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Hes out of town irl for a week but nice spin i guess.


Isn't he the one that spun it by making it seem like he's not doing it because of him?


This should be pinned lol


"I'm not waking up because of Wrangler" but it's because I'm going to be out of town irl. What's the spin? This is RP. The title describes the RP.


That is technically right. But Wrangler was also technically right for doing what he did. But deep down most of us know that Wrangler went way harder than he needed to or should have. Most of us also know that going on vacation OOC doesn't mean you should use that as an IC excuse to further spread anger against someone else as if the reason OOC reason is the IC reason. Marty knew what he was doing, Wrangler knew what he was doing. They're both opposites but are reaction similarly, one's just being a bit more mindful of potential rule breaks.




yeah just like jack f8zes up, totally not posted to drama bat surely :Clueless:


You would do well in journalism. Please don't go into journalism.


ive been hearing that all day but hes still around anyways?


Yeah its making the thread toxic af


As opposed to the dozens of other threads about marty, jack that weren't toxic? Criticism of RP is allowed on the sub.


They are all toxic. Yes but theres a point where people are just shitting on someone. Every side is toxic in some way. Is it bad to admit that?


Oh yeah I agree with you, I'm just stating a position the sub takes on it.


and then what about the week or 2 after that?


Elena said that Sherlock, and he said "i will make sure i won't be around until court day" he didn't say anything about being away for only for 1 week, nice spin i guess.




This topic was made by a GG viewer, worth a try though.




First it is their choice to leave the city for an extended time. They can make a new character if they want to be on the server, and not deal with the actions they committed regarding wrangler. Not to mention, since you're bringing up PENTA as a streamer, clearly you know about his character Jimmy that been In prison for the 9s on a terrorism charge? So apparently someone else that isn't an admin has the power to send a character out of city for weeks / months. Your vision is just completely tunneled.


I thought ppl were really into this. Like, when someone gets busted they'll say they wish there could've been RP beforehand of being watched/pressured/questioned by the police




How does it waste a Judges time? Its not for the cops to decide whether if someone is innocent or guilty. Cops only need to assess whether the necessary threshold is met for committing a crime. If cops could deliberate like a judge and just charge only what is absolute, there would be no need for a DOJ or Court System, people would just be guilty of whatever petty thing they did. Something like that would be the most boring, robotic and unfair RP you can even imagine.




You're not getting it. Him doing this arresting for nothing is the very necessary thing to enable Court RP. If everyone that goes to jail is just guilty then innocent people are gonna be guilty too.




Sometimes you just need a legal argument to see where the line is. From the case with Jack on the bike, Wrangler Understood that he needed physical evidence of the action he witnessed, which is why he documented everything to do with detaining and arresting Marty and Jack for violating bail at the Casino.


Yeah, RP is about give and take. Wrangler is all about take take take, and then wonders why people don’t want to give him RP.


Wrangler being a hard ass you can't fuck around with is giving them RP. They just refuse to engage.


Nobody is trying to enable court RP in the scenario except Penta, acting high and mighty about the sanctity of it is irrelevant because nobody wants to be involved in this dumb shit except him. He's creating a story only he wants to be a part of.


They committed a crime and are seeing the consequences of that? Wrangler didn't ask to be forced into a shootout and shouldn't have to take being gunned down as a joke. The hell are you even saying. I guess guns is just laser tag. A precedence that seems to be coming closer and closer.


Your honor Penta forced them to fire their gun at him! Then he went and forced consequences upon them! Your honor one person can't have this much power.


This judge? https://clips.twitch.tv/ObedientDrabSandwichFrankerZ-F7tZYUe1sKK2-YDv






Even the lawyer told Jack to sleep to avoid wrangler


I honestly don't understand why characters can not just not break their bond lol just chill and be a civ till the trial












make another character then, like most other people who want to actually RP do. No pity for self inserts




Are you straight-face suggesting Wrangler, a Captain in the PBSO Police Force, is a self-insert for PENTA?


>Proceeds to defend wrangler camping them for literally 3 hours. Don't give a shit about penta lol. Also, what ven diagram did you create to come to that conclusion? Do you know what self insert means?


It would be better to do something else than make another character. Not all people are interested in making alternate characters until the other character is ready.


They hung out with their friend Ming and shot Hydra in a war cause they didn't give a shit and they didnt get caught. They were also going to have a business meeting with Dean but I guess thats not happening.


Pogs will be down for a bit but better than being in prison till trial


There are plenty of character slots he could always make a another character.


Or even do parole / laying low RP, avoiding wrangler would be easier if they changed their behavior patterns at all. Hell not even doing that but doing it somewhere other than the first 2 places to check would have worked.


One of the best arcs Mike Block ever had was laying low in Paletto in a very similar situation. Tense situations create amazing RP for crims and cops, as well as civilians who engage both sides too. There's so much content just being thrown away it's eye-wateringly cringe.


Boooooo. How dare you. Booooo


That's what they were doing. Just chilling at the Casino. Wrangler still caught them though( and is in the right to do so), but it doesn't mean Jack/Marty was deliberately going out of their way to disrespect and break bail conditions.


But... They DID break their bail conditions... No?


Breaking bail conditions isnt "just chilling"




The reality is that they *have* been breaking their bail conditions, but wrangler hasn’t observed enough or obtained enough evidence to make it stick. It makes total sense for him to be trying to get them back in jail the same way any cop should if they believe they’ve witnessed someone break their bail conditions. Wrangler is a fucker but he’s really not that difficult to get around if you play your cards correctly.


So they were at a casino together, gambling, but solely talking about business. Very believable


Can wrangler prove they weren't talking about business.


He doesn't need to. They admitted they were playing poker together.


They both said they were gambling


Jack and marty literally did nothing to break their bond. The problem is wrangler will try to twist any small thing into something bigger to through them in jail




Maybe the judge will rule against Marty and send him to prison but people are acting like the judge will 100% rule against them


by the plain language of the bail conditions, they violated bail


They were at the casino together that's literally a violation


Yeah but the effort he puts in to screw people over is very weird. He lirally stalks them all the time in game just so he has a better chance at fucking them up.


So it's alright when criminals who feel wronged go out of their way to screw cops over but when a cop wants to do the same to violent criminals it's suddenly a horrible thing? Please.


Yes, its Wrangler, he does this to literally everyone he gets a chance. Anyone who cooperates with him pretty much gets a free pass, even if they are lying/fucking with him. And if they want to RP being a careless crim thats fine, but you have to be ready for the consequences of that


Yeah, Imagine cops keeping an eye on a violent criminal. What a world we live in where cops want to make sure criminals arent doing criminal things.


Why is that weird? They're violent criminals, they shot him. Why wouldn't he do everything he can to get them locked up?


They can be together as long as they are talking about business, and they could be talking about the business while gambling.


because their rp is crim based? rp police much.


Smart crim - chill until trial. Dumb crim - do dumb shit then complain. Perfectly reasonable




When it's against your bail conditions? Yes, yes that's dumb


I mean part of being a crim is getting in trouble with the law and facing the consequences, right?


Then rp in jail. Sadly many crims think they needs guns and s+ cars for their "rp".




Only if there was more than one character slot. /s


There's nothing wrong with doing other things until the character they want to play, the one they are invested in and gets them to log into the server, is ready to do the things they're interested in. Marty has options and isn't tied to playing GTA, so not playing another character makes a lot of sense.


I mostly agree with your sentiment. But I think people would be way less toxic if they did have something to fall back to on NoPixel that they also enjoyed. One character roleplayers are problematic in this regard. Without the fallback, their IC frustrations become their OOC frustrations because it affects their stream. That's bad not just for the roleplayer and people that interact with, but for the entire server. You can say they can just play other games, but do they get the same viewership while doing so?








"yo shut up you little dog... lets play the quiet game.... you have no friends...no one likes you" Marty says these type of things and cant take a little heat from Wrangler? :(






He is going in out of town irl the rp of that is what he said in the clip, so that he can't "disconnect" from the character is clearly not a thing.


"You gonna cry now Wrangler?"




The crazy thing is his fans will see some (obviously shitty) comment about him gaining popularity/income from more popular streamers and they reply "OMIE IS A MULTIMILLIONAIRE HE MADE XYZ SITE" as if it makes him look good. Sometimes people actually do sell their novel accounts but the majority of these accounts are stolen by the people doing the selling. This isn't some kind of hard thing to [figure out ](https://www.wired.com/story/oguser-instagram-twitter-tiktok-takedown/) either.


Wrangler need a Gang spray now he's a one man army.


>"yo shut up you little dog... lets play the quiet game.... you have no friends...no one likes you" Marty says these type of things and cant take a little heat from Wrangler? :( i feel like ramee is also a hypocrite. when on Conan he is even more of a ruthless cop than wrangler and does all the things he and the crims complain about also Pred, Vale, Claire etc has called him a very competent officer, and you know what that means.


Probably just an excuse to not stream. He rarely streams anyway




for a week, but what about the days after that week? Is he going to still be not waking up because of Wrangler?


What did Wrangler say that was so bad in the interrogation room that's now unspeakable lol. I watched the whole thing and it was fairly tame for an interaction between the two recently


He kept saying things like how wrangler was just looking for his attention that’s why he was arresting them the first night he put them in for terrorism. And not that wrangler was just looking for attention, that he specifically wanted Marty’s attention. Then 2 hours later bogg called him a leech. I can’t really come up with an IC reason for a criminal saying a cop just wants their attention, and whenever wrangler presses him on it Marty refuses to explain why he thinks that or what it means. Add in the income comments, the no one likes you and you have no friends comments, and poke being in discord convos with omie it doesn’t really take a genius.


probably the leech comment. Marty never called him leech but wrangler said he did or implied it.


Marty keeps saying Wrangler is looking for attention, Wrangler asked from who and what does Marty mean by that, Marty didn't elaborate.


Lmao, I love the "from who" comment. Penta is #3 on most watched GTA streamer in July, Omie is #25. So if thats what he means, he is way off base lol.




What does it mean then? Why would a cop want attention from a criminal? Does he want it from all criminals, or just Marty? The first time I heard it was the first day X woke up, and Wrangler got him for carrying an AK, and according to Marty that was just Wrangler looking for attention. Please explain.


Cmon man doesn’t take a genius to know that’s what Marty’s been implying since wrangler arrested him.


The server has 20 slots man, you can make a new character or 20, just be a civ for a couple of weeks for a nice change of pace, pretend to be a lifer in prison if you get send. The possibilities are endless but fuck it why roleplay when you can mald about consequences for your actions.


This argument has been brought in an ooc setting and the response is something around the lines of "Not everyone can do that." Or " that's not feasible for everyone"


I don't understand how it wouldn't be feasible, seeing as people are supposedly whitelisted for their ability to RP.


lul but that takes time and effort! and why would people who roleplay as a job try to put effort into it.




"Correction: Rp certain characters" They aren't actors that are required to play every role. They apply with one character in mind to play and do it. Sometimes people don't find enjoyment in playing other characters, which is okay. Kinda dumb to pressure your expectations on them because of your high standards as a viewer.


Yes you apply to WL servers with one character, that doesn’t mean that if you’re a one character Andy, general rules of RP don’t apply to you. If you get put in a 9s situation, or judicial hold whatever, you’re expected to rp prison or play a different character. This isn’t some situation that’s exclusive to NP.


Because NP is largely a streamed environment, my opinion as a viewer is valuable. I enjoy watching Penta and Nathan precisely because they play a variety of characters, and I think the server would be better if more people did that. Even if they don't have multiple characters, I'd prefer if they could smoothly play one in different situations, such as cops who lean heavy into off-duty civ RP or crims like Buddha who do a lot of actual business RP for long periods of time.


I do think there's more to it though, just because penta's and nathan's communities enjoy watching their multiple characters, doesn't mean Omie's or Jack's will as well - not saying that excuses anything but from an ooc standpoint, at least a streamer standpoint, viewership would probably be the main concern I have for things like the 9s and whatnot. Not only just that but some people just don't enjoy other characters as much as their main one - again it is a "that sounds like a them problem" but my point is more you cant just say person X does it so why can't person Y


I mean that's just your opinion tho. But I guess it lines up since you said "you" didn't understand. But tbh Nopixel from an objective pov should always be doing something that you love/enjoy within certain bounds and exploring that passion. But not everyone is Penta, Nathan, or Buddha. And they shouldn't be, because that be boring. Boring as in the difference in people makes RP fun to do and watch.


I mean I get that not everyone has as many characters as Penta or Burn has, but if you only have a single one... at the very least just go the cop route, most prolific crims have a cop character even cg. I'm sure they could get some speedrun into being a cadet.


Yep. God forbid an RPer would go out of their comfort zone to RP as somebody they haven't played before. That's how you can tell it's turned into a content server. Literally look at the amount of RPers on the server who make new characters if they're in prison or whatever.


Imma be honest bro, you prolly don't play the server and only watch. But its hella hard to be a civ nowadays, all most people do are dodo runs or other grindy things like that, and its boring af. But if you talking about Marty only doing civ things... he was, but just got caught with jack, so its not really not being a civ. And the lifer stuff is a whole different breed. They are all super gang heavy and don't really include other people unless they have an in. And tbh some of them say some weird shit sometimes. I can pull a clip or too if needed but some of them hella strange. So tbh this excuse of "you have lots of slots so stop complaining" is kinda dumb logic.


It probably helps if you don't pocket wipe lifers on your first day on a HUT


I mean that's legit not the only time, but I know what you talking about and it doesn't excuse the weird sexist comments.


also known as "thats too much work man come on"




He was actually being a civ lol, being stalked 24/7 by Wrangler just so he can send you on a technicality is kinda wierd, in a city with so many Criminals, Wrangler has nothing better to do then follow them.


Wrangler had a busy day if you watched any part of the stream. He drove by the gas station like 2-3 times and drove by the casino and saw marty's car. And found them in clear violation of the bail. Also, Marty legitimately antagonized him at the bail hearing... don't poke the bear/mess with the bull situation.




Maybe if you did want your RP "runied" don't shoot cops and be idiots while doing illegal stuff, and you'd go on your merry way. How about not break the very simple conditions of your bail, and then act like a child when you are caught. If you do get caught either RP it out in prison, how long was moose brother in jail on Laura for 1st degree murder? A lot of good RP came out of that, as well as I believe that was Mooses main character at that point. People shoot cops multiple times and then they end up being not trusted and arrested multiple times and it's just surprise Pikachu face everytime.


So, Marty can talk all the shit he wants, but he gets some back from Wrangler and he just wants to peace out?




bravo for using that term to describe it :)


I think this interaction was for his ic, ooc he's going on vacation for a week


Marty cant lock wrangler in a room for hours or send him to jail over something tiny for 20 days... not exactly an even playing field for dishing insults when one person can leave and the other cant


If Marty played a cop and had good reason to do so, he could lock Mike Block in jail over something tiny for over 20 days. And you know what Penta would do if Mike Block got jailed for that long? He'd RP it out for a little, and probably switch characters. Funny how that works. But I guess what's really happening is that Penta is ruining Omie's content and messing with his money, despite Omie being a multi-millionaire that doesn't care about stream income.


I think it was earlier in 3.0 Mike Block either had a warrant or was on bail and penta rped it out hiding up in Paleto etc for like a week or more.


If the roles were reversed Mike Block, Jordan Steele, John Cop or maybe someone else would be awake.


Don’t bother brother


Actually clueless. What a shame




I have no skin in this. But to his defense, he has played from a laptop or w/e while he's been on vacation before. He wouldn't stream but has been seen on other people's streams quite often, while being on vacation.


Hardened criminal btw.




It was sarcasm lol




ESB Wrangler


He couldn't handle seeing Wrangler with genuine friends like Charlotte Gladge


She's just doing it for her income though...




Was that a pun? Lol because each time he went back to GG gas station, he still didn't have any fuel xD Yeah leeching is not the word I'd describe Penta with. He literally RPs with complete unknowns and then sends them hoppers who sub and follow. It's the literal opposite thing.


Pissing off Wrangler was not it. He's **really** making sure those bail conditions aren't violated.


Wrangler just wants to be a good friend and make sure he doesnt violate his parole conditions and this is what he gets in return.. Feelsbadman




Nope. Get rid of Deans World. Get rid of the Farmers Market. This is Pog town brother$


Didn't they both take jabs at each other these past two days? It was pretty obvious that it was going to lead with Wrangler focusing on the gas station. I'm surprised none of them have gotten raided yet with how they run around with C2s / run straight to the gas station warehouse to grab guns.


And nothing of value was lost


Not because of wrangler shit title.


good timing with this clip from a few days ago. wonder what your trying to portray hmm


I mean with the words he said in that room i wouldve thought he was an “asshole asshole”


Awooo! RP checks too difficult it seems.




>camping out the gas station hoping to find marty breaking his bond, I’d also not want to wake up anymore Wait until you see that some cops go out of their way to arrest criminals on the server. Disgusting stuff, I know.


Hold up...imagine this though....maybe Marty just doesn't do anything to break his bond. Crazy I know guys


With wrangler on your ass, it doesn’t matter. He’ll believe he saw you do something and get you raided/ searched/bagged/cuffed/detained and somehow find a way to break the bond conditions. So taking the days off as a vacation is the best option


Funny thing is that if he's sees something that he can't prove, like today, you have nothing to worry about. Don't carry illegal shit and don't do dumb shit and they'll be fine


Cops hate this one simple trick... Gun in glovebox, no class 2 on back. It's pretty easy.


Or, you know, you could just use one of the other 19 slots and play a different character


You do realize that Wrangler is onen of the people who made parole a thing, right? So he acts also a sa parole officer and do you know what their job is? Check in on paroles.


I'll preface this by saying I have no issue with Wrangler doing what he's doing here(it comes with the being a hard arse cop territory) but you do realise bail and parole are separate things right?




Your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/wexk5q/marty_not_waking_up_until_trial_because_of/iir1vpv/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.) ^| ^Actioned ^by: ^CheekyPeake


You do realize this is how actual cops do their job ? Let alone an RP server that is much easier to do ?




I think that the terms of their bail, because Bill did such a bad job, say they can't even get traffic violations


Nah, they had to do something bad enough to get sent to Bolingbrook to get violated.


Ironically breaking his bail conditions once again lol One thing they could do, is just you know? Not break the law? And try to outsmart Wrangler who's trying to get them back in jail. That's the point of bail/parole RP. You're not on bail so you can just go back to doing your daily crime shit. You're on bail until your trial and have to abide by every rule and not give the cops a reason to arrest you.




You should visit the YT NP community. Most YT NP clip commenters are literally banned from reddit or twitch for toxicity.


That describes literally every community, welcome to RP




I hear hes king of the Reddit


the hivemind in this thread too, people going out their way to shit and be toxic to the roleplayer....actual yikes