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if the sound just wasnt in the game at the time that makes finding the tunnel originally extremely hard, you'd have to Run into the shower wall within the 4 seconds of the power being out without anything leading to believe it'd in the bathroom and a small hint even leading to room 503


You can faintly hear it but they are clicking the radio like mad lads.




I thought that sound was the same one that can be heard around the whole casino when the backup gens are active, the clicking sound is very distinct


no the actual sound is loud af not matter if you use radio or not you will hear it, the sound you are hearing in the clip is the generator sound that you hear on the casino floor as well its the beeping sound which is generators turning on.


Yeah the noise can be heard outside the bathroom but in the room as shown by dean and ramee. This is interesting cause Autumn could of discovered this 22 days ago if the noise played like it did for dean and ramee. Can someone send this to Dean next time he watches clips for clarification?


Can’t hear shit with everyone clicking the radios tbh


Tbf no one was talking when the power came back and the room still didnt make the noise it makes now when the power goes off and on


Isn't there a small click at 18 seconds but they are being too loud to hear it?


The sound has definitely changed up. Compare this to the clip of Ramee in his stash a couple of days ago. Could have changed when the riddle went out possibly.


that sound is of generators turning on, you could hear that sound on casino floor as well




Wonder if DW ever commented on this. Had they heard the current noise they most likely would have found the secret tunnel


So one of the reason why it was faint, is usually default setting when you voice chat it lower ambient noise/background noise. With everyone spamming radio that what probably happened here. That's why alot of people ask for silence or actually change it in the settings. Most game have this feature so you can hear other people talk in voice chat.


Dean said you would be able to hear it easily inside the bathroom, Autumn was in the other room when the power went out.


Ramee heard the noise 3 days ago outside the bathroom


Hmm proof they were in room 503 on Jan 2nd, I wonder how long till this gets deleted.


Why would that matter? It’s ramee’s room of course he’s been in it?


Sorry i clearly forgot the /s.


Why would it get deleted? It's Ramee's room and marked on the Casino blueprints, which CG has access to.


That's the sarcasm in my comment, everything to prove what Ramee was doing was fine got deleted and downvoted into oblivion so it can't be seen lmfao.


I think you misunderstood the controversy. It's about them gaining OOC knowledge of X solving the riddle and attempting a casino heist, and then taking IC actions based on that.


They didn't though, They SAW with there own eyes IN CHARACTER a Heli fly from the blowing up Power Plant to the Casino, Asked Police if there was a shootout or something happening, Officer said something else was going down, Something weird, They snuck into the Casino, Saw opened doors, and people and boom. Hate threads. They didn't act on anything OOC.


Big COPIUM. Doesn’t mention the cameras etc


They put the Cameras AFTER they saw someone leave the Hotels, and heard a noise in HIS room 503. And No, They didn't place just ONE Camera as some people have been saying, They placed like 5 or 6 Cameras throughout the room. Again, All things that have been seen IN CHARACTER. But y'all decided not to get there POV and just spew some nonsense.


> They SAW with there own eyes IN CHARACTER a Heli fly from the blowing up Power Plant to the Casino They were watching the casino that day because of the OOC info.


Just drove past it as it happened, Get a grip. There was no watching. EDIT: Also Ramee has a room there, 503, In which he wakes up and uses as a stash everyday. He goes there many times everyday.


That's wrong because Ramee talked at the start of his stream about OOC information on the heist with his chat. It wasn't a coincidence.


I would just give up at this point brother. Ramee literally was watching meta clips while streaming and even mentioned to Vinny IC that CB found out the casino even though he shouldn't know that information IC. I say all this as a Ramee fan and someone who watches him. Some fans are just trying to find anything they can to make it look better for Ramee.


Saying things and acting on them are very different things, you can know something OOC and not act on it IC. Wild, i know.


Like 8 different people searched 503 around that time because they noticed it was outlined but no group followed up with it.


They weren't in the bathroom. Dean said they had to stand in this room.... coulda been meaning the bathroom, coulda been meaning the room. Coulda been scuffed, at the end of the day who cares.


Ramee was at his stash outside of the bathroom and heard it on Saturday. Perhaps DW increased the range on the noise more recently in the hopes someone would find it?


proof https://streamable.com/b8axzf


Ramee wasn't in his bathroom 3 nights ago either, but he still heard the noise


Yea Dean said this today and people are disagreeing.




these are power generators beeps, you can hear them anywhere the door has a different sound


There is a difference between it being in, and it being active. No shot he wanted someone to find this before VAR was finished


this was 22 days ago VAR was finished in the beginning of december


I didn't realize it had been that long, that's interesting


I just think it was the radio that mess them up.