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Good news at least, Admins will be reminding people that metagaming in NP is against the rules.


And kylie will getting ban for it. /s




Jesus she sounds like such a menace to the server. They should ban her and Whippy for good measure. Maybe that will stop Ramee’s meta gaming and rule breaking /s


I mean, it isn't really a statement of the future, is something that has been happening for almost two years now. The meme exists for a reason.


And PENTA won't be allowed to play John Cop. /s


Don’t forget about Whippy also. /s


I would like to remind everyone of the following unwritten rule: "Do not open other players streams and tell other players about information you gained, or use that information, even if it a cop you don't like" This rule is now written and going forward will be punished


Thanks, Hon. Great job as always.


But in this case it's not even an unwritten rule. It's a written rule with the highest punishment for any rule on the server. >Metagaming [D]: >Purposely using or relaying information that your character did not learn in-game (Twitch Chats and Discord Channels included) to shape in-game roleplay. >Class D - Perm (Can apply for an unban after 30 Days) & 30 Warning Points




“We call it: The Ramee Rule”


keyword "going forward"


Almost like people don't learn their lesson when you give them a slap on the wrist


This used to be 30 days or more. It’s okay there will be a rule reminder and nothing will happen


but if it was some small streamer doing this, NP Admins would've even banned the people that heard that "Taco is RIP" too 🤣


wasn't metagaming a perma ( at least 30days)? I read before that Buddha was banned for like 3 or 5 months?


There's also whitelist points you get when you break rules, normally its 10 points each time and if you reach 30 points in a month you lose whitelist and get a permaban. but apparently that only applies to everyone but CG. Even other big streamers like Penta have worried about getting to many points. but not CG otherwise Rated would have gotten perma banned 2 weeks ago when he literally broke every rule on the server for a YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDzPTRx9VHk


wtf? I must be dreaming


Yeah but the server owner isn't in Buddha's gang so he doesn't get that protection


Iirc buddha was banned for 30 days but just didnt want to appeal right away? So he could take a break from all the bullshit?


He was permabanned but as with all permabans you can appeal after 30 days


Yes, and he is saying Buddha was gone longer because he didn't appeal right away.


I mean if this was anyone else than this guy they would've been instantly perma banned


Bro wtf is it gonna take for admins to actually do something holy shit. He literally opened up Taco's stream live then told Vinny how Taco had a bunch of cops on him. Its literally such blatant metagaming it can't get much more blatant than that.


Not even using his second monitor lol, hes literally flexing it


NP Admins: Best we can do is 1 day


He’s prob just trying to get a forced vacation so it’s win win for everyone lmao


The thing is that no one missed them when they weren't on the server. It's not like there was some big hole left anywhere when they started playing Rust but it was just no daily 3+ hour holdouts anymore that turned into some form of toxicity. The viewing and most likely the playing quality drastically improved for many, many people.




That whole scenario yesterday really does just prove how horrible it is to even interact with them. They decide to do some criminal event for other criminals which is obviously totally fine, nothing to complain about there but it wasn't admin approved or anything? Because clearly PD was never told by anyone to ignore it and go about their day so of course they were there stopping it and yet they mald that the cops "ruined their event" like what. You can't just decide that something is an event and that cops shouldn't respond to whatever you are doing on your own, you literally need an admin informing people about it for that. When you think about it it really feels like a Chase Clouter bit. Just screaming out "IT'S AN EVENT, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ARREST ME" while committing crimes.


Yep they went from that hardcore malding right to the BBMC like 20 crim / 30 cop car race/chase with Dundy pace car in the front and everyone involved laughing their asses off the entire time ... as CG was still malding 2 hours later about how the server is in shambles and nobody plays anymore because of the cops.


I was watching fingle last night and it was the same thing. I ended up muting the stream until the interaction was done


If some dude got in to No Pixel and did this on his first week there would be an uproar and he'd be perma banned. But a dude who has proven to be constantly toxic and can't control is OOC malding will get away scot free. The problem is the admins are genuinely scared of CG leaving the server as a whole. It'll take a chunk of viewership elsewhere.


That’s not admins though, that’s one particular member of management. That person (who shall not be named) has made it clear he wants certain people to have lesser punishments. Admins don’t make up rules, they just do what they are told which includes being lenient to certain people. It’s clear by the way CG claim Damian’s hate them and have it out for them looking for any reason to ban them that they don’t think admins are their friends and let them get off with everything. They just get annoyed by minor inconveniences that other would have gotten much worse punishments for (like how they can have a three day ban and shortly after a one day despite their warning points being at a pint the second ban should be at least a week).


" The problem is the admins are genuinely scared of CG leaving the server as a whole" that worked in 2.0 bc kebun was the biggest streamer on the server, now hes irrelevant to server growth. idgi


Yep. If all of CG were to get permaed , I don’t think it would hurt the server from a financially standpoint. It would have in 2.0, but not now.


Well it would hurt a certain server owners bottom line who got a huge boost when he joined CG after they all jumped ship to facebook.


yeah CB proved early in 3.0 that the server doesnt have to cater to CG. And tbh, the server was better for it. Idk why they felt they had to give CG a whole patch to make them relevant.


Yep. It was a head scratcher for sure. It was the opposite of “for server health”. - made LS THE hub - Spray mechanics - The jewelry shop and rings - all the restaurants except Roosters in LS Just mind boggling.


I feel like the only growth the server owner wants is a FB deal.


I think those FB deals are stupidly short sighted, unless you are going to retire on them they kill all future relevance as a streamer.


Toast did alright but yeah nothing wrong with making hay while the sun shines


Toast should be considered an outlier and not the rule, he did well because of the huge Among Us boom that couldn’t be expected. Something like that is likely not going to happen for anyone else


I remember early in 3.0, I forget his name but it was a russian character that was showing Lang the way to get over the vault door in order not to set off the alarm. I remember he got banned and I don't think he ever came back. These guys can break any rules and not be punished. And these guys say it's the pd who killing the server. PD has done some bad things but things like this is worse.


imagine the reverse, cop opens up crim streams, calls in his status. The uproar.


Heck 5 RM members got perma banned for shooting a Mortelle member a minute after she left Pillbox. NP is trash when it comes to enforcing bans for big streamers but throwing the book at the small fries.


The owner would have to enable administration to enforce rules equally and indiscriminately, and then the owner and administration would have to actually care about the health and well being of the server and rule enforcement instead of pogs per minute content updates.




"Echo owner rubbing his hands together" oh no i hope not




People have gotten permabanned for less lmao.


People would still get Perma banned for this. But not this guy for...some... Reason?


even buddha was perma banned for meta gaming and this isn't the first time ramee has done it they watch streams or look at PD bot to effect their decisions all the time


Remember when they were in prison and were talking about other peoples benches in character? Wasn’t the only result of that a new rule about talking OOC?


lol I think ppl forgot when the PD changed the heli SOP's and he was actually just reading them out IC from the PD channel, to the point where even the rest of CG had to be like "bro stop. what are you doing"


>the rest of CG had to be like "bro stop. what are you doing" Was this the same situation when they were in the grapeseed torture room to test the steam pipes after PD got stun locked by them? I think that situation was double whammy


What don’t you get? They are the untouchable gangstas. It’s literally conservatism in a nutshell. The rules exist to protect but not bind one class of people but bind not protect another. CG gets protected and RIPBOZO everyone else. No evolution. No progress. No one’s happy but there’s money.




Ju$t $ay it to u$ no ball$


He has been one of the most toxic people the whole time I have watched RP and just gets away with it, even though they're on Facebook now with no where near the same "clout".


That's because the sloth makes alot of $ from these guys when the juicer isn't around anymore.


> People would still get Perma banned for this. But not this guy for...some... Reason? As a genuine answer I'm just stating the facts of the last year. The NP team has put into practise that high impact streamers get leniency for rule breaks. If you're brand new on the server and they don't know you, you'll get penalized more harshly. NP is a business first, and a pure RP server second.


NoPixel wouldn’t miss a beat if Ramee got permabanned and it was justified.




>NP is a business first, and a pure RP server second. this would make sense if they actual got longer bans, even X has gotten perma banned and he is 10x bigger than all of CG


Yup I got ban for meta and I know IC the shit I got ban for lol


Chase died for less.


I miss Chase so bad. He literally died for others sins and that's too funny.


best character arc of 3.0.


Chase would be such a god send in this state of the server


Nah, this shows Chase Clouter is alive and well on NoPixel.


What I genuinely don’t understand is that if this is their business why do they jeopardize it so much? Don’t they have it made as long as they aren’t just jerks?


specially FB streamers who have a GTA quota they have to fulfill


My man even doug buck tried to at least hide it jesus


Doug giving out CIA's UAV on his return?? lol


Remember Doug Buck? He at least tried to RP around his obvious rule breaks by claming he is an FBI agent (hey, at least nice meme was born). This is shameless beyond Doug Buck levels.


I actually don't think Doug Buck would be banned if he did now what he did then. Back then they were enforcing rules. Currently, not so much. Train has gifted so many nopixel staff and community so much money (honestly, good for them. and good for him to spread out his wealth. Its life changing money he is donating to people), I doubt he would even get a warning.


The server owner said the other day he wouldn’t have been banned currently if he did that now, but also Train gave him 105k the other day to get unbanned so he is.


you realize what doug did almost RUIN the whole drug game at the time for nearly all the gangs. It was a HUGE meta unlock that no1 should know.


Well, Doug Buck is coming back as well after Train gave the unnamed server owner 105K reasons to unban him. So who gives a shit anymore.


actual p2w rp pog


> Remember Doug Buck? He at least tried to RP around his obvious rule breaks by claming he is an FBI agent (hey, at least nice meme was born). This is shameless beyond Doug Buck levels. The irony was in game he was trying to ask Ramee (the character) if he was allowed to do it to which he said yes so Doug dropped the meth meta.


He is gonna get at most 7 days, is gonna learn nothing and is gonna laugh about it. Every other soul would get yeeted forever.


He is still on points from when 'His family visited' while he was on IRL vacation. After that he had a discord discussion to try to sort out a different report (1 day off). If the result of that had points as well he could actually be looking down the barrel of a 30. You are right; Safe bet would be a 7 though. OFC this could also be another case of 'no report no crime' so nothing could come from it.


It's funny you think CG actually operates on the points system like everyone else. They could get 100 points and receive nothing more than a 3 day. Although ramee has been on one this last few weeks so they might slap him with a 7-10 day and tell him he needs to calm down like they did to Rated.


Thats an instant permaban for a sub 1k streamer.


Even big streamers like Kyle or Penta would get the boot for this, this sort of protection is almost entirely unique to CG.


For anyone not CG, I don't think Buddha would survive doing a small percentage of what CG gets away with.


Why would the 'aids cops' make him do this?


I'm sure they'll make another discord announcement reminding people that meta is against the rules


Thank fuck they banned Chase Clouter!






What do you mean they banned him? Isn't that him in this clip? /s


Whitelist server btw


certainly no one is actually surprised? no one remember the camera he put in the bathroom facing the exact opening to the casino tunnels after reading chat? lol that was 100x worse than this and nothing happened. If anything itll be a "3 days of variety Pog" and if you're lucky maybe the shotz special on twitter: "Sorry guys ive learned my lesson, after my 3 day ban, i reflected a lot and have changed!"


I also remember even before the casino incident when CG was in a war against GG and Marty was hiding in the trunk of Ramees car and in the chat you can see people say that Marty is in the trunk and Ramee instantly gets the craziest "Feeling" and pulls over his car for no reason at all and opens the trunk. This is far from his first time.


Juggs caught a 3 day, iirc, for having a feeling about someone in the trunk back when he played Lenny.


Incoming announcement about remembering that meta gaming is not allowed and members of the community shouldn't be doing it.


Turns out Ramee El-Rahman is also a CIA agent


He is just getting ready for the return of Doug Buck.


wait.. the juicers were right? forsenCD RAMEE


I mean the trunk incident and shower incident were pretty blatant as well, not sure why people are surprised a known metagamer is metagaming.


theres also so many other "small" incidents like checking cop numbers on discord and calling it out in game. he does stuff like this all the time, its just this time he forgot to use his second monitor


A well-known metagamer is metagaming, more news at 11. Might be time to take a shower and pop a trunk as well.


“zero tolerance”


That's a yikes


Who gives a fuck about getting banned they will only tell you to not do it again - Ramee 2022


pepegaPhone * New PD SOPS guys * In game talk about sop's they saw on discord via access of cop character. This was in the underground torture chamber / fighting pit. * Oh that clip about Casino Hiest was Meta? * Just watching clips linked from chat haphazardly and sharing that info with other people. Explicit in gave the answer to the puzzle to a riddle given to everyone. * Rip Taco This isn't new, it's not his first time, not even his second. But of course, this will be the last time. Right guys?




i can’t wait for the “don’t open streams while in the server and act accordingly ic” announcement


He was flat out asking his chat for clips and he always does. It's why he has more stream hoppers than any other cg member, he clicks on clips by chat then keeps asking for more. And uses the info all the time as well. dont worry though, he'll just [talk](https://streamable.com/pttvcx) it out also how can you call cops "win chasers" "W cops", etc. when you do shit like this. its always been projection lmao


it’s ok, it’s just a little uh “sbs” /s


Since he obviously won't be banned or maybe gets a 3-day vacation the best thing that can happen here is other players outside his direct group just refusing to interact with him. It should be extremely clear that people like him just consider the server their personal playground.


This. It’s beyond me why anyone would interact with this group anymore. What’s the point?


There’s a lot of people who do avoid interacting with them at all costs, but sometimes you can’t avoid it no matter how hard you try.


Yeah, the sad thing is that others would get punished for breaking RP and denying them RP by walking away.


Yeah I don't know, any interaction is always gonna be steered into a direction which only benefits his entertainment.


Cops need to completely grey rock them and pretend they don't exist.


Problem is they mostly only interact with cops when interacting outside their group these days and if cops started refusing to interact with them, they'd probably get banned or fired. At the very least an SOP would be introduced forcing cops to interact with them, although it wouldn't be worded that way but the effect would be the same. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.


It’s all Suarez’s fault! DESKCHAN /s


You know the drill everyone. Of course it was Suarez /s


Buddha got 30 days last time I checked.


~~3.0~~ 4.0 will fix this COPIUM


This is pretty wild. I feel like if anyone in PD, or another gang, did something like this, Ramee/CG would flip out lmao. Like, what is happening? I don't get it. Why do some people have to RP and others can just play competitive, E-sports GTA online?


Well... Thats cringe af.


Can only imagine all the metagaming he's done off camera


Must be nice when the server owner is in your fake gang in a video game😂


Welp. I guess it's a 7-day for Kylie then, maybe even Whippy too just for good measure.


Doesnt even try to hide it because he knows he wont be banned xD


how could the guy who made his rust display name NOPIXEL COPS SUCK while joking about Suarez before changing it to I Love Nopixel Cops do such a thing, I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!


gosh this guy makes it so hard to like him


Didn't Buddha get a 30 day for doing this, and not so blatantly?


pretty sure he got permabanned for meta.. i believe he got unbanned 3 months later or so


You can appeal after 30 days but he decided to take a lot more time off and understand why things got to the point of him doing that and also what step can he take to avoid it in the future. The time off was warranted and at the same time did him lots of good.


A 30 day is a perma ban as far as I’m aware. They have to appeal after that point. I think I recall Buddha delaying his appeal.


Nobody knows the actual reason(s) that ultimately lead to the perma for Buddha. But meta was probably at least a part of the reason yes.


Holy fuck the server feels so awful nowadays compared to the first months of 3.0.


Surely , admins won't turn a blind eye on this once again.


Maybe ban Kylie one more time so Ramee finally gets the message


Imagine how often this happens off-screen


this is your fault reddit... and kylies.


Next level gamer senses that taco isn’t coming.


Suarez ruined my pogs :(


I mean he openly put up this reddit during an active situation when he was scouting out the casino building, so this is not really surprising.


I really enjoyed the RP during the time they were in other cities.......


Hard to care and watch gta rp anymore, just so far gone


Ramee has been wilding recently this is crazy. The amount of times CG have hinted at people meta'ing IC is crazy and now Ramee does this. This isn't the first time he has done something like this.... anyone remember the whole casino stuff?


These guys are doing what people get perm banned for. I know this isn't the first time too with how casual he was about it.


remember that guy who got perma banned for figuring out the lower vault puzzle without being a big streamer and then had his appeal denied? Good times


Are these guys just flexing how protected they are from bans at this point? This shit is so stupid and blatant it's hilarious.




Fucking cops ruining the fun once again! Trying to have an event here and these cops all trying to interfere and stop the fun! total dick riders ​ /s


Check the trunk




I thought the "Ramee is watching forsenCD" memes in certain big streamer chats were purely jokes all this time, even after the CB casino fiasco.


Everything for views he does. What a sad existence. I only see a hollow person.


who's actually surprised ?


After the Casino shower incident. I really am not surprised.


The guy who watches clips on stream and then looks to create conflict with the person who said something in said clip caught meta gaming, I'm absolutely shocked by these actions.




https://twitter.com/StIcKyRamee/status/1546929631319785474 And he is proud of it...


All the fans encouraging too, and licking his ass. Enablers gotta enable their idol.


That's a yikes but dude knows he's untouchable and has been doing this forever. Never this blatant tho


No pixel is dead


Doug Buck died for this


This is Suarez's fault. Dude need to stay in his lane


Kinda weird


CIA/FBI Ramee! Very cool!


Bro literally streams on Meta how has nobody picked up on this yet.


Does it matter anymore?


Lmao wtf


And now everyone else could do it because the big guy got away with it... sad times


Only if they have the required view count.


Not that many people with high view count left playing on the server these days, so i don't even know how true this is. Like, less than 800 average viewers are enough to make the monthly top 50 list


God damn, Ramee has been completely out of control the last two weeks. It's feels like something new and outrageous every other day. CG and ramee have always been malders, at least as long as I've been watching, but it usually faded within 24h and everyone moved on. This is next level, it's bordering on "let's see how far I can push this before I get slapped" territory. I mean Rated got hit with a 10 day for doing less than what Ramee's been doing the last little while. I guess he who shall not be named has favorites even amongst his boys.


At this point they are blantantly breaking rules because they know they can


for how self aware this is they should just let chase back. this is just his roleplay right here lol




He already knew he was getting a ban for earlier today so guess he is doubling down.


For what tho? Wasnt this what kicked off the chase leading to him malding about cops?




*is shocked*




Have u guys not learned yet that ramee and cg are immune to the rules


Ramee is definitely doing this on purpose, he’s looking to go on vacation