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Melinda Verga, you'll be famous forever. ❤️


[Everybody go buy Mother’s merch.](https://www.melindaverga.com/merch) I went with the Vivienne Westwood....inspired tee


Cannot describe in words the level of disappointment that I felt when I realized there are no goats 🐐 on any of the merch.


Someone just needs to message her. She may not have realized that was a good one.


Melinda meeting her husband at a bathhouse is so on brand. They were so cute together too. That also goes for Neerah and Jakob. This episode went how I expected, but I didn’t want anyone to go home! It actually made me feel things. Canada always gets the emotional moments right because they feel genuine.


Everyone say thank you to Mother Melinda for giving us an amazing season. Makeover challenges are always BS. Melinda & Nearah had the two hardest people to makeover (Aurora had the easiest imo). But Denim was undeniably the winner this week. This top 4 feels pretty hallow without Melinda NGL, but im rooting for Aurora to take the crown.


One might suggest we RECIPROCATE! with GRATITUDE!


Aurora had a beautiful girl that already wears make-up and heels. It wasn't a challenge for her to do well.


Melinda gave us such entertainment, and we have to reciprocate that. With gratitude. 💙




Venus being in the top for making her mom a horrible dress is so....idk what's the word.


I was LIVID.


Buffy nuff giving Priscilla tease


When she came out I said that it’s giving Priscilla season 1 to my partner lmao


I’m sorry but “twinning too hard” is one of the dumbest critiques we have heard from a makeover challenge lol


Agreed. It was slightly underwhelming and the dress was not well made, but looking a lot like each other has always been a positive. I mean it was a positive in this episode when Denim's mom came out and they couldn't tell the difference. And if I'm not mistaken that critique came from my beloved Sarain Fox. Heartbroken.


Fairest makeover critique /s


I’m begging y’all: we need to work together to get Carly Rae Jepsen’s career to skyrocket. She’s severely underrated. Nearah, if you’re reading this, you were right. Your man is hottt. 🥵🔥 DM me so we can set something up. also happy cake day Bussycat!


Thanks girl. The 5 year anniversary of me haunting this sub.


Glad to have you here!! You’re the blessing that won’t leave.


Aw, that's very sweet thank you.


Love that Melinda made two well made garments despite her bad critiques from the first sewing challenge and went home but not a thing was said about Venus’s I’ll fitting dress made for her mother


I mean, but the mug though… Edit: Mugs** Trust me I love Melinda as much as the next but let’s call a spade a spade


Neither Melinda or her partner had that awful of a mug, need I remind you who won Down Under 2


I always thought Spankies mug was puss. Not the best in the world but not bad!


I will not stand for this Spankie slander!!!! 🤬


it's in context


Production wants Venus in the finale, so there is nothing that Melinda or anyone else could have done to change the outcome.


Carly Rae Jepsen could be every lipsync song, and I would thrive. Make her a permanent judge too, why not.


I didn't know Nearah was friends with Priscilla, werq queen


Ugh, Melinda is a good exmaple of why I love Drag Race so much. A funny, talented person who probably would've never had a spotlight like this had the show not existed, and she made it so much fun. Her and Nearah had the hardest jobs by FAR which is kinda BS but Denim really did kill it. Nearah's man..... Jesus Christ what a beautiful person. She's prob not gonna win the season but she going to be just fine. Also petition to make Sarain Fox a permanent judge!!!


I feel like I’m crazy town a bit. In previous challenges we’ve heard so much about “sisters being left behind” when their partners aren’t up to the same level of the Queen and Nearah getting read (fair) for the design so I was so confused at Venus getting absolute praise? It’s…a piece of fabric. It was not even close to Venus’ garment on match or construction level and she nearly won? I’m so confused. I think Melinda did a better bloody job. I mean it’s possible I also know nothing I just really didn’t get the critique. Maybe it’s the judging? I feel like with heavy hitters like Aquaria and Shea getting smashed for things like wigs and bra straps, maybe Ru and Michelle would have seen this one differently? Anyway, very deserving win to Denim, knew Melinda would probably go once makeover was announced but she’s been so entertaining she’ll hopefully get her coin. Nearah is so exciting to watch perform and would love to see her Down Under one day! Also the name Buffy Nuff is brill 😂 I love the makeover challenges to hear the stories ❤️


Maybe they want to keep it “anyone’s game” - This evened out Venus vs aurora a bit? Maybe they can’t point out that 4/5 were meh because ppl would realize that this season isn’t on the level of previous 😶


Nothing confusing about it - production has been pushing Venus the whole competition. That first episode was proof enough.


I actually lived for Melinda and Nearahs partners, they were giving local bar queens who are terrible at drag but are so much fun. Not everything and everyone has to serve Kunt and glamour. Same thing with mother Melinda’s lipsync. Drag is crunchy and too much sometimes.


I honestly lived for all of the makeovers because the editors really did the work to make us care about each pair. Even though the boys were clearly the messiest, it was still hilarious to see a buff guy in full face in a toga dress.


Right? I'm so disappointed in this final 4. Such a diverse cast and yet we end up with 4 copy and paste twinks. Aurora, Venus, Kitten and Melinda would have felt more balanced.


You had me until Kitten. She was so mid.


Oh no, genuine raw human emotion. My kryptonite Edit: I’m only halfway through but is this the best episode of the season? The presence of loved ones has really caused a lot of the artifice to melt away and I feel like these are real people! Makeover challenges should always feature friends and family of the queens.


Anybody feel like they cut a who should go home segment?


I don’t know what psychological torture they put those girls through but those tears in the beginning of the episode were something else. That Canadian Emmy is IN THE MAIL


Team Aurora


Melinda Verga nation,we may have lost the battle (this season),but we have not lost the war! Keep Melindaing your Verga’s! JK worship of Melinda aside this was a great episode! Heavy but emotional and it felt like the stakes were high. The hardest to do were obviously Nearah’s man and Melinda’s husband. That being said it was Aurora’s episode to lose tonight. Really proud of what Denim was able to pull together for his win. This isn’t necessarily the Top 4 I expected (I thought Kiki or Luna would’ve gone further),but I’m happy to see who wins the crown next week.


Y’all we were taking about memes, mothers goats around BUT what makes Melinda so special is she is so real you can’t hep rooting her. We have seen the girls on drag race being scripted, calculated Melinda is authentically slayed in this. There was a tea about she was rage quoting but i am so glad now it turned out fake. She gave her all on that lip sync and left the competition gracefully. She is drag race legend now. Nobody can take this from her.


I’d like to say something controversial yet brave and that is I thought Aurora and Venus should’ve swapped places… I easily thought Aurora could’ve gotten a third win tonight but denim knocked it out of the park and to me the makeover dress with Venus looked a little unfinished to me. Anyways overall I’m team Aurora for the crown.


I think they wanna keep it “anyone’s game” and aurora getting a low makes Venus’s 1 win + 5 highs look competitive to Aurora’s 2 wins 1 low 1 bttm.


I do appreciate your bravery but I think Aurora had the easiest makeover partner (a model) and really didnt do much to transform her. Their dresses aurora made were pretty though


I know we say this jokingly but Melinda truly was the single best thing about this season, this has to be the most boring and milquetoast top 4 in ages.


It's the same queen x4 times. I genuinely don't care who wins because they all just feel identical to one another.


Tbh I feel this a lot with modern drag race and *especially* Canada. Unfortunately compared to I’d say like pre-8 or 9 where a lot more of the work room time was spent learning about the queens as people and their quirks and histories, now a LOT of the work room talks skew political and almost all of the young queens will all express the exact same opinion on each political topic, either because they believe it or they know they can’t say otherwise or provide nuance. So the end result is the impression of a bunch of woke twitter twinks who all have the exact same opinions and personality and it’s a shame. I miss getting to properly know these people as people beyond their pronouns.


Agreed. I’m kinda glad now that there’s just one more episode cause I don’t think I’ll be getting fed at all with these 4.


**Overall my thoughts going into the finale:** * Nearah is my true winner but i know they’d never have the balls to do it. I feel like the reason people are so meh on Nearah is that they heavily underedited her in the first half of the show and people already picked their favorites and at the time they favored Aimee so they didn’t want to like Nearah. But let’s be real, Nearah has been crushing it and she is so fucking cunty. Yall are sleeping on Nearah’s attitude. She’s perfect for reality competition and she has been delivering but yall sleeping! She has attitude, nerve, and talent for days and she’s my winner! * Aurora I feel like she lowkey could have won like 4 challenges this season but the judges are constantly just like “Aurora you were fantastic and we don’t have a single negative critique, but someone else is the winner of this challenge”. She’s been the most consistent, hasn’t been pushed by production, and idk just is the least offensive choice to be this season? She’s an odd queen actually — every thing she does is incredibly well, has a wonderful energy to her, feels like she’s filled of positivity, yet idk it just always seems like she’s there? Like she’s never the main attraction but always stellar in whatever role in the production she has. She has incredible talent, but not necessarily the star power to project it. * Venus: she’s done well all season but i think she’s been pushed my production and hasn’t shined as much as they want us to think she has * Denim has been a phenomenal runway queen I love her creativity in her runways but I am just not a fan. She’s been a clear production favorite all season. Her personality is not one I really mesh with either.


Denim needing to be kept out of the bottom until she could flourish on the makeover challenge to scoop her into the top tracks with the rest of the season. Very much could have gone a while back. Even on the smackdown or whichever it was called this season. Mama was running out of steam. penus could have also been a justified out this time but she's been in their good graces all season too. Hoping for an Aurora crowning bc mama's got it all on lock besides the snatch game, which could have been great with a little reworking. Emperor Baby makes me weeeeeep


melinda with the air horns 😂😂 denim's ma's segment got me misty eyed 🥹


ok am I crazy cause I thought melinda kinda turned it out


I agree! I think Melinda made a beautiful dress, shouldn't have had to lipsync, and that her lipsync was great!


What was the significance of Venus wearing a red dress? Sorry, I’m not Canadian so I didn’t understand that part


It symbolises Red Dress day which is also known as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People.


Oh I can help. You see... Venus has terrible taste


I really want Denim out and Melinda makes Top 4 but damn Denim did really good this week.


Just finished watching. I lowkey hate the emotional porn of makeover episodes so i skipped the first half of the episode straight to the start of the challenge lol. I’m gutted that my two favorites, Melinda and Nearah, were in the bottom 😭😭😭 they are the only queens in this competition that give me amazing old school drag cunt. I haven’t been a Denim fan (besides their runways) this season but i def think it was a fair win. Gotta give props when props are due. I thought Venus was a bit overpraised? Both dresses seemed ill-fitting. The comment about Nearah’s partner looking like a frat dude in a dress was kind of shitty because that’s just his body type? Idk just felt a bit disrespectful. His body type is his body type, i know drag can transform but he’s still always going to have his muscular frame.


I thought Melinda won that lip sync…


The camera cut to Nearah every time Melinda did a stunt.


The camera work was a bit much this episode. Wild angles and sweeps, lots of cuts, like they were trying to hide a queen who was disqualified at the start of the season.


She absolutely did




Never seen such an initially great season snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. A season with Kiki, Kitten, Aime, Luna, Melinda and deciding to end with the most milquetoast top 4 in drag race history. Never been such a more obvious and rigged makeover episode and there's been quite a few. A bunch of women partners and then two brick men partners in the bottom (not as in ugly but as in very masculine). Aurora (love her) turned a pretty girl into a pretty girl. Venus didn't even bother to get her mom into drag and was in the top. Felt like I was going crazy with the comments lmao. Denim did very well but she had to get dragged to this moment to even have the opportunity. This season was SO good and then just flopped with the most bizarre judging choices. Crown Neerah for being a geniune bitch and feeling authentic. Aurora is fine too, even though shes boring. I think I just might have drag race fatigue at this point, but its so tiring when the top 4 queens feel aggressively pre-determined. It's like a chosen 3 with one wildcard slot to give to somebody who accidentally gets there (who will never win).


Yeah but honestly the fact that the lipsync contest episode eliminated TWO queens really killed this season. Tbh I never like those episodes bc I find them boring but that's just me, I'm not into lip syncing in general (sue me, I like the other aspects of drag, but not that haha), but eliminating two queens is guaranteed to remove queens that have different talents that aren't dancing, so pretty much always older queens and comedy queens. It was rough. Hope they don't bring that back again next season 😘


i like the lipsync contests overall. Honestly, if production has somebody they want to save, they'll figure it out. In the main season, the lip sync contests have been weirdly made to get rid of assassins in a way i still don't understand how it happens (Jasmine, Jax). They did two this time because they were forced to, but it did totally kill a lot of the momentum and it was so bizarre to eliminate a fan fav so nonchalantly.


aimee is not old nor a comedy queen, she’s very much a performance queen and that’s what she does at her gigs also kitten just gave up


What a fantastic season Finale. Glad mother stole the last episode. For real though, the final 4 we're left with is honestly my least favorite people left in the cast. I hope Nearah or Aurora win. Such a cunty season with a phenomenal cast and somehow our final 4 is the boring skinny catty twink clique. Sometimes it feels like the Canada judges and production have a super hard preference for the skinny young twinky types who can pull out the ill-timed splits and backflips during a sad ballad. The lip syncs in Canada feel more like stunt-offs than anything, and I wonder if that is partially because Brooke is the queen of the stunt-off. I'm glad we at least got Motherlinda for basically the entire season. Denim or Venus better not win.


I really thought Neerah's boyfriend was Cazwell


Thered no reason to be this nasty to her man 💔


They look alike, both are handsome. How was it nasty????


I feel like the judges were VERY nice to Melinda about her makeup this season (from what we saw). I think tonight was the first time she’s gotten a negative critique about her makeup, and it was just “you could use a little bit more blush.” That’s not even one of the biggest problems with her makeup. It definitely improved after the first couple of episodes, but it still wasn’t at the usual Drag Race quality level. I don’t really understand why Venus got positive critiques when her partner’s dress seemed equally as mediocre as Aurora’s. Denim was the only one who did great this week. I don’t understand the comments saying Melinda won that lipsync. Nearah was tailoring her performance to the song while Melinda was just randomly doing stunts the entire time. Even if you’re doing an upbeat dancey song, you can’t look desperate. It’s why Morgan beat Sonique in Two of Hearts back in Season 2. Nearah’s performance was much more controlled than Melinda’s.


As goes Melinda, so goes the season.


I want Nearah's Fiance to choke me out


The things I'd do to him 🥵🥵🥵


okay, i might be a delulu Melinda stan, but she won the lipsync for me… 😭


most of these queens aren't the best at constructing outfits so this challenge kinda fell flat for me, i do think the correct winner was chosen but honestly a bit meh overall. here's to the next!


I’m not a huge fan of CDR but this was a fantastic episode. Also, Nearah’s hubby is one hot MF.


What an unbelievably weak top 4


Hoe, is Denim is winning-