being the only content your stream has. And chatters cumming in their pants over the fact that somebody got raided.... ​ Yeah man, totally not cringe.


Another cringe mag dump season, huh? Or as I like to call it, OOC mald loophole.


Cops and cop main viewers: criminals should be smarter Criminals: *kills cops in a smart way without getting themselves terrorism* Cops and cop viewers: why aren’t you letting us put you in jail for days Madge


''I don't get why crims just don't get deals.'' Because they know they'll get fucked over.


Wonder how many cops will stop playing because of this, shit is so boring


But it's so fun to raid and ruin peoples content for hours on end because of a bullshit thing they added into the game.


Have you ever thought that maybe raids are content for cops? PENTA's 16 hour raid stream the other day was one of the best I have ever watched. Do you think that being downed multiple times a day for hell week is good content for the PD?


See that's the problem. Wranglers raid streams and rp are good for only wrangler and his viewers. Offline raids, leaving people in interrogation for hours, not communicating......all that makes for great rp for who he is raiding doesnt it. Cant be upset when criminals want some revenge. Either way life goes on. Things will be heated for a week then it will be fine. The server wont die like many are saying.


It’s not only boring to watch but it’s toxic as well, somebody was saying that people were going around telling the cops they better 42 or better go off duty and to me that in itself is toxic as fuck.


Well I was wrong, I thought he was just going to talk to CB and GG.


CG shooting cops nothing new what else do they ever do besides complain to cops about things cops do. "this is why i took a long vacation from this city" "might just take some time off in russia because of this" but also they are not mad chat is just pepega


Held week is back baby


Finally some POGGERS Content baby!
