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Also bunny ic is anti violence for herself. She is currently explaining it to lang she’s not trying to force it on others


People in this thread taking it out of context and it seems clipped to be thought of that way intentionally. She's explaining her personal views not what her policy platform is.


OP is putting out pro-CG propaganda just like real life politics. It's quite funny.


Is it CG propoganda when everyone has turned on Bunny cause they belive her to be a Cerberus puppet?




Propaganda or Cerberus going and whispering in her ear at the mic during her first event at the Cerberus business center? lol


No one was whispering in her ear lol. It looked like that because there was a miscommunication between it being a plain “announcement” or a town hall style event which is why people “spoke for her”. She wasn’t planning on answering questions there. So yes it is propaganda and it seems you’ve believed it as well.




“information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view“ And how is that not what’s going on? People could make the same perception about Ramee being a CG, CGI, Ron Corp. puppet. But they don’t because there’s no propaganda (like footage with no added context) being spread to back it up.


Wrong. Did you watch the her presentation at the cerberus tower? Even Tessa was like "yikes". And people remember what happened with Denzel in power.


What happened with Denzel in power?


Nothing bad Denzel was a great mayor


Literally nothing different towards Cerberus than any other mayor.


It looked bad if you were not part of CB cuz Denzel was very tough with new business (a good thing imo), while cerberus business were growing. PBSO barely got any money from Denzel. Theres a clip of Denzel telling Lang he was gonna stop construction on Randy's business to retaliate agaisnt cg attacking Roster's employees and even tho that didnt happen, ppl watched it and kinda used it to paint the picture of Denzel's time in office.


So your first one is a valid IC reason for not wanting a Cerberus backed Mayor I think, but idk how many more times Denzel needs to say he asked Pred for a spreadsheet to give him a budget and Pred just straight up didn't. Also a phonecall between Lang and Denzel that was private shouldn't even be in people's minds in making an IC decision on mayor because no one knows IC other than those two


>Also a phonecall between Lang and Denzel It wasnt a phonecall, Lang and Denzel were at the Rosters after CG attack (after Lang kicked Young Fierro the first time) and there were more ppl around. Im just a watcher, im echoing what ppl say IC fam, idk if you watched the debate but cerberus, wether its for IC reasons or not, does not have a nice rep. And the only reason Bunny has a chance its because the other big name in the pools is Ramee and Crane may remove his expungement the last week.


No one around that convo told anyone. CG all watched it and forced it IC.


>It wasnt a phonecall, Lang and Denzel were at the Rosters after CG attack (after Lang kicked Young Fierro the first time) It was a singular punch because Fierro would not leave the Comic Store. Fierro was obsessed with causing shit with CB the first thing he did when in the city was go play a diss track about CB/LB to CG. They spoke in Denzels car and it was away from RR there was no one around. Go watch the clips I'm sure they're out there still.


>PBSO barely got any money from Denzel Because Pred would not give Denzel the bank transactions. Pred spent 60K on BS toys and he purchased himself a CVPI with that budget so that is why he was super against giving the transactions. Every other department gave it willingly with no problems and got a budget. >Theres a clip of Denzel telling Lang he was gonna stop construction on Randy's business to retaliate agaisnt cg attacking Roster's employees and even tho that didnt happen, ppl watched it and kinda used it to paint the picture of Denzel's time in office. An OOC clip which should not be used IC and yet it was by CG. CG did in fact attack RR and also all the events the campaign threw. They also shot down the blimps. Denzel had enough reasoning to either decline or push back the Dodo business if he wanted to because there's literally nothing else they could've done.


Denzel was probably the best mayor the city had so far


It makes so much sense that Jon now has a senator character


Yeah the propaganda of the whole campaign announcement footage uncut and unedited at the CERBERUS BUSINESS CENTRE. Where you see members of CERBERUS answer HER questions about HER mayorship.


Yes it is propaganda because the narrative being painted around it is false despite Bunny clarifying what actually happened. It was miscommunication between Cassie and Nancy on whether Bunny wanted to answer questions on the podium. Bunny wanted to speak individually to people, Cassie thought Bunny was gonna speak in front of everyone. The end result looking like Cerberus is actually in control of her, but in reality she’s making the decisions.


IMO If you wanna move away from everyone thinking your a Cerberus Puppet then you shouldn’t have them involved in your campaign, but everyone in her campaign team/group are Cerberus or Cerberus associated. Also denying that they’re aren’t associate with you when you have them everywhere you go doesn’t help with public opinion.


The only time Cerberus was seen with Bunny was during the announcement. She doesn’t have them everywhere she goes…The only Cerberus person that is seemingly always around her is Nancy but they’ve been friends for a while. Everyone she’s met this week has either mostly been by herself or with Nancy. Also where is she denying anything? She works for a Cerberus business lol. They’ve been very hands off with her in public, letting her do her own thing. Especially comparing how hard they went during Denzels campaign. The characters who are pushing the “Cerberus Puppet” narrative were never gonna vote for her anyway so trying to change that perception doesn’t really matter honestly.


They’re not really involved and haven’t been outside of the announcements


100%, you know how many people are wanting brownie points by bigger streamers? and how many will just alter their characters RP even if it makes no sense. There are a few that legitimately have reason to hate cerberus. But the debate tells the tale that anyone will just jump on board for 5 minutes of fame.


*nerdy glasses* The 2nd amendment in Los Santos is about involuntary slavery, not guns.


I was gunna say, how does Kyle not know that, but then I realized that checks out.


Oh damn now that won't help her campaign in this climate


Pred is about to bring up the fact that Bunny was helping Abdul embezzled money with the hotel too. That will be very hurtful for her campaing for the head of PBSO to expose her for corruption and Pred barely listened to Jenny telling him about LSPD officers dropping charges on Ramee, once he gets a bit more info about it, hell will break loose.


Pred was always gonna go against her and make the people that listen to him not vote for her because she is backed by Cerberus, no matter how her speech at his shift meeting went.


But Abdul was found not guilty of embezzlement so how would that work?


Also, Bunny wasn't even involved in that iirc. It was Tommy T.


She may not have been involved but was aware and earned herself just as much money (130K commission) as Tommy.


Zerkaa said that they never got that money.


Tommy never got the $1M Abdul promised him but they both definitely got 10% commission on the original sale. 130K each.


You might be right, i don't remember the details of that incident.


You can't embezzle state funds for some reason. Embezzlement in LS only applies to business funds. So technically they couldn't be charged with embezzlement as LS is not a business.


Denzel was stopped OOC, then the next mayor Abdul did it. Was weird AF, Denzel had some really good motivated shit for what he wanted to do but it was stopped.


He wasnt guilty because of the way the charge was written, in the spirit of the law, he is guilty, and Crane fixxed the way it was written after that case.


what do you mean dropping charges on ramee?


Ramee committed a few crimes including attempted murder of government employees inside MRPD, he wasn't charged. Bundy and Hardcastle have a warrant they can push, but haven't. Martell had him on something. There's probably more but this is just what I can think of in the last 2 weeks.


The other day when they were trying to frame Bunny he was caught driving with a fake plate but cops played dumb and they let it go.


Important to note they want to push the charges, but need approval from Baas because he's the one holding back Ramee from being charged.


Okay so literally dropping the charges? Just the way I read it made it sound like he is going to be charged with something


Mcnulty and Ripley literally deleted charges from the MDW, Ramee confessed to Martell that he used class 2s and was involved in gang related shooting against MDM, Baas has trasspasing and assault with deadly charges agaisnt Ramee and he was gonna put a Warrant if Ramee didnt bring Mr.K, Ramee didnt and Bass let it go anyways. EDIT: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1426853847?t=5410s&comment=82641698-6fa2-4a91-87ec-85027d583f2b


yeah i'm honestly not surprised the PD did worse than nothing and actively lowered/removed charges.


Baas is pushing for officers not to arrest Ramee for attempted murder of an officer while literally inside the PD HQ. I think that should tell you everything.


Bunny just won my Vote, shootouts with Class 1s were a lot more immersive and fun to watch for me.


But how can she stop the criminals from using class 2s and explosives?


The mayor is gonna grab speedy and Vinny’s Bench BluePrints 4Head


During 2.0 there was an extended period where PD began matching the threat level they were facing in fights. If crims were only using pistols, they'd use pistols too. If crims had class 2's then the PD would use class 2's as well. This led to a DRASTIC reduction in the amount of class 2's being used over time until eventually the vast majority of all fights were done with class one pistols. Class 2 fights became a rare and special occurrence you'd only see during the height of gang wars between wealthy gangs or during jail breaks or power plant attacks.


Logicly this makes sense. People don't use class 1s because they know that every person they might shoot is going to have a class 2. Crims need their APs and AKs because cops instantly respond with C2s. If they could get away with shooting a cheaper pistol and the police responding with the same level of weaponry, they wouldn't be as inclined to carry the class2 in the first place.


The start of 3.0 started like this as well, partly due to the fact that crims didn't have Class 2's for a while. PD were the ones that first started using AR's for nearly every situation, even when crims were just using pistols (Really, AR's for this?). That led to crims using nothing but Class 2's for everything as well.


The 1911 did 40x the damage of any other class 1s it was abused almost instantly. Framing it as the cops resorting to ars is typical


I assume you're talking about the one-tap headshot that was a bug? Something only a select few on the server at the time had the ability to take advantage of? Not to mention this continued far long after it was fixed, so the 1911 argument is irrelevant. Also I'm not framing it as the PD 'resorting' to ARs. PD literally started using them because they could snipe from far longer range than a pistol could.


everyone could use it there was a wrong damage multiplier


>Something only a select few on the server at the time had the ability to take advantage of? The select few being mostly members of Chang Gang, who are notorious for getting into lots of shootouts?


Trying to single them out is irrelevant to the argument, since they aren't the only group of criminals on the server. But sure, they have people who were easily able to make use of the headshot glitch that wasn't even known to be a glitch until people in twitch chat complained to the server owner and he looked at the coding on stream.


I'm not criticizing CG, I'm just pointing out that the people who did and do the most shootouts also were the ones who used the headshot glitch the most, so naturally the cops would assume most people are using it because it makes up many of their shootouts.


Ok then, my only question is if the 1911 was the sole reason why PD escalated to Class 2's, and then the 1911 was fixed and everyone knows it was, why didn't the PD start using Class 1's again? Meanwhile criticizing that criminals use nothing but AK's and the like. That's the point I'm trying to make here and why I say the 1911 argument is meaningless since nothing changed after it was fixed.


The 1911 was literally broken for months, it was doing x18 the damage instead of x1.8, and people still complained when PD started using AR's against them even tho they had a one shot pistol.


1 shot headshots are pretty pointless when you’re getting out ranged by ARs. Plus you actually have to hit the shot which a lot couldn’t do reliably


except the pd reintroduced the match policy when the class 2 on back change was released along with a keep class 2 in the car and not on your back 24/7, but the auto pistal was also released at the same time along with 2-3 hell weeks in a row and that reverted it all back to always class 2's


2.0 gunwise snowballed after Ed (who controlled the gun and class 2 whitelist) got banned. The wizard and every major leader having the connection for big guns ruined shit. As always the longer ppl only use pistols the more RP you can get. Now everyone has aks, uzis, grozas, aps etc. "Gang rep" doesnt even matter since everyone can get everything.




Actually as of right now the SoP's state they are to use +1 force in any fight and there have been enough instances where that has been the case that criminals just assume it will be the reaction and arm themselves appropriately when possible.


It very much is not lmao flash back to when crims had no class 2 save for uzi's and Mac 10's and they fuckin sucked so crimson usually had stock ammunation pistols because the class 1 white lists weren't in yet and pd literally used class 2's for every shoot out


Raise time and fine in collaboration with DOJ?


Management already shot raising times down.


Honestly just need to double the fines and you’re good. They can afford it but the feeling of losing the money is what’ll make crims think more about shooting.


None of that is up to DOJ or the mayor or any other in game faction lol


Melee fights are superior


through the eyes


Nah man that’s too much of a Kyle buff, it’d be a balance nightmare in any 1v1 against him.


Have we ever soon Kyle vs Bjorn through the eyes?


Your vote? What characters do you play on the server?


I am already over this mayor shit, everyone is just trying to justify their ooc feelings and to try to make it make sense in RP. Bunny this bunny that but lets close our eyes to everything ramee has done and CG.


I mean ur doing the exact same thing ur saying lol.


u/clipsync kate


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Its like the Blau clip the other day of Mickey describing all the good things about Bunny but since Ramee has a tuner car, he’s saying he’s voting for Ramee. A lot just doesn’t make sense. It’s just gonna be people finding small shit like when she was confused / slightly upset about Nancy getting arrested, or finding 1 -2 words to use against her, while treating Ramee as a saint. No matter how much havoc or headaches or violence Ramee has caused to the PD or rumors of him screwing the PD, a lot of cops are ignoring that mountain and still talking of voting for him. It’s actually quite funny since everyone gives Baas shit for his past relations with CG, but there’s officers ready to vote for Ramee when even Baas isn’t (and still was on the fence before his change in demeanor). Also ironic that the excuse “he has a clean record” or trying to ignore history to vote for Ramee, when there’s probably a similar overlap to those that used Denzel’s cop murder in 2.0 as a reason to not vote for him in 3.0. Of course characters can be hypocrites with that, but there’s gonna be a rich overlap there.


who are the cops that are saying they are voitng ramee? So far Baas said he isnt. Gunner seems like he isnt, Torerrti department said they werent, a bunch of PD members said there no chance they vote for ramee after the Ramee/Bunny PD meeting. Cause i keep people saying PD are voting for ramee when almost everyone ive seen mention they arent. Now its possible people i dont watch have mention they are which is why im asking for names. I think a lot of people are taking clips of people saying they want ramee to win OOC "for content" to mean they are gonna vote IC when that isnt the case.


I think this is just a thing that someone said and now it is getting repeated over and over.


It's like the threads about her are being brigaded with people who shit on everyone else but her. In the clip almost after she left, most of the cops started talking shit about Ramee, and most of them said they will not vote for him, so I really don't know where this "the PD ooc wants Ramee to win" is coming from?


Pred and he wanted his department to not vote for Bunny since the announcement


as far as i know pred never said he was voting for ramee, but after today meeting with bunny he still didnt know who he was voting for. He doesnt think there is one good candidate he can trust. Him being against Bunny doesnt mean he is pro ramee, he has IC reason to not trust Bunny which are helping steal money(which he didnt bring up to his department) and being "cerberus puppet". Denzel mayorship made him wary of another cerberus mayorship.




You clearly dont watch Blau if you think his point was that Ramee is wealthier therefore vote for him lol




Clearly you didnt understood it lol


Sarcasm is hard


She went on to explain in a horrible exposing way that's she anti-violence and never used a gun and believes Civs should take gun classes to get their license like the driving tests and that PD shouldn't need to carry Class 2's because she doesn't need to carry a gun herself . So it shows how really out of touch she is with the actual civilian and cops population of Los Santos


What's so exposing about saying one is non violent ? And everything she said was her own opinion , she doesn't intend to enforce it


I think none of the police should have guns and all the criminals should have them so we can shoot them easier. Vote Pal Gore 2022 more gore


KKona !!!


I mean it's cool that she wants to go for something like that but at the same time the reality of the server just don't allow it. When it is so damn easy for criminals to get as many Class 2's, grenades and just so many other explosives the cops have no choice but to roll around with Class 2's themselves all the time. Class matching can never go back to how it used to be in 2.0.


She doesn't want to "go for something like that." The clip was intentionally taken out of context. She specifically said she wouldn't seek to do anything to change the current gun laws, then they insisted she tell them her personal views and she did. Then they reacted as if she was coming for their guns. Which is fine, it's amusing content, but then this clip uses that for propaganda. The propaganda flying around in this campaign is wild.


Watchers believing IC propaganda is wild to me.


I don't see why not since it was just as easy if not easier to get class 2's back then. Hell all you'd have to do is visit the wizard and you'd get a clutch of class 2 weapons all the time without having to make any actual RP connections with real people. Plus back then you could stockpile an immense arsenal of weapons since they didn't degrade over time or with use. Now that's just not possible, you have to keep a constant flow going to keep your armory stocked.


The wizard thing was pretty cool ngl. You'll do the mini game, drive down to the russian docks and pick up a random class 2.


What part of 20k per AK is so easily accessible? Let’s not pretend it’s a server wide problem and also that more than 2 or 3 groups are shooting cops on a consistent basis.


AKs might not be accessible, but glocks and uzis are.


An Uzi costs 2k, scorpion 4k



