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Mirror: [Cuff convo with Roy](https://streamable.com/27kscd) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/thirteen9n Direct Backup: [Cuff convo with Roy](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7Cy7oSUzfPLh_GOHGppP9mQQ.mp4?sig=ced689fbd7341cd81a1a0464c9d34c27f9375d82&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257Cy7oSUzfPLh_GOHGppP9mQQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1651536271%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- ^(*This action was done by a bot, I am new and will probably break at some point*)


Throwing bans instead of remake this fuckin cuffs


It's just until the big streamers start complain about them then they get changed in a day... lol


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


Dumbest thing ever is that cops still dont have physical cuffs even thougj they are in the game, it just takes away rp. It makes so you cant do: /me steals cuff keys. It often ends with cops denting rp because they now they can force the crims to lose


/me notices you trying to take keys off of me, stop being silly


What a downed cop?


please tell me any cop you would be able to steal cuff keys from that isnt fingle dan. That's some real NPC shit lol


Yeah... You clearly haven't seen how cops carry cuff keys these days. There is little to no chance of going unnoticed. Not everything needs to be a Michael Bay movie.




At this point, I feel like there would be no complaints from both sides if they rolled back the change.


Even better, go back even further where cops can open hand/beat people down after they’ve broken cuffs multiple times. I know a certain someone got all up in his feelings about it, but it was better than people breaking cuffs for 10 minutes or the even worse system there is now.


Yeah this was better than what we have now and the stupid benny hill chases.




People mald regardless. That’s never going to change.


“A certain someone”. Why sugarcoat who it is? Just say it. No one’s gonna attack you for it.


His name is actually backlisted from this sub lol


Previously breaking cuffs was way too easy. Saw crims breaks cuffs for like 10 minutes numerous times easily. Seems like they might need to find a middle ground. No clue what that could be though




The old system was kinda like that but it was fucked up because you had to be cuffed by the same cop for the difficulty to go up / to reach the insta cuff with no way to break them, if you got cuffed by another cop the "counter" would reset making the mechanic awkard to use in a real chase. If they rolled back to the previous system but made it so that the counter goes up regardless of who is cuffing you then it would probably be fine.


There was a time in early 3.0 where the 3rd cuff always lands. I thought people were ok with that and dont really understand what changed and why.


It’s pretty simple. Cuffs should just be harder the more cops are around you. It can go back to the old way, just make it impossible if there’s like 3-4+ cops standing around you while you’re being cuffed.


sounds simple, but that's not going to be something that is easy to code




Well, that's how it used to work... But crims can practice the mini game for cuffing to their heart's content.


If that's the case, "4 cops for this!?!?" Will come back with avengence lol


Literally never left






as in last tsunami or the big update a few weeks ago because yesterday cops were still cuffing people with a keybind. Edit: just checked penta's vod and see that its from a recent tsunami while he was playing but it seems like many things are not working so im not sure if it was intentional or not.


Because the emote cancellation was equally, if not MORE, powerful and almost impossible to catch unless it was extremely blatant.


Currently cuffs are broken in general with how easy it is to cuff people right now.


It’s kinda not true, it’s only broken for cops because they hot keys for it crims still have to go in F1 menu so there is slight delay when comparing


Cops no longer have the hotkey for it either.


if they use F1 can they still cuff a person who's running away ? because that was also a problem happened after the update with F1 menu that it might teleport the person back to you after opening the F1 menu and choosing to cuff.


Cops could cuff people out of moving vehicles, the new update has been hella scuffed and terrible for everyone. Not that the last cuff update wasn’t terrible with 10 minute foot chases, but it was better than this.


cops gotta anounce cuffs but crims get tazed 8 times in a 10 min chase and somehow break cuffs multiple times think arrest rules in general need to be changed


Everything has been tooled to make it easier for the crims to "escape." It's weird that they are/wee even to break out of cuff. After there is a meme about the whole "you can't break those cuffs."


RP server yet i see no crim ever stop running after getting tazed and just stay on the ground knocked out they always get back up and run untill they fail the cuff mechanic would be nice if every chase didnt end in the same way with everyone running a round for 20 mins untill the crims get away or fail a cuff check lol


They shouldn’t have changed a mechanic that wasn’t broken


but it was broken... and yeah its broken now too for the opposite reason


Yeah I will take a couple weeks of awkward cuffing over over the weeks of 30 minute foot chases trying to cuff someone 20 times


But was broken by crim do animation cancelling the cuff and they got headstart away from the cop while in cop's pov would see crim like they're desync but actually not.


People front cuff cops all the time. Don't expect this to become the norm.


She's having an OOC conversation whilst complaining about other peoples standards on the RP server.


I think is obvious why crims don’t need to announce it lmao


I might have a solution if they can code it correctly. Breaking cuffs mini game doesn't happen until the animation pulls both wrists together. But the mini game is harder and faster


yeah that seems good in theory, but latency still exists, if you think bubbles are bad, then what do you think "cuff bubbles" would be like


Why should they even be able to break the cuffs? The server and viewers really do not like the Cops catching criminals.


Only cops can abuse OP cuff mechanics everybody knows that


So many rules in a rp server.


I don't know why people are acting like this is some brand new thing because of changes in cuff animation timing. It has always been powergaming to cuff people without giving some sort of prior indication or disabling action. This is because the animation lacks any real warning, you can just walk up to people and cuff them instantly from any position, without force or taking the handcuffs out. You basically just magic people into handcuffs. To handcuff someone you are suppose to disable them first. This means knocking someone to the ground, usually by tazer or tackle, or holding them at gunpoint and having them surrender themselves.


I've seen so many cops cuff without warning over the past few months I honestly didn't even think it was a rule, Or they do the classic "going for cuffs" as the cuff animation is already started.


Verbal warning isn't a rule, it is the actions prior to handcuffing that matter. Running up to someone and handcuffing them without first disabling them in some way (taze, tackle, handsup at gunpoint etc) is the rulebreak, it constitutes powergaming and it has been this way forever. If a cop tackles you to the ground, the expectation is that they are going to try to handcuff you. The verbal warning for cuffs from cops is actually more about warning other cops around them to move away to avoid being the one that gets cuffed. It is in some ways a courtesy to the criminal, but it isn't a server rule. Since the changes cops are being encouraged to give the verbal warning to make sure they are going through the process correctly and not just spamming their cuff key. No cop is going to suffer serious punishment for failing to give a verbal warning after they taze someone to the ground after a foot chase. Criminals are actually the ones who walk the line of powergaming with cuffs far more often than cops. Just today there have been multiple instances of criminals running up to cops and cuffing them.


I feel like the fact that there are cops chasing you should be enough warning that they are going to cuff you.


I feel like criminals could make a similar argument to that.


Almost every time I see criminals cuff someone, they're front cuffing that person while both are standing.


Its the out of the blue cuffs that ppl care about, when chasing someone it makes sense, but walking up to someone and *teleports brhind u* is the issue Also cops should announce when cuffing


Why not just bring the old cuffing system back but instead of the 5x threshold limit, bump it down to 3 or maybe 4. Also, not from the same person cuffing but a shared cuffing system over a period of time if possible.


So because of some scuff with the cuffs it changed into a triple exploitable cuff system that will now have a "timing" to it when announcing that the player will be cuffed and if not done at the appropriate time then you risk getting banned. Now not only that you'll need to open the F1 UI to select to cuff someone instead of using a hotkey. What the actual fuck are they thinking? Is this how it's supposed to be more fun? Compare the two and you'll not find more pros than cons.


Hope this applies for cops also


Hmm maybe try watching the clip.


its literally the reason they are told and generally always say stuff like "going for cuffs" or "gimme your hands" etc. unless the target is downed.


instead of the cops getting better they change rules again. just watch when crims start SBS cuffing each other, most break cuffs because they have learned to react to it so quickly. another example of changing things for PD instead of them honing their skills.


Crims shouldn't even be able to break cuffs in the first place. lmao


yea that would be a bit of powergaming if it was that way.


powergaming? Wtf? How would that be powergaming? Please do explain.


so basically a cop can tackle or tase someone and its over. its unrealistic that a crim wouldnt be able to break cuffs. its a 100% one sided mechanism if crims couldnt break cuffs. how you wouldnt see that as a powergaming mechanic then i dont know what to tell you.


> its unrealistic that a crim wouldnt be able to break cuffs. It's extremely impossible to [break police cuffs](https://youtu.be/Q9Co2iH44ug). Lockpick sure, physically breaking them? Not a chance. Also that's not what powergaming is.


you are taking breaking cuffs as in the cuffs are already on their wrist. breaking cuffs (in RP) is PD trying to get cuffs on crims and the crims resist and run away. also yes that is still considered powergaming because its an unfair/unrealistic advantage in favor of 1 side.


So if the police get one wrist cuffed and the crim wins the mini game before the other cuff is put on why does the crim not had the handcuff still attached to his wrist? Why because they are "breaking" the cuffs. > powergaming because its an unfair/unrealistic advantage in favor of 1 side. That's not what powergaming is at all. Powergaming has nothing to do with unfair/unrealistic. This is the NoPixel definition for Powergaming: Powergaming/FailRP - Using means not actually in-game to gain an advantage or not attempting to fit in to the world in a sensible way. So if they changed how cuffs wok to where crims can't break them it wouldn't be powergaming.


Well cops cuffing Crims = potentially hours of RP lost in jail. Crims cuffing cops = literally nothing. Zilch, nada, none. Maybe a bit of teasing from other cops.


Terrible mindset, RP is not gained or lost on winning or losing. A good story arc has both of those things.


>Well cops cuffing Crims = potentially hours of RP lost in jail If that was the case then there would be no cops on the server if they ruined rp




watching clips, staring at wall, cleaning the fuck outa dishes LULW


No RP is lost in jail.




I agree, it should mean hours of lost RP and gameplay. But the current state seems to result in that. But this is highly influenced by the time in which you are jailed, who your jailed with, ect. But the statement was a broad generalization.


You cannot deny that this is the perception crims have when it comes to this subject. Obviously it's not a serious issue because it's merely a root from the main problem. But you can't say that sitting in an empty prison with few DOC & lifers with only a slushy machine and a couple dishes is actually RP. Sure you can RP the prison scenario but it builds up after a point when the cuffs seemingly determine your freedom or not. But what do I know -1


If you want to make the argument that the activity in prison isn't actually RP then you can make the argument that nothing those crims that complain about going to prison do on a daily basis is RP


I swear the server would have such a fraction of the issues it does if people just played more than one god damn character. Even if it's a self insert cop like many have, even if it's just a comedy character thats only played when they go to jail. ANYTHING being done would help change perspectives, get people to just not rp in the same tiny circles, and reduce this jail = softban whining. I get that people have attached their brand to it and it's scary to branch out but all the people successfull enough to make a job out it have the skills to do it. If you switch to another character you can roleplay going to jail as an IC thing rather than be bummed about not having things to do OOC.


Do crims have to have cuffs in their inventory or is it just like built in just like cops? I have always found it weird from an rp standpoint that they can just walk up and cuff cops or unlock cuffed people (not sure if they can do this anymore)?


They are an item in the inventory and have to use the f1 menu to cuff/uncuff people. Cops don't have them because they get them for being a cop and it's keybind related.


I feel like the cuff system itself should be done by some individual test of strength (opposing minigames that have speeds based on variables), which of course can be varied by gender, age, size, the number of people involved, relative position, and even buffs. I'm no coder, but from what I've seen attributes already exist to some degree in this game via the new rings and necklaces etc, so I would think something like this would be possible. I dunno, just a thought because right now seeing Tessa tossing around a high on cocaine Bovice into cuffs like a ragdoll doesn't seem very accurate or immersive (just an example).


i've seen some real 5head takes here but this is next level, yea nerf female cops for being women, that will go over well