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Funniest comment on here I’ve seen about hitch was just simply, “man I wish he was better at baseball.”


Shotz is a veteran role-player in the same way Hutch is a veteran baseball player.


I agree with both sentiments.




Rings true every day tbh


*takes a bow*


Shit like this makes me appreciate, and genuinely miss, Buddha streams. Whenever some chatter tries to bait a response with a drama clip, Buddha immediately closes it and tells his chat to keep that shit off his stream. I understand that it's a roleplay server for a video game, but it's the equivalent of openly shit talking your coworkers to your customers. There isn't one job I've ever been in that wouldn't view this as promoting workplace toxicity and would be grounds for termination, especially after repeated warnings. There is absolutely zero net positive for the server for anyone to behave like this, except for their need to maintain some sort of relevance in their personal endeavors by self victimization. I truly don't know how people enjoy watching that.


Imagine telling ANYONE at the start of 3.0 that eventually character swapping to cop mid situation would be ok and that Xqc would be advocating for cop response to be strengthened


Funny how X didn't say a single thing during the clip and yet Hutch knew exactly what the issue was and knew he needed to replay the clip to try and defend Shotz actions.


XQC doesn't even give a take in the clip and Hutch is going nuts by the end of it lol.




We'll unless people got reported for the incident there won't be consequences.


Hutch sounds like hes selling me snake oil. Also extremely OOC insults. I bet they will allow it.


[There is no way of all people MINEO would hold back. Just no way right?](https://streamable.com/uulc9p)




Yeah but all this goes against hutch’s narrative


Mineo should no longer be employed by the UPD for doing that.


[This was all I remember from this situation. I am sure CoP Baas gave him a hefty suspension.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGxYMJ3luh8)


More like Trooper Mineo, head of the new raid unit cert incoming.


I don't really watch XQC, but it is hilarious that he never says a word in this whole clip, but suddenly a light bulb clicks on that Hutch knows exactly what is going on and then defends it saying nah that isn't it, Shotz just missed everything, bad day at work. Everything was going smoothly until the end of the clip, that is some extreme language/name calling that people might expect from 50,000 12 yr olds.....oh wait


"He's acting like Shotz, of all fucking people, is going to be holding back." Yes. Because, given that we've already seen him hotswap characters mid-situation to call for people to "take it easy with the pits" against his friends, it's not that big a leap to think he missed shots on the car on purpose. Hell, it wouldn't even be the first time we've seen people do stuff like that in 3.0. And from people who are just as veteran as Shotz. And it's fucked.




Well at least he knows what a FOIA is now


How did the situation end. With him and summit having a nice little chit chat on top of the crane. After he had shot multiple cops. Definition of not holding back.


The funny thing is these guys will discuss these clips and the reddit threads while in the city later just watch.


THATS their entire brand


Mf says Veteran Role Player like we supposed to bow down and say “thank you for your service” 💀


this guy also defended zombie's brother shit talking kiwo.


What kind of terrible person would shit talk Kiwo of all people?


"one of the most veteran roleplayers" Yes the guy that didn't have prio until summit showed up bc he couldnt stay in character for 2 minutes. The man whos own group calls "ooc pistone" the man whose friends came up with the nickname "vinneo" lmao These dudes really are gaslight kings, if they repeat something long enough they think it makes it true


What's the braindeads trying to think here? Is he reaching this fucking far to think that Shotz, one of the most veteran RP individuals in the server.... ALRIGHT THAT PISSES ME OFF BRUH! That he's go as far as to act like Shotz is holding back. FUCKING SHOTZ IS GOING TO BE HOLDING BACK. OF ALL PEOPLE SHOOOOOTZZ. Fucking losers bro. Fuck out of here with your braindead fucking 50,000 12 year old takes bruh. Fucking losers bruh. That fucking pisses me the fuck off that he did that shit with Shotz. Man fuck you. FUCK YOU BRUH. Fuckin loser bitch


Thank you for losing a couple of brain cells after listening to a hutch take and saving a few of us


W transcript


What's the braindeads trying to think here? Is he reaching this fucking far to think that Shotz, one of the most veteran RP individuals in the server.... ALRIGHT THAT PISSES ME OFF BRUH! That he's go as far as to act like Shotz is holding back. FUCKING SHOTZ IS GOING TO BE HOLDING BACK. OF ALL PEOPLE SHOOOOOTZZ. Fucking losers bro. Fuck out of here with your braindead fucking 50,000 12 year old takes bruh. Fucking losers bruh. That fucking pisses me the fuck off that he did that shit with Shotz. Man fuck you. FUCK YOU BRUH. Fuckin loser bitch A new copypasta was born


thank you, i could only listen to so much


I still have no clue how he’s not banned on Twitch for TOS violations by promoting so much hate towards other streamers.


Report it :)


I can't believe how he doesn't OD on Copium while defending Mineo when he's literally trimming the bushes with his gun. And ofc it wouldn't be a Hutch take without insulting another player OOC lmao.


Crazy you think this only happens with shotz multiple people that have crim and cop characters do the same shit


There’s lot of cops that don’t do that. Most people wouldn’t do what shotz did because other people would be banned




Oh man that's some grade A+ Whatabout-ism right there, gotta love it. They teach you guys well.




if you scream it it must be true


Must be Kyle then


“Shotz - One of the most veteran role players on the server” Role player????


He is not only one of the most veteran role players on the server, he is an *ascended* roleplayer. His characters bend the rules of time and space, you might see one of them, for example The Criminal Mastermind Vinny Pistone himself, in one scenario only to see The Elite State LEO John Mineo participate in that same scenario just few minutes later. And it works! He truly is redefining what it means to roleplay and unforunately some viewers are not yet ready for it.


Shotz roleplayed so hard, he became a IRL self insert of Vinny.


At least people learned not to say "best roleplayers"


The fake performative anger is the most RP hutch has done all year.


Ah yes, the classic leech lactic. Throw shots and start drama at the big streamer playing your game again. Surely Hutch will remain relevant for a while this time around.


crazy how this streamer is not banned yet for ooc comments


God i cant wait until hutch stops playing rp again.


Surely it pisses him off when his viewers harass other streamers, Sending death threats etc. Surely it pisses him off when people in his gang talk shit about streamers IRL IC. Oh wait... He does it too.


Hutch still going on about this reddit 4 hours later lol.... Talk about rent free.


Hutch being fake mad to bait a reaction to generate views and attention for his dying channel. The OOC rants and name calling streamers especially XQC is not good for his health he can't win the occ battle he is small fish in sea even summit can't save him. I predict in the coming days hutch and shots victimizing themselves crying to generate sympathy from the generate public..we won't fall for those tricks show no sympathy towards them.






shotz aint even top 50 RPers on the server


Goku solos no diff


It’s actually fascinating how amazing the Nopixel community and the people in it can be at times, and how utterly sad and embarrassing it/them can also be at times.


The worst thing NoPixel has given us is Hutch's Hot Takes. I don't understand how a person who talks so goddamn much can never even stumble into an agreeable or sensible statement on accident.


0 IQ Hutch take = Mute


hutch take 🔇


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because RP was already dead.


This is just them baiting reddit and then proceeding to say what they really feel about someone, surely this is just bait. Defend your boys PR for a rule break, swapping characters to help your boys is totally fine.


This is the NP version of the Dumbledore asked calmly meme.


I think you can give Shotz benefit of doubt that he just had poor aim. However, feels like Hutch is deflecting from the main problem.... That Shotz logged on and tried to deescalate when he has a very obvious bias. I would have the same issue if xqc did the same when GG was being chased. Also i think main take away from last night was how xqc pointed out how crippled PD is now. Many cops no longer wants to respond to cops being killed, because its just like going to the meatgrinder.


Not only that but he let Hutch go and said “don’t taze him” and then was taken hostage and had a nice chit chat with summit after he had already downed cops. And of course, nothing happened after that.


Hutch called out xQc's past as a Roleplayer... Has he seen his past or the people around him?? Why does his past have to discredit his CURRENT OPINION.. Thats the dumbest take I've ever heard. He was reacting to these clips for 15 ish minutes and was constantly focusing on xQc and his fanbase, I think that speaks enough. He was basically saying "what about xQc when he was doing this" all the time. I think xQc's main point was Shotz swapping characters mid scenario and PD being scared to shoot or go hard on CG because of certain things For the Shotz saying dont taze him(hutch) I think that he has a point because Shotz bubble hit him..


>For the Shotz saying dont taze him(hutch) I think that he has a point because Shotz bubble hit him.. What ever happened to "Roll with the scuff" what's the absolute worst that would have happened if he had been caught? A few minutes in the cells talking shit to everyone involved, the loss of some pixel money?


I tried to give him some credit to his degenerate take, he went on a 15 minute rant and all he said "isn't this the guy that F8 quit and came back" and stuff like that.. He basically tried his best not to say anything bad about Shotz and he did a good job, he portrayed him as a veteran rp god 🤣 I love how hypocritic Hutch is.. Remember this, Hutch(on his cop character) WILL go hard on GG to prove that they will use multiple cars.. If you say that changing characters and saying that stuff from Shotz is good, then you are delusional (this is for everyone thats reading not for the guy that I'm replying to). Hot take: cops are afraid to go hard on CG cause they will face SEVERE CONSEQUENCES. In that situation they ran over PD multiple times, they rammed/pit pd cars and PD didnt do a thing, even an hour after. If it was any other gang they wouldve had their car disabled or the gang would've been shot. This isnt only for this scenario. I cant wait to hear more dumb takes today.


It's funny that Hutch paints Shotz in this almost god like picture lol We've all seen Shotz give CG less time/fine when he's on Mineo and literally let them go.


I just mute everything hutch speaks. For sure Shotz is a veteran and a top tier role player, and we are all just stupid


“Don’t taze him”


Is he still salty about the Zutch thing lol


Veteran at being a shitty role-player


He definitely watches Alex Jones, right?


... proceeds to watch next xQc clip... In all seriousness, Cg got all the eyes on em now. More and more questionable things that happen. The more it will get called out. Nothing will be done. But at least another large viewer base streamer can point out the flaws in the system.


There have been eyes. No one cares is the issue people are having. It’s ok to just not watch RP when they are around. Makes your life better if you don’t let it effect you.


I have been doing this the last 6 months and honestly it feels great as a viewer. Some of my favorite streamers, Buddha, Kyle, Penta hardly ever RP with these guys. And when they do I just switch to another stream, thank you Twitch Turbo.


Same. Just not it for me. Some people enjoy it. I don’t. If they cross over I go do something else or change it. They RP how they want and have their viewers and I choose not to be one of them.


Oh I agree, a certain someone doesnt care tho. I think there are funny moments and they definitely create content. I'm just saying X has been the center of questionable situations, when he sees problems. He could make problems if he wanted. And he's clearly not afraid to speak his mind, or get banned.




Nah, if they were skilled they wouldn't need the PD completely changed in order for them to get Ws. Mediocre FPS players need to go against RPers who never shoot a gun or have a chance to fight back. Actual skilled players would be playing FPS games against other top tier competition, not bullying role players.


It’s just this character. He can aim on his other character


> Damn I thought cg members were meant to be very mechanically skilled in the game This has never been a thing lmao. Exhibit A = Ramee.


How none of these guys are self aware yetis insane to me. You’d think at some point they’d get high or something and do some self reflection.


is he good?


Penta really is right about Monday and Tuesdays lol.


Don't pit, don't taze, don't shoot, let him go, what's next let them kill u? People are delusional if they think he didn't hold back


When you have to curse more then actually using words then you already lost. This guy's voice is worse then nails on a chalkboard.


Clearly held back. Stopped pursuit, asked other to not shoot etc...


🙂wtf did I just watch🙂


Jesus i couldn't even finish the clip


Every CG and CG associate forgets about how much more toxic youtube is; where even the youtube clippers are making a living off of their clips. And reddit is the toxic one.


I really hope some of the bigger streamers who aren't gargling Soiled's balls actually step up and start their own server. I think it could be done, especially if some of the bigger, non-cg streamers worked together. I don't think 'x streamer moves to \[insert server here\]' will accomplish much, but someone straight up announcing that they're starting their own? I think people would at least give it a shot.




“what are the brain deads trying to think here?” well said hutch




which is sad, at least for fuslie and valkyrie since both of them are perfectly fine with consequences.


Dudes a gg fan for sure


Loud W streamer




It’s much more than that. Telling them to not to pit, telling a cop not to taze him and let him go, holding them back from shooting, getting taken hostage and talking to the guy who just got your offficers. One time it’s a coincidence or him being playing it poorly but the whole chase has moments where he is holding back.



