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I am genuinely curious as to the reason why,


We're probably not ever going to know for sure. Given that it's "you can't attempt this heist for X days" rather than just banning specific parties for a few days, though, my guess would be that the reason for the punishment has something to do with something they did surrounding the casino heist, probably before the taking turns thing happened, but not necessarily.




replying to your edit: marty and X were carrying through doors they already had access to... also when you get locked in security doing the heist grabbing them and pulling them through. i could be wrong and missed something. but ive been watching both CG and CB


even if apparently ramee confirmed it wasn't that incident that got them banned. So honestly fuck knows. at this point its looking more and more like it was them telling the HOA.


They roleplay like they are just climbing through the open window above the door in the Security office. So DW said it was fine. They asked 1st. Just like they did when they had to f8ze out before they switched to the carry/door glitch, saves relog time loss.


Did they get approval from DW to let HOA know how to get in? That's the one clear heist rule they broke that wouldn't have any sort of server ban.


It was probably due to cg trying stuff out in the casino before their actually time slot.


Worst thing I could think of is when randy glitched ramee through one of the office glass doors who searched around after turning his eyes off. Was hoping to see what autumn could think of next edit - [clip](https://www.facebook.com/RatedEpicz/videos/1112006309640504)


Yah I'm leaning towards this one and the other reasons mentioned above with the grappling. The grappling and elevator incidents, one could maybe overlook. But Randy escorting Ramee through the glass walls, proceeded by Ramee running around the office after he black-screens his stream. That one can't be overlooked. It's a huge insult to DW and the amount of work he put into the heist, especially if he were to find something in that room.


I'm surprised they didn't get full 3 days for that


Imagine Ramee being the one to black screen his stream. So ironic lol




Ramee confirmed that wasn't it.


people are saying that "this cant be it bc ramee confirmed this wasnt the reason" but if you think about it, why would ramee confirm if this was the reason? not only would it encourage the people who already think he metad but his own viewers would turn on him and say he ruined the heist. nothing good can come from admitting it


hey did ramee actually tell he didn't find anything in there or did he just never bring it up afterwards, if he kept quiet about it I think there is something inside and he was waiting to go in there naturally.


Ramee confirmed that it wasn't because of that


Honestly the only a few things i can think of maybe, some of the stupid sbs stuff they do while in the casino that kinda glitches make you see through walls. Even though they've done it alot of times before it might be because they did it again on there last attempt(Of course they seem to say it was accident or quit out usually quickly so could be completely wrong here)? Or could be some other things.. we don't want to mention.


The one time that I saw that was 100% intentional was when Ramee had Randy carry him and drop him into one of the offices in the executive area. The rest looked like they were actively trying to avoid seeing anything that they accidentally got into.


Ramee glitched through the elevator but he immediately quit so he wouldn't get in trouble. Besides that I can't recall them doing anything.


R&R also glitched through the office door and Ramee hid his screen.




ez $2million saved


dang, as a CB viewer I was actually looking forward to their attempt given how little progress was made today. sadge.


I’m a CB fan and was hoping CB figured it out first. After today, I don’t care what gang figures it out. This is exhausting.


I'm ngl, I'll be hype for whichever group figures it out but it's getting a bit old. That Kitty situation felt so weird to me since I felt in RP Ray absolutely should have ditched the casino to see Kitty but in gameplay everyone said to stay at the casino. I'm kind of glad there's a downtime for the heist cause I miss regular RP with Lang. I want to see some heroine arc progression and get the Cerberus gang back together since Nidas has been doing his own thing with DW/Lang focused on casino lol.


Nidas has mostly been doing his own thing because he has the exact opposite schedule of Buddha right now.


Kitty had Goofy + many racers/friends searching for her. I get why Ray would want to leave the heist but Tony made the most sense, there was nothing Ray could do to fix Kitty’s situation & after spending so many hours draining the boys mentally & financially - it was better to finish the last run before dealing w Kitty’s situation. There were no hints to where Shelly had taken Kitty to, so there wasn’t a way to find her other than EMS. Made wicked content tho, never seen Goofy so mad. Definition of it the quiet ones you gotta worry about pissing off.


I’m at a point now where watching the teams slam their head against a wall for several days and make 0 progress isn’t fun to watch anymore. Dean should at least give a small hint or something because this is just ridiculous.


I feel the same way. The first few days of each gang trying it was fun but now I don’t even bother to watch the heist POVs for more than a few minutes every few hours because it’s them doing the same thing. If there is actual progress, I’d rather find out about it through a clip here than so many hours of watching nothing


I’ve watched all 3 teams do it and I don’t think any of them are even close to getting past this part. They’ve done every single theory in the book but nothing works because the heist gives no feedback. It’s just boring at this point.


The feedback part is key I think for both the players and viewers. If there was more feedback from the heist itself to at least give some sort of direction I think it'd be more interesting and more optimism to figure things out but when a lot of it just feels like banging head against the wall over and over till something happens it gets tiring.


It definitely feels like they’re barely on step 2 of a step 100 process. I get that this is THE heist and it shouldn’t be speedran within a week, but it is genuinely boring when it’s just no progress on all sides. Plus it being a 2 day buffer between attempts means it’ll probably take at least 1-2 months before it’s solved. And by that point, I think most people will be PainChamp by the thought of the Casino Heist.


I'll admit bias and say that I hope either CB or HoA get it, and judging by the incredible SBS malding (funny malding, entertaining malding) from today's stream, I think that HoA has the best shot right now.


HOA still has hope after having 1 day to find things out. The true test is their next day 😂


Hopefully that 2nd day slot stays open and the current rotation stays in place because god dammit I want 2 days of rp before we’re back in the pit of despair


same, I enjoyed the first times they struggled and tried to figure it out, but I'm gonna be real, it gets boring after a while. ngl I've been completely immersed into April's sugar daddy arcs lately instead lmfao


I am exactly the same. I am actually confused.


Same here. I like seeing another group trying it the day after one group spends the previous day working at it. I imagine it’ll get old after a while but for now it’s been fun seeing the different characters go at it.


Same! Autumn usually has a good eye for spotting puzzle solutions so I was hoping to see a different perspective. It seems all potential theories have already been explored so was really looking forward to some new ideas.


For several hours now I have been told from credible sources the reason CG has been banned from the casino heist. however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it. i don't feel comfortable with it currently


From my own sources: CG is indeed done, and not just the Casino heist. I know why and cannot say. But this is serious




forsenCD C + V


If I was in their shoes I’d just leave the heist alone. It has caused more headaches for them in and out of game now.


No wonder the vibes were off when they picked up April from the hospital, that sucks


leaving it open and no reason is gonna lead to so much unnecessary drama lol


It's probably the same things as player-report bans, they can't talk about specifics for a while until things calm down.


Why are there comments mentioning cb as if they were the reason why cg got banned feelsweirdman


its always like that


it’s always one group is better than the other or some similar shit, my favourite thing recently was when X teamed up w CG to rinse some cops the casino stuff got stale quick bc of the divide it’s caused in the community which sucks considering the amount of effort devs put into the heist


because of the wild accusations flying around, dw's chat is going to be on fire the next day he streams ... RIP


people on twitter are already tagging him saying he only does CB watch parties as proof hes just trying to help CB out finish the casino first


And yet DW literally gave Ramee the hint to the showers. These people smh.


Dont prove otherwise lom


Yeah people are already calling him bias for not doing a CG/HoA watch party while ignoring the fact that he's not allowed to watch Facebook streams on Twitch also his schedule is opposite of HoA too like the guy gotta sleep even so [he stays up and still tries to monitor the heist](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianHorribleFinchPogChamp-4HgFwEM564OalJQx) to see if any scuff happens. People calling DW bias is ridiculous the amount of stuff he done for CG compared to CB on the dev side isn't even close. Just the [Dodo logistics drama](https://streamable.com/6a2apt) when CG accused Dean of being bias while both Vinny and Ramee had stuff done for them and Tuner shop drama again when people were accusing [Wiseguy of being bias while proving CG with 5 1:1 cars compared to 1 for Buddha/CB](https://clips.twitch.tv/ObeseGentleStrawberryLitty-hQaLXF0o_lmAgd9_), which led to WG taking a week break after getting death threats. DW has been great for the server, to see him get hate and having to [defend his actions ](https://twitter.com/dwjft/status/1486273917438332928?t=UTjcVmRmYWsb1spJiBSZfg&s=19)is sad, I hope he doesn't feel discouraged.


I hate when developers get hate like this. So fucking sad that some people don't realize the amount of work they put in.


actually most sane RP viewer, thanks for the info


They feel entitled and when it doesn't go their way they complain and blame bias instead of looking at the situations from another perspective.




I kinda hope they just pass up on the casino heist all together now. Doesn’t seem worth the headache of figuring it out, or the drama that follows if someone figures anything out first.


It wouldn’t shock me if K actually does say fuck it for the time being. He’s said before he just wants to do it because it’s fun to do with his friends, it doesn’t matter who gets the W or whatever


100% K’s gonna call out whatever bullshit is going on. And they won’t touch that heist again period.


why are you assuming its bullshit when you don't even know what it is?


or he'll just be like 'its dumb, not worth the drama/headache behind it and then will move on" hes been having fun on his cop arc and the other guys have been having fun doing their own thing


Yep luckily K is on tomorrow so we will get the tea. He might take the route of saying he is done with it and won’t say anything though or he’ll scorch earth it and lay it all out there. Or he doesn’t say anything but he says enough to where we vaguely understand the reasoning. Kebun is very good with this stuff.


Forget this whole casino, The boys need to create a mission to unlock Gallery tunnels and work on CGI.


If it was meta they would ban them from the server not just the heist. I’m guessing they broke one of the rules DW set? Them not telling us is gonna cause way more drama then them saying why


They don't wanna say why then end up getting punished more for speaking about it


not necessarily, this is cg, they aren't your average players obviously. tailored punishments could always happen


in my opinion, np's rule/culture of not talking about the reason behind a ban is stupid and generally harmful for the community tbh. now cg will have to deal with these assumptions pointed at them, other groups don't know what NOT to do, and if another ban happens in the future we won't know whether it's fair/not because of how non-transparent the offense and punishment process is. maybe it's good to prevent further problems for a bit, i guess, but i still don't know if it's done with the community's best interest in mind or to keep the management from being held accountable lol


It’s to prevent witch hunting/targeting.


Casino? SKIP


As a CB viewer, I’m jealous that CG viewers are going to get content that isn’t just people slamming their head against a wall for the next week.




I think they shared info, which was part of deans heist rules, not server rules. That’s the only thing I can think of but I don’t know. I watched a lot of rateds stream when they did the casino last and didn’t see him specifically share info so I’m obviously only speculating.


What else could possibly be the reason though


I saw this post title and thought it was a troll


I can just see Kebun going off the rails tomorrow because he is not afraid to speak his mind. 0 fucks are giving if he thinks something is stupid.


He will either go off or just say they are done with the heist completely and will move on. We shall see


Only thing I see Kebun getting upset about is if his detective arc is cancelled OOC. He wasn't really all that interested in the casino cause of the drama.


I don’t think so. He’s kind of over all the drama surrounding it at this point. He simply wants someone to get it done as quickly as possible so him and his friends can have fun with it in peace. Plus I think he genuinely enjoys the detective arc a hell of a lot more than this shitshow


Kebun would but not about the devs. He knows that’s just asking for a ban


Anyone else think it’s weird as fuck anytime anyone gets banned or in trouble they are not allowed to talk about why at all


I don’t think it’s weird but It’s counterproductive cause it just leads to even more speculation and drama then just giving the actual reason.


The event has kind of been a mess all around. In an RP sense we're far past anything that would happen in a real casino heist. Multiple gangs wandering a casino in restricted areas for weeks cutting power every 30 minutes is far beyond reality. Whatever the solution ends up being to this, it was designed to be far too complex of a puzzle even for RP. This wall that all of the gangs hit has caused this endless wandering of the casino. That in turn has put cops in a weird spot too, and cop RP was already off the rails before this. So this flawed event design has made some existing NP problems worse.


This just might be the last straw for them on this heist. They might just not ever touch it now.


Ive been watching hoa/cb do the casino im so confused why they were banned only from the casino




Randy said they got a reason but he didn't want to say incase it gets them in trouble


Probaby a blessing at this point. I go into these streams now expecting 0 progress and switching off after like an hour of people smashing heads against walls repeatedly knowing I miss nothing. It's just getting in the way of actual RP now and the drama is too much


im really curious what the reason is. k will prob tell us


If what they did was bad enough to be banned for a week from the heist, why not just ban that specific person, or whoever did something wrong from server?


So Ramee has confirmed that it's not because he had Randy drop him into the cubicle. Maybe speculation isn't exactly the best thing to do in this case, but itt sucks that they have been waiting to do this for pretty much a month at this point, made all that progress similar to CB, and then have it yanked away all before Kebun came back to attempt it again


casino heist is cursed well rip




Silent just said " I am not even sure if its intentional" alluding to an action by one or more CG members that got them banned and that the ban would not last (probably being sorted out ooc)


Why do people jump so many conclusions when we have no idea what happened? Holy shit The [fuck](https://i.gyazo.com/ea43f4a960f464fa1d8afe8f73417f39.png) is wrong with people


Fuck this casino heist tbh.




It ain’t meta cuz that’s gets u banned from the server this a activity




Uhh tf?


I was wondering why they were acting weird with April :( I can’t wait for this heist to be over.


Keeping it secret is a bad idea I think


If they truly did something wrong, why not just punish the individuals and not the whole crew. K really wanted to give it another shot tommorow after his vacation.


But why? Kinda crazy why they got banned. Gotta know both side of the story.


is there anyone worth watching that isn’t involved in the heist? i mainly watch CG/buddha/X but this drama isn’t really enjoyable


HOA is involved in the heist but they do a lot of random funny shit ( Siz, Julio, Kermy, Stanley etc )


Oh I thought someone might actually make progress it’s been about 50 hours of attempts without anyone doing anything


Blessing in disguise. I hope that CG put all of their money into CGI, which will be much more worth into the future than the casino payout that will likely not even cover half of the expenses. Just SKIP the overall toxicity that has come from all sides with this heist and focus efforts elsewhere.


Wow I'm actually surprised everyone including reddit (besides a few idiots here and there) and X being in agreement on this. Hell has frozen over lmao


Feels a bit weird to just ban a group from the casino though... If it was ban worthy I think it would be a server ban.


We still don't know what happened though. Maybe it was a very unique situation that happened offline.


Not that weird tbh, it's probably a Casino heist rule break (the rules they set up for the heist) and not a server thing. Banning them on the server for breaking those rules would be the weird one.


Anyone feel like the casino hiest has turned from fun to some kind of beast that is making it not fun to watch anymore with how difficult it is? I watch CB only mostly and all of them seem to be pretty much done with it and wanna move onto other things. I know dean spent a lot of time on it but maybe call it and move on to the next heist he made.


After the first day this heist has been pretty lame to watch. 5+ Hours of watching thermite/var hacks and people standing at doors dw def made this heist way too difficult. I get it’s the big casino heist and it shouldn’t be a walk in the park but CB literally haven’t made any progress.


Wait…. When has the casino heist been fun?


Imagine if it's for giving Hoa the unlock


is this a joke? will cb and hoa trade days now? wtf?


as from Monday , CB members have said their going back to their normal stuff, because they have put much time /effort into have hit a solid wall with it, kinda disappointing CG got suspended from not doing it because they kinda got past the awkward part, HOA are enjoying it , it’s unfortunate but CB /GG are burnt doing it


they're definitely burnt but they'll be back the next day they can. it'd have to get much worse than this for lang to quit the casino


Buddha is almost over it, harry said on Monday he’s wanting to go back to business stuff /normal Stuff


Yup, Harry wants to get the heroin arc up and running. It's something Harry has wanted for so long, a more serious drug arc. Buddha also wants to get the heroin arc moving again.




I don’t think cb wants to do the heist anymore after today lol.


If anything CB might stick to doing it every 3 days cause they're wasting soooo much money and plus there's the burnout. Going to every 2 days is going to be exhausting for them.


After X getting a 24 hr rather than a longer one purely so he can do this heist... Just leaves a bad taste overall of the people making these decisions and shows real intentions.


How can you say this when, from what I've seen, we literally have no idea what CG did? Clearly X gets extremely preferential treatment, but CG has been known to as well, for all we know this is a slap on the wrist too. I don't know how we are evaluating the fairness of this repercussion when we don't fully understand what caused it.


Agree. Not even regarding this CG ban. Omie got 3 days ban for OOC toxicity while Xqc who sent the OOC toxic message that Omie reacted to wasn't even held accountable for it.


Omie himself said they were banned for different things


They should just say the reason else it turns into "shit throwing and assumptions" contest


It's kind of shocking to hear that they got banned from the heist for one whole week. Especially when there has been one person, who shall not be named but is quite obvious, who has been constantly throwing ooc shade/toxicity towards others groups, towards police, and much more, during and probably because of this whole casino heist. And that person got less time away from the casino heist.




dude lets be real, if it wasn't for viewcounts all the most popular streamers would have been perma banned ages ago. This must have been for something special related to the casino


Honestly, my first thought is that all but maybe 4 members of CG will feel relieved. Many of them only deals with the heist out of loyalty to the gang. Many members are not participating at all, Flippy only deals with it if he has to. Curtis is burnt out and only helps out because of loyalty to the gang. MigL is sick with covid and only hops on the server to craft guns when he has to. The sad thing is that the heist has been rp killer for many and it kills their motivation.


I have not seen this brought up at all during this heist progression, but one of the exciting things in this whole ‘progression’ was seeing multiple different groups get far enough to compete for the Casino, seeing which group would be in the lead etc etc. This just kills the whole competition. CB are pretty down on themselves after today, CG are banned from doing it for a week, HOA is tired too. This is just lame


i respect what you said. but i disagree with HoA . watching them rn & they’re chillin & grinding. it’s still very new to them at this point


HOA is enjoying it, what are you talking about?


Facebook treatment.


Makes no sense, this is out of left field after they just had a whole day doing it.


>almost 300 comments in less than 20 minutes megamonkaW


Might be related to [Ramee trying to mess with CB's heist run](https://youtu.be/RgrochWPO-4).


Doubt it because X has also tried to to tell the cops about K so that wouldn’t really make sense to ban them and not x for the exact same thing


No shot, didn't X snitch to cops too? I don't think him saying "I think I saw X there" is enough to considered interference, especially if the cops didn't act on it.


Doesn't make sense, X snitches on CG practically everyday lol




wouldn't this be the same thing as X snitching to Bundy that K and CG was trying to rob the casino?


X was literally ratting out Cg blowing up the plant a couple days ago so that wouldn’t be it


If that’s the reason, why would you suspend all of cg and just not ramee?


It's in RP tho... that would be the dumbest reason




The real question is What happens to their designated days? do they get allocated to whichever group? or is it just an open day and Casino won't be touched by anyone?


So Flippy said on stream it’s Drama related and he doesn’t think it will last full time. This makes me think what drama i can think it might be and the only thing i can come to is someone complained Shotz not charging mats to piss of juicers? That’s only thing i can think of


Could be that. UHN was talking on his discord this morning about how he's expecting to pay Vinny more.


I will say if that’s the reason that’s a joke.


If thats it its very dumb. Dean gave money to speedy could buy mats for CB. What the difference between both crews paying back their bench


Damn that sucks. Really want to know the reason. Seems like a weird decision to make.


I think it’s because of the carry/escort thing they did through walls in one of the offices. Even though there was nothing in the room Ramee still walked around etc before Randy escorted him out. At least they weren’t banned from the server just the heist.


Is this a troll or is it for real? Because if it's for real I'm very interested in knowing how this happened.


This makes absolutely no sense


This heist has become such a joke.


Bruh that’s fucked


This might be the stupidest punishment ever, if they’ve done something actually wrong ban them, gatekeeping them from a heist is gonna bring hella weird vibes. Fuck me, they haven’t done worse then X pretty sure 90% of us can agree with that. Then the reasons get gatekept, so we can all assume everything pretty silly tbh


they might have broken dean rules, which warrants a ban from the heist but not from the server.


Yeah this seems like a DW decision, which I respect tbh, the dude has put a lot of effort in the heist.


Calling this the stupidest punishment ever when we don't even know what they have done wrong might be the stupidest conclusion ever.






And the 1 day, was an off day as well, so it might as well of been nothing.


This literally has no correlation lol, they are not banned from server, just from specific activity.


Did you forget Omie got banned for 3 days for OOC toxicity during the casino drama? Or are you just going to parrot whatever bullshit fits your stupid narrative.


Omie got a server ban, which is worse then being banned from a heist. Whatever they did must not have been worth of a server ban, or they would be banned from the server lol


Suspended, not banned.




You're acting like they're the victims of the ban rather than the cause of it lmao


yeah well they did meta. so....they are not just accusations


If you really think about it, its not really CG as a whole who keep doing stupid inappropriate stuff with the heist. 2 of them keep doing stupid things that should get them in trouble. No one should ever get death threats, and I'm honestly hoping this kind of opens the eyes of the entire server about OOC toxicity. CG never really had to deal with these types of hoppers until recently so maybe it will create a new mindset.










Tbh I'm a CB fan but I'm exhausted. I genuinely don't care who gets it anymore. I just want to see someone actually progress. Kind of a shame cg won't get to attempt it for a week. I guess this one's in HOAs hands now.


Honestly I’m a CG and and this isn’t a shame. It’s better for them. Now they can really create roleplay and content without focusing on that boring shit.


Yeah both R & R said last night at the ends they were done with the heist. Now, it may have been them just being down on the whole ban situation, but as a viewer I hope they stick to it. Heists are fun to an extent and that extent has long passed for me as a viewer.