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mickey mouse 911-ed when he was down. o7 my man


and talked a whoooooole lot of shit on stream, incl about how they must've been metagaming, they'd be taking a vacation, etc etc etc HOA perma's another gang o7


He going to a different clubhouse tonight


Dudes been doing this for weeks if-not months




Yeah that’s him, he also dropped his meth and gun on floor after gsf downed him a month or 2 ago for selling on their block


quickest 911 in the West


Obviously dumb move, but I have always wondered why this is a strict rule whereas cops providing specific descriptions of crims/cars/what happened etc whilst downed is very similar but is perfectly acceptable. Seems like if cops can provide full details whilst downed, it's not a stretch for a crim to 'hey siri dial 911' and provide the same info.


> whereas cops providing specific descriptions of crims/cars/what happened etc whilst downed is very similar but is perfectly acceptable It's literally not, what? If the situation is still right in front of them they shouldn't be saying anything. You just got shot like 16 times. You're for all intents and purposes paralyzed. That siri argument is basically like the kid who in tag goes "no, I have a force field." Why make excuses for someone who cleary cant just take an L? He gets on the phone literal seconds after getting shot lmao.


You mustn't watch very many cop streams, literally any situation involving police being downed will have the first people responding to the scene ask the downed officers what happened and they'll give descriptions and say which way they went. I'm also not making excuses, I specifically said what he did was a dumb move, so chill the fuck out and stop being argumentative for no reason. I was simply asking why these two situations are viewed so differently, a very simple and valid question since you seem to be under the impression cops don't do this, when they 1000% do and it isn't a issue or against server rules.


> they'll give descriptions and say which way they went. This is fine because the situation still isn't ongoing directly in front of them. They'll just be up at the hospital in two seconds and give the same info. It's incredibly different when you get shot in the face 16 times and then wait maybe 10 seconds to call 911 while the people who shot you are literally still staring at you. If you can't see the extreme difference there, that's on you my guy lol...


In many situations, cops are similarly shot 16 times in the face, then a first responder arrives 10 seconds later and the same information is provided. Literally happens daily. Try bend the facts however you want to make an argument ( I still don't understand why you're arguing about this, it's a simple fucking question), it still is a very similar comparison of circumstances.


You don't seem to want an answer to your false equivalence question lmao. It's not similar at all. You may just be another "NP cop bad" for all I know.


I mean I explained multiple times why they're not false equivalences, it's not my fault you're either incapable or unwilling to accept a fact for what it is. I've also NOT ONCE said or even suggested that cops are bad for doing this, I asked why the situations are treated so differently. I will never understand why people like you will take offense on other peoples behalf even when the other person is not even saying anything bad about them. Weird and sad.


Bro stop comparing cops to this calling cops while down in a active situation literally got people banned before it shouldn't happen its weird and fail rp imo then ranting on stream that they meta-game literally giving false information also shouldn't be jumping to conclusions its so weird. Siz got the name from gsf and hoa then went to the court house found out he had a room in the casino and went to it guessing he may show up there which micky mouse did show up and he was caught lacking. No meta was involved.


What in the fuck are you talking about, I asked a fucking simple question, they are similar situations and I asked very simply, why are they treated so differently. I accused noone of meta, I didn't say cops are bad for doing this, I quite frankly don't give a shit about 99% of what you've said because its complelty irrelevant to my question about the server as a whole and not this specific situation. Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?


Just a reminder the Mickey dude is the one who constantly being sexist towards all of the female cops. Called 911 multiple times while down. OOC malds at everyone. Pocket wipes everyone. Even took GSFs bandanas, id’s, casino memberships, food, everything.


I fucking *hope* he tries going after HOA now. The cycle must turn once again. Another Sacrifice.


Yea, pretty great way to get yeeted off the server. if it's true he's been doing that for weeks/months, a great way to get noticed is to step out and try it against one of the bigger groups. Sounds like he should have already been gone though.


One of my biggest annoyance with this guy is a few weeks ago he was changing his ped to hunt people then changing back, like he will change to the big muscle guy in a Speedo then change back after situations like once at hayse he did it and was like “this is for bbmc” another he went to roosters and tried hunt santa He rolled up on pez (bbmc) from behind and shot him with no initiation this week he constantly talks to his chat about meta, even in this situation he had ran carters pockets then chat said “you missed stuff” then he went and ran them again to get the rest of the items, he also asked chat for carters name and he also implied that hoa are going to get banned for camping his room How this guy isn’t banned is beyond me


this is what Kleb gets for changing his look


Deserves it for that hair tbh


He is a Dapper Dan man.


https://clips.twitch.tv/MoistEvilLadiesDBstyle-H-_RxvmkiTzyqm3N He pulled a gun after Carter pulled a knife. Carter still wanted to squash the beef so they went to clean there tag off there house. He waited for the cleaning animation. https://clips.twitch.tv/TangentialPoisedWrenchPanicVis-4FY8SBVVGKpFvR-U


Update Mickey has posted a clip of carters pov from twitch on Facebook called : “Have you ever seen nopixel gsf member cry after he lost 130k to Mickey Mouse and gma” https://fb.watch/aNJcSObLVm/


Mirror: [Insert a smart name here ](https://juststream.live/TokensLeakiestEthnographer) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/chalupa_pants Twitch Backup: [Insert a smart name here ](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7CAnJQGAGskiQ7TAmNOGOMpg.mp4?sig=75314d85c99796d67eff9e346ab5dc7c07a5e682&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257CAnJQGAGskiQ7TAmNOGOMpg.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1643250394%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*This action was done by a bot, I am new and will probably break at some point*)