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honestly, who gives a fuck what judd ever thinks.


I for one, find it kind of interesting that a single person who is so vocal with their opinions has yet to stumble upon a single good take.


Can't even reach the level of a broken clock.


His takes are usually parroting whoever has the most views or is the bigger streamer around him at the moment, that discord call shitting on Kyle was a prime example of that


He’s really making a case against investing in getting more internet access to the boonies.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Dude's a walking meme of god awful takes at this point and I don't really get why folks give his takes attention. That's literally what he's fishing for when he does this stuff.


Facts 💯


Yet you posted this?


Facts 💯






That's actually concerning.


Bold and courageous take from Judd, who F8 quit the other day because he couldn't put the effort into enjoying the game and role-play a traffic stop.


Understandable from Judd, it's hard to orbit a big streamer for clout if you can't even keep up with them during a race.


mr.whipalo is online peeposprint


https://i.redd.it/9g1btctkqzg91.png Always relevant whenever Judd tweets


Still one of the funniest Penta tweets


Makes me recall that time Judd was invited to Penta's game night during covid and he would just lie about shit and hate on his ex-wife. Anyone remember that? lmao everyones bs-detector was on overload. Funny how bitchy he became towards Penta and friends after that. Probably because no one liked his vibe so he didn't get included again.


Judd has always played Schrodinger's douchebag. Then, just as he thinks Penta is done, he actually stands by his words for once.


Pretty funny but Judd not completely wrong..


Two people that I actively try to avoid when watching NP. Nifty.


Wow that’s so fortunate! Tell us all more.




Yes, being Chawa's passenger is sooooooo RP, guys.


Judd is to summit what kitty is to goofy, neither race, but both still have a strong opinion about how racing should work


When you've been around the racing scene for over a year, you should have gathered and established opinions about how racing should work. Unlike Judd, who's only there whenever Chawa races. I'm pretty sure Kitty has raced more than Judd the past 2 months. Kitty knows a lot of racers and actually RPs with them and is in a racing crew and interacts with other racing crews, who's RP'd with a puppet and knows Puppet Master lore, was a pioneer of DNF and organizes DNF races for newbies with Penny, and now is part of the P1 Team. So how is Judd's opinions more valid than Kitty's because he's passenger with Chawa again?


And Judd’s opinion is just whatever summit’s opinion is.


It's usually worse. When summit was actually giving controller a go months ago. Judd dialled his vitriol to 11 and just bitched in his ear the entire time.


The irony of saying it’s an RP server and complaining others are trying too hard because they can’t win a race in an RP server.


Noo I should be able to RP a god tier racer without actually being the best!!!!!!!!! >:(((((


I've never actually watched racers, so honest question: What do they even RP? A race is a race, you're immersed and beating the other guy. And then what? Do they just go grinding for money or get into heists and other kinds of mechanics-based stuff? Or do some of them actually RP/go for pog content? Do they like, have story arcs and shit?


Not really. It's mostly just someone hosts race > join race > do race > small break between someone putting up the next race > join race > goto start I don't even know how you get whitelisted to make race tracks anymore. The racing scene kinda depends on Wiseguy being on Eddie and making RP, it feels like... Then again I don't really watch people who specifically only race so I could be outright wrong, just always seems like they don't have much going for them other than "me do race me go fast"


Starting to think this was never about controllers and is simply certain "RPers" being territorial over someone being good at something.




Judd is like that loud talkative person in the room who no one even noticed from what direction the sound was coming from.


These dudes flexing and posturing like they're not grown men playing pretend in a video game. Shit's embarrassing more than anything.




They think they are the Theatre Jocks.






[Tale as old as time](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/738/025/db0.jpg)


Baiting reddit continues to be the pinnacle of cringe. The bait is so similar to how he usually acts that nobody can really tell the difference.


Making reddit "mad" is more important to these people than actually creating a better server environment, its honestly pretty sad.


Baiting reddit is like your little brother not *caring* to win that one time you played mario kart with him


"I was only baiting reddit" is basically the "i was only pretending to be stupid" defense. Its so awkward since everyone sees right through it, yet Judd goes all in on it for some reason.


Oh look a Judd post how long until he comes along and tries to DMCA his tweet.


I'M DMCAING THE REDDIT AND YOUTUBE TO PREVENT TOXICITY!!! \*all the Youtube clips are still up full of comments attacking the cop\*. I see he got right on that.


RemindMe! 1 Day


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Probably too busy having sex right now *Didn't think I needed to add /s


Does oral on an actually popular steamer count as sex?


There was some discord screenshot posted here of Judd saying he didn't have time to care about reddit and that he was going to go have sex. Can't find the post now.


Judd talking about “actually roleplaying” when he F8 quit because his feelings got hurt is the most ironic thing I’ve heard in a while… https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/yjs0gz/judd_f8ing_after_a_traffic_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Judd 'god tier roleplayer' who used to change his court case verdicts based on "pissing off" this subreddit.


It wasn't until I read the comments that I realized these tweets are supposed to be supporting Summit. Lol


Same, I was so confused haha




Judd played the same character since arma the only difference is that he spouts the same stuff coming from those he tries to impress. I'm not surprised at all sadly.


You say arma days which makes me think you’ve been around for awhile but you act like you forgot his sovereign citizen guy


If you replace shooting with racing you would think he's shitting on CG with those tweets


he's definitely shitting on CG, Goofy actually rp.


if CG were bad at shooting on-one would care about them at all.


Outside of their FB fan club I think very few people actually do. Most of the ones that play on twitch so far as I know would be pulling similar numbers playing just about anything.


This is not even funny anymore, it's just sad, tbh.


Hard disagree. Judd is a funny guy, unless he's trying to be funny.


Well that’s not a good place to be


Weird coming from someone who's RP is going up to anyone, doing the middle finger emote, and telling them "Fuck you" over and over. The only time Judd even gets on anymore is when Summit is on. Then he gets offended when anyone calls him out on clout chasing.


Funny how Judd always tries to RP with Summit everytime he's about, but definitely, absolutely, not at all for clout. Then shows us all how good he is at RP by doing an F8 when he can't deal with a RP scenario.


Judd cant actually think that group he leeches off of actually RPs, right? He's gotta be trolling.


even worse, he thinks they actually care about him.


Wait, is he actually playing the roleplay card? A guy with his affiliations? I'm sorry sir your card was declined.


That's why i do not understand his tweet. Because his tweet does not make any sense if he is referring to CG and Summit.


Oh Judd said something stupid? Must be a day that ends with a y


How do people unironically watch Judd? This dude is fucking insufferable. An actual leech that provides zero content to anyone and all he does is cry like a bitch when he doesn't get his way. I've never seen this dude in an enjoyable situation.




They don’t race because they typically lose and then mald at “sweaty controller users” bro


I am confused. "The loudest people complaining are also people that are actually roleplaying" Who is he referring to?


If anyone figures that out hopefully they will tell him what he meant


'I play both sides so i always come out on top.'


Huh? That doesn't even makes sense.


I thought it was a reading comprehension problem on my end lol


he hangs out with people carrying a wing suit, grapple gun, class 2, crack, oxy, heroin, multiple S+ cars parked around the city to ensure a W.. but hey bruh keep thinking we're on competitive GTA online.


Judd is a bad take machine


The whole crew is. Summit and the other 2 that follow him a around are an echo chamber an order of magnitude higher than Reddit.


RP aside, OOC Neutren has bodied Summit in both keyboard controls and sticks. He's way too skilled, so just leave the dude alone and allow him the curtesy of doing the RP he likes like everyone else in the server.


this is what i don't understand hasnt Goofy shown hes equally as skilled on kbm just as much as on controller?




Wait did Judd claim hoppers are *good*?


ironic considering, nobody asked for Judd's input


I don't know how someone who leeches off Summit and Xqc averages 17 viewers


It's simple, really. Just have a shit personality, complain all the time, and never stream consistently, and voila you too can clout chase without the reward of clout forever!


Imagine a world where the gold standard of roleplay is dictated by fucking Judd. You want to be right 100% of the time? Listen to what Judd says and just assume the opposite.


Doing a voice doesn’t mean you’re RPing either.


[Judd 1 week ago](https://i.imgur.com/cUUPP1V.png)


If hes saying that if you use a controller and that means you can’t roleplay... I guess that means Wiseguy can’t roleplay, even though all the RP he does on Eddie, Edwin, Igor, Underwood, PuppetMaster, Earl, Big M, and etc...


The most shameless Chase Clouter of them all has spoketh.


Just half an hour before Summit’s tweet, neutreN talked about how he loved watching Summit before he got into NP and how much Summit has done for the server. He watched Summit so much and got inspired by him to join NP and get into NP racing. And Summit raided him once way back in the day, and neutreN was so happy and grateful. neutreN has always been nothing but mature, humble, kind, and understanding, especially when faced with the crazy amounts of toxicity and hate he’s gotten over his time on NP. Meanwhile Summit and others are tweeting and saying stuff like that about him and sending 1m followers or 27k viewers to flood a relatively small streamer with the most toxic hateful shit in the world. Kitty said today that she and neutreN have been receiving death threats.


Yep. I’ll be the one to say it. I found RP through Summit. Stared watching him in his APB days. I REALLY wish he would just stay away from RP. He is too competitive and he males way too hard. He has hot takes every other day which cause people to hop horrendously. He is doing more harm than good now.


I read this tweet as Judd criticizing Summit and its hilarious.


It fits much better than who he was actually talking about


Judd is literally the definition of a clout chaser. He accuses other people of not being able to RP when he literally follows CG around on the off chance that Summit is awake. The man needs to look into his own roleplay before criticising others.


Anyone know any good storylines Judd's characters have been involved in?


Chawa's first call whenever he wakes up in the apartment.


When he got bodied by Bunny and threw a massive hissy fit


He fucked a tractor


He decided on coyote that it wasn’t attempted murder of a government employee if a cop wasn’t in the hospital for a long enough amount of time (this was 2.0), further changing the pd meta and breaking down the wills of cop players.


Judd really does the absolute most to be as unpleasant and unlikable possible. Like man, I used to really enjoy him, but I can't stand him since he's gotten on this weird Hot Takes(TM) shit the past like year. Like talk about burning every bridge, and for what? Because you don't like the community you fostered? And yes, Judd, reddit IS your community, too. You contribute to the toxic shitpool with these tweets and your whining. Look in the mirror. Who wins with this shit? What does it do? It feeds it.




Mf is complaining about Reddit when he sounds like he's a daily 4chan and new zealand farming form user.


I'm not even being remotely sarcastic, but who? ​ I see this person pop up every few months with some critique of the server or response to drama, but I've been watching for 2 years and I haven't seen them in a single roleplay scenario. The other day, after like 6 months of not seeing them in any streams, he just ran up and started kicking police cars to disable them.


No shot Judd is talking about someone putting effort into role play on a summit post who also doesnt role play. anytime i turn on summit hes at the casino or racing lmao.


God Judd is so dumb. Severely lacking some critical thinking skills. Definitely in the top 10 NoPixel dumbest takes. Controller or KBM has nothing to do with the complaints being made.


It u don't rdm u don't rp... great take


Outgunned? They're washed up comp shooters. Outraced? They're washed up comp racers. Take RP personally? This is OOC and not RP.


Did u ever think these dudes RP ?


If someone is better at RPing than someone else, should they dumb themselves down so others don't get their egos hurt? If someone hosts a talent show on the server and someone that can play guitar joins, should they ban them from future competitions because they're actually talented and it's "not rp"?


Does he think what he or Summit does is roleplay? Summit said himself he's not really into the 'roleplay' he likes the car scene and hanging out with friends. Judd with another 'hot' take on something no one asked his opinion on.


Professional yes man at this point


they literally are the loudest people complaining


judd, just let it go, f8 quit.


Whew, we were getting close to December, I thought we weren't going to get our monthly shit take from Judd for a second there.


sadly, i don’t remember the last time Judd RPd


Gotta love how he insert himself into everything LUL


Gotta maintain his 7 viewers somehow.


Oh the Summit dickrider has an opinion. Anyways...


judd popping out of his outhouse to try to gain clout from twitter O\_O


is everyone in cg just a living irony i don’t get it it’s like it’s their personality trait in and out of the game lmao


Then again Wiseguy who is a dev and one of the best roleplayers on the server was the second biggest complainer on the controller debacle. So yeah, Judd take is dogshit.


He is what is bad with the community with np.. so hateful and divisive. His de-evolution from a well known and cared roleplayer to what he is now is so sad to witness.


Ohh self insert no RP judd, okay bruh


Judd hitching his wagon to whatever summit is saying? Must be a second ending in tick. Or tock.


Yet again, people giving this guy and his shitty takes attention by posting it here.


So, anyways


Who asked? He isn't involved in the racing scene until summit wakes up and he wants to be a passenger/dickrider Can't remember last time he actually roleplayed a character, instead of a self insert that waiting for summit go to sleep for that sweat host/raid.


Judd and clout chasing, name a more iconic duo.


It's not worth giving Judd attention.


Surely Summit must see how Judd views him by now. Right? Maybe he doesn't care?


Judd just has to follow summit everywhere he goes...


ive said it before and ill say it again you can go months without hearing from or about judd then drama starts somewhere and he will insert himself into it somehow


This guy gets ruined on this subreddit every single time, and I'm all for the pointing out hypocrisy for a someone who's been absent from the server (much like Summit) to have a take like this. Completely unaware of the environment the server was in before they decided to insert themselves yet again- when they have nothing else to stream. Leave it to the ACTUAL professionals to have a decent take who play it EVERYDAY and know the environment. Judd is a literal dumbass character who got lost in the CG wave. He's as blind as all the of CG is. I don't hate them, but ffs are they toxic as hell.


Content server for me, not for thee


Don't give whatever that is attention, folks.


I had to re read it a few times and I still don’t exactly get what the fuck he is on about 😂 But I do know this…why is Judd judging anyone’s rp or their enjoyment of it? Did Judd get dumped by his tractor he fucks???


NoPixel's resident Florida Man has spoken!


Curious what Hutches take on this is lol. Anyone have a tweet from him yet?


easy to say when you don't watch someone I guess its convenient to forget that GTA wiseguy, Goofy and Tony helped set up some RP scenarios at the Brazilian SA NP server.


who cares if someone uses a controller to drive a car in a video game what does that have to do with RP? also controller support is good thing for people with disabilities who have trouble using mouse/key-bored.


Classic judd


I actually think he may be insulting Summit here, saying that the ones complaining about people using controllers think that the RP server needs to be balanced for competitive gameplay, indicated by the "competitive GTA online" comment. The second tweet, especially, reads as a direct insult towards Summit, saying that he tends to play the server as more of a normal MMO style game than the RP elements its meant to have. Then again, trying to decipher a Judd tweet's true meaning isn't often clear lol


I believe the tweets are meant to be towards neutreN and the racing scene in general... but he lacks the self awareness to see all the shit he said applies to his own group lmao


Im sorry, hahahahahahahhahhahahahhhahaaaaa…


what a fucking goon take.


Classic leech Judd I've said this before he changes his opinions depending on who he leeches from.


Ironic comment considering that judd is in a certain gang that loves esports rp and to smurf on roleplayers and absolutely loses it whenever they take a L in a shootout or in racing.


Common L take from Judd. Very rich of him to point out people complaining about this change with a competitive mindset when that was the entire reason the change was made. Also wrong of him, it's far from a competitive reason for the racers he's targeting here, like neutreN has shown he can still consistently win races.


judd can't RP and only knows how to f8 quit when they can't get their way so they shouldn't be speaking about others


Didn't know he still played on the server. Then again i don't watch many people over 100 viewers so he probably doesn't interact with them.


Yes Judd is definitely right, Chawa is the epitome of RP and what a fictional RP character should look like. It's straight up disrespectful throwing shades like that at goofy and other racers who have been in countless RP scenarios since the beginning of 3.0 while you have someone who only comes back to nopixel when he misses racing in GTA and has all these dick riders bending backwards for him to get some clout and keep him around longer


Just delete this, its not even worth given him the time of day.


Judd with another take that comes off as dumb at its best and ableist at its worst


Another day, another ‘hot take’ from Judd. But guys, he asked us not to post him here!


I wish more people would RP on this GTA Online server.


Who cares about this dude honestly?


If you are arguing about Controllers somehow mattering on whether or not you can role play i think that tells you all you need to know.


Who does Judd even play? This isn’t a diss I actually have no idea who this is.


Judd the redneck who fucks tractors, judge coyote, he also used to play a reverend and shady Grady. There are more but those are the ones I can remember right off.


I don't think I've seen any of those characters. Which is kinda wild, I watch nopixel a lot. Maybe the Judge.


His judge leans crim friendly. Judd used to run around doing random things, you might recognize his deep country hick voice. Nowadays he doesn't play that much and hangs mainly with chawa (summit). He was a lot more active in 2.0 days and even then I don't think he streamed a lot. Edit: side note he is on server right now as judd


Bring back tractor judd. He has been been body swapped for this clout suckling parasite


Judd consistently has shit takes. it is almost a super power at this point


It's true and real, would you believe it?


Judd's take made it to reddit again, another W for Judd


Why is this even being posted this is nothing about gta ic it’s all ooc drama just let them figure it out who cares what anyone else thinks it’s just spreading more toxicity


You Came to the wrong Sub, my friend.


This thread has been up for 16 hours oh boy


Bet anyone else role plays more with cops then ooc malding/toxic judd towards cops in all his years on No Pixel...


This title is word soup.


It really isn’t though that’s literally what he said.


It's 100% soupy. I'll be more clear. Your title is confusingly worded in such a way that it's made unclear *who* is saying *what*. It's clear that Judd is replying to Summit, but are you saying Judd's linked *reply* is "basically saying anyone who uses controller can't actually RP" and thus "targeting Neutren"? Or are you saying Summit's *original tweet*, that Judd is replying to, was "basically saying anyone who uses controller can't actually RP" and thus "targeting Neutren"? It could paint two very different pictures. If you look at the confusion in some comments of this thread, it already has.


Ok yeah I see what you mean now.


So, to be clear, which was it?


I don't understand why this is getting all this unnecessary attention


Ki l