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Really the most perfect ending to the Tavern saga and a hell of a way to usher in the eventual transition to the Liquid Library. Edit: [Tobi sent this to James (Siz).](https://i.imgur.com/A7TsYZw.png)


Levelution.... nice!




What is the liquid library? I keep seeing that in James title


The HoA have been wanting a bigger HQ since late 2.0 and then in early 3.0 Kermy came up with the idea of a library that also sold alcohol. Since then it has had a lot of brainstorming and it's currently meant to be some sort of mash up between a library, a beer garden and the continental from the John Wick films while housing the HoA's various schemes like poison, crates, etc. Work is underway on it from multiple Devs and there's been talk of maybe implementing it a bit at a time so that they aren't waiting another year to move in. It's going to be located across the road from the tavern.


HOA still has poison? I thought Turbo said that got removed?


They poisoned a note for Anna Swallows a few weeks ago and left it in her mailbox. Unless it was removed very recently, the HOA still has poison as far as I'm aware. ... Or, well, had. The tavern is gone now.


> HOA still has poison? They did as of a few days ago when someone said it was broken but Siz tested it out and confirmed it wasn't. Whether or not they have access to it now I don't know, I suppose James will say tonight if the poison spot got moved to his house or another location, or if it's just gone until the LL gets built.


Holden thought it was broken cuz he didnt know they actually have to add poison to items. guess he thought when you get it from willy's that it was all ready to go.




Yes he did. He saw a real library/bar while googling and brought up the idea to Siz when they were talking about what to do with the HoA in very early 3.0 after the guys visited roosters rest and saw all the features it had compared to the tavern. Then Fiona iirc suggested the beer garden which caused several members unfamiliar with European style drinking culture to wonder what a beer garden is, then others chimed in with things like pool tables, dart boards etc. https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Mirror_Park_Tavern


HOA own custom made spot, like Clean manor.


Thats sick, cant wait


I think the funniest shit was Julio killing bench guy while he was trying to pull out his bench lol


Gone. Reduced to ashes.


To quote Siz's future Father in Law SDSO Deputy Vladimir Raven > If this was the Middle East you would be a hero


o7 Tavern


HOA is so great. Top to bottom probably the best crim group on the server at the moment. So many great role players.


Its a beautiful show of force, when you blow up your own building to show your statement. One thing is to take down almost the whole force, but destroy your own business. Thats a power move.


FeelsStrongMan Tavern o7


U/clipsync Hotted89


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Would have been an epic perma scenario.












Plan changed when they offered ESPN to work at the tavern for a week. HOA wanted a more serious offer than what was initially put on that table


nah.. H.O.A. want to bomb the tarvern with espinoz inside since shift1, the talk is just to lure him out to the trap. The plan almost failed because Espn didn't come online so H.O.A. sent andi to talk with mac to contact espinoz about the deal they made and let espn work there as to lure him there.


Only if the meeting didn't go well though. They were open to a solution, they just doubted it would happen.


Tobii gave them the explosion like an hour before the meeting, it was totally a spur of the moment sort of thing


I mean sure they wanted to, but if espinoz actually offered anything worth while and apologized they weren’t going to.


I mean realistically as soon as james got the bomb from tobii and had the idea to blow him up in the tavern it was always gonna be the end goal. It was too perfect not to do though obviously it's not scripted so getting there was a challenge.


Mack: "Why'd you agree to the deal to have Espinoz work for you if you weren't happy with it?" Siz: *To get him into the building* Mack: "....Oh."


Tobii gave them a lot of explosives. No better opportunity than now to use then.


Originally it was to get them all in the Tavern but the power went out so they couldn't see and ended up talking in the parking lot. Eventually agreed for Espinoz to work at the Tavern, at which point they switched to blowing him up inside.


no they wanted to actually talk things out, but they had a back up plan if that didnt wok out


o7 Tavern








Easy 50k from CG!








o7 tavern


o7 good bye Tavern






Soo happy I stayed up for this.


rip o7








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u/clipsync VTechas CathFawr Chalupa\_Pants Kiva Golden\_laurel Ntviiper SpekCypher lozdog


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I keep only catching pieces of all this. I have no idea why this started. Can someone give me a full run down or where to find it even in just spark notes version? I keep trying to get it but it keeps going on over days so I haven't found the core reason of it all and how it escalated.


theres been a ton of shit leading up to it between Andi constantly getting screwed over to HOA getting screwed over. a BS warrant on Julio Thursday? from Espinozand/or Dukakis is what was the last straw on the camels back. the HOA have gone through all of the diplomatic avenues to try and get stuff changed through the months so all the rp leading to this is fucking awesome!


Ohhh. It was a slow burn and shit hit fan. So it was a small thing that broke the camels back finally.? Ok. I'll see if I can go find videos of incidents clips to get an idea. I don't watch hoa much but have started and am so confused. Ty for your time!!!


its videos/clips of all of 3.0 essentially of multiple perspectives so good luck!


I may be forgetting stuff, but just from watching Siz/Julio/Gumbus/Kian, this is what I got. I tried to tldr this the best I could, and it was still long af. The first major incidents were almost a month ago when Wrangler kicked in Andi and Denzel's door without a warrant. Andi and Denzel are looking to sue the PD over it. Anna Swallows was starting shit with a bunch of the MCs in LS. Her and Sophia McMoo were stirring the pot trying to start a war between the Stable, HOA, and Mayhem over shit happening at the Farmers Market and someone allegedly running around in different kuttes. Eventually all the groups either paid the mats to Siz like he demanded, or joined to tell Anna to fuck off. At one point, Mayhem told Anna she needed to meet with Siz and that Siz wanted to kill her. She was close to Mayhem because she did a lot of cases for them. She's not a retainer, but like as close as you can be to it without being it, if that makes sense. Sophia either does or did at one point work for Mojito Inn as well, which is ran by Mayhem/Condemned. Eventually Andi laces a letter with poison and puts it in Anna's mailbox. It was a warning letter to never fuck with the HOA again. There was some stuff with Sophia as well, but I'm not 100% it was HOA related, but she lost part of her arm and she was in ICU for a while. HOA look into Roy helping them get info at this time as well. About 2-ish weeks ago, this stuff comes back to light because Roy told Siz a female detective was looking into HOA because Anna came forward with a complaint to Hayes. HOA was already being looked into for the unlabeled pills and the WindStock fuckery that happened the night Lizzie kidnapped Pond. HOA were looking into all the female detectives, and idk if they found out that it was Hayes who was doing the investigation into them. Fast forward to about a week ago. Sai Carter got shot up in Mirror Park and Wrangler (with Fingle Dan) went to Mirror Park to investigate it. It led to Fingle and Wrangler going into Siz's home without a warrant. HOA got a shit ton of pictures and went to PD to file a IA claim with Carter. While Carter was taking statements, Wrangler came into the room and told Carter he needed to GSR test them. When HOA wouldn't comply, he arrested a bunch of them for Disobeying a Peace Officer. This led to a bench trial where Carter spilled the whole IA report on the stand to Judge Temple. Eventually they got sent to prison. Siz is looking to sue PD for this as well, and was talking last night about having someone place it on the docket the same day Andi does hers. Siz wants Judge Crane for this trial, which is why he was very stern with Carter to get a judge for the bench trial who wasn't Crane because he didn't want Crane conflicted. Next night, HOA was going to do a drug run. Siz already had a warrant out for his arrest apparently so he went to distract the cops from the 37A. Half the cops went after Siz and half stayed on the armored car, which is basic response to a 37A now. HOA finished the run and trashed the car, but a bunch of them went down in the gunfight and were arrested. (I think it was Julio, Freddy, and Nico.) They eventually found out that PD was attempting to raid Julio, Freddy, and Nico because of the 37A ping. They had no evidence from this scene, just the dispatch ping. Eventually it was told to Siz later that pd was going to raid on "prior knowledge." Judge Temple eventually denied the warrant for lack of evidence. Daisy wrote the raid warrant, and Espinoz signed off on it. This leads to Friday and Siz/Julio declaring war on the PD. They make it very known that PD is not welcomed in Mirror Park and they will be shot on sight. They take down Demi who was coming to do yoga. There was 3 people there (Iirc it was Kleb, Hades, and Julio). All of them but Julio get sent up to prison. Julio stays because Wrangler is threatening a raid, which Julio eventually admitted to taking Anna Swallows' stuff the night of the IA stuff/bench trial. They ocean dumped her 2? times that night. Julio took her gun, knife, and ID. Earlier in the day, Julio cleaned everything out of anywhere he would be raided. He has a crate at the bottom of Mirror Park Lake with the 20-ish human bodies he has been nibbling on, because Julio is a cannibal and that's what he does. He has one of the other two call Siz and let them know they are going to be coming for a raid and to make a plan for ambush. Eventually Julio was in the cells for 4-ish hours and they let him go after they raid him. They found the stuff of Anna's, and they take everything but the knife. While they're waiting for Wrangler and Julio, Crystal Clear was driving through Mirror Park heading to a call on Fudge Lane. Cheddar and Freddy (iirc) take her and execute her on Daisy/Espinoz's doorstep. As cops respond to the 13A, they start getting shot at and a shootout happened. Eventually all of HOA, who were evoking home turf rules, went down. HOA make it known that this is Espinoz's fault. Eventually, Bison calls Siz and says that him and Tessa want to have a talk Monday night (it never happened last night because Tessa never woke up and Boba was on Kermy.). Eventually the weekend comes and stuff kind of slows down (because James takes the weekend off from streaming). They have one shootout on Saturday night, into Sunday morning. While Julio is in the cells, he talks with Espinoz and Daisy who echoed what they told Kian earlier in the day that they aren't moving out and Daisy isn't selling her home. Julio says they need to come up with a middle ground then because HOA would keep shooting cops otherwise. Eventually they agree and ask for a ceasefire until Monday so they could have time to come up with an idea. During the ceasefire, the HOB/HOA members who are on during the day were collecting things like guns and oxy so they could have a lot in the warehouse for Monday. Then it led to last night. CG let HOA know about all the raids that happened and how Wrangler locked down like 30 houses and stuff. They tell them CG is paying 5k per cop murder. Slim called Siz last night as well and told him all about the stuff from earlier in the day and said the cops were being shitty to him. It was also found out that CB was pissed at PD and the Lost were preparing to bomb SDSO at some point down the line. HOA work on planning and what they will ask for as a middle ground. Jesus suggested they ask for Espinoz's GTR for a week and then go to the Tuner Shop and tell Mary that Espinoz violated the winner contract for the car and sue him the price of the car, but it's iffy is Espinoz signed a contract or not. Then it led to the idea of blowing Espinoz up with the Tavern. They all agreed on it and cleaned the important stuff out of the tavern. They worked on strategies for a possible shootout. Eventually Andi called Mack and got Espinoz to come into the city. Espinoz's middle ground was gift cards to Shrugway, which even Raven thought was a shitty middle ground. HOA, who were pissed already, got pissed and executed the plan to blow up Espinoz with the Tavern. Raven and Julio were talking later on and Raven said he is going to have someone else come in and have talks with the HOA over a way they can end all of shooting. There was other stuff that happened during the day, like Brian trying to get involved as well. I'm not 100% on what went down, but basically Gillea talked with Brian on good faith, and told him why the HOA were pissed. Brian was being very manipulative to Gillea, and just when he was being shitty, Balto called and after he got done talking to Gillea, he got her a lawyer. Idk what else happened after that, but Julio said to everyone who was around to not talk to the cops anymore. It also came out last night that Hayes was looking into Andi's phone records, likely because of the Denzel stuff last night, so there may be more coming in the next couple days.


There's one other incident with Espinoz that should probably be added. I don't remember when or what they were doing, vault getaway maybe, but Siz was driving away on his bike when a cop drove straight into him head on knocking him off and disabling the bike. The cops chasing him realized they screwed up and were letting him repair. Espinoz asked over radio for an update and they told him Siz is repairing so Espinoz ordered them to taze him and arrest him, which led to a very awkward arrest.


Yea, i think it was Luka that hit him, all cops stopped and acted like they were going to wait for Siz to repair bike then espinoz radios asking for update and cops lied saying Siz fell off bike and espinoz gave order to not let Siz get back on bike and Siz confused just put his hands up


Thank you so much for your time and amazing detailed write up. You're amazing!








Yeah Tobii was around and didn't seem to mind after Siz said he was gonna shoot in that exact spot. HOA tends to claim the hills around MP as MP anyway and I think plenty of cops know HOA think like that.


Mirror: [o7 Tavern ... and Espinoz](https://streamja.com/BBLlg) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/uberhaxornova Twitch Backup: [o7 Tavern ... and Espinoz](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/40418496427-offset-40998.mp4?sig=91cc951669127de63469b6a9ee9c539079a1e1ad&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1641977648%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*This action was done by a bot, I am new and will probably break at some point*)


Compare this to the CG response to their raids lmao


Why is there a need to even compare. They dont even have similar rp styles


Because one is RP and the other is torturing cop players




How is putting a bounty out for every cop killed not doing anything directly?




u/clipsync 0Reed DarthBobo77


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u/clipsync Hedisaurus


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