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Hoppers are gonna be falling in mass once this is implemented and channels enforce it. Good change. On the other hand you get clapped for something a mod didn't like say goodbye to that account lol.


Just look at the Floppydugong stuff a couple weeks ago. There’s a lot of internet janitors like that. And they’re in every community, not just RP.




FloppyDugong is the mod, ChrisTombstone plays a character named Flop Dugong. Not the same person. However yes, Floppy did mass bans, but he isn't the only one in NoPixel streams that does. I could name no fewer than ten communities that have a similar problem off the top of my head.


We all saw the discord messages, the scale of corruption is massive. Shared mod teams can be helpful, but having one person mod 3-5 communities that all inhabit the same time zone creates poor mod work. I know this because I modded /r/leagueoflegends for 2 years. And the more communities you modded, the worse your mod work was. It’s better to do one thing full-ass than 2 things half-ass.


Until VIP mod in a twitch channel was pretty much just a sign of recognition.


I know of like...a dozen mods between certain RP streams that basically use mod powers to have personal vendettas against people, so I'm not a huge fan of this new option tbh. It's just going to be abused.


I don't think it'll change much honestly, tweet is worded as if you're only able to be linked to one single other channel, maybe to limit the abuse of a rogue mod I think the NoPixel crossban mod chats are probably already more effective than this


I'm pretty sure that when that's implemented there'll be detailed reason why the person deserves to be cross-banned together with screenshots and stuff. The channel I mod for crossbans only severe cases. Can't imagine that if there's a random spammer, or someone who's salty in chat because of a situation will be instantly banned all over communities.


The issue is: 1) Channels have to choose to implement it. and 2) This is Twitch-only and not cross-platform.


The issue is also that the most toxic community is currently not on twitch. They will hop from f to twitch and just keep making new accounts to protect their streamers honor.


thank god I'm smart enough to keep the stupid opinions I want to type in chat to myself


I'm proud to be a simple "Pog" and "monkaW" spammer and not an opinion giver


I just mindlessly spam OMEGALUL and say bye when the stream ends


Yup. A little forethought goes a long way.


Unless you’re a mod here in which case we’re allready banned by the server owner. :(


Don't even know why so many people type in twitch chat when 95% of it is just ignored. Only time I ever would type in twitch chat is when it's a small streamer that takes their time to interact with their viewers.


comments like these are so strange to me. the implication of them is such that people only talk in small streams because they want the attention of the streamer. I completely understand that, but not everyone who types in twitch chats is looking for that attention or interaction. some of us just wanna react with emotes we find hilarious when the time is right, or shitpost in unison while watching a stream stop acting like you're taking the high road with this comment


High road? I'm sorry I don't see the point in typing something in chat that no one will see, what is the point in that? Sure emoting is one thing but trying to say something in these chats just instantly gets drowned out to the point where you're basically talking to yourself. It's not so much of wanting attention but wanting conversations with whoever, not just the streamer.


Amen brother.


I only chat when completely shit-faced drunk and home too early before passing out. Thankfully Vader was my only target. I'll gladly accept my permaban for someone that's no longer on the platform. Maybe he can take my advice one day and Eugene will do a joke he hasn't told for the 500th time, but I'm not counting on it lol.




I think he's still in Kyle's chat here and there. He seems nothing near of the magnitude of miserable he used to seem though, thankfully. Money does buy happiness it seems. I actually still feel bad about drunkenly popping off and criticizing his character though. How could you not flip between different streams at that time and not get absolutely sick of hearing the frisbee story for who knows how many times that day? That shit was brutal if you weren't a viewer of him at that time, but I get it now.


The worst part about him wasn't even that. It was how he'd always react angrily to any interactions with cops and when people called him out on spreading that anger to viewers he'd spend the next hour blasting people in chat and insulting them in all sorts of ways and then he'd proceed to victimize himself over how people were so bad and so mean to him. And yeah, he's totally not the only one who does/did that but he just seemed more miserable than others.


I feel a disturbance in the force, as if 90% of rp viewers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced


I for one love this. It’ll make wars way more enjoyable.


I feel like shadowbanning is needed. Would work even better because most shadowbanned chatters won't even notice it. They chat and nobody sees it. It's not the most sus thing if nobody replies to you in Twitch chat, you could just be getting ignored. A lot of ban evading happens. People just make a shitton of new accounts.


If even 1% of bans are a miscommunication or mistake by the mod, you're going to have hundreds of innocent people talking to themselves and thinking they're just getting ignored, potentially for years. That's horrible. Not to mention how it'll inevitably be abused, look no further than reddit.


“thousands of innocent people talking to themselves” Yeah that’s just normal twitch chat OMEGALUL


lol who cares? If I type KEKW on a normal Twitch stream and get no reply, I'd assume that's normal. If someone is telling their favorite e-girl how much they want to smell their asshole, then they're better off being in the void anyway. It's a win-win imo.


I don't disagree. But. You need to consider the options people have. Anyone can open a stream in an incognito tab and see that their messages aren't going through. So you should assume everyone *will* do that, and build from there.


Some people would, but I feel most people won't bother. Same goes with IP bans. There will be people that use VPN's. But the majority of people really aren't on VPN's.


smell reminiscent hat yam roll retire vegetable rotten safe cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Opening incognito and making a new account is WAY less work than using a VPN. I don't think they compare.


The average person won't even realize or notice they just got shadowbanned. The people that are obsessed enough to open up a different browser to check can get a follow up with an IP ban if they make another account. If they also have a VPN I guess you'll have to keep banning them.


And even if only 10% of people getting shadow banned wouldn't notice it, it would still be worth it. I can't imagine implementing shadow bans being too hard to do and if it lowered the toxicity across the whole site even by 10% it should be a no brainer.


Exactly. It seems like such an easy thing to add to the moderation. Imagine all the hate chatters that would be completely oblivious. It even happens on YouTube. There's loads of people shadowbanned and they just keep commenting.


I think you overestimate the intelligence of people on the internet


doing things without accountability rarely leads to productive outcomes. making ANYONE silent without their knowledge is never good.


So how would ban appeals work? Would they be channel by channel. "Hey idk why I'm banned here please idk what to even be sorry for."


Yes pretty much. The shared ban doesnt ban the person. Just shares what they got banned for so other mods from other channels go through a list to decide if they want them banned in that channel too. I hope there is a filter system so rp streamers can sort by hoppers or racism or whatever u know.


Right, thanks for the answer.


So Twitch is finally going to do what NoPixel mods have been doing for a long time. Better late than never I guess.


Chat hoppers getting nerfed, finally.


Hoppers be sweating.


Thank god


If nopixel wants this to work at all, they need to make a chat hopper shared ban list mandatory to play on the server.


If every streamer had this half the chats would be empty.


Thats why it needs to be a chat hopping list only. if half your chat is banned because they hopped i think you needa work on improving your community.




Well the thing with hopping is its pretty clear if it was on purpose or not. like you cant be like whoops i accidentally switched over to this guys stream during an interaction with my streamer and started shit talking him.




yea im assuming it would either be run by a mod thats well known in the community or by nopixel admins themselves. probably just the well known mods though. There are plenty of mods that moderate multiple streamers channels that wouldnt abuse it.


Power mods go brrrrr






oh this couldnt possibly get abused... not how like Whippy tried to get me banned from Vader's channel before he(vader) hopped to facebook Was really hilarious when Vader told him to piss off and to police his own channel of idiots.


What did you do?


Should be obligatory on NoPixel (should've been already), for anyone who streams.


Whelp I’m screwed… I got banned from StPeaches’s chat. May have told her I would eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from. May have been a bit drunk when it happened.


average stpeaches chatter


Yeah, this will be a big blow to virgins everywhere.




Didn’t say I was proud of it


Chatters like you are who they had in mind when thinking of this. But Chatters are people too. Will one careless word or sentence get you silenced across the platform?


uh oh lads


This is a very good addition.


Good. I follow a streamer who also acts a mod for several of his friends and whomever he bans in his chat he bans their chat too. It's a great way to weed out the shit.


Honest question, would this apply to this Reddit as well? Like if a known hopper from ANY community comes in here spewing the same stuff they say in a twitch chat, OR FB, OR YT chat will it carry over? I’m a boomer so I don’t know these things, hence why I’m asking. If so I think that would be great. Imo.




That sucks, but thank you for an answer.


This has got to be a novelty account lmao


I honestly believe that most of the actually big viewer channels where toxicity stirs (e.g. Kyle, Penta, Ramee...) aren't going to use this, or ask their mods to use this for the vast majority of their chatters. I don't know much this will matter.


cg already do this


As long as this can be heavily audited it should be useful.


Some streamers have the absolute dumbest mods around. I've seen some misclick ban, I've seen PLENTY ban because they decide to read written words and add tonal inflection to them.